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Vol. VIII, No. 149, 10 th Waxing of Tawthalin 1383 ME Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Five-Point Road Map of the State Administration Council

1. The Union Election Commission will be reconstituted and its mandated tasks, including the scrutiny of voter lists, shall be implemented in accordance
with the law.
2. Effective measures will be taken with added momentum to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Actions will be taken to ensure the speedy recovery of businesses from the impact of COVID-19.
4. Emphasis will be placed on achieving enduring peace for the entire nation in line with the agreements set out in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement.
5. Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008 Constitution,
and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards.

Tatmadaw decides to further strive for ensuring

genuine democracy and disciplined and firm
democracy: Senior General

State Administration Council Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets the military academic officers, officers, other ranks and family members
from PyinOoLwin Station at the Defence Services Academy in PyinOoLwin on 14 September 2021.

HE primary duty of for serving the interests of senior officer instructors, sen- as the tremendous errors of the State powers through in-
the Tatmadaw is to de- the respective military units, ior officer lecturers, medical voter lists which may cause correct ways by convening the
fend the State, and it is the Tatmadaw, the region and specialists, faculty members, the voting frauds in the 2020 Third Hluttaw. So, the Tatmad-
now temporarily serving the the state as much as they can officers, other ranks and fam- multiparty democratic general aw politically declared the na-
State responsibilities due to while controlling their minds, ilies from PyinOoLwin Station election were found, reports tion as the State of Emergency
the needs. The military dis- said Chairman of the State at the Convocation Hall of the were submitted to different and temporarily took the State
cipline is the backbone of the Administration Council Com- Defence Services Academy levels of responsible organi- responsibilities handed over by
Tatmadaw, so, all need to be mander-in-Chief of Defence yesterday afternoon. zations for solving them. But, the Pro Tem President.
disciplined and obedient ser- Services Senior General Min Speaking at the meet- no one solving it was done, and
vicemen. They should strive Aung Hlaing in meeting with ing, the Senior General said attempts were made to seize SEE PAGE-3



Kunlong Bridge project ASEAN Economic Ministers Suspects nabbed in AYA bank MFF striving for
on Hsenwi-Kunlong- hold Meetings with U.S., Hong robbery in Bago sustainable fishery
Chinshwehaw Road Kong (China), India, EU, Russia Weapons, ammunition confiscated; export growth
completed by 25% Economic Ministers over K3.94 billion recovered

Public Notification on buildings where terrorists involved in

terrorist attacks are permitted to stay temporarily or to take refuge
TERRORIST organizations such as CRPH, NUG, PDF, and their affiliates have been carrying out terrorist acts and arson attacks across the country to disrupt the
cooperation of the people and the ethnic nationalities with the State Administration Council which has set future roadmaps for the development, stability and security
of the State. In doing so, it is found that they have rented apartments and houses to hide while committing destructive acts in the country.
For example, on 8 June 2021, 25 assorted weapons, 72 hand grenades, 71 fuses, 14 assorted bullets, 156 TNT cartridges, 540 detonators, 4 boxes including 2 bullet
belts, 27 12mm cartridges (without ammunition), 25 12mm cartridges (with ammunition), 3 bullet belts, 3,285 assorted bullets, were found and seized from a one storey
house rented by terrorists in Ywaysu (west) Village, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Region.
At around 8:15 am on 22 June, according to the report, security forces inspected the house rented by terrorists at No 116/Pha-19, 54th street and 111 (E) road, Htun-
tone ward, Chanmyathazi Township, Mandalay. While inspecting, the security forces were attacked by home grenades and guns from the house, and some members
of the security forces were killed/injured and 6 terrorists were killed. A total of 8 armed terrorists were arrested with a large number of weapons and ammunition.
Similarly, at around 4:15 pm on 14 August, members of security forces on the Insein circular train were attacked while the train arrived between Ahlon station and
Pan Hlaing station. Due to the armed attack by the terrorists, 5 members of security forces were killed and one was injured. The terrorists who took 4 guns and some
ammunition were arrested in houses and apartments temporarily rented by them in Yangon.
The above incidents were investigated and it was discovered that terrorists conspired to commit acts of violence by temporarily renting houses or apartments.
Therefore, landlords are required to report the accurate information of the tenants with complete documents under Section 17 of the Ward/Village-Tract Administration
Law, and to cooperate by notifying the relevant authorities in a timely manner if they find that their tenants are suspicious.
As landlords will be responsible if their tenants are found to have committed acts of violence, and no tenants list and information had been lodged with the relevant
ward/village tract administration office while renting the apartment, please be informed that they will be taken action under the existing law. In addition, the rented
house or apartment will be confiscated as evidence under the Counter-Terrorism Law and will be confiscated as State Treasury as a result of the investigation.
Anti-Terrorism Central Committee

Kunlong Bridge project on Hsenwi-Kunlong-

Chinshwehaw Road completed by 25%
THE construction of the Chi- being constructed, according to tion of bored pile drilling will be
na-aided Kunlong Bridge in the Deputy Director of Bridge conducted in coming January.
northern Shan State is now 25 Task Force (4). "About 2,000 lorries from
per cent complete, according The new 286-metre-long China pass the Chinshwehaw
to the Ministry of Construction. Kunlong bridge is constructed border camps daily and it caus-
The bridge project is being by the Chinese engineers and es huge traffic jams and delays
implemented on Hsenwi-Kun- workers of China Yunnan Sunny in trading of Kunlong township.
long-Chinshwehaw road (49/6 Road & Bridge Company Ltd Then, the second-largest trade
milepost) in Kunlong Township under the supervision of the camp is Chinshwehaw after
of Lashio District at the cost Ministry of Construction. Muse camp.
of 137.00 million yuan of Chi- The 6-span Box Girder type The old Kunlong bridge
nese funds. The old suspension bridge is 12 metres in width, is over 50 years old and China
bridge was constructed in 1964 and the approach road is 3.54 makes an offer that they will
by Chinese engineers and now kilometres long on the Kunlong assist a new bridge near the
has a weight restriction of up side and 435 metres long on the downstream of the old one. And Aerial view from the Kunlong side.
to only 25 tonnes for ageing. Hsenwi side. It has a load ca- now, the new bridge is being
Therefore, the new bridge is pacity of 75 tonnes. The opera- constructed under the bilateral

Construction site of the Kunlong Bridge.

agreement. tween China and Myanmar and

Once completed, there it can improve bilateral trade.
would be a major trade route The new bridge project was
to Myanmar via Chinshwehaw implemented as of 10 December
border trade camp," said the 2019 and slated for completion
Deputy Director. on 10 December 2022, accord-
The Lashio-Hsenwi-Kun- ing to the ministry. — Pwint
long-Chinshwehaw road section Thitsar/GNLM
Foundation work is underway.
will be the main trade route be-


Myanmar needs to operate agriculture and livestock tasks to earn

foreign exchange via global market
MANY agro-based countries are striving for ensuring smooth food supplies and earning incomes. Myanmar needs to operate agriculture and
livestock tasks to earn foreign exchange via the global market. The country grows some 15 million acres of monsoon and two million acres of
summer paddy which would be sufficient for a 55 million population with much surplus of paddy to be exported to foreign countries. As per-
acre yield does not reach 100 baskets of paddy, the export volume of rice does not meet the expectation.

(Excerpt from the speech to the meeting 2/2021 of the Provisional Government of the Republic of the Union of
Myanmar made by Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on 7-9-2021)


Tatmadaw decides to further strive for ensuring ...

The Tatmadaw decides to
further strive for ensuring gen-
uine democracy and disciplined
and firm democracy.
The Tatmadaw which
formed the State Administration
Council by adopting the five-point
road map and nine objectives is
prioritizing the prevention, con-
trol and treatment of COVID-19.
The infection of the pandemic
was the highest in June and July
with the high death rate. Efforts
were made for a rapid supply of
oxygen to the needed patients.
At present, the infection rate is
on the decline due to vaccinating
the prioritized groups of people.
Thanks to the collaborative ef-
forts of officials, health staff and
volunteers as well as people, the
infection of the disease can be
controlled at present. State Administration Council Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets the military academic
Efforts are being made officers, officers, other ranks and family members from PyinOoLwin Station at the Defence Services Academy in PyinOoLwin on 14 September 2021.
for soonest remedying the dis-
ease-battered businesses. Being der the COVID-19 restrictions. It threats of the third wave caused under the 2008 State Constitution. per cent population of the nation
an agro and livestock-based coun- can be seen that efforts are being by COVID-19. The government The primary duty of the Tat- is women, arrangements were
try, Myanmar is encouraging the made for the resumption of the is striving for the reopening of madaw is to defend the State, and made for the emergence of fe-
manufacturing industries to have closed factories. the schools at a time when the it is now temporarily serving the male officers and other ranks
a high production rate. The high The Tatmadaw, after tak- pandemic can be thoroughly con- State responsibilities due to the to be able to shoulder with the
production rate will help increase ing the State responsibilities, trolled. According to the census needs. The military discipline is armed forces from global coun-
the value of the products as well arranged the opening of the 2019, the number of people who the backbone of the Tatmadaw, tries.
had not learnt high school edu- so, all need to be disciplined and Hence, officers, other ranks
cation and the illiterate rate was obedient servicemen. If they do and families should strive for im-
It is necessary to observe the enhance- high. So, it is necessary to empha- not abide by the basic military provement of their lives by duti-
ment of the capacity of trainees and size the education sector.
Emphasis is being placed on
tactics and arts of the military,
they may face bitter experiences
fully discharging the assignments.
In so doing, they all need to try
deploy them in the right positions. Pri- the implementation of the peace for having great losses on the bat- hard for their works with honesty
ority must be given to the qualification process in accord with the provi-
sions of the Nationwide Ceasefire
tlefields. Hence, individual ser-
viceman needs to take training
and with the mind of satisfaction.
The Senior General urged them
rather than the quantity. It is necessary to Agreement. Since regaining in- for health, fitness and skills with to strive for serving the interests
turn out the officers and other ranks on dependence, Myanmar has been good discipline and obedience. of the respective military units,
facing armed conflicts based on It is necessary to observe the the Tatmadaw, the region and the
whom the State and the Tatmadaw rely. political and ethnic diverse atti- enhancement of the capacity of State as much as they can while
tudes, so the government is striv- trainees and deploy them in the controlling their minds.
ing for restoring the perpetual right positions. Priority must be The Senior General asked
as develop the manufacturers, schools closed in the outbreak peace the entire people aspire. given to the qualification rather the needs of officers, other ranks
employees and related business- of COVID-19 for the interests of If the Tatmadaw has completed than the quantity. It is necessary and families who attended the
es in addition to enhancement the State, parents and students. its tasks in accord with the provi- to turn out the officers and other ceremony and attended to the
of State economy. Factories are However, these schools were sions of the State of Emergency, it ranks on whom the State and the needs before cordially greeted
allowed to resume operations un- temporarily closed again for the will hold the free and fair election Tatmadaw rely. Moreover, as 52 them. —MNA

