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traps on the board

equip items on the board

LP health on the board

Millennium items on board

chance/inventory cards activate for your next duel and effects are permanent throughout the duel

currency points? each duel won you gain a currency point each duel lost you lose one. used to purchase
cards from card bank and items from the item shop. each card costs one currency point, if you run out of
currency points and are instructed to use one,, you must send a card to the card bank instead. cannot
purchase items in the shadow realm.

if you lose a duel and have no currency points, you still only lose 1 heart.

each turn you can either move, or purchase one item from item shop with currency points. shop will sell
medicines, traps and spells. (inventory items)

if you cannot send a card to the card bank or graveyard when required (minimum 40 cards maximum 60)
you lose a heart point instead

shadow creatures wander the shadow realms and will move around when disturbed

you cannot enter the shadow realm without a card that says you can.

when you enter shadow realm the creature will stalk you and if it catches you you must draw a card from
the shadow deck and duel a fiend.

if shadow creature touches player, they must draw from the shadow deck.

the creature moves spaces equal to the dice roll of the player +1

field cards are active on the map and affect each duel in that area

field power bonuses

losing a duel, you need to give up a heart and a random card

winning a duel you get a free random card

when running into a counter roll a die, if you get 1, you duel that lands deck, if you get 2, you duel that
lands deck and draw a chance/inventory card, if you get 3 or 4 or 5 you draw inventory card if you get 6
you skip your turn.

to win the game you must either collect all 7 millennium items or battle zorc and win after aquiring the
millennium puzzle. to face zorc you need to have the millennium puzzle in your inventory, and draw a
different dimension card, you can flip a coin and if heads you will be transported to zorcs palace and face
him in a duel. if tails the card will transport you to the shadow realm normally.

finding 7 millennium items

items each have their own permanent effects when in inventory

Eye - you can look at the next card of the chance deck and pick the second one instead if you choose. the
other is shuffled back.

rod - you can toss a coin and if heads escape a duel

necklace -you can re-roll once each turn

ring - you can enter the shadow realm without another cards effect.

scales - once per draw you can view the next card of the shadow deck and either keep it or place it on
the bottom

puzzle - the shadow creature can no longer catch you, and is the key to zorcs temple

key - you can change up to 10 cards from the deck of your next opponent

the items must be in your inventory for these effects to work on you.

once all items are collected you win the game.

egyptian god cards are drawn and are allowed to be used per duel once each game
when drawn from the chance/inventory deck, players can have up to 10 item cards and all 7 millennium
items in their inventory

monsters can be re added to the deck from the graveyard with special chance cards

when zombie world is drawn,,, player must duel with against all cards in the graveyard

co-op, players team up and battle the shadow realm lord.. if players are within 5 spaces of each other
they can use inventory items on one another.

VS,, both players battle for millennium items against each other. Millennium

items can be won from each other in duels. (winner takes all)

3 bosses one in main realms, one in shadow realm and final boss.


Blue eyes - automatic win any duel

Morphing jar - swap 5 cards from your deck with the card bank

Life points healing cards - restore hearts and cures plague

egyptian god cards - allowed to be summoned once each per game then removed from play

remove trap - stop any trap

de-spell - stop any spell

trap hole - lose health

house of adhesive tape - halves your movement for 3 turns.

millennium shield - you start with 10,000 lifepoints in your next duel

tools of the bandit - removes traps

monster reincarnation - add monster card from graveyard to your deck

magical stone excavation - add spell card from graveyard to your deck

pot of greed - draw 2 more cards and gain a currency point

dark magician - add 1 random egyptian god card to your deck and add a currency point

mystical space typhoon - choose any random counter on the field and activate it

trap master - stops any trap

Different dimension gate - teleport anywhere on the map by rolling 1 - meadow, 2 - wasteland

3 - ocean, 4 - forest, 5 - mountain, 6 - shadow realm.

mask of darkness - add 1 random trap from the card bank to your deck..

dragon capture jar - any blue eyes or dragon inventory cards are unable to be used until dragon piper is

dragon piper - negates and destroys dragon capture jar gain one currency

book of secret arts - all your spellcasters gain permanent atk increase during next duel.

man eater bug - one of your monsters is sent from your deck to the graveyard

Armed Ninja - negates 1 spell lose 1 currency

witch of the black forest - add 1 monster to your deck with 1500 def or less lose 1 currency

heavy storm - swap locations of 5 counters on the field.

celtic guardian - if you were to lose a heart, the celtic guardian is destroyed instead lose 1 currency

shrink - enemy monsters have half their atk in the next duel

megamorph - your monsters atk is doubled in the next duel

magician of faith - select 1 magic card from card bank randomly and add it to your deck

magic jammer - stops any spell

shift - move 20 spaces in any direction

ultimate offering - roll a second time

graverobber - add a spell or trap card from the graveyard to your deck and a currency point

needle ball - lose a heart

black pendant - gain a heart, and then when this card is destroyed or used, lose a heart

needlebug nest - send 3 cards from your deck to the graveyard

reinforcements - your next duel your monsters gain 500 atk lose 1 currency

ribbon of rebirth - if a monster is sent to the graveyard you can bring it back to your deck.

