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5/14/2011 Private Practice: Home health-test sales s…


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Private Practice: Home health-test sales swell

By DEPARTMENT Monday, Apr. 18, 2005

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For years the thermometer was the lone device in most Visible from Earth
0 homes for checking a family's health. If a woman 3. Berating General Pasha : Pakistan's Spy Ch ief
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thought she was pregnant, she talked to her
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gynecologist. If a man had chest pains, he consulted a 5. Starv ing th e Rebellion: Sy ria's Bru tal
cardiologist. If someone was a diabetic, he visited an internist who Ta ctics
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could check the sugar content of his blood. Party Poopers
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Today, however, health tests designed for home use make it
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possible to identify and monitor many conditions without seeing th e Ba y ou to Sa v e the Big Easy
the doctor. Uncomplicated do-it-yourself tests can be routinely 9. Inside Rom an Polanski's Polish Secret-Serv ice
obtained without prescription in drugstores across the U.S. For
1 0. Tiger Mom s: Is Tou gh Parenting Rea lly th e
diabetics, Miles Laboratories makes the $150 Glucometer, which Answer?
registers blood-sugar count. A diabetic applies a drop of blood to a
50¢ chemically treated strip, which is then fed into the machine.
For couples hoping to have children, Tampax introduced in April a
urine test that can pinpoint when a woman will be ovulating. Is Israel Using Gay Rights to Excuse Its
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Laden: 9/11 Because of such advances, the fledgling self-care industry is in 440 people shared this.
Mastermind robust health. Last year revenues from home tests totaled about The Interrupted Reading: The Kids with
is Dead George W. Bush on 9/11
$800 million, according to Creative Strategies Research. One John Anderson and 7,561 people shared this.
industry leader, Warner-Lambert (1984 sales: $3.2 billion), Look Up! A Rare Planetary Alignment,
predicts the home health-kit market will grow 27% annually for Visible from Earth
5,047 people shared this.
the next five years. C.B. Fleet's kits for detecting blood in the stool-
-a possible sign of colitis, ulcers and colon cancer --doubled after Jon Huntsman: The Would Be Republican
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President Reagan underwent surgery in July for the removal of a Fear
polyp from his colon. 1,571 people shared this.

The 20 Best Since the first home test for pregnancy, Warner-Lambert's e.p.t., F acebook social plugin

and Worst appeared eight years ago, health kits have become easier to use
Cities for and more accurate. In 1977 e.p.t. provided an answer in two
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hours. A new version introduced this week, Improved e.p.t. Plus,
takes ten minutes. Even the trusty old thermometer has been
improved. Marshall Electronics' digital thermometer, which gives
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an easier-to-read display, cost $39.95 when it was released in
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1979. Today's handier model is priced at just $9.95.
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Most doctors endorse home tests as monitoring tools but warn city
they should not be used without periodic office checkups. A report
by Research & Forecasts, an opinion-survey firm, on blood-
pressure monitors showed that 75% of doctors surveyed thought The Plan To Kill Osama Bin Laden
such units would aid in the fight against hypertension. Says John
Ballin, director of drugs and technology for the American Medical
Association: "The medical profession applauds these products as a It's Friday The 1 3th! 1 3 Weird
positive step in preventive medicine."

The success of a few products has inspired a host of others. Miles Tex as' 1 0 Hottest Female Sex
Laboratories sells a test for urinary-tract infections, Medical
Frontiers markets a product called V.D. Alert to test for gonorrhea,
and Thermascan expects to have a home check for breast diseases,…/0,9171,1050639,00.html 1/2
5/14/2011 Private Practice: Home health-test sales s…
including cancer, ready by 1987. Creative Strategies predicts that
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sales of self-care products will reach $1.8 billion by 1988, and
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medical devices could become as ubiquitous as wristwatches. Use, Sex
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