State Administration Council Chairman Commander-in-Chief

of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing continues
choice of arms for cadets of DSA

The Senior General has lunch with cadets. The Senior General inspects the cadet hostels.

CHAIRMAN of the State Ad- mander-in-Chief (Air) General emy and military arts, hobbies dets as the Defence Services hostels and use the equipment.
ministration Council Command- Maung Maung Kyaw, senior mil- and efforts. Academy is a training ground Kitchen officials need to give
er-in-Chief of Defence Services itary officers from the Office of The Senior General and for producing future leaders. daily foods under systematic
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing the Commander-in-Chief, Com- party inspected the cadet hos- It is necessary to systematical- calculation to the cadets, and it
yesterday morning continuously mander of Central Command tels, mess hall and kitchen. The ly nurture them to have good is necessary to keep the kitch-
attended the ceremony of choice Maj-Gen Ko Ko Oo, the DSA commandant and officials con- practices on daily lifestyle for ens neat and tidy and attended
of arms for the 64th Intake of the commandant and officials. ducted the Senior General and an officer. to their needs.
Defence Services Academy at They chose the appropri- party around there. During the Necessary military equip- The Senior General and
DSA in PyinOoLwin. ate military arms of Tatmadaw inspection, the Senior General ment must be issued to each party had lunch together
Also present at the ceremo- (Army, Navy and Air) for the instructed officials to system- cadet in set periods and those with cadets at the mess hall
ny were Commander-in-Chief cadets depending on their out- atically supervise the turning cadets must undergo training of the Aung Zeya Battalion.
(Navy) Admiral Moe Aung, Com- standing performances in acad- out of qualified and talented ca- to systematically reside at the — MNA

The cadet mess hall.


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ASEAN Economic Ministers hold Meetings with U.S., Hong

Kong (China), India, EU, Russia Economic Ministers
UNION Minister for Investment COVID-19 pandemic recovery
and Foreign Economic Relations and the collective efforts of the
U Aung Naing Oo attended the countries to keep global trade
AEM-United States Trade Rep- flows open in order to facilitate
resentative Consultations, 5th goods and services, especially
AEM-Hong Kong Consultations, for medical supplies. In addition,
18th AEM-India Consultations, he encouraged the officials to
17th AEM-EU Trade Commis- continue their discussion for the
sioner Consultations and 10th development of a Framework
AEM-Russia Consultations via setting out the parameters for
videoconferencing started at a future ASEAN-EU FTA espe-
7:00 am from the Ministry of cially in the areas where consid-
Investment and Foreign Eco- erable gaps still remain between
nomic Relations, Nay Pyi Taw ASEAN and EU.
yesterday. At the 10th AEM — Russia
The Meetings were partici- Consultations, H.E. Vladimir
pated by ASEAN Economic Min- Ilyichev, Deputy Minister for
isters, United States Trade Rep- Economic Development of
The 53rd AEM Meeting and Related Meetings in progress.
resentative, Economic Ministers Russia and ASEAN Economic
from Hong Kong (China), India, ment of Covid-19 and the vacci- itate trade; and promotion and of the Covid-19 pandemic and Ministers exchanged views on
Russia, EU Trade Commission- nation programme in Myanmar. facilitation of investment in the vaccination programme in My- responses to the economic im-
er, ASEAN Secretary-General He also emphasized the vital Work Programme and noted the anmar and he also updated the pact of the COVID-19 pandem-
and officials. The Meetings were role of the digital economy in the progress of implementation of government’s efforts to recover ic in their respective countries
co-chaired by Dato Dr Amin post Covid-19 economic recovery projects under ECOTECH Work the country’s economy by devel- and noted the progress of Post-
Liew Abdullah, Minister at the and encouraged to support the Programme (2020-2021). oping Myanmar Economic Re- 2017 ASEAN-Russia Trade and
Prime Minister’s Office and Min- MSMEs through the reskilling At the Meeting, the Union covery Plan (MERP) which is in Investment Work Programme
ister of Finance and Economy and upskilling programme to Minister welcomed Cambodia’s line with UN SDGs and region- and Programme of Cooperation
II of Brunie Darussalam and apply digital technology. completion of the ratification al and sub-regional integration between ASEAN and Eurasian
Trade and Economic Ministers The 5th AEM-Hong Kong, process for the entry into force programmes. He also expressed Economic Commission (EEC)
from the respective dialogue China Consultations were also for AHKFTA and AHKIA and thanks to India for the support for 2020-2025. The Ministers
partners. held and Mr Edward Yau Tang- appreciated the ratification for of vaccines and other medical endorsed the revised ASE-
At the AEM-United States wah, Secretary for Commerce both Agreements by all Parties. supplies. AN-Russia Trade and Invest-
Trade Representative Consulta- and Economic Development of The Ministers welcomed Hong The 17th AEM – EU Trade ment Cooperation Roadmap and
tions, Mrs Katherine Tai, Unit- Hong-Kong and ASEAN Eco- Kong’s interest in seeking ac- Commissioner Consultations the ASEAN-Russia Trade and
ed States Trade Representative nomic Ministers exchanged cession to the Regional Compre- was held and Mr Valdis Dom- Investment Work Programme
and ASEAN Economic Ministers views on the responses to the hensive Economic Partnership brovskis, EU Trade Commis- (2021-2025).
exchanged views on responses economic impact of the COV- (RCEP). sioner and ASEAN Economic At the Meeting, the Union
to the economic impact of the ID-19 pandemic and welcomed 18th AEM-India Consulta- Ministers exchanged views on Minister shared the view of the
COVID-19 pandemic between the entry into force of the ASE- tions was also held in the after- the role of the World Trade Or- importance of the cooperation
ASEAN and the United States AN-Hong Kong (China) Free noon. At the Meeting, Anupriya ganization to the responses for activities in trade and digital
and noted the progress of the Trade Agreement (AHKFTA) Patel, Minister of Commerce and the economic impact of the COV- economy and sustainable devel-
implementation of the 2020-2021 and ASEAN-Hong Kong (China) Industry of India and ASEAN ID-19 pandemic and progress on opment under work programme
ASEAN-U.S. Trade and Invest- Investment Agreement (AHKIA) Economic Ministers discussed the consultation for the develop- for the post-COVID-19 economic
ment Framework Arrangement by all parties. The Ministers en- the cooperation activities to re- ment of a Framework Setting recovery. The Ministers adopted
(TIFA) and Expanded Economic dorsed the proposal to expand spond to the economic impact Out the Parameters of a Future the Joint Media Statements of
Engagement (E3) Work Plan. the new areas of cooperation: of the Covid-19 pandemic, the ASEAN-EU FTA. The Ministers the respective meetings.
The Ministers endorsed the sanitary and phytosanitary issues raised by the ASEAN-In- endorsed ASEAN-EU Trade and Together with the Union
TIFA E3 Work Plan (2021-2022) (SPS) measures; standards, dia Business Council and the Investment Work Programme Minister, Deputy Minister and
at the Meeting. technical regulations, and con- progress of the implementation 2020-2021 at the Meeting. Senior Officials from the Minis-
In his statement, the Union formity assessment procedures of the ASEAN-India FTA. In his intervention, the Un- try of Investment and Foreign
Minister shared the progress on (STRACAP); intellectual prop- At the Meeting, Union ion Minister underscored the Economic Relations also attend-
prevention, control and treat- erty; digital technology to facil- Minister shared the situation critical role of WTO in the post- ed the Meetings. —MNA

