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Student’s name: .............................

Teacher’s name: ............................ Date:
(Lesson 1: Music + Comparisons)
Exercise 1: Look at the pictures and write the correct instrument in the box.

a flute a saxophone a drum a violin a guitar a piano

1……………......... 2……………......... 3…………….........

4……………......... 5……………......... 6…………….........

Exercise 2: Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
1. What is the _______________ month of the year in Vietnam? (hot, hotter, hottest)
2. Hawaii is _______________ from Hong Kong than Japan. (far, farther, farthest)
3. Mozart is as _______________ as Beethoven. (famous, more famous, most famous)
4. Which is _______________, grammar or vocabulary? (important, more important, most
5. Who is the_______________ person in your family? (powerful, more powerful, most
Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer.
1. She can play some musical ________ such as guitar, piano or cello.
A. instruments B. paintbrushes C. opera D. microphones
2. Do you know the national ________ of Viet Nam? -Yes. It's Tien Quan Ca.
A. composer B. anthem C. academic D. music
3. The villagers are ________ they were years ago. There is no change at all.
A. as friendly as B. as friend as C. different from D. not as friendly as
4. He has written so many pieces of music. He is a well-known ________
A. writer B. poet C. comedian D. musician
5. My younger sister has a very ________character from me.
A. different B. as C. same D. like
6. You can eat ________ much ________ you like.
A. as/from B. as/ as C. the same/as D. different/from
7. This year’s musical festival is not ________ it was last year.
A. worse B. as good as C. as well as D. different from
8. Mozart was one of the most famous ________ of classical music.
A. makers B. workers C. composers D. actors
Exercise 4: Read the passage and answer the questions.

There are many kinds of musical instrument and people listen to music all over the
world. They fun on music in parties, club, weddings and restaurants as well. People like
music because it helps them forget sadness and makes them feel more love in life. After a
hard working day, people comeback home and feel so tired. Music now can help them close
their eyes and relax themselves. Sometimes it is difficult to understand music, but people still
enjoy it.
1. Do people listen to music all over the world?
2. Where do they turn on music?
3. Why do people like music?
4. How do people feel after a hard working day?
5. Is it easy to understand music?
Exercise 5: Rewrite each of the following sentences using different from or the same as.
1. Their results and our results are different.
Their results are different from our results.
2. The price of the scarf and the price of the gloves are the same.
The price of the scarf _________________________________________________
3. This house and your last house are different.
4. The child’s height and the height of the table are the same.
5. Jane and her sister are very different.
Student’s name: ............................. GRAMMAR 7
Teacher’s name: ............................ Date:
(Lesson 2: Review 1)
Exercise 1: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. chemical B. delicious C. especially D. musician
2. A. machine B. chef C. check D. sugar
3. A. generation B. question C. competition D. portion
4. A. unusual B. pleasure C. pleasant D. leisure
5. A. conversation B. discussion C. decision D. mission
Exercise 2: Put the following verbs into the correct tense.
1. She (work) ………………. as an actress since last year.
2. I think he (become) ………………. an artist in the future.
3. Drawing and dancing (be) ………………. her hobbies.
4. He (travel) ………………. around the world for a month.
5. He (write) ………………. more than 6000 pieces of music when he was alive.
Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer.
1. This car doesn’t cost ________ the other one because it’s not new.
A. as many as B. as much as C. the same D. twice as much as
2. Classical music is not ________ as rock music.
A. as exciting B. exciting C. less excited D. excited
3. Their kind of music is ________ mine.
A. different with B. so different to C. as different than D. different from
4. No one else in the class plays the guitar John.
A. as well B. as far as C. so well as D. as soon as
5. This year’s musical festival is not _________ it was last year.
A. as good as B. as well as C. different from D. worse
6. Saxophones are used mainly for ________ jazz music.
A. composing B. taking C. playing D. writing
7. ________ I’m not a fan of country music, I thoroughly enjoyed his lively performance.
A. Although B. Because C. As D. However
8. Which is the national anthem of Vietnam?
A. Tieu Doan 307 B. Chien si Viet Nam C. Tien Quan Ca D. Tien Ve Ha Noi
9. The ________ I like most is Ho Ngoc Ha.
A. puppet B. instrument C. singer D. painter
10. His Jacket is almost the same colour ________ mine.
A. with B. as C. to D. for
11. The group is for their albums and tours around the world.
A. well-knows B. know-how C. well-prepared D. well-known
Exercise 4: Choose the odd one out.
1. A. music B. cello C. guitar D. drums
2. A. actor B. artist C. painting D. singer
3. A. cello B. violin C. saxophone D. guitar
4. A. jazz B. pop C. rock D. anthem
5. A. The Spice Girls B. Gangnam Style C. The Beatles D. ABBA
Exercise 5: Choose the underlined word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) in each sentence that
needs correcting.
1. The band would like to share their interest in music to their fans by singing good songs in their
2. She thinks her younger brother plays the piano as good as she does.
3. Some people say that the melody of classical music isn’t more quick as hip-hop.
4. My hobby isn’t quite different with your hobby, so I think we can become close friends.
5. I think your idea is quite different as mine.
Exercise 6: Match.
Questions Answers Opt.
1. What is your favourite kind of music? a. Let’s go to the 3D Art Gallery. 1-…
2. What shall we do this weekend? b. Comedy. 2-…
3. Who is your favourite actor? c. No, I don’t. 3 -…
4. Do you like country music? d. Gangnam Style.
5. What kind of this show? e. Pop music.
6. You love dancing, don’t you? f. Jackie Chan.
7. Do you enjoy horror films? g. Yes. I love singing too.
8. Which Korean performance do you like? h. No, I like rock music.

