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John M.

Barbara C. Crosby
Melissa Middleton Stone
University of Minnesota

Articles on The Design and Implementation of Cross-Sector

Collaborations: Propositions from the Literature

John M. Bryson is a professor of People who want to tackle tough social problems and that have merged into a new entity to handle prob-
planning and public affairs and associate achieve beneficial community outcomes are beginning to lems through merged authority and capabilities. In
dean for research and centers at the Hubert
H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs,
understand that multiple sectors of a democratic society— the midrange are organizations that share informa-
University of Minnesota. He is also a business, nonprofits and philanthropies, the media, the tion, undertake coordinated initiatives, or develop
member of the institute’s Public and community, and government—must collaborate to deal shared-power arrangements such as collaborations
Nonprofit Leadership Center.
effectively and humanely with the challenges. This article (which may be a distinct organizational form) in order
focuses on cross-sector collaboration that is required to to pool their capabilities to address the problem or
Barbara C. Crosby is an associate remedy complex public problems. Based on an extensive challenge. We thus define cross-sector collaboration
professor of public affairs and planning at
the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public
review of the literature on collaboration, the article as the linking or sharing of information, resources, activi-
Affairs and a member of the institute’s presents a propositional inventory organized around the ties, and capabilities by organizations in two or more
Public and Nonprofit Leadership Center. initial conditions affecting collaboration formation, pro- sectors to achieve jointly an outcome that could not be
cess, structural and governance components, constraints achieved by organizations in one sector separately.
Melissa Middleton Stone is the and contingencies, outcomes, and accountability issues.
Gross Family Professor of Nonprofit Cross-sector collaboration occurs for many reasons.
Management and director of the Public and

Nonprofit Leadership Center at the Hubert
ross-sector collaboration is increasingly The first is simply that we live in a shared-power world
H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, assumed to be both necessary and desirable as in which many groups and organizations are involved
University of Minnesota. a strategy for addressing many of society’s most in, affected by, or have some partial responsibility to
difficult public challenges (Agranoff and McGuire act on public challenges (Crosby and Bryson 2005a).
2003; Goldsmith and Eggers 2004; Kickert, Klijn, Beyond that, in the United States, advocates of power
and Koppenjan 1997; Mandell 2001; Rethemeyer sharing across sectors are often responding to a long-
2005). Indeed, it is difficult to imagine successfully standing critique of the effectiveness of government
addressing global problems, such as the AIDS pan- when it acts on its own. Sometimes, the critique has
demic or terrorism, and domestic concerns, such as been based on facts; at other times, it has been guided
the educational achievement gap between income by principles or ideology favoring limited government
classes and races, without some sort of cross-sector or extolling the virtues of other sectors. The critique
understanding, agreement, and collaboration. By cross- has resulted in waves of deregulation, privatization,
sector collaboration, we mean partnerships involving budget caps and cuts, and the rise of “third-party
government, business, nonprofits and philanthropies, government,” in which nongovernmental actors are
communities, and/or the public as a whole. enlisted to achieve public purposes (Salamon 2002).

Collaboration may be necessary and desirable, but the At the same time, cross-sector collaborations do not
research evidence indicates that it is hardly easy. Based solve all of the problems they tackle. Indeed, some are
on a comprehensive review of the literature, this ar- solved badly, and some solutions have created the
ticle examines the conditions that are likely to prompt problems they were meant to solve. Collaboration—
calls for cross-sector collaboration and offers proposi- especially cross-sector collaboration—is no panacea.
tions to guide the design and implementation of This is partly because of the interconnectedness of
cross-sector collaborations. We assert that collabora- things, such that changes anywhere reverberate unex-
tion occurs in the midrange of how organizations pectedly and sometimes even dangerously throughout
work on public problems (Crosby and Bryson 2005a, the system (Luke 1998). Complex feedback effects
17–18). At one end of the continuum are organiza- abound (Senge 2006). And issues that we previously
tions that hardly relate to each other when it comes to thought about in fairly narrow terms, such as health
dealing with a public problem that extends beyond care, are now being redefined as issues of economic
their capabilities. At the other end are organizations competitiveness, industrial policy, education policy,
44 Public Administration Review • December 2006 • Special Issue
tax and expenditure policy, immigration policy, and INITIAL CONDITIONS
more. How to respond collaboratively and effectively General Environment
to problems that are so interconnected and Turbulence
Competitive and institutional elements
encompassing is a major challenge. Sector Failure

Direct Antecedents
The perceived need to collaborate across sectors has Conveners
General agreement on the problem
provoked two general responses. On one hand, our Existing relationships or networks
own view is that organizational participants in effec-
tive cross-sector collaborations typically have to fail
into their role in the collaboration. In other words, PROCESS STRUCTURE AND
organizations will only collaborate when they cannot Formal and Informal
Forging agreements
get what they want without collaborating (Hudson Building leadership Formal and Informal
Building legitimacy
et al. 1999; Roberts 2001). The second response is to Building trust Structural configuration
Managing conflict Governance structure
assume that collaboration is the Holy Grail of solu- Planning
tions and always best. Often, governments and foun-
dations insist that funding recipients collaborate, CONTINGENCIES
even if they have little evidence that it will work
Type of collaboration
(Barringer and Harrison 2000; Ostrower 2005). Power imbalances
Competing institutional
The following section presents an organizing frame-
work for categorizing the literature on collaborations,
including sections on initial conditions, process di- Public value
mensions, structural and governance dimensions, First-, second-, and third-order effects
Resilience and reassessment
contingencies and constraints, outcomes, and ac- Accountabilities
countability issues. Propositions drawn from the Inputs, processes, and outputs
Results management system
literature are offered throughout. The final section Relationships with political and
summarizes our argument and outlines particular professional constituencies

challenges for future research.

