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1. What is a sales funnel?

Answer: A sales funnel is the marketing term for the journey potential
customers go through on the way to purchase. There are several steps to a sales
funnel, usually known as the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel, although
these steps may vary depending on a company's sales model.

2. What are the processes and stages involved in making a sale?

Answer: Selling involves 6 different steps ,they are as follows
a) Prospecting the qualified customers
b) Preparing initial contact with customer
c) Approaching customers i.e. face to face interaction
d) Presenting your product
e) Handling objections
f) Follow-ups

3. Differentiate Marketing funnel & Sales Funnel.

Answer: Marketing funnel advertises a product or service to give leads a reason
to buy. Whereas, the sales funnel deals with the leads (from the marketing
funnel), enticing them to buy, not once, but as often as possible

4. If you’re facing any objection from your leads and how are you going to
overcome them in order to convert them to a valuable customer of our
Answer: Take the time to listen to the objection fully. Don't react defensively.
Train yourself to ignore any negative emotions you may be feeling. Stay
focused on what the buyer is saying and the business problem you're helping to

5. Explain the sales funnel with a real time example or a case study.
Answer: How a real estate investor doubled his opt-in rate with lead pages
Dan McCabe is a real estate investor and also the President & Founder of
Minnesota Real Estate Club.
He generated a lot of leads using Lead Pages, a lead generating tool. He took
total control of his company’s lead generation campaigns using Lead Pages.
With Lead Pages, Dan was able to set up his first landing pages in a few
minutes develop his funnel in a way that when real estate prospects arrive at his
landing page, they will opt-in to get a free valuable off.
These prospects (now converted into leads) will then be added to an email auto-
responder system. The aim of this is to build an effective communication
channel with the leads, nurture the relationship before asking for a sale.
Lead Pages focuses more on generating leads to be able to grow your email list.
This was what Dan did to help him grow his email list.
Dan was able to double his email list and expand his business using Lead Pages
as a sales funnel.

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