light of intervention - draw 3 cards, if any are millennium items add them to your inventory, shuffle the
rest back into the deck, do not use them. and their effects are not activated.

illusionist faceless mage - remove 2 spell cards from your deck and add 2 currency points for the next
duel, then return it after the duel. if you have already spent your currency points send 2 cards to the card

dian keto - gain 2 hearts

two pronged attack - send 2 monsters to the graveyard to automatically win the next duel (excluding
other player or Boss)

dust tornado - randomly destroys one of your spells or traps in inventory

weapon change - the atk and def of your monsters are swapped in the next duel.

creature swap - swap a monster in your deck with a monster in the card bank

castle walls - your monsters def is increased 500 in the next duel

card trader - swap a card from your inventory with the chance deck (shuffled in)

solemn wishes - gain 1 heart each turn for three turns

ookazi - lose a heart

mystic tomato - select a dark monster from the card bank with 1500 atk or less and add to your deck

fissure - send the monster in your deck with the lowest atk to the graveyard

magical mallet - select up to any 3 cards in your deck and swap them randomly with 3 new ones from the
card bank

card destruction - send 3 cards from your deck to the graveyard and select randomly 3 new ones from
the card bank

darkstorm dragon - any spells or traps can be negated (usable twice)

poison of the old man - choose one of these effect, lose a heart and add a random card to your deck OR
gain a heart and lose a monster randomly from your deck..
dimension explosion - flip a coin if heads all players in main realm lose 3 hearts, if tails all players in
shadow realm lose 3 hearts.

exhausting spell - send 3 cards to the card bank and this removes effect of destiny board

crevice into the different dimension - cross over to the shadow realm

hidden armory - add an equip spell to your deck from the graveyard or from the chance/inventory deck.

red eyes black dragon - negates the shadow creature from engaging you and stops destiny board

bubonic vermin - you contract the plague

rope of life - if a monster were to be sent to the graveyard you can send this card from your inventory

premature burial - select a monster in the grave and add it to your deck

interdimensional matter - transports you to the shadow realm when you want to go there.

la jinn - gives you 3 currency points

soul exchange - use this card to send a monster from the card bank to the graveyard instead of yours.

demise of the land - the field becomes wasteland in your next duel (does not work in shadow realm)

giant soldier of stone - all your monsters defense is increased by 2000 in the next duel

redycycle - free reroll or extra roll in any situation

recover- add spell card from the graveyard or card bank to your deck

changing destiny - flip a coin if heads teleport to the shadow realm if tails, teleport to the start point

stim pack - increase the atk of your monsters by 1000 but decrease their atk each turn they are on the
field by 100 in your next duel

the transmigration prophecy - add 2 cards from the grave to your deck

magician of black chaos - take 10 cards from the card bank and 10 cards from the graveyard and swap
them randomly then add 2 of the selected cards to your deck, one from each.

watapon - heals 3 hearts, cures plague, and if you lose your next duel, you dont lose hearts that round.

flute of summoning dragon - add a dragon card from the inventory deck to your inventory.

Roll 1 to weaken, roll 6 to evade

Destiny board and spirit messages - every 2 turns spirit messege card appears, when all spirit messeges
appear after 10 turns you lose.

Crush card virus - lose heart each turn for 3 turns or until antidote is found

zombie world - field becomes zombie world and player duels the graveyard.

nightmare wheel - cant move until you roll a 4, 5 or 6, each failed roll lose a heart.

mask of the accursed - lose 200 life points each standby phase during your next duel.

dark sanctuary - you lose a heart, but stops the shadow creature from stalking you until you re-enter the
shadow realm

dark hole - you lose 3 items in your inventory and are transported back to main realm.

the dark door - movement speed is halved for 3 rolls while the shadow creatures remains the same. after
3rd roll you are transported back to main realm

dark energy - all your fiend type monsters gain atk in the next duel

dark eruption - remove the shadow creature from the round but lose 2 hearts.

recurring nightmare - duel against the last dark character you duelled.

pestillence - lose a heart and all your warrior, beast warrior and spellcaster monsters atk is reduced in
the next duel.

puppet magic of dark ruler - send 2 monsters from your deck to the grave and take one monster from
the grave to your deck

dark illusion - remove 3 of your inventory cards from the game until you return to the normal realm

destruct potion - send a monster to the graveyard to regain 1 heart

plague wolf - you have been given the plague, flip a coin each turn, if tails lose a heart. this card remains
in effect until plague is cured.

(any heart restoring cards will cure you of plague)

grave lure - monster with lowest atk is sent to graveyard

abyssal designator - randomly choose one monster from your deck, no monsters of that type can be
summoned in your next duel

mind crush - send all your spell cards to the graveyard

swarm of locusts - remove all your currency and inventory traps

castle of dark illusions - your opponents dark monsters gain 500 atk next duel, and each time you enter
your battle phase flip a coin, if heads your attack will be successful if tails you must negate the attack and
end the battle phase.

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