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Phryzyel D.


Choose 5 economics issue that the Philippines is facing, and what you can do to resolve or at
least minimize this issue. Explain your answer exhaustively.

Ever since when I was still a child, the broadcasting news from the television or the radio
always tackle one or more problems that Philippines was facing, it maybe a small thing in the
eyes of others, but others can be afraid of the problems occurring. The schools also opened our
eyes to the problems, either social, community or even economics. Some of the problems really
solve fast than the others that it may take time, that the older generation experience and now the
younger generation also experiencing it. Before enumerating the economics issue, according to
the toppr website, economic issue refers to any such problems in the economy that is concerned
with the production of goods and services to satisfy the unlimited wants of the economy through
the utilization of scarce resources. As the economy is involved, it is not always that the
government that should all solved the issues but also, community can help to finally stop or
lessen the burden.
The first economic issue that I want to tackle is the environmental degradation.
According to Wikipedia, environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment
through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil, the destruction of ecosystems, habitats
destruction, the extinction of wildlife and pollution. As the days goes by, government agency,
community or the people should be aware that this issue is important to be tackled and to let our
focus to the environmental degradation issue be more responsibly. It does not only affect us, the
human being but also the animals. As a student and a resident of the Philippines, I can’t resolve
this kind of bis issue that we are currently facing and every day, it can become worst. However,
with a small action can become a big help, and let’s say that me being the 1% of the 100%, that 1
percent can become an advantage to lessen or minimize the problem. First thing that I should do
is to buy recycled items or to do the 3R’s, reuse, reduce and recycle, or even to helped an idea
what to be recycled that should be useful to my life, family or even the community that I am in.
If all people can do this small action, the waste, for example the bottled water that is mostly
thrown to the water causing pollution to the water itself, with the idea of recycling the bottled
water, it will be a great start not to pollute the water. The second action is that we all have a
voice, and spreading the correct information about what is happening and its effect can make a
bigger change to the future. I have a social medias account, and just by clicking the share or
retweet button, the information can spread faster and the people can be aware of what is
happening in the country. Let’s take for example the construction of dam in some part of the
Sierra Madre. With the destruction of some part of the Sierra Madre, the habitat of the animals
living there and also the protection from the typhoon can be destructive if it will continue.
Spreading the information and voicing the concern for our Sierra Madre, the voice of mine and
the voice of others can become powerful and can reach the authorities that the construction of
dam is a wrong move because it destroy a large part of it, and by that, the action that I did may
let the authorities change the plan by not continuing the project because of the aftereffect that
will return to us. Lastly, it cannot solve the problem but just to minimize the issue that I can do is
that to plant and grow some vegetables and fruits that we can eat. By means of this one, as me
and my family is taking care of the plants, we are also taking care of the land not to be
dehydrated causing the land to have some cracks. Also by this action, the pollution of the land
can be minimize because it have a plants and it can be water every day for us to let the plants we
planted grow healthy.
The second economic issue is the inflation. In the past years, the goods and/or products
that are being sold was not as much burden to the budget of the family. Inflation according to the
Investopedia website is the decline of the purchasing power of a given currency overtime. The
rise in the general level of prices, often expressed as a percentage means that a unit of current
effectively buys less than it did prior periods. One of the possible solutions is to minimize the use
of a highly product resources, or to use the cheap but durable resources that can last long, and
this solution is in the part of the manufacturer or the producers. Another is that, I can do it is to
avoid hoarding things. For example, during this time that we are facing a crisis, people mostly
the seller have the urge to hoard things and sell it in a high price because people need it. My
siblings are making a living in their sideline as an online seller, and I can educate them that the
things that they are selling should have a reasonable price and not to take advantage of the buyer.
In this action of educating and being vocal, I can minimize the inflation. Another thing that I can
do is to avoid or eliminate unnecessary expenses, and for example is not to buy clothes
unnecessary to me and fast-food foods every week. In this case, by doing the eliminating
expenses, I can see what should I needed to buy. Also, investing money. In this current situation,
it is best that the money should not only be stored in the wallets, but it can be put in the bank for
it to grow because of the interest. Sellers need to see that even if only a percent of their earnings
if it put in the bank, it can be a big in the future. This also reduces in using money for the
unnecessary things. Of course, as a student learning the flow of the business, I can convince my
family or even my cousin to invest in the banks to minimize their cost. Besides, investing more
money can help to beat inflation in the long term. Lastly for myself is that tracking expenses and
have a tight budget. It is best that I know where my money goes, and so that the cost can be
adjust and minimize in order in emergency time, there will be a money available. Another action
is to help the community avoid inflation is to plant. As I observe when I was a kid up until now,
the vegetable can be pricey and there will be a time that it is not. And as I grew, I realize that it is
not only the products that I am buying but sometimes the mark up price to it has something to do
with the rent of the place and their labor. And also, as what I have observe that the selling price
of the farmers are low cost and affordable. As what I presented that the action to minimize the
issue is to plant vegetables or even fruits, and in the house of where my father lives in his
childhood days, it has a land where it will be able to take place the planting session. The small
action can make in our community minimize the inflation that we are experiencing because they
bought it first hand to the fruit of our plants and they will not think the burden they need to
undergo to budget their foods for a day. This way, I can also help them if they have a small
budget for food.
Third one is on the nutrition and health status. As we all know that economics run by the
people and everyone has a contribution, either selling, buying or consuming the goods and/or
products. With less healthy people, the economics of a country will fall down so it is important
that the health of a people are important. In this time of pandemic, we should really watch out for
our health and not to get sick. The best thing to do is to have a healthy lifestyle, avoid as much
junk foods and soft drinks and not to skip anything especially breakfast to get a strong immune
system. Along with that, as the information is easily access by this time, sharing information to
others social medias friend the food and/or products that is defective and can be unhealthy for
them to know what should they avoid and not to buy things that introduce to them. If the action
of mine just spreading the information that I know, the health and nutrition of them can be taken
care and so, the economics will continue to run a long time. Also to do a body schedule, like
exercise, sleep time, food time and hygiene checklist. In this kind of schedule, we helped our
body to regulate the flow of the flood, and also, I can inform the community to do also the same
for them to be healthy all day. With this idea of being healthy and nutritious, many man power
will be available and to bring or brainstorm an idea to a better lifestyle and for the future
economy to do well.

