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The scope of the work in terms of construction and services includes the

– Provision trough of a MEP sub-contractor of a dedicated MEP project

team experienced in the work required.
– Complete the works to the standards specified in the tender
– Complete the works within the project programme.
– Compliance with all statutory regulations with regard to Health &
Safety, industrial relations and other project specific requirements.
– Provision of the appropriate records confirming the installation details

We recognise that the Qatar national Museum is a powerful and innovative

building statement. We are aware of the high quality requirement of the finished
product along with the complexity of co-ordinating with other trades on site;
therefore we see the importance of forward planning backed up by a
strategically formed organisation structure of competent and experienced
personnel as being the key elements required for the successful execution of the

Impregilo / ACC - JV
For the Bidding of the whole project along with the execution of the works
(should we be successful), Impregilo has formed a partnership with first
grade Contractor, GCC / Doha based Grade “A” local contracting company.

This Partnership combines JV proven experience of executing large International

projects to the highest of standards with ACC extensive knowledge of the local
market and work force.

The JV recognise that this projects must be executed in strict accordance with
the requirements and specifications defined within the Clients detailed
project Scope of Work and typically with the principles and concepts of the
ISO 9001 Standard. The success of the JV has generally been achieved with
a MEP sub-contractor through adherence to a fundamental objective, that is,
to provide our Clients with a comprehensive range of multi-discipline MEP
services to the highest quality within schedule.
The project team will be a dedicated task force, assembled utilising
experienced personnel with proven capabilities from JV and any appointed
specialised MEP sub-contractors and vendors.

Project Execution
Through all phases of project execution, JV will place strong emphasis on its
project management skills and in maintaining a close working relationship with
the Client. JV strongly believes that the project personnel must be properly
motivated to execute the work.

The initial activities will usually begin with a team building process to provide
team understanding of the project requirements and to align JV / MEP sub-
contractors and Client personnel with project objectives. Team members would
jointly plan project methodologies, work process interfaces, and technical
strategy to ensure consistency in strict adherence to Client requirements.

JV is recognised for high standards in the area of safety, both in Design

and Construction.
Throughout the MEP sub-contractor we share a common belief that safety is a
primary concern by coupling Client and International standards with a
commitment to incorporate safety into the design and working
environment, we can collectively construct and implement all works conforming
to safe practices.

JV meet the challenge of project execution, beginning with JV Senior

Management’s appointment of an Executive, who is assigned direct
responsibility for the successful completion of the project. The assigned MEP
Works Coordinator located in the project office under the control of the local
Project Manager provides monthly status reports to the Executive at Head Office.

To ensure total work process integration, JV procedures, software,

standards and the philosophy for the project execution are developed to be
Project and Client specific. JV place great emphasis on achieving a high level of
communication in our project work, not only within our organisation but also with
Clients, MEP sub-contractors and equipment suppliers. We believe that team
building fosters co-operation among personnel, provides an open forum for
sharing ideas and airing
differences, and provides a positive and productive environment for the
project team. The
development of trust and open communications between project
participants is essential for the efficient execution of the project and the
timely completion of a quality job.

JV is absolutely committed to improving the quality of our work through our focus
on customer
needs, on leadership and team work, and on the work process. JV believe
that quality is
everyone’s responsibility and that doing the job right the first time while
meeting customer requirements is most important.
JV is committed to improving the quality of work through our focus on
Customer/Client needs.
JV incorporate features into projects, such as waste elimination, value
engineering and continuous improvement, charting our work process,
measuring key elements, and then using the information to improve our work

Project Commencement
The day that the letter of intent/award of contract is issued is the project
commencement date and within the first month JV will establish dedicated teams

a) Hold meetings within the JV and Design Team to produce a fully co-
ordinated programme detailing critical paths for all trades and MEP sub-
b) Co-ordinate with the designers with the purpose of getting the
design for all elements finalized and all drawings to “Issued For
Construction” status. The “For Tender” issue of drawings for this project
require significant development to get them to an “IFC” stage (Issued for
Construction). We recognise that the drawings as issued represent a
design criteria/intent. Our engineering design team including nominated
MEP sub-contractor, will be mobilised as a priority, initially to an off-site
office in Doha, and later to site based offices to get the drawings to an IFC
c) Mobilize and fit out site offices, canteens, sanitary areas etc.
d) Commencement of procuring suppliers and MEP sub-contractors.
e) Submit approvals for all non-specified materials.

