Ondong - Reflective Analysis On Communication Ethics

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Ondong, Michelle Florence T.

Purposive Communication

1. A) No. As a Filipino citizen, it is of basic knowledge that we live in a

democratic country. As a law student, it is to be noted that free speech
is one of our basic fundamental rights. Confining social media platforms
to only positive and inspiring messages, although encouraged, would be
tantamount to violating this right.

B) The primary use of social media is to communicate, second to

inform, third recreation, and fourth, marketing. However, it is best to
remember that although we now live in a digital world, real life
happens outside of it and we must not be consumed the same.

2. Radio and television broadcasting should set and be an example of

proper communication ethics. Majority of our people still use radio and
television and with that these platforms should live to their use as
effective means of mass communication.

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