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mention the functions of cell me

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The cell membrane, therefore,

has two functions: first, to be
a barrier keeping the
constituents of the cell in
and unwanted substances
out and, second, to be a gate
allowing transport into the cell of essential
nutrients and movement from the cell of
waste products. science
cell membrane | Definition, Function, &
Structure | Britannica
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Action Potential
Rapid changes in the membrane potential that spread
rapidly along cell membrane of exCitable tissues
Abrupt/ sudden Change (reversal) in resting membrane
potential in response to a threshold stimulus
Sequence of events along the membrane of Excitable an
tissue response to
Transmission of signals
Sudden change, sudden end
Transmission continues until fiber
Transport of ions

Action Potential
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Properties of the Action Potential

The Action Potential
* The Generabon Gf an Acthon Poteniai
Neurons communicate over le
generating and sending an electrical signal called

action potentials for transmissiorn of intormation

membrane potential frr

about mal volts to a peak of about 40 mal Dearias
volfts, and back to-70 mil vofti again

Conduction of action potential PPT THE ACTION POTENTIAL P..

Action potential - definition NERVE ACTION POTENTIAL

a mention the functions of cartila
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mention the function of

5Lylo sGrsor
66$ABgIDYsorfsor D

Cartilage is aflexible connective tissue that

keeps joint motion fluid by coating the
surfaces of the bones in our joints and by
cushioning bones against impact. 31-Aug-2015 und..
Understand Your Joints: What Is
Cartilage? | Summit Orthopedics
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list the part of respiratory syster

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What Are the Parts of the Respiratory

System? The respiratory system includes the
nose, mouth, throat, voice box, windpipe, and
lungs. Air enters the respiratory system
through the nose or the mouth. If it goes in
the nostrils (also called nares), the air is
warmed and humidified.

DE parents Iungs

Lungs and Respiratory System (for
Parents)- Nemours KidsHealth
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G list the four stages of cardiac cy

The cardiac cycle involves four major stages

of activity: 1) "Isovolumic relaxation", 2)
Inflow, 3) "Isovolumic contraction', 4)
Method: Blood is allowed to enter relaxed ventricle
chamberfrom vein through venous..
Duration: 0.6-1 second (Humans)
W wiki

Cardiac cycle Wikipedia


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1:25 8

RBC Red WBC White

Blood Cells Blood Cells

Red blood White Blood Cells

cells are are called
called Leucocytes or
Erythrocytes. Leukocytes.
RBCs have a WBCs have an
bi-concave irregular shape.
disc shape

Size varies Size varies from

from6 8 um 12-17 pm in
in diameter. diameter.

The lifespan The lifespan of

of RBC is WBC is around
about 120 12-20 days after
days. which they are
destroyed in the
lymphatic system
Red blood WBCs are
cells do not characterized
have nucleus
a the presence o
n maturity. large central
BOOK nucleus.
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G state the importance of pitutary

Showing results for state the importance of

pituitary gland
Search instead for state the importance of pitutary gland

a1iLf a7uMuîciT(

Your pituitary gland is an important pea-sized

organ. If your pituitary gland doesn't function
properly, it affects vital parts like your brain,
skin, energy, mood, reproductive organs,
vision, growth and more. It's the "master"
gland because it tells other glands to release
hormones. 08-0ct-2020 health
tuitary Gland: What Is It & Definition -

Cleveland Clinic
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Nissil granules

Myelin Sheath


-Node of Ranvier

Nerve terminals
VVedantu Visit
Make a sketch of the human nerve cell
What function class 10...
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a define urinary reflex

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A spinal cord reflex, initiated by accumulated

urine stretching the bladder and the resulting
contraction of the bladder to expel urine. See
also: reflex.

definition of urinary reflex by Medical
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