Project Management
The nominated MEP sub-contractor will provide the overall Project
Management function on this project reporting in to the Main Contractor.
In this role, he will manage all activities performed by them, their MEP sub-
contractors and their other suppliers. The Company will carry out all its principal
management functions for the project with a team led by a senior JV Project
Manager. All project personnel will be based on site and have wide
ranging experience in similar projects. Typically, the Management functions
include the following:

– Establish/agree project procedures and plans for internal work and co-
ordination with external entities, including other Contractors.
– Monitor and report progress measured against plans to the Client. The
progress reporting measurement is agreed with the Client prior to
implementation. Following this agreement, JV Management direct
any actions needed to incorporate improvements, obtain Client
approvals as delineated in project procedures.
– Monitor work scope and advise Client of any potential deviations
as soon as they are identified in the trend program.
– Co-ordinate works scope between the project office, MEP sub-
contractors, and suppliers to ensure tasks are correctly interfaced.
– Establish, monitor and report project schedule performance in meeting
Client milestones.
– Co-ordinate schedule progress between project office, MEP sub-
contractors and suppliers.
– Monitor and report project procurement activities.
– Establish total quality management processes and monitor
– Establish a team-build program and monitor implementation.

Typically, to establish consistency on the project, MEP sub-contractors issue

as part of the Project Execution procedures and Project Administrative
procedures the defined managerial function to be implemented and followed.

– Overall description of Scope of Work by major activity and location.

– Execution Plan for each major activity.
– Schedules with key milestones.
– Cost forecasting and control methods.
– Organisation charts, including names of personnel and manpower
summaries by major activity and location.
– Security/Safety compliance plan.

Interfacing with the Clients Project Manager and Design team will be
initiated at an early stage to formalize communications, exchange and control
of data etc. This will also recognise the
interfacing between all parties including any third parties such as adjoining
owners, local residents or statutory authorities.

Project Meetings
At the earliest possible date a structure of weekly meetings will be put in place
to resolve any issues relating to:

- Design
- Co-ordination
- Material delivery
- Quality
- Progress
- Health and safety

Meetings will be held on a weekly basis and the principle goal following
all meetings will be to implement any action items and resolve all problems
before the next meeting.

Project Controls
JV will use the following elements of our standard Project Controls system. These
systems will be modified to accommodate preferences or specific requirements
determined by the Client.
Project Schedules.
Our scheduling system uses the Primavera program, or client preferred planning

Our approach is to develop four levels of scheduling and control for the
MEP activities. The project schedule incorporates the contract completion date
and key milestone dates and will indicate the relationship of the activities
of the Client, JV and other parties.

Weekly Status Meetings.

A status meeting is held weekly to review progress and action items,
including the following:

- Summary of progress
- Review of action items
- Last week’s accomplishments
- Goals for the coming week

The status meeting also regularly review updated schedules and progress
data from primavera including project cumulative percent complete curves for
Engineering, Procurement and Construction.

Monthly Status Reports. The monthly status report includes the following data:

- Overview of monthly and to-date progress

- Accomplishments
- Continuing tasks
- Material procurement status
- Project milestone status
- Monthly project statistics
- Action items
- Activities and goals planned for next month
- Project-level- S-curve
- Trend report

JV will provide a complete multi-discipline Detailed Engineering Design function
for the project.
When required, JV will supplement the project team with engineering
resources from Head Office and external affiliates.

During Detailed Design, strict adherence to both Client and internationally

applicable standards, codes and procedures are maintained and implemented.
Compliance to engineering works detailed by project ‘Work Scope’, together with
reviews to determine Value Engineering, Plant Operability and Safety are
deemed paramount in the execution of the project.

JV recognise that Quality Assurance must form an integral part of the

Design Engineering
Process and that a commitment to quality is required from all employees. JV
Quality Assurance
procedures and manuals have been developed to conform to those
requirements defined by ISO 9001.

JV Computer Aided Design facilities will be combined with inter office electronic
links, standard production methods and project procedures across the project
with the projects other design teams to provide a uniform and co-ordinated
design work process environment for project execution.

