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Part B (20marks)

Answer all questions. Write your answers

in the space provided.
Question 1
Name four advantages of ODL over the
traditional method of learning.
• Easy access.
• Allows speedy interpersonal communication by print,
electronic online communication, videoconferencing.
• Allows you to study when and where it suits you.
• Allows you to fulfill commitments while fulfilling
commitments at work, with family or community.
Question 2
Below is a sample of a WOU lbrary book record generated
from a MyCatalogue basic search with three missing
information fields.
* LC5800 S933
Author Open University of Hong Kong
* Study skills for open learning
* Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong Press, 1997
Physical V,96p.:ill; 22cm
Subject Distance education

Fill in the three (30 missing fields in the table above.

• Call number
• Title
• Publisher / Year
Question 3
Three advantages of continuous assessment that benefit students are :
Answer :

• It can ‘push’ you to study harder.

• It is a good motivation tool.
• It is another learning occasion.
• It provides feedback to both the student and the institution.
Question 4 :
The following is a typical bibliographic entry written in The Chicago
Manual of Style (CMS) ciattion format.
Loo, Seng P. 2007. The two cultures of science: on language-culture
Incommensurability concerning ‘nature’ and ‘observation’. Higher
Education Policy, 20:97-116.

a. State the title of the above journal publication.

b. The numbers 97-116 are the __________________________________________

c. Cite the above work according to CMS author-date in-text citation format.
Answer :
a. The two cultures of science: on language-culture incommensurability
concerning ‘nature’ and ‘observation.’
b. page numbers
c. Loo (2007) or (Loo 2007)
Question 5:
State five strategies that you may use to help you
remember what you read.
Answer :
• Make the material meaningful.
• Organise the information.
• Use imagination or pictures.
• Use mnemonic devices.
• Study actively.
• Study regularly.
• Use note cards.
• Spread out your study.
Part C
This section contains four (4 questions. You
are required to answer only three (3)
Question 1
It is vital for all students to know that academic
dishonesty is not acceptable in acadmia. Plagiarism
is one of the most deplorable forms ofacademic
a. Explain what plagiarism is.
b. Give four examples of plagiarism committed by
c. Discuss four ways of combating plagiarism amongst
students in colleges and universities.
a. The act of intentionally or unintentionally using another author’s words, ideas or
research without giving credits or acknowledgement to the author.
b. - Not citing the references and sources used in coursework assignments.
- Using identical information structures in an author’s work without citation and
- Paraphrasing and quoting an author’s work without citaion and reference.
- Stating facts and research that are not common knowledge without proper
citation and research.
c. – Establish strict rules and regulations on plagirism.
- Provide clear citation guidelines.
- Teach students citation styles like CMS and APA
- Teach students to check for originality of their own work, e.g.
by running their assignments through Turnitin.
- Moderate punishments – mark reduction or failure.
- Severe punishment – suspension or termination of sudies.
# elaboration of each point is important.

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