Year 2 Unit 12b

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Friday 7th January 2022

Session 1: Set up

Set up website
Unit 12: Specialist study
1500 article


Extended paragraph on specialism you want to focus on in FMP
 What it is
 Why you want to focus on this specialism
 How you think it will help your future progression
 What do you want to learn from doing a research project on this specialism.
 What skills do you want to showcase in your FMP?

Please design this page according to your specialism

Please look at Matthews, Peters, Elios website to see how to set your work out. Look at how
you can make your pages creative! This is VITAL for your FMP

We will be having chats with you all – some 1-2-1 and some in groups whilst you are doing
this work.

Session 2: Start Research

You need to headline your research

Some research may overlap – this is going to happen! Make sure you don’t repeat yourself

 Harvard reference
 Notes from research – not full sentences but pick and choose the sections that you feel
are relevant to write up in an article
 Images to go with the info
 Any visuals (moving images) to go with research
 Find quotes from people / websites (according to Time magazine writer ******
editing techniques changed…. / back in 1986 film produce ***** stated that….)

Historical research

For this section you need to look at the history of your specialism – a TIMELINE of events.
You WILL be looking at these events in more detail next week

Specialist Study
You need to look out for technical changes
Pioneers (editors / producers / Journalist)
Game changing productions / products

Create your OWN timeline with events that inspire you / pioneers who inspire you / technical
changes that you feel are relevant / productions that you believe have changed the way for
this specialism

Make this timeline creative! DO NOT just write dates and names!!

This research needs to inspire you – be relevant to you and your work and what you want to
become / achieve.

To lift your grade you will need to look at something other than the internet!!!

Monday 10th January: Practitioner Research (quotes)

Practitioner research

This section is all about you finding people you are inspired by and who have made
a difference to your medium.

Specialist Study
 Wes Anderson (Style and colour in Film)
 David Attenborough (documentary making)
 Clare Boulding (women’s Sports journalism)
 Thelma Schoonmaker (Film editor)
 Rachel Morrison (first woman to be nominated for cinematography at the Oscars) 27
Best Cinematographers of 2021 That Every Filmmaker Needs to Know (

These are just a few – you should find at least 3 practitioners who have changed the way your
medium works.

They should be someone you are inspired by

You must do the following:

 Notes about who they are (name, age, where from, education etc)
 What productions / programmes they have been in / produced
 What awards they have won
 Why they have made a difference in the medium
 What is about them that inspires you
 Linsk to some of their work
 QUOTES either from them or about them
 Reference EVERYTHING!

Technical research

This is a VITAL part of your article

You need to look at your timeline that you created and pick out the most important
TECHNILOGICAL game changers and write more about them

For example:

Specialist Study
 The Pixar era and the implementation of computer graphics
 2D digital software (Toy Story)
 3D fusion camera system
 High definition for sports games and presenting
 specially-developed gyro-stabilized cameras for documentary
You need to:

Research in a chronological order the pieces of technology that you believe have been real
game changers for your medium.

 What it is
 When it was first used
 Who used it
 Why was it developed
 Has it won awards
 Who uses it now
 How it changed the medium
 What impact did it have?

Specialist Study

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