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ECE-P 352 1 of 2

Experiment 5: Pre-Lab
Induction Motor Tests
Modifed date 01-20-05
Due before performing the experiment
1. Given the nameplate information and the motor-generator set, Figure 1, answer the following:

Induction Motor DC Generation

5 Horsepower 1.08 Field Amps

208 Volts 120 Volts
15.7 Amps 36.8 Amps
1800 RPM 1800 RPM
60 Hz

Figure 1

a. Is the input power to the induction motor electrical or mechanical?

b. Is the output power from the induction motor electrical or mechanical?
c. Is the input power to the DC generator electrical or mechanical?
d. Is the output power from the DC generator electrical or mechanical?
e. From the nameplate data, is the rated induction motor power a single phase or three phase
f. What is the rated full load current per phase?
g. What is the rated full load voltage per phase?

2. Given the DC generator efficiency as ηdc, the load power is PL Watts and the induction
motor input power is Pin Watts, derive the following two terms.
a. The efficiency of the motor-generator set, ηm-g (ie. the system input-output efficiency).
b. The efficiency of the induction motor, ηind.

3. Draw the equivalent circuit of one phase of a three-phase induction motor.

a. If the induction motor slip equals zero (s=0) what type of test does this represent? Is the
rotor current under this condition equal to zero, explain? Can we measure the rotor
b. If the induction motor slip equals one (s=1) what type of test does this represent? What
type of input voltage would you expect is required to obtain the rated current, answer in
approximate percentages of full rated voltage.
ECE-P 352 2 of 2
Experiment 5: Pre-Lab
Induction Motor Tests
Modifed date 01-20-05
4. At start-up of the induction motor, it is necessary to have the polyphase switch such that the
current meter is shorted out of the circuit to protect it. Explain why this is important. (Hint:
what kinds of currents are required to start up an induction motor?)

5. Determining the frequency of a voltage signal for a synchronous machine.

a. Write the equation for a synchronous generator, which determines the frequency of the
output voltage dependent upon the input shaft speed and the number of poles of the
b. If you are working at Stations 1 or 2, your synchronous machine has a rated speed of
1200 rpm; if you are working at Stations 3 or 4 your synchronous machine has a rated
speed of 1800 rpm. Use the equation in part a. to determine the number of poles of your
machine based on this nameplate information.
c. With the number of poles determined in part b., determine the speed required to obtain
the following frequencies: 15 Hz, 30 Hz, 45 Hz, 60 Hz, 70 Hz and 80 Hz.
ECE-P 352 1 of 7
Experiment 5: Hardware Lab
Induction Motor Tests
Modified date 01-20-05

Lab 5: Induction Motor Experiment

The hardware laboratory for the induction motor experiment has two parts. One is designed for
determining the equivalent circuit components. The other is designed for torque/speed curve test
and in-rush current tests. Below are the instructions for the equivalent circuit parameters. The
second part will be demonstrated in the Power Lab; and students will perform the tests in the
Orthlip Labs (Comm. #). All the theory needed for this experiment should be available to you in
the textbook.


The purpose of this lab is to become familiar with the induction motor by determining the
equivalent circuit components. The equivalent circuit elements will be determined by obtaining
data on the induction motor under various conditions. Load, no-load, and blocked rotor tests will
be performed which will enable identification of the various elements of the induction motor.

Before starting each test make sure that the Professor or the TA has looked over your circuit.
Before you start, make sure you know what measurements are required by creating a data table
to record your results.

1. Load Test.

In this test the induction motor is coupled to the DC generator so that the light banks on the walls
become the load. Assume the efficiency of the DC generator is 85% for all your calculations. In
connecting the three phases to the induction motor it is extremely important that the phase
sequence (abc) matches the supply phase sequence labeled on the panel. When connecting the
RPM meter check the direction of the needle by rotating the shaft in the correct direction
determined by the arrow plate located on one of the machines connected to the shaft. Make sure
that all the lights in the light banks you are using are turned off before starting your test!

Have a member of your group prepare a data sheet as shown below to record the required data
ECE-P 352 2 of 7
Experiment 5: Hardware Lab
Induction Motor Tests
Modified date 01-20-05

for this test. You will want to take approximately 5 to 7 readings over the load range of 0 to
120% of rated load. (Since the voltage is constant load can be effectively determined by the
current into the induction motor- 120% of rated current is 19 A. Do not exceed this value!
Also make sure you do not exceed any generator values throughout the experiment.) Below
is a guide of the values necessary for this test. Note: you may not be able to take readings of
current at 0% and very low percentages of rated current. (Why is this?) What is drawing the
current when there is no load? You may want to calculate efficiency, power factor and slip for
your first few data readings to make sure that your values are reasonable.

