Marketing Plan (Group 1)

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Product: Spicy Graham Balls (Bites)

Setting up the Marketing Plan: Mission and Vision

Mission: We are passionate on creating a product that taste great and make every pasty experience
more satisfying.

Vision: To be a well known online sweet shop that will satisfy the cravings of customer in Angat.

Setting up the Marketing Plan: Three Goals

Monetary Goals: To at least earn 500 pesos per week.

Marketing Goals: To increase sales monthly and have resellers of the product.

Social-related Goals: To donate a portion of our income to charity.

Setting up the Marketing Plan: The Microenvironment


Supplier What raw materials do

you need for your The materials needed to produce the product are crushed
product? graham crackers, condense milk and chili powder which every
supermarket have in supply.
What are the most
important qualities
that you will look for in
a supplier?

Marketing How will your

intermediaries product/service get to Online selling and sari-sari store distribution are the options
the customer? to start selling the product. These options are quite common
when starting a small business.
Why did you choose
this distribution

Customers Who are your

customers? Everyone who loves sweets with a little kick off spiciness can
purchase the product. Most of sweets lovers are familiar with
What will attract them graham balls. Giving it a little kick gives another level of
to buy your product? curiosity on how sweetness and spiciness will combine.

Competition Who are your closest The closest competitors are the one who can create graham
competitors? balls at home. Graham balls are easy to create. We will make
Why are they a threat our product affordable as possible so they don’t need spend
to your company? more time creating the product because we can provide them
What the same product with a little kick of spiciness.
are they using that can
possibly threaten your
Setting up the Marketing Plan: The Macroenvironment


Demographic environment

Specify the age range, gender, occupation location, and other statistical detail about your customer. Will
your product appeal more to one (1) type of per customer, and if so, who are these customers?

The good thing about our product is there are no specific age, gender and occupation needed, because
our product can be enjoyed by kids and adults.

Technological Environment

What Kind of technology is needed in your business?

Simple tools are needed to create our product (bowl, measuring cups and gloves). This can be easily
created without using any technology

Politico-legal environment

What laws may affect your business, and how would they affect your business? Are there any legal
requirements that the business has to fulfill? How will these legal requirements affect business

For customers assurance that our product are safe to consume, we register out product to Bureau of
Food and Drugs. Every business that sells food products needs to be registered to Bureau of Food and
Setting up the Marketing Plan: Strategies

Which of the Porter’s generic strategies would be best for your business? Why?

Differentiation strategy will work best in our product, we can deliver high quality product at the same
time our product involves innovation. We make difference from competitors and can attract more

Which of the Ansoff’s growth strategies would be best for the business? Why?

Diversification strategy is the first step we need to take. This is a newly developed product to be
released. We are aware of the risk and we are not afraid to try. In this way we can get customers
feedback so we can improve the product more.

Setting up the Marketing Plan: Segmenting

Select a segmentation method among those discussed in class. Consider your product/business and

1. What segmentation method will you use for your business? Why is it appropriate for your

Demographic segmentation is the method that we are going to use. Because we are targeting
almost all of customers range from age, gender income and family size. Our product is
affordable and can be enjoyed by all.

2. Illustrate how you will segment the market according to the method that you chose. Describe
each segment accordingly.
Setting up the Marketing Plan: Targeting

Continuing from the previous activity, select one market segment from those your group has identified.

1. What targeting strategy will you use for your market? Why will you use this targeting

We are going to use differentiated marketing because this is a smart approach for a new product
that will enter the market and lure customers away from established players to capture share in
a large overall market.

2. Who is the target market of your business? Why did you choose to target this market?

Our first target will be customers ages 18 and older because as per recent surveys consumer
ages 18 and older enjoys hot and spicy food. Our product is a game changer in the market
because it combines sweetness and a kick of spiciness.

Setting up the Marketing Plan: Perceptual Mapping

Use perceptual mapping to position your product. You can customize the vertical and horizontal axes as
your group wishes. At the bottom of the page, add a simple explanation about why your product
positioned this way.
Setting up marketing Plan: Customer Buying Roles

Think of your business and create a situation where a customer would buy your product, Identify who
will fulfill the buying roles.

What is your Product?

Our product is graham balls with different toppings. But we recommend our new Spicy Graham Balls.

What is your purchase situation?

We posted the new product “spicy graham bites” in our facebook page. One of our friends is interested
to try our new product and share it with his family. He message us to our page to inquire about it, he is
quite hesitant because he doesn’t know if sweetness and spiciness will be a good combination. But he
decided to try and purchase the product.

Our friend:





Setting Up Marketing Plan: Business Buying Roles

Directions; Think of your business and create a situation where a business would buy your product.
Identify who will fulfill the buying roles.

What is your product?

Our product is graham balls with different toppings. But we recommend our new Spicy Graham Balls.

What is your purchase situation?

Buying in your Business

Think of your business and choose one raw material that your business needs. Identify who will fulfill the
buying roles.

What is your raw material?

Crushed graham crackers

Buying roles:

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