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P&G CEO Challenge 2020-

2021: Online Case Study
A challenge by Procter & Gamble (January 2021)

Procter & Gamble
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Dear Participant,

Welcome to the next stage of the P&G CEO Challenge 2021. In this step, you will need
to complete a case study test that will challenge your data analytic and problem-solving
skills. Please read the following information carefully.


 This case test is intended to be solved as a team. If your situation allows you can
complete it together in one location or by using an online meeting platform.
 Please ensure all members can see the case test as it is being completed.
 Only one team member is to submit the case on behalf of the team.


You will have 75 minutes to analyze the case study and complete the test.

Hint: Do not worry if you do not have time to answer all the questions. Here are some
ideas to help you achieve the best possible results in the case study test:

 Do not spend too much time on any single question. 

 If you are not sure how to answer a question, skip it and revisit it later. If you are
still not sure how to answer a question, exclude all the options that seem
incorrect and choose from the remaining options.

Case study test structure:

 Case study – approximately 15 pages of text, tables, and charts about the
problem-based situation.
 16 test questions. You should allocate approximately 55 minutes to complete the
first two parts of the case study test.
o They will include problems of different types:
 Text and data interpretation
 Finding evidence in the text and data
 Calculations
o You will need to give answers in different ways:
 One correct answer from multiple options 
 Several correct answers from multiple options 
 Two short essay questions. This section requires you to formulate and prove
your point of view. Answers will be limited to 250 words.
Hint: These questions have no right or wrong answers. Focus on building a
logical argument and defending your decision(s). You should allocate at least 20
minutes to complete this final part of the case study test.

Understanding the case study and questions:

 To answer most questions, you will need to search for the data in the relevant
parts of the case study. 
 Due to different levels of approximation in some questions, correct options can
differ slightly from your calculations. Please choose the closest one to your
 In some ‘choose one’ questions multiple options can seem to apply. Please
choose the most correct and comprehensive answer.

How to prepare:

You will have only one attempt at completing the test. Take five minutes to prepare
yourselves to ensure you get the best possible score:

 It is strongly recommended to use a laptop, rather than a smartphone, tablet or

any other mobile device.
 Make sure your internet connection is stable.
 Prepare paper and pens to take notes.
 You can use a calculator or any software you like.
 You can use the Internet, but keep in mind that the data in the case study could
be distorted. Using data from open sources can bias your work.
 Please do not seek help from other people outside of your team. By clicking the
‘Next’ button you confirm that you will complete the test with no additional help
from third parties.

Please proceed to the next page only if you are ready to compete the test.

We wish you every success in acing the test.


All information provided in the case study is used for test purposes only and may not be
an accurate representation of reality. The facts, data, opinions, characters, etc. were
created or modeled for use in this case study only. Any resemblance to actual persons
or other companies is coincidental.

194 total participants

Linh Nguyen Khanh
View Full Profile

Question 1: Based on the information given in Mickey's email, which statement

can be considered definitely correct about the P&G?

P&G has more billion-dollar brands than any FMCG company in the industry

Question 2: Calculate water savings in P&G manufacturing in 2020 if the company

used 170 000 m3 of clean water on its plants in 2010.

34 000

Question 3: How much did P&G’s sales increase by in Q1 2020, compared to Q1


6,5 %

Question 4: Which of the following is TRUE about P&G's sustainability goals?

Choose all answers that apply.

P&G is planning to achieve a reduction in the use of virgin petroleum plastic by

changing the shape and material of the packaging.
P&G implements environmental initiatives in collaboration with international
organizations and joint ventures.

Question 5: Calculate the absolute growth of the oral care market attributed to the
Asia Pacific region in 2025 compared to 2020.

2,7 billion

Question 6: What was the largest distribution channel for the oral care market in

Consumer stores

Question 7: What is the key advantage for Consumer stores?

Easily accessible

Question 8: Calculate the size of Asia Pacific oral care market if the oral care
market in Europe was worth nearly USD 12.9 billion in 2019.

USD 6 672,4 million

Question 9: According to the text, what direct impact do workshops conducted by

dentists have on the oral care market? You can choose several answers.

Dentists recommend patients comprehensive oral care, consisting of several steps and
They show people several oral care products from different brands for them to choose.

Question 10: You have several consumer profiles. Based on the information given
in the text, which of them are more likely to be Oral-B consumers? You can
choose several answers.

An active, looks-conscious 50-year old man who suffers from dental problems and visits
the dentist every week for professional attention.
A 40-year old woman who has two children and provides her household with the newest
technological solutions.

