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1. Why are people interested in globalisation?

- People born in different places, globalisation
- Highly relevant to modern world
- Having an international family/ have overseas/cross-cultural experiences
- Interesting
- Brought up in international school
- Technological and political advances
- Relevant to future career in business
- Relevance to sociology
- Effect of media on a global scale

* Areas and consequences of globalisation

* Reflections of personal experiences

2. Students’ definitions of globalization

- Spread of ideas, diseases, common grounds from different cultures (ideas’ spread
and their consequences -> shared meaning and understanding)
- One dominant culture swallowing other cultures, e.g. Westernization,
- Integration of different societies, greater similarity (only some of them though)

*Mechanism of change
- Differences in working practices (e.g. USA vs Hong Kong)
- Impact of internet, media and TV; traveling further distances – technology moving
ideas, people and information across

3. Students’ thoughts of how long globalization has existed

- Quite ancient - People saving, trading, doing exchange - so it is not MODERN
- Before as tribal societies, living as social groups, and encountering strangers was a
very rare event
- Now the speed and ease have both changed, and encountering strangers is much
more common
And artefacts, trade products etc.
Through media, ideologies, cultures are shared as Westernized. Dysfunction b/w local
and global culture (e.g. incompatible morals) also starts to emerge.

4. A brief history of globalization

- Early exploration, trading & empire (Roman empire, Han dynasty, Silk Road)
- 1500s Kingdom of Portugal (Coastal Africa, South America, Asia)
 People trade/exchange to make money
- 1600s Spain, England, France (1st multi-national: British East India Co.)
- 1800s “first era of globalization” (Collapsed with WW1, and eliminated harmony)
- Economic blogs/links are set up to keep people depending on each other. Thus ,
people are kept in peace using economic tools

5. What is SOCIAL psychology?

- Refers to the scientific study of how we think about, what we feel about, and how
we behave in relation to others.
- Social psychological processes can be studied at different levels:
 Personal (Individual)
 Interpersonal (Relational)
 Intergroup (Collective)

… of globalization?
- Idea of identity – before people as individualistic, sticking with Western values.
Now they we have various cultural identities through globalization (nation/state –
which country you align with?)

6. Personal level
- What is my purpose and role in society?
- Personal identity is unique while social identity refers to belonging to particular
solar groups.
 With globalization, there is the option of many more identities that we may
- Global identity is defined by cultural distance
- Self and personal identity being emphasized

7. Interpersonal level
- Stresses interaction with each other (e.g. communication, social influence – ideas
flowing from A to B to make people change)
- Other relations like friendship and romantic relations

8. Collective level
- Ideas of culture, intergroup dynamics – e.g. conflicts, migrating groups

9. Advantages and disadvantages of exposure

Adv: Harmony, having more options and opening possibilities of fitting into other
values, sharing with others on a common ground
Disadv: Stranger as barbarian; conflict between children and parents; change can also
be threatening
E.g.: Roman community and mainstream Euro population living in different ways
(e.g. sending children to schools bringing in threat of social identity)

Refer to WK1 – Arnett G for further info.


Understanding Culture: What is culture and what does it do?

Communication: What is the role of communication in cultural change?
The Self: How is self and identity influenced by globalisation and culture?
Migration: How does culture affect an increasingly moving world?
- What migrants do to the incummate culture, and how they themselves adapt, which
can be daunting or positive
Political and economic systems: Is globalisation homogenizing economic and
political systems/ideologies (e.g. capitalist vs communist)?
Intergroup relations: Do changing migration patterns influence intergroup relations?
- Harmonious vs. increased conflict
- E.g. spread of diseases as associated with migration
Global diseases as social threats: - What are the implications of ideas of immigrants
as disease carriers?
- Role of disease affecting how people talk about other group regarding origins of
diseases, leading to discriminatory behaviours
Collective action - How does globalisation influence collective action?
- People now care about issues that are geographically distant
- Role of technology in collective action
Organizations/ Organizational Change - How do contextual changes influence
organizations and individuals working in organizations?
- Branch in country A and B;
- expatriate workers

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