Exercise 7: Read the passage and choose one suitable word in the box to fill in.

people theatre works Friday interesting

in bed likes gets up programme visit

Ann lives in London. She is twenty-nine years old and (1) ____________. For the
BBC. She interviews people on an early morning (2) ____________called The World Today.
Every week, she gets up at 3.00 in the morning because the program starts at 6.30. She loves
her work because it is (3) ____________ and she meets a lot of very interesting (4)
____________, but she loves her weekends, too.
On (5) ____________ evening, she goes out. Sometimes her friends come and they
cook dinner. Anna loves cooking. They listen to music or just chat.
On Saturday mornings, she (6) ____________ at 9.00 and she goes shopping. Then in
the evenings, she sometimes goes to the (7) ____________ or the opera with her friends. She
loves opera. On Sunday morning, she stays (8) ____________ late. She doesn’t get up until
11.00. Sometimes in the afternoon, she (9) ____________ her sister. She (10) ____________
playing with her niece and nephew, but she leaves early because she goes to bed at 8.00 on
Sunday evenings.
Exercise 8: Read the text carefully then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or
false (F).
Many students listen to music while they are studying, and say that it helps them learn.
Many parents and teachers say that music is just distracting, and that students are better
studying in silence. Who is right?
In a study, some scientists asked three groups of students to listen to a piece of music by
Mozart or a relaxation tape for ten minutes, or just sit in silence for ten minutes. The
students then did a ‘spatial reasoning’ test (a test about remembering shapes and imagining
looking at objects from different directions), and the ones who had listened to the Mozart
did better in the test.
Taking part in musical activities and learning to play an instrument can improve verbal
memory (the ability to remember words). The longer the training lasts, the better the
improvement in the memory. So, there’s no excuse to give up the piano lessons!
1. Many students think it’s helpful to listen to music when studying.
2. Teachers say music helps students to better concentrate.
3. The students who had listened to Mozart did better in the spatial reasoning test.
4. Listening to Mozart music will not make you smarter.
5. Music training helps to improve memory.
Exercise 9: Choose the correct answer.
Question 1: Classical music and modern music are different.
A. Classical music is like modern music.
B. Classical music is different from modern music.
C. Classical music is the same as modern music.
Question 2: I am 14 and my new friend in the guitar club is 14 too.
A. My new friend in the guitar club is the same age as me.
B. My new friend in the guitar club is unlike me.
C. My new friend in the guitar club is not as old as me.
Question 3: Sue likes listening to pop music, Jim likes listening to rock and roll.
A. Sue's favorite type of music is different from Jim's.
B. Sue likes the same type of music as Jim.
C. Sue listens to music as much as Jim
Exercise 10: Arrange the words to make sentences.
1. who/ more/ don’t/ attentive/ arts/ students/ than/ study/ those/ who/ are/./
2. father/ don’t/ either/ and/ horror/ watches/ my/ never/ films/ I/.
3. you/ think/ as/ classical/ do/ is/ music/ exciting/ Rockand Roll/ as/?
4. performance/ the/ is/ next/ about/ very/ anxious/ musician/ the/./
Exercise 11: Put the dialogue into the correct order.
___ I enjoy Rock and R&B.
___ Perfect reason! Can you play any musical instrument?
___ Like what, for instance?
_1_ What type of music do you like listening to?
___ I like the kinds of instruments that they use.
___ Why do you like that type of music?
___ I like listening to different kinds of music.
___ Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
___ Wow! You are so talented!
___ Yes, I can play electric guitar and drums.
Exercise 12: Rewrite the sentences using “not".
1. Football is more exciting than rugby.
Rugby isn’t ________________________________________________________________
2. Indonesia is hotter than Viet Nam.
Viet Nam _________________________________________________________________
3. French is easier than German.
German __________________________________________________________________
4. Anita is friendlier than Alice.
Alice ____________________________________________________________________
5. The hotel in London was better than the hotel in Paris.

The hotel in Paris __________________________________________________________

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