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Prepared by: Dilshad Muhammad Ali ‫ دلَشاد حممد على‬.

‫ م‬: ‫ئامادةكردنى‬
Episode 1

1-The captain arrived with his sea-chest one day,……..

a-and decided to stay at the Admiral Benbow.
2-Captain Bill seemed to like the bay and its cliffs………
a-because it was quiet and he could watch the ships out at sea.
3-Back at the inn every evening, he used to drink and sing, and tell frightening stories………..
a-which he ordered everyone to hear in silence.
4-Jim realized that the captain Bill was nervous about other sailors ………
a-and he was especially worried about a seaman who only had one leg.
5-While the captain Bill was staying at the Admiral Benbow, Jim's father became ill,…..
a-so Dr. Livesey came to look after him.
6-One day when the captain Bill was out watching for the ships, a horrible looking man called Black Dog
a-and hid behind the door, waiting to surprise the captain on his return.
7- The old sailor used his …. in a fight with Dr. Livesey, and then he had a sword fight with ….
a- sword / Black Dog b- knife / Black Dog c- chest / the blind man d- knife / Jim's father
8-The old sailor (Captain Bill) offered to give Jim a silver four penny if he would keep an eye open for..
a- Black Dog b- captain Bill c- John Silver d- a little drinking of rum

Episode 2
9- The packet that Jim took from the sea chest contained ……………….
a- a packet and a book b- a book and a roll of paper
c- a map and a Spanish watch d- many small objects
10- The first red cross , the second red cross and the third red cross on the treasure map showed ……….
a. the Skelton Island b. where the treasure/silver/ weapons were buried
c. the place of the stockade d. Ben Gunn's cave

Episode 3
11- Captain Smollett didn't like the voyage because ……………… .
a- the Hispaniola wasn't a good ship b- it was too far to go
c- it was dangerous d- it was secretly planned
12- The Spy glass was the name of ……………….
a- a hill in the treasure island b- John Silver's inn c- none of them d- both of them
13- The squire asked his ………………. to send a ship if they didn't come back in August.
a- captain Smollett b- friend Blandly
c- captain long John Silver d- cabin boy
14- Jim saw the Black Dog for the second time ……………….
a-in the treasure island b- on the Hispaniola
c-in the spy glass inn d- in the spy glass hill
15- Blandly helped the squire to ……………….
a-find the crew b-find the cook c-get the Hispaniola and captain Smollett d-get the note to John Silver
16- The captain Smollett didn’t like the crew that the squire brought with him because …………
a.- Smollett couldn’t choose them himself b- they were too friendly with the squire
c- The sea cook was planning to take the real map d- Jim went ashore with the other thirteen men
17- During the period before the Hispaniola was prepared …………….
a- Jim and the squire were in Bristol b-Dr. Livesey and the squire had been called away to London
c- Jim was at the Hall with old Tom Redruth d- Silver and his men were inside the stockade
Episode 4
18-Jim Hawkins climbed into the barrel on deck
a-to get himself an apple to eat
19-Israel Hands and Long John Silver disagreed about
a-when to take the ship from the squire and the others
20-When Smollett showed Long John Silver the map, he asked him to say…….
a-Where he had once landed for supplies and water.
21-After Jim had told what he had heard in the barrel, they guessed that……
a-Long John Silver might have nearly three quarters of everyone on board on his side.
22-Captain Smollett said that they should attack the pirates…..
a-only when they had found out which sailors were for the pirates and which were not.
23- …………….. Jim started to know Long John Silver and see him at work.
a- During the voyage b- While they were at the Admiral Benbow c- In Bristol d- At the Hall
24- The new copy of the map was contained every detail apart from ……………..
a- the red crosses b- the red crosses and the written notes.
c-the names of the hills and bays d- the red crosses, the latitude and longitude
25-Captain Smollett said ‘We must go on, because we couldn’t turn back. If I told them to turn back …..
a- Silver would kill Jim Hawkins b- Dr. Livesey and the squire would be angry
c- the pirates would attack them immediately d- Israel Hands would kill one of the honest men