Question 11: According to the data above, what is the most complete description
of the Oral-B brand strengths?
Produces premium quality oral care products using innovative technologies at an
affordable price.

Question 12: What initiatives to reduce the company's footprint are NOT

presented in the text?

Reducing the amount of packaging

Question 13: How much carbon dioxide is generated in the UK when people travel
to receive health care (in kilotons)? Please round to whole number.


Question 14: Researchers have proposed the development of special equipment

for dentists that uses half the nitrous oxide of traditional equipment. According to
the information above, what could have a greater positive effect on the
environment than the equipment proposed by scientists, with everything else
being equal? You can choose several answers.

New versions of recyclable materials that were previously wasted after use.
Equipment that allows you to use three times less electricity for dental operations.

Question 15: Why are many oral care products and their packages not
recyclable? You can choose several answers.

During their recycling, many hazardous substances are formed that are harmful to
Packaging and components in many cases consist of several types of different
materials that are difficult to separate for recycling.

Question 16: Choose all true statements from the list below, based on the text.

Recycling of oral care products is not widely used due to logistical difficulties.
Most oral care packaging uses plastic.

Question 17: You are taking part in a meeting dedicated to P&G's sustainability

development related to oral care products. Come up with one key initiative for
achieving long-term results and provide detailed reasoning for it.

We propose the key initiative: One solution for your oral health:

Here is one example we suggest to implement this initiative. This is a new toothbrush
(manual or powered type) with a design:

1) allowing for replacement of the brush head periodically 

2) incorporating an amount of toothpaste inside enough for 3-3.5 months - the standard

usage period to change the brush head. 

When brushing the teeth, the user only needs to press a button on the handle and the
paste will come out available for use. When the paste runs out, the user is self-
reminded that it is time to change the head and at this time also refill the paste.
Overall, the toothbrush plays the function of both the normal toothpaste tube and
the brush, reducing the amount of plastic consumed for such dental hygiene
practice. Customers no longer need to buy new tubes because they can easily refill the
paste at the store in the distribution channel network of P&G or at home through Loop

Why this initiative can achieve long-term results? 

 Firstly, while toothpaste is used by almost every household, recycling

toothpaste tube waste is a burden. Most traditional toothpaste tube
components is multi-layered plastic (PBL), which is technically recyclable, but the
existing recycling facilities struggle to recycle them. Each year, 1 billion plastic
toothpaste tubes end up in landfills, not to mention the cap.
 This initiative can substantially increase the collectability of brush
heads. When customers refill toothpaste inside the powered toothbrush they will
call Loop or do it at the store thus P&G can collect and control the “worn-out”
brush head. This helps in achieving one of P&G mission which is no packaging
finds its way to the ocean.
 We believe, with the long-term benefits this initiative has on P&G – Society –
Environment, it can motivate P&G and related parties to engage in this solution
for long-term:

o Impacts on P&G: reducing cost on packaging and production, utilizing

economy of scope, enhancing brand loyalty
o Impacts on Consumers: saving living cost; more convenient experience
as they don’t have to apply and estimate the amount of toothpaste
whenever brushing teeth
o Impacts on Environment: reducing plastic and carbon dioxide release
P&G owns the strengths to implement the initiative

 P&G has the vision to reach sustainability goals called “Ambition 2030”
established in 2018. These comprehensive goals have the purpose of enabling
and inspiring positive impacts on the environment, society, P&G, and
 P&G is partnering with Loop and Trash Free Seas Alliance with the shared
goal to implement environmental initiatives.
 P&G has a wide range of distribution channels thus the products can be easily
refilled or collected. The stores act as a refill station or collector point in the
vicinity of customers, making it convenient for P&G to implement its green
solutions while meeting the instant need of customers. 
 - Innovation and creativity embedded in the Oral brand essence. This leading
feature of Oral care product will be technology-advanced caring to the dental
needs of consumers.

Question 18: You have been asked to brainstorm Oral-B's position in reusable

packaging initiatives. Choose any product you want and write at least 3
suggestions about how the company could change its approach to ensure
sustainable growth.

We would like to suggest sustainable approaches towards Oral-B Toothpaste

packaging due to its extremely detrimental effect of 1 billion wasted plastic toothpaste
tubes in landfills each year. While the average useable life of a full-sized toothpaste
tube can last around 3 months, the data provided shows that the tube is usually thrown
away, not recycle, or else it will take quite a process. Such a burden leads us to
recommend 3 main solutions to make the tube reusable:

1. Package material change: We suggest replacing the traditional tubes made of multi
layered plastic (PBL) or plastic and aluminum (ABL) composites by the all-aluminum
tubes so that the tube can be reusable by refilling for the next use. This approach is
practical and ensured to sustainably reduce the amount of plastic released into the
environment. Depending on the purpose of P&G, one aluminum tub is advised to best
use by a customer within 3 years, before returning to the tube manufacturer or recycler
for cleaning and starting a new cycle. Thus, 3 years using 1 aluminum tube can save
a household 12 non-recyclable plastic tubes.

