JPM Newswire: Jeremiah Prison Ministry

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Volume 11 Issue 06

MAY 2011
JPM Newswire
I was in prison and you visited me – Matt. 25:36b

Jeremiah Prison Ministry

We are serving him by serving them! ”His mercy endures forever” Psalm 106:1

A time to rejoice….
 This time of the year is exciting for me. I go to Delaware
once a year and spend time with my daughters and
grandchildren. This year I will be able to celebrate with Leah
her 16th birthday. The time flies by way too fast! Pray for
me for travel mercies.
 We want to thank the Mahanoy SCI Chapel Inmates. The
inmates attending the chapel sent a love offering to
Jeremiah Prison Ministry. We are so grateful to them and their Tom & Monica
sacrifice. The chaplains have taught them well to sow their
Inside this issue:  We were recently asked to give an update on our prison ministry at a church. I
A time to rejoice 1 keep the statistics in a data base so it does make it easier to get the information.
Great thanks 1 We have ministered one on one to 126 inmates with correspondence,
What’s wrong with America? 2
newsletters, cards & letters, 46 inmates have left prison and not returned (that‘s
a victory), leaving 80 inmates we correspond with and of the 80 see 16 inmates.
A poem for God 3
That’s not counting the inmates at the prison chapels we have ministered to. We
Pastor Tom’s Preaching Corner 3-4 know we can’t reach them all in prison but those we do we give quality time to the
inmates we visit. God has been so faithful!
 We have friend, Randall Coyle, that spent time in federal prison and was facing
life in prison but with God there came a miracle! RC has written a book titled
"Then Came Grace” an inspirational story of how one man stripped of everything
Special points of interest: finds the most important person for his life. We highly recommend for you to read
• Our Mission & Our Vision. this book, each chapter keeps you in suspense and will change your life. I will give
you more details of where you can buy the book in next months newsletter.
• You are an extended hand.

• 11 years in prison ministry!

Our Mission & Our Vision
• Traveled 18,821 miles in 2010
 OUR MISSION..........To help men in prison reach their fullest in the Lord.
 WHAT WE DO.....… Ministering to their spirit, soul and body, through one on
one mentoring as their spiritual advisor and friend.
 HOW WE BEGAN......... Jeremiah Prison Ministry began on November 30, 1999,
and was birth out of a bond for a young man that made a wrong choice in life
 OUR VISION……. To be able to go into the prison chapels without the inmates
having to take us off their visiting list. “With God all things are possible!”
Page 2 JPM Newswire

What’s Wrong With America?

This nation was founded by men many years ago who inscribed the principles of
the Holy Bible into the foundational stones of this society.
This Nation was GOD FOUNDED and GOD PROFESSED. Many of these God
fearing men laid aside personal fortunes and even their lives to birth liberty and
religious freedoms for all who would come here in the future. The city of
Washington DC memorialized our Godly forefathers with a whole host of marble
and stone monuments that are engraved with eternal words taken from God’s
Holy Book. They did this because they knew God was the key to a nations’
longevity and its prosperity.
Here we are and many of our leaders in Washington are of a different breed.
Too many of them are unprincipled men & women who lack God’s knowledge
which is easily found in the Bible. Because of this, they are reduced to being full
The hallowed shrines with timeless words remain in our Capitol, but the Nation’s
greatness that they represent is being lost in their empty words and service.
Our Capitol has become a city of WHITEWASHED TOMBS full of morally dead
men who move about as if there was no God. They labor in the flesh on
hallowed ground, to no avail. They do not honor the principles of our founding
fathers, but instead, they choose for personal gain to change times and laws. In
doing so, they are redefining that which God himself uttered and bring
blasphemy to God and sure judgment to come.
Congress has sold itself to special interest and influence peddlers who desire to
reshape our nation to a Godless society. Those who are supposed to be our
leaders have chosen personal gain. Certainly not all our politicians subscribe to
this way, but surely the collective body of our government is producing
wickedness and is far from the moral principles our founding fathers had
Moral decay has set in and eats away at the foundations that were set up by
God Fearing, God Inspired men of old. Because our leaders have changed the
laws and now legalize the shedding of innocent blood violence rues our big
cities and our prisons cannot contain all the guilty.
Because our leaders have decided that God is no longer needed our schools
are producing people who don’t have a clue as to what is right or wrong morally.
Because our nation will soon forget God all together, He has no choice but to
allow us as a nation to reap what we sow. Psalms 9:17, “The wicked shall be
turned into Hell and all the nations that forget God.”
 Going past the There is hope for America, but time is running out. The answer is found in
prison walls to Ezekiel 22:30, “And I sought for a person among them that should make up a
take the Love of hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it.”
Jesus. II Chronicles 7:14, “If my people which are called by my name shall humble
themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then
will I hear from Heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land.
God is able, are we?
Brother Allen
Volume 11 Issue 06 Page 3

A Poem For God By Jessica an inmate

Whenever I think about You I love You more than ever before,
It puts a smile on my face. You’ve taught me so much.
I often wonder if I were to lose You, I can’t wait to pray to You nightly
Could You ever be replaced? And await Your Holy touch.