Figure 1 A Framework for Understanding
Cross-Sector Collaborations
A Framework for Understanding
Cross-Sector Collaboration
For each category, we discuss the salient dimensions,
concepts, and research findings and summarize this 1975) also propels organizations toward various types
material into researchable propositions. Figure 1 illus- of interorganizational relationships.
trates the overall framework. The framework empha-
sizes simplicity and does not attempt to capture the Collaborations are subject to both competitive and
extent of interaction among or within categories or institutional pressures that significantly affect their
the nonlinear quality of many collaborative relation- formation as well as long-term sustainability (Oliver
ships and endeavors. 1990; Sharfman, Gray, and Yan 1991). The institu-
tional environment includes normative, legal, and
Initial Conditions regulatory elements that organizations must conform
This category focuses on broad themes related to the to if they are to achieve the legitimacy that is neces-
general environment in which collaborations are sary for survival (DiMaggio and Powell 1983). For
embedded, the notion of sector failure as an over- partnerships focused on public policy or public prob-
looked precondition for collaboration, and other lem solving, the institutional environment is especially
specific and immediate preconditions affecting the important because it includes broad systems of rela-
formation of collaborations. tionships across public jurisdictional areas (Scott and
Meyer 1991) that can directly affect the collaborative
Environmental factors. Work on interorganizational purpose, structure, and outcomes. For example, in
relationships has directly linked certain environmental their study of a public–private partnership in the
conditions with the necessity of single organizations garment industry, Sharfman, Gray, and Yan (1991)
joining with others. Most notably, Emery and Trist found that driving forces in both the competitive and
(1965) argued more than 40 years ago that increased institutional environments helped stimulate the part-
environmental complexity, such that the “ground is in nership’s formation but quickly became restraining
motion,” necessitated linkages among organizations forces that hindered its sustainability. Institutional
to decrease uncertainty and increase organizational forces appeared to be more intractable than competi-
stability. The fundamental need to reduce resource de- tive forces; for example, a decrease in public funds and
pendencies in the environment (Pfeffer and Salancik changes in welfare payment policies created strong
1978) or to decrease transaction costs (Williamson disincentives for the partnership to continue.
Design and Implementation of Cross-Sector Collaboration 45
Proposition 1: Like all interorganizational Waddock 1986). Powerful sponsors or brokering
relationships, cross-sector collaborations are organizations draw attention to an important public
more likely to form in turbulent environments. problem and accord it legitimacy within a stakeholder
In particular, the formation and sustainability group (Crosby and Bryson 2005a). Conveners, who
of cross-sector collaborations are affected by are often recognized as boundary-spanning leaders
driving and constraining forces in the competi- with credibility in multiple arenas touched by the
tive and institutional environments. problem (Kastan 2000), can draw together an initial
set of stakeholders (Gray 1989). Conveners may be
Sector failure. Though environmental factors can powerful individuals, such as a mayor or chief execu-
greatly affect the formation of all interorganizational tive officer, or organizations, such as the United Way
relationships, cross-sector collaborations in particular or a private foundation.
appear to be influenced by the degree to which single
efforts to solve a public problem have failed. We call Second, an important linking mechanism is initial
this sector failure, referring to the often-observed situa- (albeit general) agreement on the problem definition
tion that single-sector efforts to solve a public problem (Gray 1989; Waddock 1986). Agreement can help
are tried first and found wanting before cross-sector clarify the stake or interest that an organization has
efforts are attempted. As a society, we rely on the dif- in resolving the social problem and how much
ferential strengths of the for-profit, public, and non- the organization needs others to solve the problem.