Episode 5
26-After Hispaniola reached the island next morning,……….
a-the crew stopped following orders properly and started grumbling.
27-The men were clearly close mutiny,………
a-and they had a meeting in the cabin and decided what to do.
28-Smollett decided that Silver and most of the crew should go ashore………..
a-because Silver would tell the men to work properly to hide his secret plan.
29-Jim decided to drop into one of the pirates' boats, but Silver saw him……..
a-so when the boats reached the beach, the boy jumped out and ran into woods for safety.
30-When Jim heard voices in the woods, he quietly moved closer………
a-and saw that it was Silver and one of the crew called Tom.
31-Jim saw that Silver was trying to persuade Tom to join the pirates, ……..
a- and when Tom refused, Silver cruelly killed the poor man.
32-Silver blew the whistle, and Jim guessed that he called more men,………….
a-and so he ran back through the woods to save his own life.
33-Ben Gunn First came to the Treasure Island many years ago,………
a-when he was a member of Flint's crew.
34-When Ben Gunn first saw Jim, he had frightened ………..
a-that Jim might be from Flint's crew.
35-When Flint was the captain, ……….
a-Billy Bones was the ship's mate and Long John Silver was looking after the supplies.
36-On his second visit to the Treasure Island, Ben Gunn persuaded the new crew……
a-and they looked for the treasure for twelve days.
37-During the three years on the island, Ben Gunn seemed to find the treasure because……
a-he said that he was rich.
38-Ben Gunn promised to give Jim some of his treasure because………
a-Jim was the first to find him.
39-Ben Gunn hoped that the squire would help him………
a-to leave the Treasure Island forever on the Hispaniola.
40- When Flint was the captain, the one legged man was ……………… .
a- looking after supplies b- ship mate c- a coxswain d- gunner
41- When Ben Gunn had found the treasure by himself, he ……………….
a- moved it to the cave b- asked Jim to take half
c- left it on the Spy Glass hill d- put it on his small boat
42- Ben Gunn told Jim that he hadn’t spoken to anyone ……………..
a- since he was working with captain Flint b- for twelve days c- for two weeks d- for three years
43- When Jim dropped down secretly into the little boat, he thought no one had seen him but …… .
a- Long John Silver and Israel Hands did b- (the cook) Long John Silver saw him
c- he couldn’t reach the, boat and fell dead d- he found nothing there and returned back empty handed
44- The captain Flint had buried the treasure with the help of ……………… but he had killed them all.
a- five men b- six strong men c-his first mate and the Balck Dog d- Ben Gun and Silver
45-As soon as they arrived at the island most of the crew lay around on deck grumbling together and ….
a. Tom and Mr. Arrow were killed on the island. b. they asked Dick to bring them some rum.
c. the man of the island appeared suddenly. d. orders were followed slowly and carelessly.
46- Silver killed Tom because …………….
a- he knew Silver's plans b- he helped Jim run away
c- he refused to join the pirates d- he lived there for three years
47- Flint had killed the six strong sailors and …………….
a- used their body as supplies. b- put them high above the wooden house.
c- asked Silver to take the map. d- left their body as pointer to the treasure.

Episode 6
48- Choose the name of the black flag of piracy in the story.
a- Jolly Roger b- Skelton c- Marooned d- Flint
49- The captain Bill was Flint's ………….. but Israel Hands was his……………
a- first mate / gunner b- cook / officer c- officer / coxswain d- captain / cabin boy
50- The pirates started throwing cannon balls towards the stockade because ……………….
a- they wanted to finish the balls b- they saw the flag on it
c- Dr. Livesey gave Silver the real map d- Jim Hawking wasn't there
51- Dr. Livesey decided to move the weapons and the supplies to the stockade because ………………
a- the squire was holding the captain b- Jim was on the island alone
c- the treasure was found by Ben Gunn d- the majority of the pirates didn’t have guns.
52- When the squire shot his muskets, the shot hit ……….
a. Silver b. Israel Hands c. Abraham Gray d. none of them
53- The captain Smollett promised the cook to …………….
a- give him two thousand coins. b- take Ben Gunn's boat and ride the sea.
c- send him to the stockade d- take him home to England for a fair trial

