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“…and he also delivered Israel”. Judges 3:31 and Judges 5:6-8

 “…He made the stars also”. (Gen 1:16 ). Short sentence to describe the unending starry hosts
o Brevity does not imply lesser value. “Shamgar” neither introduction nor conclusion.
 He came “after” Ehud. God’s work continues; also a need for a repeat redeemer unlike Jesus.
 “Shamgar” means sword or cupbearer.
o He was the sword in Jehovah’s hand so much so that what he had became irrelevant.
And God used him like the “cupbearer” to bring the wrath of God on His enemies.
o ‘the son of Anath’ or a native of Beth-anath in Naphtali (1:33). Anath: "an answer."
 “Oxgoad” : Probably a cattle prod.
o A goad is carried by the native ploughman today, and was also used in Bible times. It
is a wooden rod varying in length from five to seven feet, with a sharp point at one
end. With this the farmer can hurry up his slow-moving animals. (Wight, 1953, p. 171.)
 First mention of the Philistines (Judges 3:31), according to a tradition represented in
Josephus (Ant., V, iv, 3).

Time of fear and vulnerability

 People did not walk in the highways (Judges 5:6).

(Jud. 4:1-3).Israel was under Jabin, the King of Canaan, who had a vast army with 900 iron
chariots It was customary for the ruling kings not to allow the Israelites to arm themselves.
(1 Sam. 13:19-23; Jud. 5:8).

Time of Lack of Leadership

 Judges 5:6–7 indicates that he was contemporary with Deborah and Barak.
o As a title ‘a son of Anath’ could mean Warrior of Anath . Anath was the name of a
Canaanite goddess of war.
o Shamgar may not be a Israelite. Possibility of a “gentile judge”. Technically, though
he is not called a Judge.
 At the risk of sounding chauvinist, Deborah as a Judge (Judge 4:4) is a spiritual indication of
lack of male leadership (Judges 4:6-8).
 This is a time of a female Judge and a possibly a gentile judge.

It is here that we read about Shamgar.

Willing to be the ‘sword’ of God. A gentile who trusted the Jehovah God.
A man who was not willing to lay his hand on the plow (oxgoad) and turn his back. (Luke 9:62).
Shamgar a Shadow of Christ

Shamgar’s place not mentioned; Jesus was from Nazareth, so obscure that Nathaniel would ask,
“Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:47).
Shamgar used no sword; Jesus fought with two pieces of wood that formed a cross.
An oxgoad wasn’t a weapon, and neither was a cross.
Shamgar transformed an agricultural implement; Jesus transformed a brutal implement of
execution into a beautiful instrument of redemption.
Shamgar struck down Philistines; Jesus struck down the powers of darkness.
Shamgar saved Israel; Jesus saves us forever. Redemption climaxes in Jesus.

Shamgar an Object Lesson

a. He was available: There when needed and where needed.

AWOL Christians are the bane of Christianity.
Not just available like the elder brother, but present. (from the prodigal son).

b. He was resourceful: Was willing to use what he had.

It is not false humility that says I am just nothing and I don’t make a difference; it is ungodly
humility. For it presents not the person as being small but God as being small--for not being
able to use the person.
I will wait, I said I will wait, I thought Yet If I attribute
each Sunday morning to tell my friend any of these virtues
till the words are right. when it’s appropriate. to my kind of ‘waiting’
I will be waiting
I will wait, I reasoned You see, a long time
to give for the Work I’ve always extolled the habit of waiting; on stupidity station.
if there is enough. Praised the virtue of patience, - 12 May 2011
And envied the less impulsive.

c. He was a doer: He was willing to do what he could.

 Let me not be the one talent guy.

Many will remember the great Welsh Revival, but few remember just how this mighty spiritual tidal wave
began. A "Christian Endeavor" meeting was in progress in a small town in Wales, when a timid young Welsh
girl arose. She was so nervous that she could utter only one short sentence. "O, I do love Jesus!", she said and
then she sat down. That simple phrase became the spark that ignited a spiritual fire that spread through that
church, then down the streets of that little town, on through the whole of Wales and around the world. Little is
much when God is in it. What do you have?

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