profit sectors to overcome the weaknesses or failures For example, Logsdon (1991) found that both recog-
of the other sectors and to contribute to the creation nized self-interest and acknowledged interdependence
of public value. In the United States, the presumption are necessary preconditions for collaboration
is that we will let markets work until they fail—the formation.
case for government intervention is compelling only if
they fail—and then try fixing the failure; only as a last Third, the role of prior relationships or existing net-
resort are direct government provision of goods and works is important because it is often through these
services offered (Brandl 1998; Weimer and Vining networks that partners judge the trustworthiness of
2004). On the other hand, Salamon (1995) argues other partners and the legitimacy of key stakeholders.
that, historically, the United States has relied first on Scholars call this the degree of structural embeddedness:
voluntary action to solve public problems, moving to The more partners have interacted in positive ways
government solutions (including service provision) in the past, the more social mechanisms will enable
only after “philanthropic failure.” In other words, coordination and safeguard exchanges (Jones,
government solutions, including service provision, Hesterly, and Borgatti 1997; Ring and Van de Ven
have historically been the product of either market 1994). If prior relationships do not exist, then
failure or voluntary action failure. If all three sectors partnerships are likely to emerge more incrementally
fail, we have a public value failure (Bozeman 2002) and begin with small, informal deals that do
that can be addressed in one of several ways: We can not require much trust (Gulati 1995; Ring and
live with the problem, engage in symbolic action Van de Ven 1994).
that does little to address the problem, or mobilize
collective action to fashion a cross-sector solution that Proposition 3: Cross-sector collaborations are
holds the promise of creating public value. For a fuller more likely to succeed when one or more link-
elaboration of this argument, see Crosby and Bryson ing mechanisms, such as powerful sponsors,
(forthcoming). general agreement on the problem, or existing
networks, are in place at the time of their initial
Proposition 2: Public policy makers are most formation.
likely to try cross-sector collaboration when they
believe the separate efforts of different sectors to Process Components
address a public problem have failed or are likely Researchers have emphasized several aspects of process
to fail, and the actual or potential failures within collaborations. We focus on six: forging initial
cannot be fixed by the sectors acting alone. agreements, building leadership, building legitimacy,
building trust, managing conflict, and planning. The
Direct antecedents of collaboration formation. In research on process overlaps with some aspects of the
addition to environmental factors and the actuality or research on initial conditions and structure. For ex-
likelihood of sector failure, other antecedent condi- ample, a key process in collaboration is negotiating
tions, or “linking mechanisms” (Waddock 1986), formal and informal agreements about the purpose of
affect the likelihood of collaboration formation. the collaboration after some initial agreement on
Three are emphasized here. problem definition has been reached. By agreeing on
the purpose of the collaboration, partners may con-
First, a brokering organization or a legitimate conve- sider elements of structure, such as roles, responsibili-
ner can facilitate collaboration formation (Gray 1989; ties, and decision-making authority.
46 Public Administration Review • December 2006 • Special Issue
Forging initial agreement. Informal agreements other assurances their interests will be taken into
about the collaboration’s composition, mission, account (Alexander et al. 2001). The development of
and process can work (Donahue 2004), but for- informal leadership throughout a collaboration is
mal agreements have the advantage of supporting especially important because participants often cannot
accountability. The need to have different types of rely on a lot of clear-cut, easily enforced, centralized
initial agreements and to rework agreements is likely direction. (For example, lead organizations may not
to increase as collaborations grow to include more be powerful enough to lead in a traditional sense, or
geographically dispersed partners and diverse actors an individual participant may be a formal leader in a
within a problem domain (Kastan 2000). partner organization but not play a formal leadership
role in the collaboration.) Because leader turnover is
Elements of formal agreements might include a broad to be expected in collaborations that continue for
purpose, mandate, commitment of resources, designa- years, collaborating partners have an incentive to pre-
tion of formal leadership, description of members, pare successors and build in ways that will sustain the
decision-making structure, and built-in flexibility (such collaboration during changes in leadership (Alexander
as allowing waivers) for dealing with local conditions et al. 2001; Merrill-Sands and Sheridan 1996).
and changes (Arino and de la Torre 1998; Crosby and
Bryson 2005a; Page 2004). When partners do not Proposition 5: Cross-sector collaborations are
completely agree on a shared purpose, they may not be more likely to succeed when they have
able to agree on next steps (Huxham and Vangen 2005). committed sponsors and effective champions
Studies of collaboration highlight the importance of a at many levels who provide formal and
drafting process that is highly participatory and involves informal leadership.