Load Test Data

CT Ia Van Ib Vbn Ic Vcn P3φ Vdc Idc RPM

2. No Load Test.

After completion of the load test, decouple the DC machine from the induction motor. Record a
set of data at rated voltage. Then repeat the measurements at, a minimum of five different
slower speeds. Speed reduction can be controlled by reducing the induction motor terminal
voltage. Only take readings by reducing the voltage - do not increase the voltage once you
start taking readings. The hysterisis effect will cause you to follow a different curve if you
reverse the direction of your voltage adjustments. It may be worthwhile to reduce the voltage
slowly until you determine when the motor stalls and the speed can no longer be maintained
before you actually take readings. It will not be until the terminal voltage is extremely low
before you notice a decrease in speed. However, shortly thereafter the speed will not be
maintained and stalling will occur.

Below is a list of the data to be recorded for this test.

No-Load Test Data

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Experiment 5: Hardware Lab
Induction Motor Tests
Modified date 01-20-05

Ia Van Ib Vbn Ic Vcn P3φ RPM

3. Variable Frequency Blocked Rotor Test.

Make sure the autotransformer is set to 0%. Before you start this test it is necessary that one
member of the group calculates the different speeds required for the different frequencies
represented in the chart below. Show this data table to the professor or TA before starting.

Start the synchronous machine and set the speed such that the frequency is 70 Hz. Check the
synchronous machine output voltage to make sure it is approximately 210 Vline-to-line. Perform the
following steps:

1) keep the DC machine’s field Rheostat (on the main panel) to be zero, then pull the black
button on the main panel to start machines
2) increase the DC machine’s field Rheostat to increase the machine’s speed to around
1500 rpm /2200rpm ( a little bit higher than 1400 rpm/2100rpm for 70 Hz)
3) Measure the synchronous machine’s output voltage (line to line), and adjust the Rheostat
on the table (to adjust the field current for the synchronous machine) to make the voltage
to be about 210 volts.
4) Push the black button to stop machines.
5) When the machine’s speed and the output voltage decrease to be zero, then connect the
visible switch.
6) Make sure the auto-transformer is set to 0%
7) Set the DC machine’s field Rheostat to be zero. Then pull the black button to start
machines again.
8) Increase DC machine’s field Rheostat to increase the machines’ speeds to be around
1500 rpm/2200rpm (a little bit higher than 1400 rpm/2100rpm for 70 Hz )
ECE-P 352 4 of 7
Experiment 5: Hardware Lab
Induction Motor Tests
Modified date 01-20-05

9) Step up auto-transformer slowly to increase the induction motor’s current to be rated

(15.7 A). This data can be read from the computer.
10) Record data in the table
11) Decrease DC motor’s speed by adjusting the DC machine’s Rheostat and the bed springs
to achieve 45, 30 and 15 Hz

Take the readings in the table for rated load; there will be only one reading for each frequency.

Variable Frequency Blocked Rotor Data

ƒreq RPM Ia Van Ib Vbn Ib Vcn P3φ


4. Drop Potential Test of the Motor Winding.

While the induction motor is still warm from use, measure the armature winding resistance of the
induction motor. Hook up the DC supply and light banks with two of the three input terminals of
the induction motor. The armature windings of the induction motor are wye connected inside the
machine. Take readings at rated current by turning on the lights until rated armature current is
obtained. Take two additional readings above and below rated current; values of approximately
80% and 120% rated current are suggested. Average all of the calculated resistances together.

Armature Winding Resistance Test Data

Vdc Idc
ECE-P 352 5 of 7
Experiment 5: Hardware Lab
Induction Motor Tests
Modified date 01-20-05
ECE-P 352 6 of 7
Experiment 5: Hardware Lab
Induction Motor Tests
Modified date 01-20-05

Lab Report

The calculations and plots to be derived from your tests are outlined below.

1. Drop Potential Test

a. Calculate the average DC resistance, R1(dc), of the stator coils. (Remember that they are
Y-connected.) Note: this is not the resistance of the stator windings when they are
operating under normal conditions, since the skin effect effectively increases the
resistance at higher frequencies.