2,421 new cases of

One-stop service to be launched at Pwaytaung Coffee Farm COVID-19 reported
on 14 September,
UNION Minister for Agricul- niques yesterday. need to follow the regulations Dam constructed near Sinlan total figure rises to
ture, Livestock and Irrigation During the visit, Union for coffee cultivation in a for- Village of PyinOoLwin and in- 436,527
U Tin Htut Oo, Union Minis- Minister U Tin Htut Oo dis- est areas with the officials of spected the water in the dam,
ter for Natural Resources and cussed the exchange of orchid the Myanmar Coffee Associ- strength, water storage and MYANMAR’S COVID-19
Environmental Conservation species planted at Doekwin ation. daily water distribution sys- positive cases rose to 436,527
U Khin Maung Yi and Manda- farm with region orchid and  The coffee research and tem. after 2,421 new cases were
lay Region Chief Minister U medicinal orchid grown at preservation are conducted at The Sinlan dam distrib- reported on 14 September
Maung Ko inspected Doekwin Kandawgyi Botanical Garden. Pwaytaung Coffee farm which utes 1.5 million gallons of wa- 2021 according to the Minis-
farm in PyinOoLwin Township Then, the Union Minis- was established in 1953. The ter to PyinOoLwin Township try of Health. Among these
to ensure the plantation of me- ters went to Pwaytaung Coffee upgrade works will be made and the embankment is up- confirmed cases, 385,870 have
dicinal orchids, production of farm and discussed One-Stop for the people to study the graded to 6 more ft in height, been discharged from hospi-
vegetable seeds, researches Service to provide techniques coffee at a single place. and now distributes 2.5 million tals. Death toll reached 16,693
and quality planting tech- for coffee farming and the Then, they visited Sinlan gallons daily. – MNA after 76 died.

Statement to appreciate teachers’ efforts

TEACHERS are honoured as part of the Five Infinite Venerables, and the manner of paying respect to the teachers can be only seen in Myanmar as a tra-
dition. The teachers teach their pupils based on their goodwill like their own children and dutifully serve a teacher’s duties. They must train their pupils
and students in the best discipline. They see that they grasp their lessons well. They instruct them in the arts and sciences, they provide for their safety
in every quarter, and they introduce them to their friends and associates.
As the COVID-19 infection rate is controlled to a certain extent, the basic education high, middle and primary schools under the Department of Basic
Education have reopened across nation for the 2021-2022 academic year starting 1 June.
Those who want to seek good sake of one party, political extremist NLD members and supporters, NUG, CRPH and PDF committed arson attacks at
the schools using mines, homemade bombs and grenades to fail the teaching processes, and threatened the teachers in addition to the incitements, social
punishment and threats against education staff to join CDM while the officials made preparations for the reopening of schools and during the current teaching
period. Their doings left some causalities, and the State Administration Council has expressed its deepest condolences and sympathy to the victims’ families.
The SAC also appreciates the concerted efforts of teachers, who understand two virtues, Hiri — shame at doing evil —and Otappa—fear of the
results of doing evil —for teaching the new generations of the country amid such difficulties and challenges.
The security forces will take extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of teachers who are making efforts in the academic sector for the next gener-
ations in order to promote the education qualification. The people should keep security awareness and cooperate with the security members in community
peace and peaceful learning of children.
Information Team
State Administration Council

Suspects nabbed in AYA bank robbery in Bago

Weapons, ammunition confiscated; over K3.94 billion recovered
THE PDF terrorist group suspects, security forces con-
robbed more than K4 billion ducted a search operation in
from the Ayeyawady Bank (AYA “Damma Duta” nunnery in the
Bank) on the road near Buleinn ward (8), Uttha Myothit, and
village, in Bago Region and due found and confiscated 1 Rem-
to the cooperation between the ington Model 700 gun and K
people and the security forces, 55 million which were secretly
K 3,885 million were recovered kept in the refectory.
and the suspects were arrested Including the suspects ar-
within 9 hours. rested on the night of 13 Sep-
The arrested suspects tember, a total of 8 men, 4 wom-
revealed that the related sus- en were arrested in connection
pects were in a house in the with the robbery; 1 M-79 launch-
Railway Housing compound er, 2 AK-47 guns, 4 magazines,
in Mazin ward, Bago Region. 220 rounds of ammunition, 6
When security forces searched MK-12 guns, 12 assorted mag-
the house at 1:25 pm, Han Win azines, 1 Remington Model 700
Zaw (a) Kalar Gyi, Chin Lin Zaw gun, 1 hand grenade and other
(a) Baw Lone, Aung Kyaw and related materials were confis-
Sithu Phyo, were found and ar- cated. In addition, of K4 billion
rested together with K 1 million, robbed from the bank vehicle,
and 1 hand grenade. a total of K39,41 million (over
At 2:30 pm, Yan Naing, a K3.94 billion) were recovered.
related suspect, was arrested It is reported that effective
in front of “Kaung Kyaik Biry- action will be taken against the
ani shop” in Zinetaung ward, arrested robbers under the law
on Yangon-Mandalay Highway and the confiscated weapons,
road, in Bago. ammunition and materials will
Following the confession be processed in line with the
made by the arrestd related procedures. — MNA

Seized firearm. Apprehended suspects.


PDF terrorists commit bank heist in Bago

Security forces nab 7 suspects within 9 hours with looted K3.94 billion
SEVEN people robbed about gave the uniforms to the sus- ed 10 keypad phones, mine-re-
K4 billion from AYA Bank staff pects for robbery, in Mazin Ward lated materials and 17 packs of
who were carrying in two cars of Bago. K10,000 notes.
in Bago Region on 13 September. Myint Myint Naing admitted In this case, 7 suspects—
AYA Bank’s Supervisor of that there were suspected men 3 males and 4 females, 1 M-79
Yangon branch U Min Min Oo at the house of Ohmar located at launcher, 2 AK-47 rifles, 4 maga-
carried the K2 million in Toyota Maha Zedi 10/(a-3). The police zines, 220 bullets, 6 MK-12 rifles,
Hiace with the driver U Saw Ni raided the house and arrested 12 types of magazines, other ma-
Ko Latt while another K2 million Yan Lin Htwe, Aung Pye Khant terials and K4,000 million were
was carried by bank’s peon U and Phone Khant Ko including discovered just within nine hours
Win Lwin Myint, security Chit Ohmar together with 1 M-79 after the incident by the security
San Maung and driver Myo Kyaw launcher and about K70 million. forces due to their timely efforts
Thu in another Toyota Hiace Another suspect Si Thu Pyo was and report of dutiful people at the
from AYA Bank branch (1) of still at large. risk of their lives.
Bago to Yangon. When the two According to the confessions It is learnt that the people
vehicles arrived at milepost 25/5 of suspects, the firearms/ammu- in Bago and surrounding areas
of old Yangon-Mandalay high- nition and money were kept at have increased their trust in se-
way, they were stopped by seven Dhamma Duta Nunnery in Ok- curity members, who uncovered
people – one in traffic police suit, tha Myothit, and the police found the crimes with great persever-
two in police uniform holding Daw Uppasama and Daw Dham- ance, for their security affairs
guns and four in civilian clothes. macari, and seized 2AK-47 guns, than before.
They covered the eyes, mouths 4 magazines, 220 bullets, 6 MK-12 The robbery was arranged
and hands of victims with tapes guns, 12 long/short magazines, 6 by Myo Ko, in charge of Bago
and took the money and three pairs of gun-related materials, 14 PDF. The currently arrested sus-
mobile phones of bank staff, and bags containing money, 2 pieces pects were the members of PDF
ran away in Hijet. of gunny and 9 small plastic bags and Aung Pyae Khant was the
The bank officials informed at 10:30 pm. CDM staff (peon) of AYA Bank, Location map where bank robbers are arrested.
the security members about the The police also went to a Bago branch.
case and they investigated with- house located in Butar Yone  The recent bank robbery
out any delays. Within five hours, street of Mazin Ward at 11 pm and other acts of terrorism, in-
the security forces arrested the to arrest Kalar Gyi. They did not cluding the announcement of
suspect Myint Myint Naing, who find the suspected and confiscat- the D-Day by the terrorist group

Seized firearms.

Arrestees are seen with looted K3.94 billion, weapons and ammunition.

NUG coincided with the 76th Session of the The arrested suspects will face legal
UN General Assembly which begins on 14 actions under the law. The security force
September, and such doings are political will also investigate to arrest the abscond-
subterfuges aimed at making the leaders ers. Moreover, announcements are also re-
aware of the instability in political, economy leased that the entire people can participate
and security of the country. in fight terrorism and arresting perpetra-
The uncovering of the robbery case tors as quickly as possible, secretly report
within 9 hours showed good cooperation to the officials about their hiding places
of the security members and dutiful people and activities, and the whistle-blowers and
and a sign that counteracted the wrongdo- those who help arrest the suspects will be
Apprehended suspects. ings of unscrupulous persons. covertly rewarded. — MNA

Carefully nurture
children to become
No need for third jab booster: Study Myanmar Daily Weather Report
(ISSUED at 7:00 pm Tuesday 14 September 2021)
Some countries have started offering extra doses over fears about the much more contagious Delta variant,
outstanding adults causing the World Health Organization to call for a moratorium on third jabs amid concerns about vaccine
BAY INFERENCE: Monsoon is moderate over the  Andaman
Sea and Bay of Bengal.

supplies to poorer nations, where millions have yet to receive their first jab. FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF THE 15

