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Invoice Date GoWork BSD Green Office

3 Dec 2021 Park
Invoice Number P: +62 21 50928528
Denny Muhammad INV-18415

Description Quantity Unit Price Amount IDR

Regular parking for period December 2021 1.00 270,000.00 270,000.00

Subtotal 270,000.00

TOTAL  VAT 10% 27,000.00

TOTAL IDR 297,000.00

Due Date: 6 Dec 2021

Please arrange for bank transfer to the below account:
Bank Name: Bank Central Asia
Branch: Atrium Mulia, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said No.Kav C11-14, Jakarta Selatan
Account Name: PT Kolaborasi Global Sukses
Account Number: 5700 553 355

Private office, event, meeting room, and virtual office payments are subject to withholding tax of 10% (PPh Article 4(2)). Other services
(i.e., coworking membership, printing, etc.) are subject to withholding tax of 2% (PPh 23). Please send us the original withholding tax

Payment must be made in full amount and any bank charges are to be borned by customer. Please include the invoice number when
making payment to avoid your payment being unrecorded.

For clarifications and payment confirmation, please email

Thank you for your business!

Company Registration No: 75.688.715.4-606.000.  Registered Office: Chubb Square 9th Floor, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 10, Jakarta Pusat, 10230, Indonesia.

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