2. Forming a recycle circular chain with involvement of multi parties: 

When it comes to refilling, the bigger question is how for consumers to refill the paste
into their aluminum tube. We suggest combined solutions of:

 Refill at home: Consumers can fill the paste at home from a grand pack of
toothpaste to the usually used tube.
 Refill on the go: Consumers can refill their containers from selected P&G
distributors or retailers.
 Return from home: With help of the Loop smart mobile cars, consumers can set
the date for it to pass by and take the returned tube & package on their door
steps. In return, they can get another newly processed & refilled tube. From here,
the tube will be cleaned, checked, and recycled if possible, for the next
packaging and passed on to another consumers. 
 Return on the go: Consumers return the tubes at selected stores of P&G

As it will take more attention of customers, to motivate them to use the reusable tube or
bring the tube to stores for return, we recommend ‘indirect deposit’, in which, for first
purchase, user pay for a container, the same amount will be deducted from the user’s
every next purchase when bringing back empty containers. 

With this approach, we believe, P&G can cut down cost on producing new
packaging, because not only the use of 1 reusable tube can last 12 times longer than 1
plastic tube, after collection, one aluminum package also joins the endless process of
circular usage, when it is passed to another users with a new life cycle.

3. Adding a ‘refilling control’ function on P&G loyalty application:

For this process to not worry the customer, creation of an application to automatically
track and control the refill and return date is necessary. With the app, an user
can book the refill & return date of the Loop car visit in advance, every time they refill
& return away from home is also marked on the tracking table. Each booking allows
them to choose the flavor they like for the next refill.

All the data from use-up frequency or favorite flavor is gathered for P&G and let P&G
learn more form the customer behavior, thus, adjust to their products and strategies.
Furthermore, the monthly contact and assistance from the tracking tool can change the
customer behavior to be familiar and dependable on this reusable lifestyle and
especially with P&G reusable products.

In conclusion, with the aim to let Oral-B taking the lead in reusable packing initiatives,
our approaches of package material change, circular recycle chain supported by
partners & habit change application can help P&G to remarkably cut cost on new
packaging, reduce non-recyclable plastic package & assist change in customer
reusable habit, increase brand loyalty, which ensure P&G to grow sustainably.

How did you find out about P&G CEO Challenge?

We knew this competition through Facebook page of P&G Careers.

What is your team's biggest point of difference to compete in Regional Finals as

Vietnam representative?

We believe our remarkable difference is adaptability. Because adaptability is the

willingness to change in order to suit different conditions and contexts. We are ready to
face any kind of tough challenges that come to us.

Fill in the blank. "To us as students, P&G is ____________."

To us as students, P&G is Pantene, Rejoice, Tide, Oral B, Olay, etc- a comprehensive

household global company that inspires and motivates consumers with responsible
consumption. P&G is spreading their beneficial impact by innovating their products and
implementing plenty of meaningful CSR, CSV campaigns.

Fill in the blank. "To us as one team, CEO Challenge is ____________."

To us as a team, CEO Challenge is a challenging and professional contest that covers

all the essential skills and mindsets needed to become a successful CEO. Moreover, it’s
a golden opportunity to compete with other brilliant young mindsets and approach P&G
professional mentors team. 

Fill in the blank. "To us as future leaders, Sustainability is ____________."

To us as future leaders, sustainability plays a leading role in protecting our

environment, our health without compromising our future life. Humans need to start
changing their way of consumption habits to keep our planet green. Therefore, as a
future leader, sustainability is to create impacts in order to change customers’ daily
behaviors. When we successfully adjust customers’ old habits, sustainability will
continuously grow.
First and Last Name:

Khanh Linh Nguyen





Foreign Trade University


International Business in Japanese Style

Year of Study:

Year 3



Area/Function of Interest:

Finance & Accounting

Phone Number:


First and Last Name:

Phuong Nguyen





The Academy of Journalism and Communications



Year of Study:

Year 3



Area/Function of Interest:

Brand Management

First and Last Name:

Hang Vu





Foreign Trade University


International Business in Japanese Style

Year of Study:

Year 3



Area/Function of Interest:

Supply Chain

Submission summary

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