• The works will be carried out in accordance with the
specification, standards and construction drawings as issued by the
Design Team.
• The management system as covered under our certified system ISO
9001 will be applied to all elements of work commencing at
contract award through to project completion, close out, records
• Health and Safety to the current standards will be applied and will be
covered under the project specific health and safety plans.

Environmental Control

The Client’s requirement is to build the Qatar National Museum following and to
meet the minimum Silver Standard of LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) Certification. To fulfil with this requirement we should
proceed with attempting to achieve a LEED rating as requested by the Client’s,
therefore the scheme and its processes should be embedded in the design
process as early as possible. This will require all members of the design team to
fully engage with the system to ensure a successful outcome.

Therefore the JV and all MEP sub-contractors will aim the Silver target level, to do
so we shall pay fully attention to the following credits because have a direct
impact to everybody in the site:

• SSPr1 – Construction Activity Pollution Prevention;

• SS5.1 – Site Development, protect/Restore Habitat;
• SS7.1 – Heat Island Effect, Non-Roof;
• EAPr1 – Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy System;
• EA3 – Enhanced Commissioning;
• MR2.1/2.2 – Construction Waste Management;
• MR4.1/4.2 – Recycled Content;
• MR5.1/5.2 – Regional Materials;
• MR7 – Certified Wood;
• EQ3.1 – Construction IAQ Management Plan, During Construction;
• EQ3.2 – Construction IAQ Management Plan, Before Occupancy;
• EQ4.1 – Low Emitting Materials, Adhesive & Sealant;
• EQ4.2 – Low Emitting Materials, Paint & Coating;
• EQ4.3 – Low Emitting Materials, Carpet System;
• EQ4.4 – Low Emitting Materials, Composite Wood & Agrifiber Products;

A. Preliminary Assessment Phase

This phase normally occurs before design is significantly progressed. As design is

already substantially complete, the preliminary assessment would be executed
as early as possible.

These actions would be carried out in respect with LEED requirements, with input
from the Client and design team:

I. The project team will introduce the LEED Coordinator to the JV. The
Coordinator will be appointed by the project team and he will assist the
whole team in charge for this Prestigious Project to prepare all the
required documents for the assessment.
II. When the job start, a LEED Champion will be identified and nominated
by the Contractor “to support all LEED-related activity on the site”. The
LEED Champion rules are to work in fully coordination with LEED
Coordinator, “providing continuous monitoring and worker / MEP sub-
contractors education, as well as tracking whether documentation is
being kept up-to date”. The LEED Champion it will be responsible for
tracking, monitoring and collecting all the LEED information.
III.Hold a LEED workshop with all design and client team members to
explain the LEED process and to align the mindset of all members of
the team with the “green building” aspirations of the client.
IV.Review the current design documents to see where the project
currently stands as per LEED.
V.Conduct a preliminary LEED assessment to gauge the opportunities for
various LEED certification levels.
VI.Create a checklist of feasible LEED points for the design and
construction phases, showing the responsibilities for each design team
VII.Advice the team, including the client, as to the potential level of
certification (Silver or Certified) in response to aspirations, site, climate
and project programme.
VIII.Client and design team presentation of LEED narrative.

A. Design Phase (Shop Drawings)

This phase of work typically deals with issues of building design optimisation,
control strategies and specifications. It also engages serious value engineering
which often targets LEED related items. Monitoring and understanding how value
engineering impacts LEED will help the team to make informed decisions.

These actions would be carried out by the LEED champion and the design team.

a) Hold design team meetings to review status of LEED points and project
b) Advise design team members on strategies for achieving specific LEED
pre-requisites and points. Help the team identify ways to modify the
design based on the LEED requirements and help the team interpret the
requirements of each LEED credit.
c) The design team would be responsible for reviewing the local codes/
standards against US equivalents and producing suitable calculations and
documents for the LEED champion to review for the assessment.
d) The design team would implement the LEED credit requirements into the
overall design and liaise with the LEED champion through to achieve this.
e) The design team would then be required to incorporate the requirements
of the targeted LEED credits with the various design packages.
f) The LEED champion would liaise with the USGBC and provide clarifications
as required during the Design Review process.
g) The LEED champion would submit the Design Stage assessment to the

A. Construction Phase

The Construction Phase will involve the gathering of evidence and completion of
LEED letter templates for submission to the USGBC. There will be a heavy
emphasis on the Contractor to engage with the process and his requirements
under the scheme will require to be written into the contract documents.

