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ISC 2022

U.I.D-NO. – …7183164…………………………………………………

NAME – …ABDULLAH KHAN……...............…………………

CLASS – …12th (ISC)……………………………………………...


SCHOOL’S CODE – …UP092......................................................................................

SUBJECT-TEACHER’S SIGNATURE – ……………..………………………………………

VISITING-EXAMINER’S SIGNATURE –…………………………………………………..

PRINCIPAL’S SIGNATURE – ………………………………………..………………..

In successfully completing this project, I would like to thank all those who are
related to this project. Primarily, I would thank God for being able to complete
this project with success. Then I will thank my Principal, Mr. Rajiv Gupta and
subject teacher, Mr. Arvind Shukla, whose guidance enabled me to complete
this project. Their suggestions and directions have helped me a lot. Finally, I
would like to thank my parents and friends who have helped me with their
valuable suggestions and guidance and have been very helpful in various stages
of project completion.
01. Describe your favorite fictional
character and discuss why you like it.
We should teach etiquette in
02. schools.

Describe your favorite

fictional character
. and
discuss why you like it.
(300-350 WORDS)
A fictional character that attracts me is that of
Thomas Michael Shelby. He is the protagonist
of the Peaky Blinders, a riveting British period
crime drama show, consisting of themes of crime,
family and politics. The character is a World War
I veteran, born in Birmingham, England, around
1890 to an Irish Traveller and Romani family and
grew up in the Small Heath neighbourhood of
Birmingham. He loved Grace, a woman of Italian
descent during his 20s, and has proved to be a
doting husband, but she died of tuberculosis. His
experiences as a Sergeant major during the Great
War have resulted in him suffering from PTSD and
it is implied he returned from it as a changed man.
He is a complex figure who has qualities of Thomas Michael
idealization as a favourite fictional character. Shelby
This mysterious character is as infatuating as he is terrifying. Like every character, he has some
flaws, but his strength in the tough times is worth admiration. There's really no clearer way to
sum up one of Tommy's most redeemable traits. Frankly, he's a genius. One of the most
interesting and exciting parts of this character comes down to his ability to solve any problem
and think through just about anything.
He's smart as a whip, and his intelligence is pretty unmatched when it comes to any other
character. Thomas is calculative and patient, and he thinks about every angle and every odd
before he takes action. His mind is pretty admirable, and one of his best qualities.
When there's a problem - Tommy decides what to do. There's no scene more iconic than him
telling all of his groomsmen to not fight and stay in their lane. He calls the shots, and he
doesn't falter from any decision he makes. He sticks to his guns and lives with his decision.
On top of that, though, he's always the one making the decisions, even for the whole family.
He contemplates and decides. Beyond that, there really isn't any wiggle room - and Thomas
will be the first to be blunt about that. He's a straightforward kind of guy, even when it comes
to telling his whole family they're about to get arrested.
If there's actually one quality that's really important in the business of crime dynasties, it's reliability.
There's lying, cheating, betrayal, and death, and it's hard to know who to trust or who to be weary of.
Fans always know that Tommy will be there when it counts - and so does his family. He certainly isn't
guilt-free of telling some lies, but he keeps his promises and shows up when it matters. The Shelby
family can trust him, even if his ways might be a bit different than what they expect. Tommy is totally
reliable, and that's a pretty great trait.
While many of his traits help him be the leader he is, it really deserves its own discussion. Thomas
builds the Shelby family from a small street gang to a huge business that expands across the world. He's
inserted himself into politics, and everyone knows his name, regardless of who they are.
He doesn't stop at 'okay' and certainly never stops thinking his business could grow more.
Thomas's ambition is out of this world and is actually extremely admirable and impressive. He
has courage and also the brains to know when to act. While there might be no bigger critic of
Thomas than himself, he also knows when to stick to his guns and have confidence in his
decisions. There's a reason he calls the shots in the Shelby family, and he's really not afraid to
do so. Thomas has a lot of flaws, but no one can take away his courage, and that is what makes
him my favourite fictional character.

We should. teach
etiquette in schools.
(300-350 WORDS)
Etiquette is always considered by every institution, individual, and a group in our community. Etiquette is important because it
values the good moral character of an individual, group, or organization towards other interest, groups or parties. It possesses
the value of a culture that promotes discipline with other members of the community with respect towards maintaining a goal or
a norm to ensure that the behavioral instinct or practice has always been managed by a certain individual. Etiquette is a part of
laws implemented by institution and regulating agencies to the community. Why should etiquettes be taught in schools? This is to
build understanding to have a much better appreciation with regard to discipline towards other individuals. Every individual at
school needs to know the importance of instilling discipline as a part of their behavioral management programs at schools. At an
early age, being familiar with the code of conduct will bring significant benefits to the character of the students because they will
be able to identify appropriate and inappropriate behaviors. Learning more about the importance of using characters and
behaviors that are legally and ethically appropriate towards under individuals or group ensures that they learn to appreciate the
values of the law.
Schools are children’s second home. A child either learns different moral values from his home or from
his school. These days with more and more family going nuclear and both the parents working a child
rarely gets the opportunity to learn moral and social values from home. Earlier even if parents were
working, we saw grandparents taking care of grand-children and teaching them important lessons of life,
but this is no longer prevalent as more and more families are going nuclear. Thus, the only way we can
ensure our future generation to learn etiquettes, all the social and moral values is by schools.
“The high point of civilization is that you can hate me and I can hate you but we develop an etiquette that
allows us to deal with each other because if we acted solely upon our impulse we’d probably go to war”. –
Stanley Crouch .
Etiquette and mannerism have been taught since ages. Many times we are asked to behave
graciously. Ever since childhood days hundreds of times we were interrupted by others and
asked to sit properly, eat properly, talk properly etc. These taunts will not end until and unless
we mastered all this mannerism. We can ensure a happy and peaceful life by the way of
implementing all the etiquette as a habit. Using etiquette as a habit not only makes us feel good
but also increases our importance and respect in the eyes of others. First impression is the last
impression, and if you behave like a gentleman with proper etiquettes your impression can
never go wrong.
This is the reason many institutes are providing courses on etiquette. Imagine if schools start
teaching children etiquettes on early age. This will have a huge impact in their life, it will not
only help a child to live in harmony but will also make him feel better in life, as where ever he
goes he will be greeted with love and respect because of his etiquettes . Etiquette is an
important part of our daily life. Learning etiquettes early in life open doors of opportunity
which you thought never existed. No matter whatever situation life gives you, you will be well
prepared beforehand, you will know how to eat with different spoon and forks, when to excuse
yourself, what sort of tone should be used while taking with different person and many more.
Others will also feel comfortable in your presence.
Thus every school should have etiquettes as a subject. There are different types
of etiquettes that can be taught at school such as table manners that is washing
hands before dinner, making request to pass on food, keeping elbows of the
table etc. Phone or conversation manners such as speaking softly, greeting every
guests at home, when to use a cell phone etc. Business etiquettes can be taught in
higher schools.

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