SAYING everybody knows goes: “today’s children will September, 2021: Rain or thundershowers will be isolated

be tomorrow’s adults”. The nature of children is like ACCINES are effective good; they could hasten the end by vaccines currently in use. in Upper Sagaing Region and Kachin State, scattered in Nay
wax which can be carved into any shape of structure enough at preventing se- of the pandemic by inhibiting fur- The authors argue that if new Pyi Taw, Magway Region and Northern Shan State, fairly
as hoped. Their future lives depend on the skills of parents and vere cases of COVID-19 ther evolution of variants,” she virus mutations do emerge that widespread in Lower Sagaing, Mandalay, Bago Regions and
guardians. that there is no current need for added. are able to evade this response, (Southern and Eastern) Shan, Chin, Kayah States and wide-
In fact, those parents and guardians have to improve their the general population to be given it would be better to deliver spe- spread in the remaining Regions and States with likelihood of
skills in patience, tolerance, sympathy, mercy and compassion, third doses, according to a report Vaccine Divides cially modified vaccine boosters regionally heavyfalls in Lower Sagaing Region and isolated
and knowledge of how to nurture the children and how to ed- in The Lancet published Monday. Countries like France have aimed at the newer variants, rath- heavyfalls in Mandalay, Taninthayi Regions and Mon State.
ucate the children for gradual improvement of their nature. It Some countries have started started distributing third jabs to er than a third dose of an existing Degree of certainty is (100%).
is of great importance for arranging the lives of children to a offering extra doses over fears the elderly and people with com- vaccine.
brighter future. about the much more contagious promised immune systems, while STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be moderate in Myanmar
Parents and guardians need to gradually guide the children Delta variant, causing the World Israel has gone further, offering A “very thorough review” Waters. Wave height will be about (6– 8) feet off and along
to the proper ways which Health Organization (WHO) to children 12 and older a third dose Commenting on the study Myanmar Coasts.
can improve their physi- call for a moratorium on third five months after receiving a sec- Azra Ghani, Chair in Infectious

The life of early cal and mental behaviours

based on high intelligence
jabs amid concerns about vaccine
supplies to poorer nations, where
ond jab.
WHO chief Tedros Adhanom
Disease Epidemiology, at Impe-
rial College London, described it
moderate monsoon.
childhood is in quotient-IQ and emotional
intelligence-EQ to be able to
millions have yet to receive their
first jab.
Ghebreyesus has called on coun-
tries to avoid giving out extra
as a “very thorough review” of
hands of the be applied in their real lives. The new report by scientists, COVID jabs until the end of the But she said that while the AREA FOR 15 September, 2021: Isolated rain or thunder-
The two are very important including from the WHO, conclud- year as the United Nations (UN) reduction in efficacy of vaccines showers. Degree of certainty is (100%).
earliest trainers for all children as they have ed that even with the threat of
Israel will offer those over the age of 60 who are already vaccinated against COVID-19 a third booster jab. A man
health agency urges all nations against variants like Delta might

who really to concern with the partic-

ipants of the society along
Delta, “booster doses for the gen-
eral population are not appropri-
receives a third dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine.  PHOTO: JACK GUEZ/AFP
to vaccinate at least 10 per cent
of their populations by the end
be small, when considered across
a population it could still lead to
FOR 15 September, 2021: One or two rain or thundershowers.
understand the with their life. In fact, all the
children hope the motherly
ate at this stage in the pandemic”.
The authors, who reviewed
the main virus variants including
Delta, although they had lower
provide credible evidence of sub-
stantially declining protection
She said vaccine doses
should be prioritized to people
of this month, and at least 40 per
cent by the end of this year.
“a substantial increase” in people
needing hospitalisation.
Degree of certainty is (100%).

nature of children. spirit of parents and guard- observational studies and clinical success in preventing asympto- against severe disease, which around the world still waiting for The Lancet study concluded FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING
ians in the daily process. trials, found that vaccines remain matic cases of the disease. is the primary goal of vaccina- a jab. that the current variants had not SOURCE: AFP AREA FOR 15 September, 2021: Isolated rain or thunder-
Especially, the Adults, as well as par- highly effective against severe “Taken as a whole, the cur- tion,” said lead author Ana-Maria “If vaccines are deployed developed sufficiently to escape showers. Degree of certainty is (100%).
ents, need to share appro- symptoms of COVID-19, across all rently available studies do not Henao-Restrepo, of the WHO. where they would do the most the immune response provided
trainers must priate information with the Flood Bulletin
give chances for children. Those children (ISSUED at 09:00 hrs M.S.T on 14-9-2021)

children how to
must be allowed to enjoy the
taste of the environment.
A suitable level of learning
U.S. doubles down on vaccination efforts as Delta Flood condition of Ngawun River
     ACCORDING to the (08:30) hrs M.S.T observation today,
the water level of Thabaung at Ngawun River has exceeded
struggle for their
survival. So, let’s
opportunity must be creat-
ed for the children. In this
regard, learning subjects
variant drives COVID-19 surge by about (2) inches above its danger level. It may fall below its
danger level during the next (12) hrs.

nurture children must be able to improve
their skills, especially their
HE U.S. federal government is
doubling down on COVID-19 vac-
briefly moved below 220 a day in early July.
With roughly 660,000 known COVID-19
ed virologists and epidemiologists as say-
ing. But it will take a lot to get there, and      IT is advised to the people who settle near the river banks
to become critical thinking.
Parents and guardians
cination efforts, including an on-
going plan for booster shots, while more
deaths to date, the United States is on
track to “soon top the estimated 675,000
the ferocious spread of the Delta variant
that has filled hospitals again showed how
and low lying areas in Thabaung Township, to take precaution
outstanding need to take care of chil- unvaccinated people fell victims to the deaths that the Centres for Disease Con- challenging that path could be.
dren’s daily progress. The Delta variant in recent weeks, and the trol and Prevention (CDC) has linked to “While surges are easing in some
adults having whole situation of children pandemic is believed by health experts the 1918-19 flu pandemic,” said the report. states, cases are rising in others. Del-

the capability depends on the dutiful nur-

turing of those parents and
to become a routine illness in the United
High vaccination rates among the
elderly, who are more vulnerable to se-
ta is moving the world toward immuni-
ty against the virus at huge cost. With

to shape better guardians. Chances must

be given to the children DANGER FOR UNVACCINATED
vere COVID-19 outcomes, are restrain-
ing the overall increase in deaths, and
every new infection it is raising the risk
of incubating a variant that might spread
environs. for playing, singing, eating
and talking with adults. The
A surge in COVID-19 deaths caused
by the highly contagious Delta variant is
the change is shifting a larger share of
deaths to younger populations with lower
even faster, sicken with greater ferocity
or evade vaccines,” said the report. Sci-
nature of children must be hitting working-age people hard while vaccination rates, underscoring the need entists are trying to figure out whether
uplifted with additional highlighting the risks for people who re- to get more people inoculated to curb the SARS-CoV-2 will form deadlier or more
knowledge suitable for the aged of children. main unvaccinated, reported The Wall pandemic, WSJ quoted experts as saying. contagious new variants, and how the pan-
People check in to get a Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine at a pop-up vaccination
It is necessary to open the door for the children to see the Street Journal (WSJ) on Monday. Deaths have been concentrated demic might end. Their best-case scenario centre at the beach, in South Beach, Florida.   PHOTO: AFP
outer world. Depending on the age of children, parents and Federal data showed that COVID-19 among the unvaccinated, federal data isn’t anything as hopeful as eradication.
guardians need to create the opportunity for studies of the deaths among people under 55 have show. The CDC released studies on Friday “Instead, many expect COVID-19 will at Mount Sinai in New York, was quoted mandates from schools and businesses
children in the environs for enlarging their scopes. But all the roughly matched highs near 1,800 a week showing that unvaccinated Americans become a routine disease like a common as saying. may be necessary.
processes must depend on the learning skills of children without set during last winter’s surge. These data were 4.6 times as likely to be infected, 10 cold or the flu, rather than a cause of mass “I believe that’s going to turn this
hesitation. showed weekly tallies for overall COV- times as likely to be hospitalized and 11 hospitalizations and deaths,” said the re- MANDATES AND BOOSTER around because I don’t think people are
The life of early childhood is in hands of the earliest train- ID-19 deaths, meanwhile, remain well times as likely to die. port. When or even whether COVID-19 Anthony Fauci, director of the Na- going to want to not go to work or not go
ers who really understand the nature of children. Especially, under half of the pandemic peak near settles into that status depends on how tional Institute of Allergy and Infectious to college — They’re going to do it,” said
the trainers must give chances for children how to struggle for 26,000 reached in January. VACCINATION FOR IMMUNITY many more people get vaccinated and how Diseases, told CNN on Sunday if more Fauci. “You’d like to have them do it on a
their survival. So, let’s nurture children to become outstanding The seven-day average for newly re- COVID-19 may become a routine soon, Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, director of the people aren’t persuaded to get vaccinated totally voluntary basis, but if that doesn’t
adults having the capability to shape better environs. ported COVID-19 deaths each day recent- illness like a common cold or the flu one Global Health and Emerging Pathogens by messaging from health officials and work, you’ve got to go to the alternatives.”
ly eclipsed 1,600, up from an average that day, another WSJ report on Monday quot- Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine “trusted political messengers,” additional SOURCE: AFP

MoC allows daily import process of

anti-COVID-19 devices, medical aids

HE Ministry of Commerce is making efforts
to ensure people have access to the essential
medical supplies that are critical to the COV-
ID-19 prevention, control and treatment activities,
including liquid oxygen and oxygen cylinders, by ar-
ranging continuous importation with standard oper-
ating procedures.
On 14 September (Yesterday), anti-COVID-19
equipment, medical products including oxygen plants
and concentrators were imported by 11 companies
and transported by 24 vehicles, including two bowsers.
A total of 39 tonnes of oxygen (liquid) carried by
two bowsers, 2,790 empty oxygen cylinders, 68 oxygen
plants, 318 oxygen concentrators for home use, 50,240
sets of COVID-19 test kits, 7,300 PPE suits, 29 tonnes Anti-COVID devices and medical supplies like oxygen cylinders (left photo) are daily imported via border trade zones.
of gloves, and 63 tonnes of masks were imported via
Muse, Chinshwehaw, Kampaiti and Myawady trading plant each to Mandalay, Myitkyina, relevant departments, facilitating as well as contact persons for inquir-
posts and the Yangon International Airport. Phakant and Moegaung. the importation of essential medical ies can be reached through the Min-
Two vehicles carrying liquid oxygen plus 64 oxygen It is reported that the Ministry supplies required in the prevention, istry’s Website — www.commerce.
plants were transported to Yangon and one oxygen of Commerce is coordinating with control and treatment of COVID-19, — MNA

Lorries are transporting the imported medical aids to the needed regions.

