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Pallado, Gwyneth V.


Emerging Technologies

From the technologies mentioned in the video material provided, I want to use and learn
Automation. Automation, without a doubt, is complicated and has a lot of factors to be
considered. Although it is difficult to understand, I also think that Automation and is one of those
technologies that bring a lot of suffering while at the same time giving unmatched satisfaction
and happiness when it is successful.

A real-world problem that I want this technology to solve is the increasing number of
road accidents that happen every day because of various reasons. According to the Global Road
Safety Facility, the Philippines has a 77% of road crash fatalities and injuries from ages 15-64
years old. It is alarming and saddening to know that our roads in the country are not safe for

As we all know, Automation is well-known for its self-driving cars and machinery. Its
purpose is to help people with their tasks faster and accurately. The anticipated self-driving
vehicles would be a good solution, particularly for handling careless drivers on the road to solve
the real-world problem of the increasing number of road accidents. Alongside the self-driving
vehicles, I think it would also be helpful to have working machine assistants on every road.
These machines will be positioned mainly on steep roads, curved, and crowded areas. There
could also be assistants beside the driver to warn the driver about the incoming danger on the
road. Some will help people stay on their line to avoid accidents. As a result, it will lessen
fatalities caused by road accidents and even reduce the road accidents themselves. One might
think that these solutions are absurd because it is like replacing humans with a machine. Yes, it is.
Another real-world scenario where Automation could greatly help is helping pedestrians cross
streets safely, especially elders and children. Automations are also a great help in the medical

There are many possibilities of having a bright future with the help of Automation and
other emerging technologies. Although developing these technologies requires a lot of labor,
challenges, and failures. Even so, learning more about these technologies would not hurt and
might be worth the effort.



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