Introduction To Physical Education 1 Notes

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An integral part of educational program designed to promote the optimum development of the
individual physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Fitness - A major Goal of Physical Education

-The ability to live a healthy, satisfying and useful life
-The ultimate goal of Physical Education
Good Life - An indiviual satisfies his basic needs physical well-being, love, affection, security
and self-respect

Objectives of Physical Education

● Personal Responsibility - Individual need to become ever more health-concious.
Responsible and informed behaviors are the key to good health
● Health benefits for all people - Lower socio-economic conditions and poor health are
often interrelated. Extending the benefits of good health to all people is crucial to the
health of the nation.
● Health promotion and disease prevention - A shift from treatment to preventive
techniques will drastically cut-health-care cost and help all people to achieve a better
quality of life.

So what is then Physical Fitness?

- The ability of an individual to accomplish daily task effectively and efficiently
- Accomplished task without undue fatigue
- Physical inactivity and sedentary life style seriously threaten our health and hasten the
deterioration rate of the human body
- The ability to live a healthy, satisfying and useful life.

Being Physically Fit means enhancing

● Physical Health - A condition of the body is active, does not get tired or sick easily, is
strong and has full of energy.
● Mental Health - Ability to concentrate on a task for an extended period of time. Ability to
handle stress, relate to others and make choices.
● Emotional Health - A person’s way of handling success as well as defeat, of coping with
everyday problems and stress.
● Social Health - The ability to relate comfortably to different social situations and act
appropriately in variety of settings
● Spiritual Health - Refers to a person’s belief in God’s sense of values, and the ability to
exercise what he believes is right. Research shows that positive beliefs, comfort and
strength from religion, meditation and prayer cotribute to healing and sense of well-being

The end objective of physical activity is HEALTH

Health - Defined as the state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and
not merely an absence of disease or infirmaity.
Physical Fitness - Places an emphasis on having a vigor and energy to perform physical work
an exercise.

Physical Activity - A bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles. It requires energy
expenditure and produces progressive benefits.

Exercise - A type of physical activity that requires planned, structured and repetitive bodily
movements to improve or maintain physical fitness components.

Health and Wellness Benefit of Regular Exercise:

● Improved Cardiovascular Fitness & Health
○ Strong Heart Muscles
○ Increase oxygen to the brain
○ Reduced blood fat
○ Reduced risk of heart attack, stroke and hypertension
● Greater lean body mass and less body fat
○ Greater work efficiency
○ Less suceptible to disease
○ Improved appearance
● Improved strength and muscular endurance
○ Greater work efficiency
○ Less chance of muscle injury
○ Reduced risk of lower back problems
○ Improved performance in sports
○ Improved ability to meet unforeseen emergencies
● Reduce risk of having cancer and diabetes
○ Reduced risk of having colon cancer
○ Possible reduced risk of rectal, reproductive and breast cancer
○ Decreased chance of adult-onset diabetes
○ Improved quality of life for Type 1 diabetes
● Bone Development
○ Greater peak bone density
○ Less chances of osteoporosis
● Reduction of mental tension and fatigue
○ Relief depression
○ Improved sleep habits
○ Fewer stress symptoms
○ Ability to enjoy leisure
○ Possible work improvement
○ Improve ability to meet stressors
● Opportunity for social interaction and successful experiences
○ Improved quality of life
○ Improved self-concept
○ Improved sense of well-being
○ Opportunity to recognize and accept personal limitations
● Improved flexibility
○ Less chances of muscle and joint injury
○ Improve sport performance
○ Decreased chance of low back problems
● Improved effect of acquired aging
○ Improved ability to function daily life
○ Better short-term memory
○ Fewer illness
○ Greater mobility and independence

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