Our experience shows it is important for the Construction Manager to hire and
train a dedicated LEED champion who spends some of their time on site
reviewing LEED related issues.

These actions would be carried out by the LEED champion, Construction Manager
and design team.

• The LEED champion would carry out a review of the status of points with
the design team
• The LEED champion would carry out site visits to review the status of LEED
credits during construction;
• Coordinate the revision of Design Submission credits with design team (if
needed) based on potential changes that occur during construction.
• The LEED champion would provide advice to the Construction Manager
through the process.
• We will organise our activity and operations in such a way as to minimise
the impact on the local environment.
• We will control delivery to site in an orderly fashion and all Lorries leaving
site will have their wheels washed. All combustible waste materials will be
removed from site by Lorries or waste skips, fitted with dust covers. The
burning of any materials on site will be in agreement with the Construction
• All site operatives will be instructed as to the regulations pertaining to
safety, health and welfare with particular reference to noise and dirt
• All fuels, oils and gas bottles will be stored in dedicated bundled

A. Full Documentation and Final Submission

After completion of construction, the process of the Construction LEED

Submission is substantial and lengthy. After the initial submission, there will be a
review process where some credits will be audited by the USGBC (U.S. Green
Building Council). The LEED champion would be required to liaise with the USGBC
during this phase and provide additional information as required.

These actions would be carried out by the LEED champion, Construction Manager
and design team.

• The design team and Construction Manager would prepare Construction

Application Documentation Submittal packages for the USGBC for
construction phase points, with advice from the LEED champion.
• The LEED champion would coordinate the documentation with consultants
and construction team throughout appeal submissions.
• The LEED champion would coordinate with the USGBC throughout the
certification review process until the LEED Plaque is awarded.

A. Energy Modelling for LEED Documentation of Credit EA 1

The MEP goal is to reach what the LEED require in terms Energy Building Saving.
Current versions of the USGBC LEED programme require the building’s energy
performance to be assessed in accordance with a very specific, prescriptive
methodology as defined in ASHRAE 90.1.

Preliminary Assessment Simulation and Assessment Phase

a) Review preliminary systems specifications from MEP consultants and

appraise against LEED energy performance goals.
b) Create a preliminary Energy Performance /Low Carbon design narrative
that identifies the energy conservation features proposed.
c) Establish a Basis of Design document to track LEED energy model
assumption and inputs
d) Input to design team sustainability/LEED workshops

Design Phase

a) Participate in sustainability/LEED workshops

b) Provide design support to architect and consultants in terms of evaluating
architectural and building system options.
c) Create an Energy Performance /Low Carbon design narrative that
identifies the energy conservation features proposed as well as the
relative benefit and impact of the features on the LEED points achieved.
d) Execute energy performance modelling of individual Energy Conservation
Measures (ECM) to establish the highest impact design features in terms
of the potential energy savings, carbon emissions reductions using the
LEED energy modelling methodology (i.e. ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G).
e) Update Basis of Design document to reflect current design at 50%
complete, 90% complete and 100% complete of the design phase.
f) Report energy performance of the building in LEED EA credit one format at
90% complete and 100% complete of the design phase

Final Design Documentation Submission

a) Update the detailed Energy Performance /Low Carbon design narrative for
final design stage submission to the USGBC under LEED EA credit 1. The
narrative identifies the project’s energy and carbon conservation goals
and features.
b) Make minor updates to the energy model to reflect the final pre-
construction design and generate energy cost figures for submission to
the USGBC.
c) Submit energy cost figures to the USGBC through the online LEED letter
templates for EA credit 1.

Off Site Manufacturing / Procurement

JV Procurement Group, under the direction of the Project Procurement
Manager takes
responsibility for purchasing materials and equipment, services for
expediting and ship inspection (Supplier Quality Surveillance) and for
transportation of materials and equipment from the point of manufacture to
the jobsite. The dedicated Procurement Group form part of the project task

The Company firmly believes that dedicated early development of a master

procurement schedule is the only means of tracking off site manufacturing and
timely delivery of materials and components to site.

