Pfluger Bill On Known or Suspected Terrorists

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Gay NPAL.UGEPFLUGE. 957M lo ae’ HR. "To tequite the Sosretary of Homeland Seoarty to publish the mimber of Tenor or sispest trois eneenntored attempting to enter the Unite States ona nth sis, and for other pamper, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Mr. Puan intro the flowing bill which wo reer to the Commitee on A BILL ‘To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to publish the number of known or suspected terrorists encountered attempting to enter the United States on a monthly basis, and for other purposes. 1 Be itenacted by the Senate ani House of Representa 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, fewmotieezeore2on8am! one Sin 82 (130 pm) GAM PFL.UGHPFLUGE 057 xN. 2 ‘SECTION 1, PUBLICATION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HOME. LAND SECURITY OF THE NUMBER OF KNOWN (OR SUSPECTED TERRORISTS ENCOUNTERED ATTEMPTING TO ENTER THE UNETED STATES. ‘The Secretary of Homeland Security shall, not later than the fifteenth day of each month, publish the total number of known or suspected tervorists, and individuals whose identities ave included in the ‘Terrorist, Sereeninge Databass, encountered by the Department of Homeland ‘Security attempting to enter the United States during the immedintely preceding month, Each such report shall— (1) include the aggregate such number, and such number disaggregated by geographie regions of sucit encounters, including distinetions velating to whether such eneounters were land-, air, or sea- based; and (2) be published! on a publie-facing website of ‘the Department, eiscarotanzconmt ose) Samar 02309)

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