key stakeholders and implementers (Page 2004). Less
powerful partners may have more difficulty than others Building legitimacy. As institutional theory con-
advocating their interests in this process, although man- tends, an organization that seeks to acquire the
agers of the process can use several techniques to equal- resources necessary for survival must build legitimacy
ize power (Crosby and Bryson 2005a, 2000b). by making use of structures, processes, and strategies
that are appropriate for the institutional environment
Proposition 4: The form and content of a (Suchman 1995). However, when a newly organized
collaboration’s initial agreements, as well as the entity is a network of organizations, not a single
processes used to formulate them, affect the organization, how does the network gain legitimacy
outcomes of the collaboration’s work. to begin with? A network or collaboration is not auto-
matically regarded by others—insiders or outsiders—
Building leadership. Collaborations provide mul- as a legitimate organizational entity because it is
tiple roles for formal and informal leaders (see, e.g., less understandable and recognizable than more
Agranoff and McGuire 2003; Crosby and Bryson traditional forms, such as bureaucratic structures. In
2005b). Formal leadership positions might include their research, Human and Provan (2000) found that
co-chairs of a steering committee, coordinator of a three necessary and distinct dimensions are critical
collaborative, or project director. To be effective, these for networks: (1) the legitimacy of the network as a
people need formal and informal authority, vision, form that can attract internal and external support and
long-term commitment to the collaboration, integ- resources; (2) the legitimacy of the network as an entity
rity, and relational and political skills (Crosby and that is recognizable to both insiders and outsiders; and
Bryson 2005a; Gray 1989; Waddock 1986). Two key (3) the legitimacy of the network as an interaction that
leadership roles are sponsors and champions (Crosby builds trust among members to freely communicate
and Bryson 2005a). Sponsors are individuals who within the network.
have considerable prestige, authority, and access to
resources they can use on behalf of the collaboration, Proposition 6: Cross-sector collaborations are
even if they are not closely involved in the day-to-day more likely to succeed when they establish—
collaborative work. Champions are people who with both internal and external stakeholders—
focus intently on keeping the collaboration going the legitimacy of collaboration as a form of
and use process skills to help the collaboration organizing, as a separate entity, and as a source
accomplish its goals. of trusted interaction among members.

The parceling out of formal Building trust. Trusting

leadership positions has implica-
The parceling out of formal relationships are often depicted
tions for the level of buy-in leadership positions has as the essence of collaboration.
among the collaborating part- implications for the level of Paradoxically, they are both the
ners. If more powerful partners buy-in among the lubricant and the glue—that
receive plum positions, less collaborating partners. is, they facilitate the work of
powerful partners may require collaboration and they hold the
Design and Implementation of Cross-Sector Collaboration 47
collaboration together. Trust can comprise interper- resources and tactics to equalize power and
sonal behavior, confidence in organizational com- manage conflict effectively.
petence and expected performance, and a common
bond and sense of goodwill (Chen and Graddy 2005). Planning. Two different approaches to planning in
Many researchers realize that collaborations begin collaborative settings are evident in the literature. One
with varying degrees of trust but emphasize that trust approach emphasizes deliberate, formal planning as
building is an ongoing requirement for successful col- a precursor to success. Careful articulation of mis-
laboration (Huxham and Vangen 2005; Ring and Van sion, goals, and objectives; roles and responsibilities;
de Ven 1994). Collaboration partners build trust by and phases or steps, including implementation, are
sharing information and knowledge and demonstrat- often cited as an important key to success (Mattessich,
ing competency, good intentions, and follow-through; Murray-Close, and Monsey 2001). This approach—
conversely, failure to follow through and unilateral what Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, and Lampel (1998) call
action undermine trust (Arino and de la Torre 1998; “deliberate” and McCaskey (1974) calls “planning
Merrill-Sands and Sheridan 1996). For example, from goals”—appears to be most likely when col-
Huxham and Vangen (2005) emphasize the effective- laboration is mandated. The second approach argues
ness of achieving “small wins” together. that a clear understanding of mission, goals, roles,
and action steps is more likely to emerge over time
Proposition 7: Cross-sector collaborations are as conversations involving individuals, groups, and
more likely to succeed when trust-building organizations grow to encompass a broader network
activities (such as nurturing cross-sectoral and of involved or affected parties (Huxham and Vangen
cross-cultural understanding) are continuous. 2005; Winer and Ray 1994). This approach—what
Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, and Lampel (1998) call “emer-
Managing conflict. Conflict in a collaboration gent” and McCaskey (1974) calls “planning from
emerges from the differing aims and expectations thrust”—seems most likely when collaboration is not
that partners bring to a collaboration, from differing mandated. Clearly, careful attention to stakeholders is
views about strategies and tactics, and from attempts crucial for successful planning regardless of approach
to protect or magnify a partner’s control over the (Bryson 2004; Page 2004). The process should also
collaboration’s work or outcomes. The mission of the be used to build trust and the capacity to manage con-
collaboration may also affect levels of conflict. For flict effectively (Bryson 2004). Planning is more likely
example, if the collaboration is formed mainly to plan to be successful to the extent that it builds on the dis-
for systems change rather to agree on how to deliver tinctive competencies of the collaborators, including
a service, the level of conflict may be higher (Bolland those arising from the sectors in which they operate
and Wilson 1994). Furthermore, Gray (1996) has (Bryson, Ackermann, and Eden, forthcoming).
