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LINGUISTIC BARRIER CULTURAL BARRIERS Several barriers exist in the effective

Don't interrupt: When another person communication. The desired communication
Among the is speaking, avoid interfering to show could often be hinder or misapprehend,
Diverse cultures have diverse social
most major compassion and that you are paying leading to miscommunication. Some of such
challenges to interaction and communication patterns.
enough attention to everything he/she barriers and ways to overcome them
effective Dialect, accent, and way of speaking, as well
are stating. mentioned.
communication is the as mannerisms and physical gestures, are all
linguistic barrier. The most determined by one's cultural background in
broadly used means of daily communication.
communication is speech. Use of direct terms: The need of using
Among some of the clear and concise phases should be
difficulties to effective encouraged. Unclear vocabulary and
communication is the fact INTERPERSONAL
jargons BARRIERS
language should be avoided at
that each significant territory
seems to have its native all costs (Yusof and Rahmat 2020)
Low self-esteem or a loss of the ability to develop
language. Even a strong friendships with each other could make it difficult
accent can sometimes make to engage with teammates or coworkers. This
conversation ineffective. Understand
obstacle mightthe tonepeople
cause of voice:
to withdraw from the
work environment, holding theirinfluence
style has a big suggestions and
on how people perceive what you're
views to themselves and separating them from the
GENDER relations in the
BARRIERS expressing.
professional If someone is conversing
modern work environment about a sensitive matter, the tone must
have vastly improved over be assured and assertive instead of
time, and there are still some funny or uncertain.
situations wherein EMOTIONAL BARRIER
communication is poor for
differing reasons. Gender Psychological State:to
Emotional obstacles Facial expression
communication patterns are should be used effectively
communication during
are emotions that prevent you
frequently diverse, which conversation. He or
from telling your she must what
teammates avoidyou desire.
can lead to conflicts among showing any emotion
These emotions when it difficult for you
may make
fiends and coworkers. communicating because
to listen to others the listener
and understand maypoints
Therefore it is critical to be misunderstand the content.
of view on issues. Three ofFor
the instance,
courteous of one another. ifemotional
the message's sender
barriers is in a foul
to overcome are pride,
(Van der Molen and mood,
anger, the
concern.may believe that the
Gramsbergen-Hoogland content being provided is bad.
Yusof, A.N.A.M. and Rahmat, N.H., 2020. Communication Barriers at the Workplace: A Case Study. European Journal of
Education Studies, 7(10).
Van der Molen, H.T. and Gramsbergen-Hoogland, Y.H., 2018. Communication in organizations: Basic skills and conversation
models. Routledge.

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