Prices list of medicines commonly used against COVID-19 till 14-9-2021 September
No Product Name Pack Size Price in Kyats Company Name Anti thrombosis
(Retail) Injection Enoxa- 1 Pre-Filled
5 7,000 Nyi Lay Naing
Anti-inflammatory prim 40 mg Syringe
Injection Enoxa- 1 Pre-Filled
1 P.O Prednisolone Box of 10x10 2,000 Aorta 6 9,000 Nyi Lay Naing
prim 60 mg Syringe
Injection - Dexa- Symptomatic
2 Vial 160 Aorta
methasone P.O Paracetamol 10x10’s tablets/
7 1,500 AA Medical
Antiviral 500 mg Box
P.O Favipiravir 400 P.O Dextromethop-
3 2x10 Tablet 50,000 AA Medical 8 10x10’s 1,450 AA Medical
mg han
10x10’s tablets/
Injection - Remde- 9 P.O Bromhexine 1,000 Medi Myanmar
4 Vial 70,000 GHI Box
10 P.O Cetrizine 10x10’s / Box 2,200 AA Medical

Please visit the Website ( and Facebook Page 32330252139 2189/posts/ 1720802588308835/ ?d=n to know the prices of
other medicines.

45-year-old and above get first shots in

Pantawpyin Village of Maungtaw Township
THE people aged 45 and above relevant officials inspected the A total of 250 vaccines are
from Pantawpyin Village in operation. allocated to Pantawpyin Village
Maungtaw Township of Rakhine Before the vaccination, the to vaccinate the people aged 45
State received their first jabs of staff of the General Adminis- and above.
Sinopharm vaccines yesterday. tration Department collected One vial is used for two peo-
The officials conducted the data and the health workers ple and 500 villagers will get
vaccination processes in line monitored the body tempera- the vaccines, according to Dr
with the health rules of the Min- tures and blood pressures of the Nu Kathy San, township health
istry of Health, Township Ad- people and also watched them medical service officer. – Thet Health workers make medical examination before inoculation in
ministration Officers and other for 30 minutes after vaccination. Lwin Soe (IPRD)/GNLM Pantawpyin Village in Maungtaw.

MFF striving for sustainable fishery export growth

MYANMAR Fisheries Federa- desh is still open for trade. The
tion (MFF) is attempting to grow federation is planning to export
fishery export regardless of the fishery products to Bangladesh.
COVID-19 disruption on mari- Myanma Port Authority is also
time trade, closure of land bor- ensuring smooth freight flow
ders and fuel oil price instability. with non-stop operation. The
Chinese market constitutes federation is attempting to tack-
about 65 per cent of Myanmar’s le these fishery export hurdles,
fishery exports. The federation said Dr Toe Nanda Tin, senior
is making concerted efforts to vice-president of MFF.
achieve the target recorded last The marketable fish prod-
year, MFF stated. ucts, especially fish, shrimp, eel
Despite the open season and crab from Taninthayi and
of offshore fishing, Myanmar’s Ayeyawady regions and Rakhine
fishery export industry is fac- State are primarily exported to
ing a series of challenges such foreign markets.
as fuel oil price instability, the The marketable fish products, especially fish, shrimp, eel and crab from Taninthayi and Ayeyawady regions The federation is turning to
surge in container shipping rate, and Rakhine State are primarily exported to foreign markets. the Bangladesh market with ex-
the closure of border posts, dis- long term. some businesses are likely to activity, the trade will go smooth- port potentials. MFF is working
ruption of maritime trade and “The fishing industry is ex- be suspended. The trade route is ly. The closure of the border together with the stockholders
the COVID-19 negative impacts. periencing the oil price hike. A required to return to normalcy in posts is triggered by the COV- in the supply chain to have sus-
Consequently, it will harm the 40-feet container costs US$1,400- order to facilitate the trade. If the ID-19 threats. The cross-border tainable export growth. — Nyein
export sector somehow in the US$5,000. As a result of this, border post resumes the trade between Myanmar and Bangla- Thu (MNA)/GNLM

Sesame seeds prices soar on low stockpile US Dollar exchange rate

inches higher to K1,970 in
exported to South Korea and
Japan. local forex market
China usually purchases
various coloured sesame seeds THE black market exchange exchange rate touched the
from the country, yet, the trade rate on the US dollar edged up maximum of K1,345 and the
is quite sluggish amid the re- K1,970, the money exchangers minimum of K1,327 in Janu-
striction measures to contain stated. ary 2021. The rate moved in
the COVID-19 disease. This However, the Central the range of K1,335-1,465 in
year, Japan has not purchased Bank of Myanmar set a dol- February. It reached the low-
Myanmar’s sesame yet. lar at K1,750 on 13 September. est of K1,420 and the highest
Sesame is cultivated in the There is a K220 gap between of K1,550 in March. The rate
country throughout the year. the official exchange rate and fluctuated between K1,550 and
Magway Region, which has the black market rate. K1,610 in April. The rate fluc-
gained a reputation as the oil In recent days, the US tuated between K1,585 and
The price of black sesame seeds stood only K145,000 per three-basket pot of Myanmar, is the main dollar exchange rate reached K1,730 in May and it moved
bag in July, whereas it increased up to K185,000-K195,000 in early producer of sesame seeds. The a record-high of K2,000. to the maximum of K1,595-
September. seeds are also grown in Manda- To regulate the dollar 1,620 in June. The rate stood
THE price of sesame seeds re- sale market said. lay and Sagaing regions. gain against Kyat, the CBM at K1,626-1,670 in July and it
mains in the bull market on the Myanmar’s sesame seeds Of the cooking oil crops sold 15 million dollars for the hit the lowest of K1,660 and
small stockpile, coupled with export has earned US$292.28 grown in Myanmar, the acreage first time on 13 September. the highest of K1,682.
the Kyat weakening against million in the past eight months under sesame seed is the high- In August, the CBM re- In 2020, the exchange rate
the US dollar, the pulses trades (October-May) of the current est, accounting for 51.3 per cent portedly sold $28 million at moved in the range of K1,465-
from Mandalay said. financial year 2020-2021, accord- of the overall oil crop plantation. its auction rate. Kyat is weak- 1,493 in January, K1,436-1,465
The price of black sesa- ing to data released by Myan- About 600,000-800,000 tonnes of ening in the local forex mar- in February, K1,320-1,445 in
me seeds stood only K145,000 mar Customs Department.  sesame seeds are yearly pro- ket. In a bid to steer its own March, K1,395-1,440 in April,
per three-basket bag in July, Normally, Myanmar ex- duced. currency value, the CBM sold K1,406-1,426 in May, K1,385-
whereas it increased up to ports about 80 per cent of The volume of sesame ex- about 6.8 million dollars on 3 1,412 in June, K1,367-1,410
K185,000-K195,000 in early Sep- sesame production to foreign ports was registered at over February 2021, $12 million in in July, K1,335-1,390 in Au-
tember, Soe Win Myint pulses markets. China is the main buy- 96,000 metric tonnes, worth April, $24 million in May, $12 gust, K1,310-1,355 in Septem-
depot in Mandalay stated. er of Myanmar sesame, which $130 million, in the finan- million in June and $39 million ber, K1,282-1,315 in October,
“This year, the sesame pro- was also shipped to markets cial year 2015-2016; $100,000 in July in the auction market. K1,303-1,330 in November and
duction is possible to drop com- in Japan, South Korea, China tonnes, worth $145 million, in The CBM trades the for- K1,324-1,403 in December.
pared with the previous years. (Taipei), the UK, Germany, the the FY2016-2017FY; 120,000 eign currency with the author- In 2019, the rates are
The extreme weather condition Netherlands, Greece, and Po- tonnes, worth $147 million, in ized private banks under the pegged at K1,508-1,517 in July,
can affect the sesame quality land among the EU countries. the FY2017-2018; 33,900 tonnes rules and regulations of the K1,510-1,526 in August, K1,527-
and production,” said a grower. The EU markets prefer or- valued $43.8 million in the 2018 FX auction market. 1,565 in September, K1,528-
Both raw sesame seeds and ganic-farming sesame seeds mini-budget period, 125,800 The US dollar exchange 1,537 in October, K1,510-1,524
value-added sesame seeds are from Myanmar. Japan prefers tonnes, worth $212.5 million rate stood at only K1,330 in November and K1,485-1,513
conveyed to China. When the Myanmar black sesame seeds, in the FY2018-2019 and over in January-end, whereas it in December.
COVID-19 cases fall and trans- cultivated under good agricul- 150,000 tonnes of sesame, worth jumps to K1,970 at present, On 20 September 2018,
portation barriers are eased, tural practices (GAP), and pur- $240 million in the previous recording an increase of K640 the dollar exchange rate
the sesame market will raise chases them after a quality as- FY2019-2020, the trade data of in eight months. reached a peak of K1,650 in
its head again for sure, a depot sessment. Black sesame seeds Central Statistical Organization The local forex market’s the local currency market. —
owner from Bayintnaung whole- from Myanmar were previously indicated. — KK/GNLM data showed that the dollar NN/GNLM

