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Assignment #1

What rules or laws that currently prohibit certain acts or practices would you want to amend or repeal?
Also, there are certain acts or practices currently permitted by the law that you would want to prohibit?
Think of this on the level of your school, your city, and the nation.

Rules or laws that currently Acts or practices currently

prohibit certain acts or practices permitted by the law that I
I would want to amend or repeal would want to prohibit

As per student handbook, 1. CHED allows private HEIs

1. “Students should refrain from granted autonomous status to
excessive use of loud/heavy hair enjoy the “privilege to offer
coloring.” extension classes and distance
education courses/programs.”
2. “No student may carry a load
exceeding what is prescribed in 2. CHED permits HEIs to “adopt its
the curriculum as well as to take own policy and criteria for the
any advance subject until he/she selection of students who shall be


er as
has satisfactorily passed pre- awarded graduation honors.”

requisite courses.” 3. CHED allows “the class size in

eH w
3. “Cross-dressing is strictly every subject of a higher

prohibited for male and female education institution be
rs e students, including on non- determined by the institution
ou urc
uniform days.” itself.”

1. R.A. 10675 Charter of the City


1. The ordinance prohibiting of General Trias: “authorize and

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public utility vehicles to use license the establishment,

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highways/national main operation and maintenance of

thoroughfares as their terminals cockpits, and regulate
in the city of General Trias cockfighting and commercial
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breeding of gamecocks”
City 2. Fees ordinance for the General
ar stu

Trias Sports Complex, Cultural 2. City councils eyeing Bicycle

and Convention Center and Ordinances, Registrations, Parking
Sports Park Rates Fee Ordinances

3. Curfew hours 3. Allowing too much building of



1. The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020

1. Anti-Squatting Law Repeal Act

2. Executive Order No. 112, ECQ of 1997. R.A. 8368

laws including ages 18-21 years
2. Digital Economy Taxation Act of
old for not being allowed outside
2020 (DETA 2020 Bill). Not yet a
Nation 3. Some prohibitions in drone law, but I am not sure I will like it.
operations from Memorandum
3. The minimum age of
by Civil Aviation Authority of the
consensual sex is 12 years old.

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Assignment #2

What do you think are the (3) three outstanding strengths of the Filipino moral character that is evident
in your daily experiences against our battle with the Pandemic brought about by Covid-19?

According to Medina (2001, in Morillo, 2013), being family-centered, child-centric, having close
ties, and large family size are some common elements of families in the Philippines. First, of the
outstanding strengths of Filipino moral character, I noticed this pandemic that we have close family ties.
Filipino families tend to support and help each other as long as they can. Based on my experiences, I
appreciate how my family and relatives kept checking me out to see if I was doing fine the whole time I
was in my dorm during the quarantine. My connection with my father was also made closer. The way my
father looked and talked to me during video calls made me see how much he missed me. More so, I also
witnessed how my landlady’s extended family came to visit her only to comfort her when their dog died.
I also find it interesting how they were so close to each other.

Next is that Filipinos are resourceful and creative. Even Concepcion (2018) stated that a lot of
people could attest that Filipinos are talented in every kind of industry, and this is visible through the rise

of many potential businesses in the country. Spending the whole quarantine stage through surfing the

er as
Internet made me see how my other fellowmen are doing. I encountered that most of my friends in

Facebook engaged their selves in online selling and delivery businesses. The “new normal” season made

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them learn and try out different creative things such as cooking and baking, posting covers and dances

online, etc. I also encountered how some stores allowed to operate during the quarantine have
rs e
innovative ideas regarding their barriers and the way they serve customers without contact.
ou urc
Lastly, I can tag Filipinos as generous and helpful, thus also reflecting our famous “Bayanihan”
act. “Filipinos are among the most generous people in the world, according to a new study made by a

charity foundation” (Malig, 2012). Being the only left locally stranded individual at my dorm, I appreciate
how my landlady kept serving me free meals daily. Her daughters also offered me some copies of dramas
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to watch to keep me entertained and occupied at my stay. I am so thankful to how they do things for me
without expecting something in return. Once my rent here is over, I am surely going to miss them. I hope
I can do something for them to repay their kindness and generosity. I also remember my uncle and
auntie who lived in a nearby city brought me groceries because they were worried, I can’t go out and
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buy food for my own as I’m not allowed outside for being 20 years old. Aside from that, I also noticed a
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lot of Filipinos on Twitter is asking for some financial aid to buy laptops for online classes. I was surprised
to see that a lot of other people helped even just sending them a single peso. I was amazed by how they
did not hesitate to help strangers in need. All I can say for that is “Sana all.”


Morillo, H., Capuno, J., & Amado, J. (2013). Views and Values on Family among Filipinos: An Empirical
Exploration. Asian Journal of Social Science. 41. 5-28. 10.1163/15685314-12341278.

Concepcion, J. (2018, August 23). Filipino creativity and innovation. Philstar Global. Retrieved from .

Malig, J. (2012, December 25). Filipinos among most generous, study says. ABS-CBN News. Retrieved
from .

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