found that power issues, as prime sources of conflict,
vary by phases. As groups try to agree on the nature Proposition 9: Cross-sector collaborations are
of the problem that concerns them, issues are likely to more likely to succeed when they combine
revolve around convening and inclusion; as they de- deliberate and emergent planning; deliberate
bate the direction they should take in dealing with the planning is emphasized more in mandated
problem, issues concern the shaping of the collabora- collaborations and emergent planning is em-
tion agenda and sharing of relevant information; once phasized more in nonmandated collaborations.
the implementation is under way, power issues revolve
around the exercise of influence, action authorization, Proposition 10: Cross-sector collaborations are
and resource control (Gray 1996). more likely to succeed when their planning
makes use of stakeholder analyses, emphasizes
Conflict may be exacerbated when the collaborating responsiveness to key stakeholders, uses the
organizations differ in status (either because of size, process to build trust and the capacity to
funding, or reputation). Less powerful partners will manage conflict, and builds on distinctive
need assurance that their interests are being taken into competencies of the collaborators.
account, or else their involvement and commitment
cannot be counted on (Merrill-Sands and Sheridan Structure and Governance
1996). It may be wise for collaborators to use their Structure is a highly developed concept in organiza-
resources to put all participants on a more equal tion theory and typically includes elements such as
footing—for example, by educating participants about goals, specialization of tasks and division of labor,
the concepts, information, and tools that are key to its rules and standard operating procedures, and desig-
work (Keast et al. 2004). nated authority relationships. Structure concerns
vertical and horizontal components. The need for
Proposition 8: Because conflict is common in organizations to both differentiate and integrate across
partnerships, cross-sector collaborations are components is a common structural tension (see, e.g.,
more likely to succeed when partners use Bolman and Deal 2003; Scott 1987). Within the
48 Public Administration Review • December 2006 • Special Issue
collaboration literature, structure has not attracted the Proposition 12: Collaborative structure is
same degree of interest, in part because researchers likely to change over time because of ambiguity
have emphasized organizing as a process over organiza- of membership and complexity in local
tion, meaning more formal structural arrangements. environments.
Indeed, structure and process often interact in
collaborations. For example, building leadership is a Structural configurations. Two important studies
process that may produce informal leadership activi- concern the extent to which structural configurations
ties, as well as formally designated authority positions. relate to the overall effectiveness of networks in the
In this section, we will focus on research that recog- adult mental health policy field (Provan and Milward
nizes structure in relation to other important elements 1995; Provan and Sebastian 1998). Here, effectiveness
of the collaboration context and links structural is defined as the achievement of desired outcomes
components to overall effectiveness. from the client’s perspective. The first study
found that networks centralized around a lead
Structure in context. Collaboration scholars are quick organization were more effective than dense,
to point out that structure is influenced by context, strongly tied networks, raising questions about the
including system stability and the degree of resource effectiveness of “fully integrated” networks (Provan
munificence (Human and Provan 1997; Provan and and Milward 1995). The second study highlighted
Milward 1995; Sharfman, Gray, and Yan 1991; Van the importance of cliques within networks in which a
de Ven and Walker 1984). For example, changes in dense integration of services takes place at the client
government policy often destabilize systems or alter level among a few network members (Provan and
resources in the policy fields in which networks are Sebastian 1998).
embedded and hence rearrange the structure of ties
among members (Sharfman, Gray, and Yan 1991; Proposition 13: Collaboration structure and
Stone 2004). the nature of the tasks performed at the client
level are likely to influence a collaboration’s
The strategic purpose of the network or partnership overall effectiveness.
also appears to affect structure. Agranoff and McGuire
(1998), in examining local economic development Governance. An elusive question is what constitutes
networks, make an important distinction between the governance for networks or collaborations. If we as-
strategic purposes of those networks, delineating sume that networks are horizontal systems, then a hi-
policy-making and strategy-making networks from erarchical concept such as governance is troublesome
resource-exchange and project-based networks. They (Provan and Kenis 2005). However, governance as a
find that differences in purpose are related to the set of coordinating and monitoring activities must oc-
composition and size of networks. cur in order for collaborations to survive. Some argue
that network governance emerges through frequent,
Furthermore, structures are likely to be dynamic be- structured exchanges that develop network level val-
cause of the ambiguity and complexity that is inherent ues, norms, and trust, enabling social mechanisms to
in collaborations (Huxham and Vangen 2005). coordinate and monitor behavior (Jones, Hesterly, and
Ambiguity arises from many features of membership, Borgatti 1997; Ostrom 1990).
including perceptions of who belongs to the collabora-
tion, what these members actually represent In addition to social mechanisms, the choice among
(themselves, their organizations, or a particular types of governance structure is likely to influence
identity group), and turnover among members. network effectiveness (Provan and Kenis 2005).