IN BRIEF Singapore welcomes China’s interest in
More SOEs embrace
trans-Pacific free trade pact
hydrogen SINGAPORE welcomes China’s The pact as originally envisioned
interest in the revived Trans-Pa- fell apart after the United States
WITH China’s carbon neutrality cific Partnership free trade pact, withdrew from it during the pre-
pledge further elevating hydro- the Foreign Ministry said Mon- vious administration under Don-
gen’s strategic position in the day after a meeting between Sin- ald Trump.
country, companies are show- gapore Foreign Minister Vivian Singapore and China are
ing more enthusiasm than ever, Balakrishnan and his Chinese also advancing cooperation on
actively involving themselves counterpart Wang Yi. their bilateral projects in the
in hydrogen power production, The two ministers also Chinese cities of Suzhou, Tianjin
storage, refuelling and related “reaffirmed the strong ties” and Chongqing while exploring
businesses. between the two countries new areas of cooperation such
While more than one-third and discussed ways to further as the digital economy.
of centrally administered State- strengthen relations, including Balakrishnan and Wang also
owned enterprises are gearing by sustaining high-level ex- discussed ways to deepen coop-
up to tap China’s hydrogen changes. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on Singapore Prime Minister eration between the Association
power development, at least The Singapore foreign Lee Hsien Loong at The Istana on 14 September 2021.  PHOTO: of Southeast Asian Nations and
23 provinces nationwide have minister “welcomed China’s China, in conjunction with the
also announced hydrogen plans interest in the Comprehensive Trans-Pacific Partnership,” the referring to the official name of 30th anniversary of ASEAN-Chi-
by August, according to figures and Progressive Agreement for ministry said in a statement, the revived version of the TPP. na dialogue this year.— Kyodo
released by BloombergNEF.
Many of them have set
transport as their main down-
stream focus, with companies
Merkel labels Balkans EU accession
such as China Petroleum and
Chemical Corp, or Sinopec, Chi- ‘absolute geostrategic interest’
na National Petroleum Corp and
State Power Investment Corp for us to really accept these coun- the rule of law, democracy and
Ltd all coming up with detailed tries into the European Union,” plurality of the civil society”.
plans for developing hydrogen said Merkel, who steps down as She also called for more pro-
refuelling stations and hydro- chancellor later this year. gress in setting up a common
gen-powered transportation, it “We see — that there is also market in the Western Balkans,
said.—Xinhua influence from many other re- an initiative launched by Albania,
gions of the world” in the Bal- North Macedonia and Serbia.
kans, she told a joint press con- Merkel in Serbia on Monday,
EU policy snags ference with Serbian President and on Tuesday is due in Tirana
are ‘encouraging Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade.
The six Balkans nations —
to meet Albanian Prime Minister
Edi Rama and his counterparts
illegal migration’ Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Mon- from the region. Ever since Cro-
tenegro, North Macedonia and atia became the last country to
SHORTCOMINGS in the EU Visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel inspects a guard of honour Serbia — all aspire to join the join the EU in 2013, the appetite
accompanied by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic during a welcome
effort to return unsuccessful European Union and are on for adding new member states
ceremony in Belgrade, Serbia, on 13 September 2021.  PHOTO: AFP
asylum seekers are “encourag- different stages on the path to- has shrunk considerably.
ing illegal migration” instead of GERMAN Chancellor Angela China and Russia, is of absolute wards membership. But that has prompted warn-
stemming it, the bloc’s watch- Merkel said Monday that EU geostrategic interest for the bloc. Merkel praised the progress ings that Brussels risks opening
dog institution warned in a re- membership of the Western EU members “should al- made by the Balkans countries the door to outside influence on
port Monday. Balkans region, a theatre of ways keep in mind that there is on their EU path, but also en- its doorstep, notably from Beijing
The European Court of competition between the West, an absolute geostrategic interest couraged “further steps towards and Moscow.—AFP
Auditors (ECA), which scruti-
nizes EU policies and finances,
found that efforts by Brussels
to secure cooperation from
Aluminium price hits $3,000 per tonne on tight supply
countries outside the bloc to
take back migrants had “yield- THE price of aluminium hit ex- a tonne in mid-morning deals on
ed limited results”. actly $3,000 a tonne in trading on the London Metal Exchange.
Fewer than one in three Monday, the metal’s highest level “It’s all about supply prob-
migrants ordered to leave for 13 years, with tight supplies lems driving aluminium prices
the European Union actually worsened by the recent military ever higher,” Commerzbank ana-
do — and that ratio drops to coup in Guinea. lyst Daniel Briesemann told AFP.
less than one in five when the The African nation is rich in Pushing prices higher are
country they are told to return bauxite rock, from which alumin- also rising electricity prices in
to is outside the European con- ium is processed. China, which has led to a sag in
tinent. Aluminium prices had al- production at a number of found-
The ECA’s audit of the EU ready been soaring before the ries in its western Xinjiang region.
returns policy over the 2015 to coup struck at the start of the Aluminium smelting consumes
mid-2020 period — focused on month, rising by about 40 per cent voracious quantities of energy.
the 10 countries with the big- since January as global economic Guinea possesses the world’s
Aluminium prices have been driven up by a drop in production in China
gest numbers of non-returned activity bounces back from the largest reserves of bauxite, the
and concerns about a coup in Guinea.  PHOTO: AFP
irregular migrants — said the Covid-19 trough. reddish or grey rock, whose al-
steps being taken to boost co- After striking the highest lev- uminium oxide is smelted into has been coming under growing Mamady Doumbouya seized pow-
operation were “relevant”.— el since 2008, the base metal used aluminium. diplomatic pressure after special er and arrested president Alpha
AFP in everyday items eased to $2,953 Guinea’s ruling military forces led by Lieutenant Colonel Conde.—AFP

Taliban probing bank accounts linked to Afghan ex-officials

THE Taliban are investigat- former government officials. former vice-president Amrullah
ing the accounts of former Corr uption was wide- Saleh. The video, which could
high-ranking Afghan govern- spread and rampant under not be independently verified,
ment members to check for the administration of former showed Taliban fighters sitting
ill-gotten gains, officials said president Ashraf Ghani, and on the floor and counting cash
Tuesday. tens of millions of dollars of and gold apparently found in
The investigation may lead aid money is believed to have suitcases.
to the freezing of assets and been siphoned out of the public One fighter says they dis-
accounts of former civil serv- purse. covered about $100,000 the day
ants, ministers and lawmakers, Ghani himself was accused after Panjshir fell to the Talib-
an official at Da Afghanistan of taking millions with him an, and a further $6.2 million
Bank told AFP, asking not to when he fled to Abu Dhabi on 15 and 18 gold ingots in a later
be named. August as the Taliban entered search. Saleh had holed up in
A manager of a private Kabul, but he has denied the Panjshir after the Taliban took
Afghan people stand in a queue as they wait for their turn to collect
bank confirmed a team of claims and says he is ready to Kabul, and the remote highland
money from an ATM in Kabul.   PHOTO: AFP
“Taliban auditors” had been prove his innocence. valley was the last province to
deployed to the organization to On Tuesday, several Tal- their social media accounts cash and gold ingots recovered fall to the hardline Islamists.
check the accounts of selected iban officials posted video on purporting to show millions in from the Panjshir residence of —AFP

