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ptq:validation:7.5r7:camel_validation [Intra Wiki]


Test plan for Reverse IM-SSF in SSF simulated environment

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Access to this document is restricted to those companies or parties having signed a Non Disclosure Agreement with Centile.
Diffusing information to other parties without a signed NDA between Centile and the other party is forbidden.

Test case status

Test cases Total number Completed Failed

Test Staff
Author Contact

I have read this document and I have understood the contents. I have had influence on the Test Specification and I am of the opinion that the test cases reflects the Requirement and Design Specifications, and that the test cases are sufficient.
Approved by Department Comment
Ronan Guillou Test team manager ()
Aymeric Renou Dev Architect ()
Claude Dehais Ouroboros Company (RIM-SSF development) ()

Document History Log

Version Date Changed by Description of Change
1.0 13/01/2009 Ronan Guillou Draft

Doc Author Description Link
rog Test []


Legends in the document

All test cases should be marked according to this description:
in Result column Explanation
OK/KO When the test case has been executed, Give out the result:OK for success;KO for failure
- If the test case will not be executed
N/A When the test case isn't relevant, e.g. parameter, menu, or feature isn't supported in the product
() Test case in progress
# BUG-256 If test failure, a link to trace system is given as reference
in Priority column Explanation
Critical Indicates that the test case is of High priority. Failure of Critical test cases typically prevents other test cases to be executed - Show stopper
Major Indicates that the test case is of Medium priority

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Minor Indicates that the test case is of Low priority. Stretch Goal and execution of these are not planned.

Equipment, Setup, and Tools


The test is carried out in the Centile testlab


For practical reason all servers will be virtual servers

4 servers are requested.
1 for IS
1 for RIM-SSF
1 for SSF emulator
1 for SIPP client


IntraSwitch CAT 7.5R7

RIM-SSF installer version ??? on OS ???
SSF emulator installer version ??? on OS ???

Test tools

SIPP sip emulator for

call setup
call established
call tear down
call load tests

SIPP will talk with the SSF emulator .

Test Architecture

The test chain is composed of the following elements linked in this order :
Centile IntraSwitch infrastructure runing on the same server :
1 IntraSwitch Cluster for AS Routing
1 IntraSwitch Cluster for IPBX services

RIM-SSF - 1 server

SSF emulator - 1 server

SIPP - 1 server

SSF emulator

SSF emulator is a peace of software written by Claude, it simulates a SSF + the mobile network. The SSF emulator discuss with the RIM-SSF in SIGTRAN. At the present time the author of this test document ignore
if this SSF emulator offers, as well, a SIP connectivity in order to simulate calls.

Brief Feature Description

Principal Limitations Found

Bugs Note

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Definition of the interfaces (protocol interface, console interface)

The different interfaces we are playing with are : tests
Name Interface description
IF_SIP Reference point (SIP) between IS and RIM-SSF
IF_SIGTRAN Reference point (SIGTRAN) between RIM-SSF and SSF emulator
IF_Console Reference point - TTY Console located on the SSF emulator - offering commands to send and display received messages
IF_SSF_SIP (not sure it is dispo) Reference point (SIP) between SSF emulator and a SIP test tools

At this writing time, I don't know which test facilities offers the SSF emulator . So access to SSF emulator will be done throught IF_Console or IF_SSF_SIP.

Definition of the actors used during test cases

The different actors used during functional tests
id Side short extension pstn number logical term owner
P External pstn phone
M1 External Mobile 1
LM1 Local Mobile 1 (registered in Centile ecosystem)
LM2 Local Mobile 2 (registered in Centile ecosystem)
LM3 Local Mobile 3 (registered in Centile ecosystem)
LM1s Local Mobile 1 called by dialing its short number
LM1l Local Mobile 1 called by dialing its long pstn number

The different modifier prefixes annotations

id Side
w_* destination dialed with a wrong number
b_* busy state endpoint
oos_* out of service state endpoint

Definition of check to be done for each tests

Definition of check to be done for each tests

* origination stage

Origination stage call flow consist is 2 steps :

a first call setup is flowing up from SIPP though SSF_emulator then RIM-SSF then IntraSwitch (AS originating). Let's call this flow, the upstream flow.
a second call setup is flowing down from the IntraSwitch(AS originating) through RIM-SSF, then SSF_emulator , then SIPP. Let's call this flow, the downstream flow.

For each test done at originating stage, the test operator will perform in very first the <v_init_default> verification package defined below. He'll then continue with the verification described in the “Expected
Behavior” column of the test.
id test name test description
cid <v_init_default> <v_init_invite_ret> ; <v_init_caller_id> ; <v_init_called_id> ; <v_init_cdr_id>

id test name
On interface IF_SIP : Check the upstream (RIM-SSF→IS) SIP INVITE and downstream (RIM-SSF←IS) SIP INVITE. Particularly : Request-URI, From, To : must be checked.
ci1 <v_init_invite_ret> On IF_Console: Check upstream and downtream SIGTRAN call setup messages.
On IF_SSF_SIP : Check the downstream SIP INVITE.

