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‘Word Skills Prepositions of time Ican use a variety of prepositions of time. 1 Complete the rules. Use in, on and at. 1 Weuse with months (eg, May) 2 Weuse with times (eg one o'lock) 3 Weuse with parts of the day (eg. the afternoon). 4 Weuse with days (eg. Monday) 5 Weuse with years (eg. 2085) 6 Weuse with celebrations (eg, New Year) 7 Weuse with festival days (eg. Children's Day) 8 Weuse with dates (eg. 20 March). 9 Weuse with seasons (eg. autumn) 10 Weuse___with night and the weekend. 2 Complete the text with the correct prepositions: in, on and at. HOME EDUCATION iam Brown lives with his mum on a small istand ‘Scotland. They live a long way from a town, so iam doesn’t go to school. His mum teaches him. athome. Ihave lessons from Monday to Thursday. Mum lets me sleep unt nine inthe moming and we start lessons "ten, after breakfast, The kitchen is my classroom ‘and the kitchen table is my desk! We have a break at 11.30. Duting the break Mum lets me play computer games! My mum always gives me homework. | usually doit before dinner, ?__ Fridays we travel toa city 4nd visit museums and art galleries. | don’t meet other, children very often 50 also go toa badminton club there >the afternoon, *_ the weekend I don’t have lessons.’ _ Saturday mornings | play tennis with my dad or we sometimes go walking. | study all the usual subjects and | take national exams. My next exams are next year | think they're © _ June. | have the normal ‘school holidays in the summer, and I don't have schoo! *_20 September ~ that's my birthday!” 3 Inthe text in exercise 2, underline examples of the Prepositions below. after before during from to until 4 Complete the sentences with prepositions from exercise 3, 1 Inour school, lunch break is. 1230 130, 2 Lessons finish at four. ‘that, usually goto a school club. 3 We have to study six subjects we are sixteen. After that we can choose subjects. 4 always do my homework dinner. After dinner | watch TV and play computer games. 5 We can't use mobile phones lessons, 5. Underline the mistakes with prepositions in these sentences. Rewrite the sentences correctly. 1 don't goto school in Sunday. x 2 like to play football during the weekend. x 3 Doyougive people presents at New Year's Day? X 4 do my homework on the evening. x 5 The supermarket is open to six o'dlock. x 6 | often goto the beach on the summer. x ‘VOCAB BOOST! GE Wiinen you learn new words or phrases, say them aut loud four or five times. This will help you to remember them. ‘on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday June, in June, in June, in June at two otclock, at two otclock, at two otclock, at two o'clock 6 Read the Vocab boost! box. Choose four phrases that include prepositions of time from this page and repeat ‘each one four times. @ Reading Small schools ican understand a text about very small schools. aes esee Revision: Student's Book page 24 enue 1 tookatthe pictures and complete the labels with the |} When youmatch sentences to texts, make sure the adjectives below. whole sentence matches the information inthe text. Do largercusnidy, lege rarom qafaremal wok not ust ook for one or two words thatare inthe text sale ye andthe sentence. 3. Read the Reading Strategy. Then match the sentences (a~g) with the texts (1-3). Write ,20r3 in each box. Which text talks about. va a twodifferent schools? C) boat boat b aschoo! without a teacher? (1) € schoo! notin Scotland? L) 4 aschool with more than one student? (7) €¢ ahead teacher with an easy ob? C] £ teacher who plays games at lunchtime? () g aregion without a shop? L) path path | is heautiful? Ocoee ent eee reenter eee neds a new teacher forts primary schoo. 13 very rope rope beautiful place, but nobody wants to work there. ea rel preblenn fx the local oul $0 why cant they find a teacher? Well peaps one reazon isthe eee ee eee eee eee eee ener a tea a ae nha egeat ees ear Ta Ba shop or a post office, and every home has to find its bridge bridge eee rere cele eerie tan ee SS ctl ony eal fac oly ro cle go there But thoes five children need a taacher, 0 tbe 2 Read the texts opposite. Whats unusual about the eae ater schools? 2. Ram and Canna are two very small islands near the tweet cnet of Seotland, um has about 40 inbaltants ele tee ea ieee eet el Pair ac cat dp tat cae ef ae ACV a tne ee pe cereea ab ce ecaae cee temgoara isiseal Bow iy e Coa ia see ete erecta Beenie eee oe the answer is simple: ‘Things can change. We need feSacla Ease kw wo sd ed ‘ecar' ob see Sa 6a ‘Budaixi Primary School isin an isolated region of central China. It is difficult to find jobs here, so a lot of families leave the region and move to big cities. ‘Because of this, the schools in the region are often very small. Budabxi Primary School only has one student. Her name is Xianzi and she is six years old. Hor teacher, Mr Guo, teaches her maths and Chinese. ‘Because Xianzi is the only child at the school, she can't play games with other children at lunchtime ~ 80 ‘Mr Guo plays with her. They enjoy table tennis and ‘basketball. Then it is time for lessons again, And of course, Xianai is always top of the class! 5 vote soos CI

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