The Site Managers will have overall responsibility for the procurement schedule
for the project.
This schedule will detail the procedure for:-

- Material and equipment specification submission for approval

- Working drawings submission for approval
- Shop drawings
- Production period
- Product documentation
- Delivery period
- Installation

1. Materials Handling

Under the scope of works covered in the tender documentation, no special

provisions will be necessary for material handling.

We will none the less ensure that all materials delivered to site are unloaded and
stacked as per the instructions of the manufacturer/Supplier.

The responsibility for this element of work will be with the field superintendent
with overall responsibility JV’s Construction Manager.

2. Storage

Taking into account the special consideration of limited space on the work site
and also that JV will be procuring its major and minor equipment as early as
possible and with the formula “Just on Time”
3. Construction Management

JV will provide a complete multi discipline Construction team for project

execution. This will be done in close association with all MEP sub-contractors.

The Construction Team, under the direction of the Project Construction Manager
has the resources
needed to perform the work and be self-sufficient in execution through
the construction and commissioning phases of the project. Also, during the
Detailed Design Phase, senior construction personnel provide assistance in to
implement constructability reviews for input into design.

The dedicated Project Construction Management team typically provide the

following expertise:

• Material Handling. Material handling covers materials, control activities,

and local purchases.
• Field Engineering. Field engineering, including installation and
• Construction Monitoring/ QA/QC. Construction monitoring /QA/QC provides
the craft supervision, inspection teams and also covers field engineering
activities. Scheduling / Progress Measurement. Schedule/Progress

Measurement personnel review schedules, conduct weekly and monthly progress

establish need lists for deliverables, execute monthly progress
measurement and issue project reports.

• Administration/Contracts. Administration/Contracts administer the site

offices of the Construction team, including transportation and
personnel administration in addition to the construction contract
• Safety. Safety monitors safety requirements on the jobsite and provide
liaison with the Client loss prevention organisation. Safety also prepare
the safety reports and organise a safety award program, in which the
Construction Management Team participate actively.

1. Welfare Facilities

All welfare facilities will be properly maintained during the contract and
waste from the canteen and offices will be removed in a covered skip.
Temporary services to site facilities will be provided as early as possible.

2. Work Sub-let

Where the Company intends to sub-let elements of the work, the Main Contractor
and Clients Project Manager will be notified beforehand. Only MEP sub-
contractors that have the capabilities in resources management and plant to
carry out the works will be considered. They will also comply with all the
industrial relations requirements for the project.

3. Details of Information required List

We will as soon as practically possible after appointment prepare a
detailed list of information requirements. This list will be updated regularly and
issued to the Main Contractor / Project Manager.

4. Commissioning

JV recognises the absolute importance of this project phase. Quality of personnel

and extensive experience ensure a successful transition from construction
through to operating plant.

To ensure successful start-up, acceptance, testing and safe and efficient

equipment/plant operation, the commissioning team develops project pre-
commissioning and start-up procedures/schedules and develop O&M procedures
with the Construction Manager and/or client.

The Commissioning team are supervised by a commissioning manager. The team

includes technical personnel from each discipline as required. Technical
personnel from the major equipment suppliers will support the start-up team
during the commissioning, performance testing and training activities of the
Client people in charge to control / maintain the project after the JV / MEP sub-
contractors, following the contract requirements.

Prior to systems acceptance, the start-up team will verify all checkouts
conducted by the construction team. System walk downs and final checks are
undertaken and any corrective action required is immediately notified to the
construction team. Upon completion of each sub-system or system the
commissioning manager documents all data and verifies systems operability.
Finally, the building undergoes performance testing to ensure it meets all design
and to ensure that the facility meets all environmental and safety requirements.

JV in conjunction with its MEP sub-contractors, will provide and handover

complete set of spare parts for one year where stated in Specification and a
spare part list for two years; The suggested list for two years, will be submit for
approval with the quantities, unit prices and time of delivery.

5. Building Systems Turnover

Finally the building MEPO systems will be turned over to the client with
complete sets of As-Built drawings and dedicated O&M manuals as
required by the project scope. These documents will have been under
preparation throughout the project life-cycle and all information will have
received prior client / project approval.

The commissioning phase of the contract will be undertaken in accordance with

the requirements of the Quality Plan and to time constraints laid down in the
approved Commissioning Programme.

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