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Nguyễn Trần Thu Thảo

Nguyễn Ngọc Nguyên Thủy


1. Summarize briefly the problem that Sheldon must solve.

The problem that Sheldon has to solve is that he should find out what to do
since his firm top salesman, Melvin, is having a relationship with a woman
who is an executive from one of the company’s main rivals. Donald, his
marketing manager figured it out and warned him, but he ignored his words.
2. What factors should· he-take into account before taking a decision?
There are factors that he should consider carefully before making a decision.
Firstly, he should weigh the pros and cons. He can make a list of the benefits
and the risks of that decision then decide which one outweighs the other.
Secondly, he needs to consider the impact of the decision on others around
him. In this situation, he should know what will affect his colleagues, his firm
and his cooperation with partners and relationship with company’s rivals.
Thirdly, he should avoid negative drivers to make a right decision. Negative
feelings such as fear may lead to wrong things so he should be aware of the
risks more.
3. How should he deal with the situation?
In my opinion, Sheldon needs to do the following things:
First, he should do a secret investigation into whether Melvin took any action
against the Reprox company.
Second, based on the results of the investigation, Shelton should take
appropriate actions. For example, if Melvin has done bad things then there
should be corporate and legal penalties. For legal involvement, Shelton should
consult with attorneys or the company's legal department. If Melvin didn't do
anything bad. Shelton should move Melvin to another department that has little
to do with the company's confidential information because there is a risk if
Melvin continues to work in important positions but the sales, planning,
marketing or accounting departments. He may disclose important confidential
company information to Lois Markham. The competitor will then be able to
compete and react to Reprox's strategies or even to unfair competition. Maybe
because while Melvin hasn't revealed any important information right now,
that doesn't guarantee he will still do so in the future.
Third, the company should put in place regulations on declaring close
relationships, or relatives to avoid this situation from happening again.
4. Can firms do anything to avoid this type of problem?
As I suggested above, Reprox should put in place regulations on declaring
close relationships, or relatives to avoid this situation from happening again.
The company should let employees sign the commitment and prescribe
disciplinary measures if any employee does not comply with this regulation.

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