El Salvador president says half a NEWS

million using new bitcoin wallet Bioscience firm claims will bring back extinct
“We currently have more woolly mammoth
than half a million users (of the
Chivo wallet),” Bukele tweeted It is the elephant in the genomics room: can extinct species be resur-
late Monday. The “Chivo Wallet” rected? One bioscience firm insists they can, announcing Monday its
is an electronic application that intent to use emerging technology to restore the woolly mammoth
Salvadorans can download — to the Arctic tundra.
earning a $30 equivalent sign-up New company Colossal, capitalizing on a partnership with a
bonus in the process — to make Harvard geneticist, said its species “de-extinction” effort has the
cryptocurrency transactions. potential to anchor a working model for restoring damaged or lost
Bukele added that the wallet’s ecosystems and thereby help slow or even halt the effects of climate
technical errors had mostly been change.
resolved, and the software would “Never before has humanity been able to harness the power of
be fully operational in days. this technology to rebuild ecosystems, heal our Earth and preserve
The initial rollout had met its future through the repopulation of extinct animals,” Colossal
with difficulties as the Chivo soft- chief executive and co-founder Ben Lamm, an emerging technolo-
El Salvador became the first country to adopt bitcoin as legal tender
ware had crashed, with bitcoin gy entrepreneur, said in a statement. “In addition to bringing back
alongside the US dollar.  PHOTO: AFP
losing some 17 per cent of its val- ancient extinct species like the woolly mammoth, we will be able
THERE are now more than half a people this month became the ue at one point. But Bukele wrote to leverage our technologies to help preserve critically endangered
million people using El Salvador’s first to adopt bitcoin as legal ten- in his Twitter thread that “every species that are on the verge of extinction and restore animals where
bitcoin wallet, President Nayib der alongside the US dollar, which day more and more businesses humankind had a hand in their demise.”—AFP
Bukele announced. has been the official currency for accept payments in bitcoin or
The country of 6.6 million two decades. dollars”.—AFP
Solar farm in shape of lion to power Britain’s
largest zoo
Cryptocurrency litecoin spikes briefly A giant solar farm in the shape of a lion is to be built to help provide

on bogus announcement power to Whipsnade Zoo, the Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
announced Monday.
The solar lion will span over 0.8 hectare and provide a third of the
THE price of litecoin briefly A spokesman for Walmart GMT advised readers to “disre- zoo’s electricity under a plan to radically reduce its carbon footprint.
surged on Monday following a confirmed to AFP that the infor- gard the news release ‘Walmart Although the lion will not be visible at ground level, it will be
fake press release saying Wal- mation was false. A statement on announces major partnership visible to air passengers flying overhead, the ZSL said.
mart had agreed to a partnership GlobalNewswire posted at 1518 with Litecoin.”—AFP Whipsnade in Bedfordshire is 48 km north of London, home to
with the cryptocurrency. its sister zoo, the ZSL’s London Zoo.
The digital currency jumped “The ‘solar lion’ will be constructed at the opposite end of the
around 30 per cent following the zoo to the Whipsnade White Lion, ‘bookending’ the huge Zoo with a
publication on GlobalNewswire second, enormous lion figure, and, although it will not be visible from
of the bogus news release, which the surrounding hills, will create a spectacle to be seen from the skies,”
resembled official press releases said a ZSL spokeswoman.
on the financial newswire. “The ‘solar lion’ is part of Whipsnade Zoo’s mission to make itself
Litecoin shot up to $230 net zero carbon by 2035. Other plans to achieve this include reducing
from $175 in the moments after emissions caused by electricity and fossil fuel use for heating by 50
the “news” was relayed on oth- per cent by 2030, as well as engaging with the zoo’s supply chain to
er media. However, the move reduce indirect emissions,” she added.
quickly reversed after the hoax Owen Craft, the zoo’s chief operating officer, said: “As a global
was exposed. Near 1615 GMT, The price of litecoin briefly surged on Monday following a fake conservation charity, we know only too well the devastating effect
the exchange rate had retreated press release saying Walmart had agreed to a partnership with the climate change is having on the world’s wildlife, as well as on the
to around $179. cryptocurrency.  PHOTO: AFP survival of our own species.—AFP

Malaysian PM, opposition in UN chief urges donors

deal to boost stability to give Afghans ‘lifeline’
UN chief Antonio Guterres on ference is not simply about
The premier said in a state- Monday urged countries to dig what we will give to the people
ment that his administration and deep and provide desperate- of Afghanistan. It is about what
the Pact of Hope opposition alli- ly needed aid to Afghans, and we owe.” The UN Secretary
ance had made “national histo- to support women and others General’s comments came just
ry” with the deal. whose rights appear threat- under a month after the Taliban
It covers areas including ened by the Taliban. swept into power in Afghani-
fighting Covid-19, parliamentary Speaking to ministers gath- stan, sparking a chaotic exit for
reform, ensuring judicial inde- ered for a donor conference for the United States and its allies
pendence, among other things, the violence-torn country, Gu- after 20 years in the country.
and is aimed at helping to “put terres insisted that “the people As the meeting ended,
aside political differences”, the of Afghanistan need a lifeline”. UN humanitarian chief Martin
statement said. “After decades of war, suf- Griffiths said donor countries
There were few immediate fering and insecurity, they face pledged a total of $1.2 billion in
further details. perhaps their most perilous aid, but did not say how much
Ismail Sabri had previously hour,” he said at the UN’s Euro- was earmarked for the UN
Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob (R) and representatives of the proposed reforms including a pean headquarters in Geneva. appeal for emergency assis-
opposition, led by Anwar Ibrahim (2nd L), signed the agreement law to block political defections, “Let us be clear: This con- tance.—AFP
INFORMATION/AFP and limiting the premier’s term
to 10 years, although it was not
MALAYSIA’S new government arrival has lowered the political clear if these would be included.
signed an agreement to cooper- temperature — at least in the The premier has only a slim
ate with the opposition Monday short term — and fuelled hopes majority in parliament, and the
in exchange for a promise of that officials will be able to focus deal will help to shore up his
reforms, a bid to bring stability on fighting a serious coronavirus support.
after intense political turbulence. outbreak. In his opening address to
Less than a month after tak- Ismail Sabri and repre- parliament, the king, Sultan Ab-
ing office following the collapse sentatives of the opposition, led dullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, said
of his predecessor’s short-lived by Anwar Ibrahim, signed the he “appreciated the efforts to-
government, Prime Minister Is- agreement in parliament, as the wards realizing a new bipartisan
mail Sabri Yaakob has extended legislature convened Monday approach involving all sides, that Afghan women in Kabul last week. Guterres highlighted the need
an olive branch to his rivals. for the first time since the new will build a new political land- to protect the gains made for women and girls over the past two
The new administration’s premier took power. scape”. — AFP decades.   PHOTO: AFP

Cuban scientists reject ‘Havana NEWS

Syndrome’ claims World Heritage site Bamiyan artifacts pillaged
CUBAN scientists said Mon- nents,” the panel said in a report ident Kamala Harris delayed amid Afghan turmoil
day there was no evidence for published on Cubadebate, an a trip to Vietnam after the US
claims of US diplomats coming official news site of the one-par- embassy in Hanoi reported a EXCAVATED Buddha heads and other items have been looted from
down with so-called “Havana ty state. possible case, raising concerns the storage facility of a French archaeological team involved in con-
Syndrome” on the island. In July, the New Yorker she could be a target. serving and restoring the famous Bamiyan site in central Afghanistan, a
The mysterious affliction is magazine reported there had UNESCO World Heritage site, it was learned Monday. It is believed that
said to cause headaches, nau- been dozens of new “Havana ‘No novel syndrome’ miscreants took advantage of the confusion that followed the Taliban’s
sea and possible brain damage, Syndrome” cases among US of- The Cuban expert report takeover of area in the first half of August to loot the artifacts, according
and is speculated to be caused ficials in Vienna, Austria since said some have accepted “as an to local residents and Japanese archaeologists whose warehouse was
by electronic weapons possibly the beginning of 2021. axiom that attacks occurred in also targeted. In 2001, when the Islamists were previously in power,
wielded by a US rival such as Last month, US Vice-Pres- Havana.”—AFP they blew up and destroyed the two 6th century Great Buddhas of
Russia. Bamiyan, carved into cliffs, based on an extreme interpretation of Islam
Several suspected cases that forbids idolatry. The warehouse of the French corps stored valua-
have been reported among US ble excavations from the vicinity of the “Eastern Buddha”.—Kyodo
officials and intelligence officers
since 2016, first in Cuba, then
in China, Germany, Australia, French far-right pundit edges closer to
Taiwan and in Washington itself. presidential bid
But a panel convened by
the government of Communist FRENCH far-right pundit Eric Zemmour is inching closer to announcing
Cuba — 16 experts in a variety of a run for the presidency, a move that would create fresh uncertainty
fields and affiliated to the Cuban around next year’s election race.
Academy of Sciences — said the French far-right pundit Eric Zemmour is inching closer to an-
claims were not “scientifically nouncing a run for the presidency, a move that would create fresh
acceptable,” and there was “no uncertainty around next year’s election race. Zemmour and the
scientific evidence of attacks” of channel he works for, CNews — derided by critics as a “French Fox
this nature on Cuban soil. News” — announced Monday the 63-year-old would step down from
“We conclude that the his role as a prime-time commentator. The move was sparked by
narrative of the ‘mysterious The US Embassy building in Havana, where US diplomats experienced France’s CSA media regulator ruling last week that Zemmour should
syndrome’ is not scientifically the first apparent “Havana Syndrome” attacks, which some experts be considered a politician, not a journalist, meaning his access to TV
acceptable in any of its compo- attribute to targeted microwaves.  PHOTO: AFP and radio should be subject to limitations.—AFP

Biden stumps on eve of

California governor recall
PRESIDENT Joe Biden hit the audience in Long Beach. which also includes a cannabis
hustings in California on Monday, “The choice should be abso- consultant, a former San Diego
warning voters they risk a Donald lutely clear. You have a governor mayor, and a self-proclaimed
Trump-style governor if they vote who has the courage to lead. “Billboard Queen”.
to recall the state’s leader. “Voting no will be protecting Voters have until Tuesday
The world’s fifth biggest California from Trump,” Biden evening to return a ballot on
economy is coming to the end of said. which they are being asked firstly
a $280 million ballot on kicking the Newsom’s main challeng- if they should fire Newsom, and
Newsom’s main challenger is Larry Elder, a right-wing talk radio star
Democratic Party incumbent out er is Larry Elder, a right-wing secondly who should replace him.
who has openly supported controversial former president Donald
of office, in an initiative sparked talk radio star who has openly Newsom needs a simple ma- Trump.  PHOTO: AFP
by Republicans angry over mask supported the controversial for- jority to keep his job, and render
mandates and Covid lockdowns. mer president — a figure widely the ballot’s second part irrele- polls the highest — no matter is only the second in California’s
“You either keep Gavin New- loathed in California. vant. how small their majority — be- history; the first brought actor
som as your governor or you get The Black ex-lawyer is poll- But should a plurality vote comes governor for the term’s Arnold Schwarzenegger to office
Donald Trump,” Biden told an ing atop a field of 46 challengers, to dump him, then whoever remaining 16 months. The recall in 2003.— AFP