Could I find that affection Today I know so much

You comfort me with when I’m sad That I didn’t know before.
Or the blessings and smiles You are my sun, my trees, my world…
When You’re trying to make me glad. And there’s nothing I want more.

Could I find great companionship, Thank You, Lord, for being My Father,
Someone to wipe away my tears, My Savior, My Best Friend.
To listen to my problems Thank You for showing me the light,
And help me through my fears. So we can meet face to face in the
I know You’ve tried to show me
The path I’d taken is wrong.
I’m sorry that I didn’t listen,
But now I sing Your songs.
"We loved you so much that
Pastor Tom’s Preaching Corner we were delighted to share
The Prayer of Faith with you not only the gos-
How to pray in faith and what happens when you pray in faith. pel of God but our lives as
How to pray in faith - 1 Peter 5:5-10. well, because you had be-
There is nothing that the devil dreads more than a praying Christian. Satan come so dear to us."
laughs at our hard work, but he trembles when we pray. Prayer puts things
in God’s hands. Jesus taught us to be persistent and to never give up 1 Thessalonians 2:8
praying. He said to ask and keep on asking. He said to seek and keep on
seeking. Prayer is about turning situations over to the Lord and trusting in
Verse 5: “Be clothed in humility for, ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace
to the humble.’” You look better in humility than in anything else. We receive
salvation, healing, and strength by grace. Everything God has is in His grace.
Verse 6: “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may
The Prayer of Faith
exalt you in due time.” 1 Peter 5:5-10
Verse 7: “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” We live in a Mark 11:22-24
world that is filled with anxiety, fear, and worries, but Jesus taught us to cast As we pray the prayer of
worry, fear, and anxiety on Him. It is trusting in God to help you, strengthen faith there will be a jailbreak
you, make things work out, and provide the very best for you. in our lives. Set free from
Verse 8: “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks worry, set free from
bondage! The answer will
about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” The enemy wants
come in God’s perfect
to devour our time, energy, and creativity. Worry will keep you from dreaming timing, don‘t give up, keep
and being creative. praying in faith!
Verse 9: “Resist him, steadfast in the faith.”
Verse 10: “May the God of all grace … perfect, establish, strengthen, and
settle you.” Continued pg4
Jeremiah Prison Ministry

Revs. Thomas & Monica Cohee To Our Family & Friends

128 Conodoguinet Mobile Estates
Newville, PA 17241 We love you!
Phone: 717-776-3535
Fax: 717-776-3235

I was in prison and you visited me – Matt. 25:36b


Pastor Tom’s preaching corner continued
What happens when you pray in faith – Mark 11:22-24?
Praying in faith is to accept, believe, and receive God’s promises.
Verse 22 – “Have faith in God.”
Verse 23 – “Whoever believes that those things he says will be done, he will have
whatever he says.  You are an Extended
Verse 24 – “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe Hand and a vital part of this
that you receive them, and you will have them.” ministry. Together we are
making a difference with Jesus
God is not going to answer your prayers because you deserve it. He’s going to answer Christ, taking life to a dark
them because you used your faith and you never quit. Pray over everything and worry place! We go because you send
over nothing. God is searching for people that will build up the wall of righteousness us. Thank You so much!
and stand in the gap in prayer. Things do not change unless someone is praying. When
you pray over the salvation of friends and relatives, God dispatches His angels and His
spirit to deal with people. People may run from things you say, but they can’t run from
the voice of God. Keep praying in faith!

Prayer Corner There Is Power In Prayer

 Hebrews 13:5b
 Pray for Kevin, Chris, Mike, Domingo, Michael, Frank, Tom, & Doug that God blesses them “Jesus will never leave
financially above and beyond their expectations. They faithfully stay in touch with us.
 Pray for Randall V. in prison falsely accused of a crime. you nor forsake you.”
 Pray for Larry, Lewis, Corey, Bob, Greg, & Eric for favor to receive commutation. Believe
with us for them for a miracle with God’s favor.
 Pray for Jeremiah as we continue to believe for a miracle for his release.
 Pray for continued healing for Larry, Bob, Corey & Harvey.
 Leah will be 16 on the 23rd. She is now in the 11th grade! She remains cancer free 6 years
& is now in the survivor’s clinic! God is so faithful & continues to hear our prayers!
 Pray for our grandson, Andy, no surgery needed, God is good! Andy graduates June 2nd.
 Pray for my daughter, Vickie, her thyroid condition has improved.
 Pray for Terri & Tayler they are doing much better with grief but still miss Alan.
 Pray for my brother Norman needs knee surgery.
 Pray for the Salvation of every man, woman, boy and girl not saved in this world. Our
prayers are heard!
 Please pray for all the inmates, their families, our nation, our leaders, our military and their
 Pray for reform in the prison system, for lives to be changed & a spiritual renewal across
this land with men, women, boys & girls being touched.
 Pray for Bill our dear friend who goes with us to some of the prisons and his wife Rose for
restored health.
 Pray for Dotty another dear friend in prison ministry, for restored health.
 Pray for us for strength and wisdom in all that we do, for Tom & Monica to stay cancer free
& healthy to do God‘s work.

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