Grammar Revision Exercises

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I. Circle the correct form of the verb in each of the following sentences.

1. The team has certainly (do, did, done) a good job on this presentation.
2. The sales clerk just (throw, threw, thrown) away the opportunity to make a huge commission.
3. The senator (speak, spoke, spoken) at the press conference last Monday.
4. The phone has (ring, rang, rung) only once today.
5. The speaker (come, came) to the point very early in the speech.
6. Harriet (see, saw, seen) the prototype for the new product at the convention.
7. The company has not yet (begin, began, begun) to manufacture its most current model.
8. Has the admitting staff (go, went, gone) to lunch?
9. Heather lost a filling when she (bite, bit, bitten) into the piece of hard candy.
10. Ben couldn't believe that someone had actually (steal, stole, stolen) his car from the ramp.

II. Circle the correct verb form in each of the following sentences.
11. Before I opened the door, I (ring, rang, had rung) the doorbell.
12. By the time I get to Phoenix, he will (read, have read) my goodbye letter.
13. The scientist explained why Saturn (is, was) surrounded by rings.
14. I would ask for a transfer if I (was, were) you.
15. The leaves on the trees have already (begin, began, begun) to fall.
16. The doctor took my pulse and (measures, measured) my blood pressure.
17. The president wishes he would (of, have) taken a stock option rather than a salary increase.
18. Boswick wishes he would have ordered a bigger sweatshirt because his (is, was) too small.
19. Ms. Grey announced that the floor manager (is, was) responsible for work schedules.
20. We could cut transportation costs if the plant (was, were) closer to the retail outlets.

III. Circle the correct pronoun in each of the following sentences.

1. No one in (her, their) right mind would agree to drive that contraption.
2. Neither the students nor the teacher brought (his, their) book to class.
3. Anyone who wants a ticket to the banquet should sign (his, their) name on this sheet.
4. Ask someone in this office where the instruction manual is, and (he, they) probably can't tell

5. Neither Alexis nor Heidi will inconvenience (herself, themselves) to cover your mistake.
6. If you break a print head or a roller on the printer, (it, they) is hard to replace.
7. I know of someone who might give you (her, their) notes from the course.
8. Almost anybody can improve (his, their) writing by using this book.
9. If you want to make a good impression on a customer, don't talk down to (her, them).

Circle the correct pronouns in the following sentences.

10. Andy or Arvin will bring (his, their) camera so (he, they) can take pictures of the party.
11. Benny and (he, him) went to the movies with Bonnie and (I, me).
12. Neither my cousins nor my uncle knows what (he, they) will do tomorrow.
13. Why must it always be (I, me) who cleans up the lounge?
14. The pilot let (he, him) and (I, me) look at the instrument panel.
15. Have you heard the latest news about (she, her) and (they, them)?
16. My friend and (I, me) both want to move to another location.

IV. Circle the correct verb in each of the following sentences.

1. When the comedian (jokes, joke), the audience members (laughs, laugh).
2. A single flower now (grows, grow) where the trees used to (grows, grow).
3. Manuel (speaks, speak) English, but his parents (speaks, speak) Spanish.
4. The clerk (rings, ring) up the sales while the customers (waits, wait) in line.
5. The sopranos (hums, hum) softly while the tenor soloist (sings, sing)
6. The new colors (doesn't, don't) look especially appealing.
7. The door to the building (wasn't, weren't) locked last night.
8. The drive-up teller line (doesn't, don't) open until 9:30 on Saturday mornings.
9. Marge didn't receive the message because the phones (wasn't, weren't) working.
10. He (doesn't, don't) remember if the ties (is, are) still on sale.
11. One of the clerks (is, are) sorting the rack of trousers that (was, were) mislabeled.
12. The petty cash box, along with the ticket receipts, (is, are) turned in at the end of the day.
13. These statistics (is, are) the result of a flawed study.
14. Statistics (was, were) my most difficult math course in high school.

Circle the correct verb in each of the following sentences..

17. Neither of these keys (unlocks, unlock) the back door.
18. Each of the community profiles (takes, take) a creative approach to advertising.
19. All of the tasks (has, have) been assigned.
20. Some of the residents (was, were) pleased with the new development.
21. Either of these light fixtures (is, are) suitable for my office.
22. (Was, Were) any of the samples defective?
23. (Do, Does) each of the phones have multiple lines?
24. (Has, Have) either of the partners announced an intention to reorganize?
25. Neither of our largest accounts (needs, need) to be serviced at this time.
26. Both of the applicants (seems, seem) qualified.
27. A woman in one of my classes (works, work) at the Civic Center box office.
28. None of our resources (goes, go) to outside consultants.
29. A good knowledge of the rules (helps, help) you understand the game.
30. Each of these prescriptions (causes, cause) bloating and irritability.
31. (Have, Has) either of them ever arrived on time?

Circle the correct verb in each of the following sentences.

32. Every other day either Bert or Ernie (takes, take) out the trash.
33. Neither the style nor the color (matches, match) what we currently have.
34. Either the associates or the manager (orders, order) the merchandise.
35. Either the manager or the associates (orders, order) the merchandise.
36. (Is, Are) the men's wear or the women's wear department on the ground floor?
37. Mr. Jefson's passion (is, are) economics.
38. (Was, Were) there any furniture sets left over after the sale?
39. There (isn't, aren't) many days left before the Grand Opening.
40. Here (is, are) the information you requested.
41. Off into the horizon (runs, run) the herd of buffalo.

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