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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Part I. What I Know
1. a 6. b 11. a
2. d 7. b 12. a
3. a 8. d 13. b
4. b 9. a 14. d
5. a 10. d 15. c
1. e 5. a 9. c
2. g 6. b 10. f
3. h 7. i
4. d 8. j

Activity 1 (Who’s Who)

1. A 5. C 9. HE WASA
2. A 6. A 10. B
3. A 7. B
4. Andres Bonifacio 8. C
Assessment 1. Characterize Me -DO NOT ANSWER
Activity 2. Thinkers View
Number 1
He was agitated that his stars would wither and die if they play with the star children of the sun.

Number 2
This was due to the moon’s suggestion to the sun to kill both their children who were crowding the heavens with their
number. After the sun eliminates her children the moon hid behind the clouds and turns out moon hadn’t put away the
lives of her children.

Number 3
The event of an eclipse is the particular phenomenon being described in the Filipino Folktale.

Assessment 2. Closer Look

1. Faith 2. Enlightenment 3. Idolization

Assessment 3. Saying a Song

Part I.
This part mainly talks about the beauty of the country and is rich with resources

Part II.
Due to its overwhelming beauty and richness people from other countries make their attempts to colonize the country.

Part III. Chorus

In the chorus, the nation is wailing for liberty.

What I Can Do!

Literature is defined generally as any compilation of written material, but it is often used more loosely to refer to
writings that are explicitly considered to be an art form, especially prose fiction, drama, and poetry. In recent years, its
definition has been broadened to include oral literature, most of it transcribed. Literature can be passed down through
centuries and allows us to learn about our ancestors’ culture. There are numerous of nations that are influenced by
colonizer’s literary styles. The Philippines is an example of this; being colonized by various countries with different
literary traditions contributes to the development of modern literature.
As a Filipino student, I can demonstrate adaptability to the Philippines’ complex past by studying many different
media that discuss the narrative. As a result, I have a wide and detailed understanding of Philippine culture, as well as a
good adaptation to study across various media.
We here in the Philippines are recognized for adapting; we adopt our new habits and societies from colonizers from
our history, well most of it. In addition, many types of literature are handed down in the Philippines, including legends,
epics, folklore, among many others. Locals have their own mythology, which can vary from those of other provinces.
We can detect the adaptation of literature so we can research the various literatures of our colonizers to create one of
our own. It’s great to see that we have freedom to learn and create with the right topics in our lives.

What’s In
- There’s a number of Literacy Period in Philippine Literature. We have the Pre-Spanish Literature which is
characterized by (1) folktale, (2) The Epic Age, and (3) Folk Songs. We also have Understanding Literary
History where in this period may be classified as religious prose and poetry and secular prose and poetry.
The Period of Enlightenment (1973-1998), The American Regime (1898-1944), The Japanese Period
(1941-1945), Philippine Literature in English (1941-1945), Period of Activism (1970-1972), and several
more are or not stated with in the module itself.

2. What are the basic elements of the literary pieces under the Japanese Regime? American Period? Spanish
- First, the literary pieces under the Japanese Regime or the Japanese period. We have the Filipino Poetry
during this period. The common theme of most poems during this period was nationalism, country, love,
and life in the barrios, faith, religion, and the arts. There are three (3) types of poems that emerged during
this period (a) Haiku, (b) Tanaga, and (c) Karaniwang Anyo (Usual Form).
- American Period or Regime. The language used in writing were Spanish and Tagalog and the dialects of
different regions. But the writer in tagalog, continued in their lamentations on the condition of the country
and their attempts to arouse love for one’s native tongue and the writers in English imitated the themes and
methods of the American.
- While it is true that the Spanish subjugated the Philippines for more mundane reasons, their former empire
contributed much in the shaping and recording of our literature. Literature in this period may be classified
as religious and secular prose and poetry. A popular secular poetry is the metrical romance, the Awit and
Korido in tagalog. These colorful tales of chivalry from European sources made for singing and chanting.

3. What are the changes in Literature during the 21st Century?

- The term “21st Century Literature” refers to world literature created in the twenty-first century. For the
purpose of this paper, the measure of years is literature published from 2001 to the present. Technology has
also evolved in this period which also influenced in the themes of tales. Tales with the genre of sci-fi and
many more.
Activity 1: Graphic Organizer
Title of the Text: Gabu
Author: Carlos A. Angeles
Questions Response
Topic Carlos Angeles’ Gabu, the sea’s pounding restlessness insists on a tidal rage on
What is the text all about? the sand at Gabu, and its sheer consistency wreaks havoc on the wasteland just
within its grasp.
Situation It describes a chaotic scene at the beach of gabu
What is the setting referred to or
described in the text?
Client - The target group consists of readers who do not care about the environment.
Who is the target group of readers - If I were to describe the group in terms of skills, values, beliefs and attitudes
of the text? they would be the groups who are heartless towards our environment
How would you describe the
group in terms of skills, values,
beliefs and attitudes?
Purpose The text was written because the author wants to send a message to individuals
Why was the text written? about how our carelessness affects the environment. This text hopes to achieve to
What does it hope to achieve make the clients more aware of their actions
especially among its client?
Persona Since it is a narrative text, the voice behind the text is the author himself. Carlos
Who is the voice behind the text? Angeles.
What is known about him/her? Carlos A. Angeles is known to be one of the greatest poet and writer. In 1964, the
Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature included Poetry for the first
time and eventually the highest honor went to Carlos A. Angeles.
Assessment 1. Reflect On Me.

1. The text “Mga Agos sa Disyerto” is written in the Filipino language, tagalog.

2. The text aims to educate the readers about history of the book ”Mga Agos ng Disyertó”.

Activity 2. OUTLINE - DO NOT ANSWER Assessment 2. THEME’S UP – DO NOT ANSWER Activity 1. DO NOT ANSWER
1. C 6. B 11. A
2. A 7. B 12. B
3. D 8. D 13. B
4. A 9. D 14. D
5. B 10. C 15. D
Additional Activity.
books and stories has influenced several people since the beginning of literature. From children’s books to a much
mature one. Books that have a narrative that can open several people’s minds have managed to educate people and give
them real insights into the community in which they inhibit. A Filipino reader such as myself absorbs these works and
share this new-found knowledge to those who have none.
These works of literature opens up knowledge to its reader. Those who will be able to demand a better positioning of
politicians in relation to the socio-political and socio-economical problems that our country or rather, the world

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