Membership turnover may be especially important These types include (1) self-governing structures
when powerful players such as top elected officials in which decision making occurs through regular
leave, join, or alter their level of involvement in the meetings of members or through informal,
collaboration (Crosby and Bryson 2005a; Kastan frequent interactions; (2) a lead organization that
2000). This ambiguity is further exacerbated by provides major decision-making and coordinating
hierarchies of collaborations in which individuals and activities; and (3) a network administrative organiza-
organizations are often members of multiple and over- tion, which is a separate organization formed to over-
lapping partnerships. For self-governing partnerships see network affairs. Contingencies such as network
(Provan and Kenis 2005) in particular, structures may size and the degrees of trust among members influ-
begin to blur among these interrelated, multiple ence which form is appropriate, and managerial
partnerships. choice is critical for matching the best form to
Proposition 11: Collaborative structure is
influenced by environmental factors such as Proposition 14: Formal and informal govern-
system stability and the collaboration’s ing mechanisms are likely to influence
strategic purpose. collaboration effectiveness.
Design and Implementation of Cross-Sector Collaboration 49
Contingencies and Constraints Affecting Process, Proposition 16: Cross-sector collaborations are
Structure, and Governance more likely to succeed when they build in
In this section, we draw attention to three factors resources and tactics for dealing with power
that have been shown in the research or in theory to imbalances and shocks.
have an influence on a collaboration’s process,
structure, and governance, as well as its overall sus- Competing institutional logics. Building legitimacy,
tainability. These factors include the type of collabo- leadership, and trust, along with managing conflict,
ration, power imbalances among members, and becomes more complex in multisector collaborations
competing institutional logics within the because of the likelihood that members represent
collaboration. and enact competing institutional logics. Institu-
tional logics are macro-level historical patterns, both
Collaboration type. Important differences exist symbolic and material, that establish the formal and
among partnerships formed for system-level plan- informal rules of the game and provide interpretations
ning (identifying and defining system problems and of action (Friedland and Alford 1991; Thornton and
solutions), administrative activities (involving resource Ocasio 1999). For example, the logic of the market
transactions, such as staff sharing), or service deliv- includes the material practices of accumulation and
ery (such as client referral agreements) (Bolland and ownership, where competition and efficiency are part
Wilson 1994). Service delivery partnerships are more of its symbolic system. The logic of the bureaucratic
frequent and easier to sustain than those aimed at state concerns the regulation of human activity and
planning for systems change because system-level plan- includes legal and bureaucratic hierarchies, rules, and
ning activities, like agenda setting in the public policy standard operating procedures. The logic of democ-
process, involve negotiating tough questions about the racy emphasizes popular control over human activity
problem and creative solutions (Bolland and Wilson and citizen participation with symbolic supporting
1994). Similarly, Alter (1990) found that partnerships systems such as voluntary association (Friedland and
involving administrative-level managers are more Alford 1991). Logics influence organization-level
prone to conflict, whereas those coordinating ser- behavior by focusing the attention of decision makers
vice delivery among line staff experience greater on issues, outcomes, and sources
cooperation. of power that are consistent with the dominant logic
and away from those that are inconsistent with that
Proposition 15: Collaborations involving system- logic (Thornton and Ocasio 1999).
level planning activities are likely to involve the
most negotiation, followed by collaborations Logics compete because actions, processes, norms, and
focused on administrative-level partnerships structures that are seen as legitimate from the vantage
and service delivery partnerships. point of one institutional logic may be seen as less
legitimate or even illegitimate from the perspective of
Power imbalances. Huxham and Vangen (2005) another logic. For example, the contradictions embed-
identify power imbalances ded in a cross-sector collabora-
among collaborating partners
as a source of mistrust and
Logics compete because actions, tion might include the extent to
which efficiency (the market),
therefore a threat to effective processes, norms, and structures adherence to bureaucratic rules
collaboration. Power imbalances that are seen as legitimate (the state), or inclusive participa-
become most significant when from the vantage point of one tion (democracy) is regarded
partners have difficulty agreeing institutional logic may be seen by collaboration members as
on a shared purpose. In addition, as less legitimate or even essential to the design of the
over time, a collaboration is
likely to experience both exog-
illegitimate from the perspective collaboration’s process, structure,
governance, and desired outcomes.