Episode 7
54- Jim Hawkins used the little boat to ……………… .
a- ride the sea and free the ship b- find the treasure
c- visit the stockade d- go to the Admiral Benbow
55- Dr. Livesey was happy to give the map to Long Silver because ……………..
a- he was afraid of him b- the map was not the real map, it was a new copy
c- The map was useless (the treasure had been found) d- he wanted to take Jim back
56- The reason why captain Silver didn’t let his men kill Jim was that ……………..
a- he didn’t want to be hanged b- he didn’t trust his crew
c- he wanted to sell his inn d- he wanted to use him as a hostage
57-Jim left the stockade…..
a -at the end of the afternoon.
58-The doctor and Jim…..
a-both took weapons when they left the stockade.
59-Before Jim left the stockade, his plan was………
a-to find Ben Gunn's boat.
60-Jim sailed the boat out to the Hispaniola………..
a-in order to let the ship go and stop the pirates from using it.
61-When Jim cut the rope, the ship and the boat started moving………..
a-in roughly the same direction along the line of the shore.
62-When Jim saw the Hispaniola again next morning……….
a-he had the idea of getting the ship back from the pirates.
63- According to the bargain between Silver and Dr. Livesey.
a- Jim should stay at the island with Ben Gunn b- Dr. Livesey should look after two injured men
c-Silver should be the captain of the ship d-They should take supplies and medicine chest to the stockade
64- The second reckless thing that Jim did was when he decided to take …………..
a- the little boat to free the Hispaniola b- Ben Gunn to the squire
c- a note to the spy glass inn d- tell Ben Gunn their crisis
65- Jim Hawkins used ………………. to ride the sea and cut the rope from the Hispaniola.
a- Ben Gunn's boat b- two little boars c- pistols and a bag of biscuits d- the apple barrel
66- Dr. Livesey gave the stockade and the map to John Silver because ……………….
a- he was afraid of them b-the stockade was destroyed
c-the treasure was found and the map was useless d- Captain Smollett was in danger
67- Jim was able to stop the pirates using the Hispaniola by ………………
a- freeing the ship from her anchor b- making himself a hostage of Silver.
c- throwing cannon balls towards the wooden house d- killing Alan and Tom
68- When Jim used the small boat and became alone at sea, he ……….
a. remembered the song and the Admiral Benbow. b. dreamed about home and their inn.
c. thoughts that there still be honest men on board. d. got, himself some raisins.
69- Jim was able to beach the Hispaniola because …………….
a- he wanted to use it and go to the secret cave. b- his father was an old sailor
c-Israel Hands gave him the instructions how to do it. d- captain Smollett and the squire wasn't friendly

Episode 8
70-Silver changed his men's mind and made them support him again……….
a-when he threw the map in front of them.
71-In the morning when Jim was in the stockade with the pirates, the doctor came to the stockade….
a-to look after the injuries of the two of the sailors.
72-When the doctor told Silver to expect trouble, he meant that………
a- the pirates would find just an empty hole instead of the treasure.
73-After Silver stopped his men from killing Jim, they went outside to discuss Silver…..
a-and to decide whether to get rid of him as their leader.
74-Before hearing Jim's explanation, the doctor felt that……….However, after he heard it,……
a-the boy had been very cowardly to leave Smollett/ he felt that the boy had saved all their lives
75-When going to find the treasure, the pirates were frightened …………..
a-first to find a skeleton and then to hear what they thought was the sound of a ghost singing
76- When the doctor told Silver to expect trouble he meant that …………..
a- Silver would die b- Jim would run away
c- he would save him in the court d- the treasure was found
77- Only …………….. who had sailed from Bristol returned with the ship.
a- thirteen men b- John Silver c-five men d- a third of the crew
78-The squire, Dr. Livesey and Jim decided to go ashore for the evening when …………….
a- the squire went to Bristol to buy the ship. b- they saw Silver with the white flag.
c- ca ptain Smollett put the flag high up the stockade. d- they reached a beautiful Mexican bay

Best luck for all

‫سةنتةرى بةهرةدارانى ثةروةردةيى‬

12 ‫بؤ خوىل ثؤىل‬
‫كؤآلنى بةرامبةر ضيَشتخانةى مالَى دايكم‬-‫شؤرش‬-‫هةوليَر‬
Dilshad Muhammad Ali
07504673049 :‫ذمارةى موبايل‬ Mobile: 07501178154

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