The fourth one is also something to do with the health, and that is the Covid-19. This
pandemic start in the China and spread worldwide causing some of the economy to fall down
because of lockdowns and such. The business of the people is force to close down because of
lockdown and the fast transmission of the Covid-19 from one area to another and government
need to implement lockdowns to contain the virus and not to spread anymore. As the month
passed by, everyone is affected much more because of no income and salary to buy things need
for everyday survival. As what I tackle in the third issue, economy is run by the people and
without people, the economy will slowly fall down, causing government to have a bigger debt to
other countries lending money to bounce back, and this need to introduce a high price and to
imposed a higher percent of tax from people to pay the debt of the country. The first thing to do
is to eliminate the Covid-19 and to stop the pandemic for the people to be back to do their
business and to work, and this will only happen when government and the people work hard
together to contain the virus. Also, government should also be supporting the health workers in
their situation because without them, we can not stop this issue we are currently facing. For me,
as a student, the thing that I can do to minimize the issue is to follow the protocols implement
like social distancing, wear a mask and not to go to a place with many people or where the covid
patient go, by the national and local government for the safety of their citizens. Next is to see and
take care of the health like limit the intake of the soft drinks or sodas and also the oily foods. I
should choose to eat a healthy snacks and foods tat would boost my immune system. A simple
action can really mean a lot in a pandemic. Third one is to voice out the concern, criticize the
authorities to help them see the problem, and use the social medias to share relevant and facts
information about the happenings on the Covid-19. With this action, my social medias friend can
be aware and to know what to do, the information about the vaccine and share the information
posted by our local government and such. It cannot really solve the issue but it can minimize it
knowing that people are also getting information from the social medias so that they can be
aware of such thing. Lastly, don’t spread fake news that will get the people to do panic. Of
course, if I myself spread something that I did not fact check, I am not really helping minimize or
solve the problem but only I add fire to it. So, it is better to know where and when, so that our
country can now stop the pandemic and so the economy to bring into a good status.

Lastly, the economic issue that I choose is the inequality. Inequality is considered as an
economic issue because of normative opinions that it is the unfair distribution of the resources. If
the inequality is not address, the poverty is also not going to minimize because the scene maybe
that the rich will get more and the poor will get less. With this kind of problem, it is not really to
get solve in a small amount of time mostly when rich people are setting standards and blinded by
the money they are getting every day, and so they continue doing it every day. As a citizen living
in a democracy country, we have also the power to eliminate this issue if people have one goal
and unity. In my own thought and conclusion, government should consider taxing the rich more
and taxing less for the poor people. As for me, inequality can also come from the house, expand
to the community and so on. With this idea, minimizing the inequality should be first done at
home. For example, the unfair distribution of food that are taking by the family members. The
action that I should take is that discussing with the family members that equality and fair is really
important thing in everything, and so with equal distribution of things, foods and chores in the
house. If this will be practice, being with the community, it can also be taken into action until the
distribution is now fair also to our community. In our barangay, we have a Facebook page that
the people in our barangay can post as long as it is concern with us. By posting, educating or
sharing something about the inequality that we are facing, they can also learn that fair
distribution is really important not only in our country but also in their lives and community we
are in. In the small action that I did and will do, this can minimize the inequality, and so, with the
information of that shared in the community and will continue to practice and preach, it will now
solve the issue, and the fair distribution for all will be awaiting.

In every issue or problems, there will always be a solution, and it can be solved in the
long run or in a span of time but the important thing is that we are minimizing the problems by
doing it to ourselves, in family, community and country. It is only that we need the will to solve,
avoid or even minimize the issue within ourselves for us to contribute action, solution, or even
ideas to eliminate the economic issues that we are facing and we will be facing.

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