enous and endogenous shocks of another logic.
that affect relations among Proposition 17: Competing
partners, resources, and even the purpose of the col- institutional logics are likely within cross-sector
laboration. Once-reliable funding streams may dry collaborations and may significantly influence
up and others may flow. The demographics of the the extent to which collaborations can agree on
collaboration’s clientele may change. The collaboration essential elements of process, structure, gover-
may be caught up in scandals involving one or more nance, and desired outcomes.
members or in partisan political shifts. Some mem-
bers may drop out and new ones join. Tactics such Outcomes
as strategic planning and scenario development This section discusses the outcomes of cross-sector
can help collaborations anticipate and shape future collaboration in three categories: public value; first-,
developments and manage shifts in power effectively second-, and third-order effects; and resilience and
(Bryson 2004). reassessment.
50 Public Administration Review • December 2006 • Special Issue
Public value. We argue that the point of creating and Proposition 19: Cross-sector collaborations are
sustaining cross-sector collaboratives ought to be the most likely to create public value when they
production of “public value” (Moore 1995) that can- produce positive first-, second-, and third-order
not be created by single sectors alone. Public effects.
value in cross-sector collaborations is most likely
created by making use of each sector’s characteristic Resilience and reassessment. Collaborating partners
strengths while also finding ways to minimize, over- need to be able to regroup and reframe after failure
come, or compensate for each sector’s characteristic (Crosby and Bryson 2005a). Obviously, failure to
weaknesses. Playing to the strengths of the different achieve desired outcomes can erode support for
sectors seems logically linked to managing costs collaboration, but successes can cause supporters
effectively and attending to diverse human needs to forget the need to sustain the collaboration. If
and aspirations. big wins are not possible, the collaboration should
orchestrate small wins that accomplish its strategies.
Especially valuable is the creation of a “regime of Whether big or small, the wins should be publicized.
mutual gain” that produces widespread, lasting public After a regime of mutual gain has been fully imple-
benefits at reasonable cost and taps people’s deepest mented, leaders should assess whether it should be
interest in and desire for a better world (Crosby and continued, modified, or terminated (Crosby and
Bryson 2005a, 23). By regime, we mean “sets of Bryson 2005a).
implicit or explicit principles, rules, norms, and
decision-making procedures around which actors’ Proposition 20: Cross-sector collaborations
expectations converge in a given area” (Krasner are most likely to create public value when
1983, 2). We suspect that to be lasting, such regimes they are resilient and engage in regular
must effectively link individuals’ and organizations’ reassessments.
self-interests and sector capabilities with the
common good. Accountability
Accountability is a particularly complex issue for
Proposition 18: Cross-sector collaborations are collaborations because it is not often clear whom the
most likely to create public value when they collaborative is accountable to and for what. Relation-
build on individuals’ and organizations’ ships between the collaborative and home organiza-
self-interests and each sector’s characteristic tions may be abstruse, and multiple stakeholder
strengths while finding ways to minimize, perceptions typically compete in defining results and
overcome, or compensate for each sector’s outcomes.
characteristic weaknesses.
Accountability may pertain to inputs, process, or
First-, second-, and third-order effects. Innes and outcomes. Donahue (2004) suggests three general
Booher (1999) argue that collaborative planning criteria by which to judge the success of cross-sector
efforts have first-, second-, and third-order positive ef- collaborations: (1) simply existing, (2) meeting the
fects. First-order effects are immediately discernible as organizational imperatives of the partners, and (3)
a direct result of the collaboration process. These in- outperforming feasible alternative arrangements for
clude the creation of social, intellectual, and political creating public value. Page argues, “An accountable
capital; high-quality agreements; and innovative strat- collaborative . . . needs a measurement system to
egies. Second-order effects are likely to occur when document its results and how those results change
collaboration is well under way, or else they may occur over time. It also needs a ‘managing for results’
outside the formal boundaries of the effort. These system that links the data it measures to specific
might include new partnerships, coordination and actors and interventions, that provides critical
joint action, joint learning that extends beyond the performance information to its stakeholders,
collaborative, implementation of agreements, changes and that uses the information to improve its opera-
in practices, and changes in perceptions. Finally, third- tions” (2004, 592). To implement such a system,
order effects may not be evident until some time later. collaborating partners need “strong relationships with
These might include, for example, new collaborations; key political and professional constituencies as well as
more co-evolution and less destructive conflict among the capacity to measure results and use the informa-
partners; results on the ground, such as the adaptation tion strategically to improve performance” (Page
of services, resources, cities, and regions; new institu- 2004, 593). Of course, accountability may not
tions; new norms and social heuristics for addressing always be clear-cut—for example, when a collabora-
public problems; and new modes of discourse. Gray tive works with other collaboratives. Additionally,
(2000) offers a different but complementary list of collaborating organizations may have their own ac-
outcomes: achieving goals, generating social capital, countability frameworks that conflict with the collab-
creating shared meaning, increasing interaction, and oration’s accountability approach (Sullivan, Barnes,
shifting the power distribution. and Matka 2002).