2. Variable Frequency Blocked Rotor Test

a. At each frequency, f, calculate the equivalent series resistance Req(f) as follows:

Req (f) = R1 (f) + R'2 (f) =

Construct a plot of Req(f) vs. f and extrapolate your curve back to zero frequency. The
intercept with the Req(f)-axis gives Req(dc).

b. Assume that the ratio R1(f)/Req(f) is constant at all frequencies, and calculate the stator
resistance at 60 Hz as follows:

Req (60 Hz)

R1 (60 Hz) = R1 (dc)
Req (dc)

This is the true resistance of the stator winding for your model, since it operates at 60 Hz
under normal (rated) conditions.

c. Calculate the DC rotor resistance:

R'2 (dc) = Req (dc) - R1 (dc)

This is the true resistance of the rotor (as referred to the primary side of the equivalent
circuit model) since the rotor typically operates with currents of frequency ~ 1 to 3 Hz.

d. Calculate reactance

f rated '
X LR = X1 + X 2 = X LR ; f rated = 60Hz
f test

3. No Load Test
ECE-P 352 7 of 7
Experiment 5: Hardware Lab
Induction Motor Tests
Modified date 01-20-05

a. Plot P3φ vs. VLL. Extrapolate your curve back to zero applied voltage. The intercept
gives PFW = the power necessary to overcome friction and windage losses. This is true
because the input power, P3φ, may be expressed as

P3φ = 3I2a R1 + Pcore + PFW + Pout

where Pcore is the power lost in the core (i.e., dissipated in Rc in the equivalent circuit
model) and Pout is the mechanical output power of the motor, which is zero (why?).
Notice that extrapolating the voltage back to zero eliminates both the armature resistance
losses and the core losses, since they are electrical quantities. We are left with P3φ = PFW
(where PFW is assumed to remain constant at all voltages in this test). Now, using the
data at rated voltage, you can calculate

P core = P3φ - 3I2a R1 - PFW

b. Knowing the core losses, you can now calculate the core resistance as

Rc =

What is the assumption involved in this calculation?

c. The magnetizing reactance Xm is calculated as follows. First calculate the power factor
angle at rated voltage:

P3 φ
θ = cos-1

Then compute the magnetizing susceptance:

Bm = Ym sinθ = sinθ

The magnetizing reactance is Xm = 1/Bm.

Xeq = Zsinθ = sinθ

4. Motor Load Test

ECE-P 352 8 of 7
Experiment 5: Hardware Lab
Induction Motor Tests
Modified date 01-20-05

a. For each row of data, average the line voltages and phase currents, and calculate the
power factor, efficiency, slip and output torque of the motor. The appropriate formulas
for these quantities are given below:

P3φ P3φ
p. f . = =
S3φ P + Q32φ

Vdc I dc
Pout ,mot
η= = 0.85
Pin,mot P3φ

1800 - nm
Tout = ωm

where, in the last equation,

ωm = nm rot 2π rad min

min rot 60 sec

b. Construct the following plots:

1. nm vs. Pout,mot
2. p.f. vs. Pout,mot
3. Tout vs. Pout,mot
4. Ia vs. Pout,mot
5. Tout vs. s

For plots 1 - 4, express Pout,mot in horsepower (1 hp = 746 Watts).

c. Comparison of Theory and Experiment.

(1) Using the equivalent circuit model with the parameters you calculated in Parts 1 - 4,
construct another plot of Ia vs. Pout,mot. Note that

Pout,mot = I22 R'2 1 - s - PFW


where I2 is the current though the rotor circuit (referred to the primary side) of your
model. Use PFW as determined in Part 3.
ECE-P 352 9 of 7
Experiment 5: Hardware Lab
Induction Motor Tests
Modified date 01-20-05

(2) Extra Credit: Construct a "theoretical" plot of Tout vs. s to compare with the curve
from part b above. Do this by picking Ia and s values from each row of
experimental data from the Motor Load Test, and then calculating Tout from the
equivalent circuit model.

Lab 5: Induction Machines

1. Load Test
Signal DC Amp
Conditioning Meter
Transfer Panel
Variable Induction DC S2 - 100 A Lamp
1 1 Shunt
208V b
Transformer 2 2 Motor Gen. A2 +
AC source
(Variac) 3 3
4 4 A1 S1 S2 A2

Meter Meter

2. No Load Test
Disconnect Signal
Switch Conditioning

3-phase Variable 1 1 Induction
208V Transformer 2 2 Motor
AC source c
(Variac) 3 3
4 4

computer Meter

3. Variable Frequency Block Rotor Test

Disconnect Signal
Switch Conditioning

DC AC Variable 1 1 Induction
120V + b
Motor Gen. Transformer 2 2 Motor
- c
(Variac) 3 3
4 4
Shunt field Tacho
F2 Gen.
Spring computer
120V DC
- F II

4. Machine Resistance Test

DC Amp

120V +
- 100A Shunt

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