Fintech and fighter jets: one year on, UAE-Israel ties bear fruit
A year has passed since Israel Abraham Accords to normalize business sector The two sides
and the United Arab Emirates ties with Israel. have opened embassies in each
normalized ties in a US-brokered Here are some key issues other’s countries and signed a
agreement, leading to a raft of following the historic deal, which plethora of trade agreements.
deals ranging from tourism and broke with decades of Arab pol- Since last year, a number
aviation to cutting-edge technol- icy that there should be no ties of Israeli start-ups in the fields
ogy. with Israel until it makes peace of artificial intelligence, fintech
On 15 September 2020, the with the Palestinians. and agriculture have set up shop
UAE became the first Gulf nation in the UAE. Business exchang-
to establish formal relations with What were the economic es between the two countries,
the Jewish state, and the third benefits? whose economies were hard-hit
Arab country ever to do so after The UAE and Israel have by the coronavirus pandemic,
Egypt and Jordan in 1979 and sought to emphasise the eco- reached $500 million in August
1994 respectively. nomic dividend offered by nor- — excluding investments — af-
Bahrain signed on the same malization, especially Dubai, ter tourism, aviation and finan-
day, and later Sudan and Moroc- A number of Israeli start-ups in the fields of artificial intelligence, fintech which continuously seeks to ex- cial services deals were struck.
co also joined the US-brokered and agriculture have set up shop in the UAE.  PHOTO: AFP pand its tourism, technology and —AFP

Six months after arrest, no trial date NEWS

for Bolivian ex-president
Blinken asks Pakistan to ‘line up’ in
SIX months after being arrested
on coup charges by a Bolivian
after Morales and senior allies
in his Movement for Socialism
the most senior parliamentarian
left and was sworn in by congress
pressuring Taliban
government allied to her political (MAS) resigned following weeks as interim president, despite the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called Monday on Pakistan
rival Evo Morales, ex-president of protest over his controversial lack of a quorum, with MAS leg- to deny legitimacy to the Taliban unless they meet international
Jeanine Anez is still awaiting a re-election to an unconstitutional islators boycotting the session. demands, acknowledging concerns that Islamabad has supported
trial date. The 54-year-old, who fourth term. Morales and his allies claimed militants from Afghanistan.
claims she is the victim of “polit- As Morales fled into exile they had been the victims of a Testifying before Congress on the Taliban victory in Afghanistan,
ical persecution,” attempted sui- after 14 years in power, Anez was right-wing coup.—AFP Blinken heard from lawmakers across party lines who pushed for a
cide in a jail in La Paz last month harder line on Pakistan, an uneasy partner of Washington over the
while suffering from “severe de- 20-year war.—AFP
pression” due to her prolonged
pre-trial detention, according to
her daughter, Carolina Ribera. Japan ex-defence chief Ishiba not
Last month, a Bolivian court
added another six months to An-
running in LDP leadership race
ez’s custody, until March 2022, Former Japanese Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba will not run in
meaning she could spend a year the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s upcoming leadership race and
in jail without seeing the inside is leaning towards backing vaccination minister Taro Kono instead,
of a court. people familiar with his decision said Tuesday. Ishiba, the No. 2 pick
“Evo Morales... is holding to succeed outgoing Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga in opinion polls
her to spread a message of fear after Kono, had been considering putting his name forward for the
to all opposition leaders and all 29 September vote that will effectively determine the country’s new
Bolivians who think differently,” leader, but some allies saw his chances of winning as slim and urged
Ribera told AFP last week. Former Bolivian president Jeanine Anez faces charges of ‘genocide,’ him to sit it out. The LDP presidential election now appears to be a
The conservative Anez had leading a coup, terrorism, sedition, conspiracy and failure to perform three-way contest between Kono, former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishi-
come to power in November 2019 official duties.   PHOTO : AFP da and former communications minister Sanae Takaichi.—Kyodo

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

State Administration Council
Nine Objectives
1. Political affairs (b) To develop a stable market economy and promote international investment
(a) To build a Union based on democracy and federalism, through a disciplined in order to enhance the economic development of the entire National people.
and genuine multiparty democratic system that is fair and just. (c) To promote and support local businesses to create employment opportu-
(b) To emphasize the achievement of enduring peace for the entire nation in nities and increase domestic production.
line with the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). 3. Social affairs
(c) To continue implementing the principle of peaceful co-existence among (a) To ensure a strong and dynamic Union spirit, the genuine spirit of patriot-
countries through an independent, active and non-aligned foreign policy. ism.
2. Economic affairs (b) To respect and promote the customs and traditions of all National peoples
(a) To enhance production based on agriculture and livestock through modern and preserve and safeguard their cultural heritage and national charac-
techniques and strengthen all-round development in other sectors of the teristics.
economy. (c) To enhance the health, fitness and education quality of the entire nation.

ONE Championship to launch Revolution US PGA Tour’s Zozo

Event on 24 September Championship to go
A special event of the ONE Lightweight World Champion to retain the Philippines’ last
Championship named “Revo-
lution” featuring bouts of world-
Christian Lee stands on the
brink of clearing out the top
remaining ONE World Title in
a thrilling trilogy against former
ahead in Japan
class fighters will be held at five contenders in the division, kingpin Yosuke Saruta. THE US PGA Tour’s Zozo Championship will be held
Singapore Indoor Stadium in but standing in his way is upset They are joined on the main in Japan as planned next month, organizers announced
Singapore on 24 September, ac- king Ok Rae Yoon. card by former ONE Feather- Tuesday, after fears it could be moved for the second year
cording to an official announce- The Korean veteran is rid- weight World Champion Martin running because of the coronavirus pandemic.
ment of the ONE Champion- ing high off a hard-fought win Nguyen, a heavyweight show- The inaugural edition of Japan’s first US PGA Tour
ship. over Eddie Alvarez, so get ready down between Amir Aliakbari event in 2019 was memorably won by Tiger Woods, but
There will be a total of 11 for an explosive battle. and Anatoly Malykhin, as well last year’s tournament was moved to California because
fights: ten men’s fights plus one Plus, ONE Bantamweight as teenage phenom Victoria of the virus.
women’s bout. Kickboxing World Champion Lee,” the ONE officials added. There had been speculation it could be relocated again
“It’s going to be an epic Capitan guns to make it three The ONE event will be this year, after the other two tournaments on the US PGA
night to remember with three straight knockouts in his first streamed live free on ONE You- Tour’s “Asian Swing” fell victim to the pandemic.
incredible World Title fights World Title defence against Tube Channel and ONE Super The CJ Cup, beginning 14 October, has been moved
headlining ONE: REVOLU- Muay Thai and Kickboxing Mobile Application starting from South Korea to Las Vegas, while Shanghai’s World
TION on 24 September!,” ONE World Champion Mehdi Zatout, from 4:30 pm Myanmar Stand- Golf Championships-HSBC Champions, scheduled for 28-31
Championship officials said. while ONE Strawweight World ard Time on 24 September. — October, has been cancelled for the second successive year.
“In the main event, ONE Champion Joshua Pacio fights GNLM But PGA Tour chiefs said Tuesday that the Zozo Cham-
pionship would go ahead as planned at Accordia Golf
Narashino Country Club in Chiba, east of Tokyo, from

Allegri’s Juve rebuild off to rocky 21-24 October.

A decision on whether fans will attend has yet to be

start following Ronaldo exit

“We are confident our tournament will showcase world-
class golf once again,” US PGA Tour’s international execu-
domestic credentials under the tive vice-president Ty Votaw said in a statement. The Zozo
Championship was launched to great fanfare in 2019, with
Woods thrilling huge crowds.
The 52-year-old was pelt-
The 15-time major winner led from gun to tape to finish
ed with eggs by fans when he
three strokes clear of local favourite Hideki Matsuyama,
arrived for his first spell at
with Rory McIlroy third. — AFP
Juve in 2014, due to the rows
in which he was involved with
Juve while managing Milan
and the fact he was replacing
club legend Antonio Conte,
but he won over supporters
by leading Juve to five straight
league titles and two Champi-
ons League finals.
The Old Lady of Italian
football tried to go one step
Massimiliano Allegri won five Serie A titles in his first spell at Juventus
further with the shock 2018
but is off to a rocky start this season.  PHOTO: AFP
signing of Cristiano Ronaldo,
MASSIMILIANO Allegri is the seasons, but he begins this sea- who had ended their hopes of
man who has taken Juventus son’s European campaign in a first Champions league title The inaugural Zozo Championship in 2019 was memorably
closest to their dream of Cham- the midst of a dreadful start to since 1996 the previous two won by Tiger Woods at Narashino Country Club for a record-
equalling 82nd US PGA Tour victory.  PHOTO: AFP
pions League glory in recent the season which has put their seasons.— AFP

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