Design and Implementation of Cross-Sector Collaboration 51
Proposition 21: Cross-sector collaborations are influenced by (or influence) critical process variables,
more likely to be successful when they have an which have also been shown to influence effectiveness.
accountability system that tracks inputs, pro-
cesses, and outcomes; use a variety of methods Part of the intellectual challenge of studying cross-
for gathering, interpreting, and using data; and sector collaboration is blending multiple theoretical
use a results management system that is built on and research perspectives (Rethemeyer 2005). Many
strong relationships with key political and public management scholars view these collaborations
professional constituencies. as “networks,” use network theory to ground research
questions, and situate their research within recent work
Summary and Research Agenda on policy implementation tools. This perspective offers
As the propositions presented here indicate, cross- a rich theoretical base focused on structural variables,
sector collaborations are difficult to create and even but it tends to disregard three critical components of
more difficult to sustain because so much must be in cross-sector collaboration: (1) an appreciation of the
place and work well for them to succeed. The chal- uniqueness and differential strengths and weaknesses of
lenge of designing and implementing effective cross- governments, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and
sector collaboration is daunting—a conclusion that communities; (2) ongoing process dimensions, includ-
leads to a perhaps unwelcome summary proposition: ing leadership broadly defined; and (3) the dynamic
nature of collaborative development. On the other
Proposition 22: The normal expectation ought hand, scholars who focus on collaborations as collec-
to be that success will be very difficult to tive action solutions to public problems offer less theo-
achieve in cross-sector collaborations. retically grounded research but rich material on process
dimensions, sources of ambiguity within collaborative
Success depends on leadership of many different kinds. work, and findings that can more easily be translated
We have highlighted leadership roles such as sponsors, to the world of practice. Scholars from each perspective
champions, boundary spanners, and facilitators. But rarely use research from the other perspective and thus
Huxham and Vangen argue that leadership—in the consistently miss opportunities to explore more facets
sense of what “makes things happen” (2005, 202–12)— of collaboration. Future research must bridge these two
also occurs through structures and processes. Therefore, perspectives to begin to capture the complexity that is
the leadership challenge in cross-sector collaboration inherent in cross-sector collaborations.
may be viewed as a challenge of aligning initial condi-
tions, processes, structures, governance, contingencies Furthermore, a quick scan of our propositions shows a
and constraints, outcomes, and accountabilities such mix of environmental factors that managers have little
that good things happen in a sustained way over time— control over and strategic choices that managers may
indeed, so that public value can be created. have some control over. Support from the institutional
environment is critical for legitimizing cross-sector
To say that cross-sector collaborations are complex collaboration but is not easily controlled by local
entities that defy easy generalization is an understate- managers. On the other hand, the choice of governing
ment. Studies of interorganizational collaboration have mechanism, stakeholder participants, planning pro-
proliferated, producing rich material for those who cesses, and conflict management techniques, for ex-
seek to understand the relationships among the initial ample, are likely within the purview of managerial
conditions, processes, structures, governance, contin- choice. We have attempted to demonstrate in this
gencies and constraints, outcomes, and accountabili- article that research must pay attention to the external
ties of collaborations. Yet few, if any, research studies environment in which cross-sector collaborations are
have gathered data on all of these in a way that could embedded. Many of these components represent
easily guide research or help policy makers in govern- strategic contingencies that influence but do not nec-
ment, business, nonprofits, the media, or communities essarily determine managerial or collaborative action.
understand when cross-sector collaborations make Leaders and managers, constrained though they may
sense, let alone how to design and implement them. be, are likely to produce independent effects on col-
We have identified, in summary fashion, 22 proposi- laboration success (Agranoff and McGuire 2003).
tions related to collaboration outcomes and success.
The variables referenced in these propositions may lead The research challenges involved in studying cross-
directly to success, but they are more likely to be inter- sector collaborations and providing practical, research-
related with, moderated by, or mediated by other based guidance to policy makers regarding the design
variables; embedded in fairly complicated feedback and implementation of cross-sector collaborations are
loops; and change over time. For example, it is likely clearly substantial. But the challenges must be met or
that structural variables such as the degree of network else effectively addressing the major public problems
centralization relate to network effectiveness. However, that confront us will be unlikely, and some of the
structural variables appear to be moderated or medi- most important opportunities for creating public
ated by environmental factors and may or may not be value will be missed.
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