Final Exam Study Guide Shofi Mahmudah Budi Utami, M.A.: Unit 7

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English for General Sciences

Final Exam Study Guide

Shofi Mahmudah Budi Utami, M.A.

The final exam will cover topic 7-12. Please, be prepared with multiple choice and short answer
section. Here are some reminders of important materials that you might get in both sections.

Unit 7
Remember the following facts:

a. Types of affixation
b. Affixation can change the part of speech of a certain word (i.e from Noun  Verb)
c. However many words in English can function both as a noun and a verb; or a noun and a
adjective, etc.

Unit 8 and 9
This chapter focuses on Generalization and Qualification. Remember the following:

a. Generalization could mean a broad statement or an idea that is applied to a group of people
or things
b. Expression of generalization includes quantity, frequency, and probability.
c. Quantity: remember countable and uncountable noun
d. Frequency: is expressed by using adverb
e. Probability: is expressed by using modals or sometimes adverbs.

Unit 10
This chapter deals with interpretation of data. Remember the following:

a. Information are often displayed on a diagram, chart, table, or graph.

b. Although he information contained in is normally clear, it also requires some written
c. You may express the comment by introducing the data in general expression.
d. Then you can give an analysis of the data, by summarizing the information
e. Please note that expression of generalization in the previous chapter is very useful to apply.
f. You can also use ‘Passive voice’ formula in your written comment.

Unit 11
This chapter deals with how to identify argument, formulate the ‘contained argument’ sentences, and
differenciating types of argument.

a. Identifying facts and opinion on a text

b. Sentences containing opinion would be different from those of containing facts
c. Opinion is an idea that could propose an argument; but argument is stronger than an idea
d. Because argument is supported by the fact/ evidence; and can be observed and proved

Unit 12
Drawing conclusion is making summary of the main points that are already mentioned. Some of
concluding remark in a paragraph are such as:
a. In short,......... ; in conclusion,................ ; to sum up,........ ; finally,..........

Good luck!

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