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On interface IF_SIP : Check in the upstream and downstream message : the field From. Make sure it reflects the calling party number.
ci2 <v_init_caller_id> On IF_Console: Check in upstream and downstream SIGTRAN call setup messages : the calling party number information element
On IF_SSF_SIP : Check in the downstream SIP INVITE : the field From.
On interface IF_SIP : Check in the upstream and downstream message : the field To,Request URI,Contact. Make sure it reflects the called party number.
Pay attention to the format of the pstn number. It must in E.164
ci3 <v_init_called_id>
On IF_Console: Check in upstream and downstream SIGTRAN call setup messages : the called party number information element
On IF_SSF_SIP : Check in the downstream SIP INVITE : The fields : To,Request URI,Contact
ci4 <v_init_cdr_id> Verify the presence in CDR DB of the “CDR intermediary table”.
ci5 <v_init_called_id_translation> On interface IF_SIP : Check in the downstream SIP INVITE that the value of the field To : reflect the (translated) PSTN number to the destination.
ci6 <v_init_caller_id_privacy> Privacy will be checked downstream both on IF_SIP and IF_CONSOLE and IF_SSF_SIP
ci7 <v_init_max_forward> Both on interfaces IF_SIP and IF_CONSOLE and IF_SSF_SIP : Check in the downstream SIP INVITE, the presence of a MaxForward=0.
On interface IF_SIP : Check in the upstream and downstream message : BYE reflecting normal cause.
ci8 <v_init_tear_down> On interface IF_SIP : Check in the upstream and downstream message : DISCONNECTION reflecting Normal cause
On IF_SSF_SIP : Check in the downstream SIP BYE reflecting normal cause..
On interface IF_SIP : Check the upstream SIP final response. Cause must corresponds of the nature of the chess. See the table “Mapping CAP/SIP responses” for error causes mapping.
ci9 <v_init_chess> On interface IF_SIP : Check in the upstream response : DISCONNECTION reflecting chess cause.
On IF_SSF_SIP : Check in upstream SIP final response. Cause must corresponds of the nature of the chess

* termination stage

Termination stage call flow consist is 2 steps :

a first call setup is flowing up from SIPP though SSF_emulator then RIM-SSF then IntraSwitch (AS terminating). Let's call this flow, the upstream flow.
a second call setup is flowing down from the IntraSwitch(AS terminating) through RIM-SSF, then SSF_emulator , then SIPP. Let's call this flow, the downstream flow.

For each test done at termination stage, the test operator will perform in very first the <v_term_default> verification package defined below. He'll then continue with the verification described in the “Expected
Behavior” column of the test.
id test name
<v_term_default> <v_term_invite_ret> ; <v_term_caller_id> ; <v_term_called_id> ; <v_term_cdr_id>

The suite verification to be done for tests at termination stage

id test name test description
ct1 <v_term_invite_ret> similar to <v_init_invite_ret>
ct2 <v_term_caller_id> similar to <v_init_caller_id>
ct3 <v_term_called_id> similar to <v_init_called_id>
ct4 <v_term_cdr_id> similar to <v_init_cdr_id>
ct6 <v_term_caller_id_privacy> similar to <v_init_caller_id_privacy
ct7 <v_term_max_forward> similar to <v_init_max_forward>
On interface IF_SIP : Check in the upstream and downstream message : BYE reflecting normal cause.
ct8 <v_term_tear_down>
On interface IF_SIP : Check in the upstream and downstream message : DISCONNECTION reflecting Normal cause
On interface IF_SIP : Check in downstream INVITE response that a SIP response 302 is return along with a new destination number (E.164 formatted).
ct9 <v_term_forwarding>
On interface IF_SSF_SIP : Check the same thing as in IF_SIP.
On interface IF_SIP : Check in downstream INVITE response that a SIP response 302 is return along with the IPBX service server address.
ct10 <v_term_tromboning>
On interface IF_SSF_SIP : Check the same thing as in IF_SIP.

Mapping CAP/SIP responses

Mapping CAP/SIP responses
CAP responses SIP responses
CAP Busy SIP 486 Busy Here
CAP Not Reachable SIP 480 Not Reachable
CAP No Answer SIP 489 No Answer
CAP Answer SIP 200OK
CAP Disconnect SIP 603 Decline or BYE with Cause
CAP Feature Not Supported SIP 406 Feature Not Supported
CAP Route Not Available SIP 605 Route Not Available

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CAP Congestion SIP 605 Congestion

CAP Destination Unknown SIP 404 Not Found

Basic Test Cases

Basic calls setup (at initiation stage)

Task description: This section is to test the basic call setup phase at initiation stage
ID# Side Action Expected Behavior Priority Result Note
rimssf_bc_setup_ini_lm1_p Initiation LM1 calls P Critical O
rimssf_bc_setup_ini_lm1_lm2l Initiation LM1 calls LM2s (by dialing LM2's short num) ci5 Critical O
rimssf_bc_setup_ini_lm1_lm2s Initiation LM1 calls LM2l (by dialing LM2's long/pstn num) Critical O

Basic calls setup(at termination stage)

Task description: This section is to test the basic call setup phase at termination stage
ID# Side Action Expected Behavior Priority Result Note
rimssf_bc_setup_termi_p_lm1 Termination P calls LM1 Critical O

Basic calls normal tear down (at initiation stage)

Task description: This section is to test the basic call tear down/disconnection phase at initiation stage
ID# Side Action Expected Behavior Priority Result Note
rimssf_bc_td_ini_lm1*_p Initiation LM1 on call with P. LM1 hang up. ci8 Critical O
rimssf_bc_td_ini_lm1_p* Initiation LM1 on call with P. P hang up. ci8 Critical O
rimssf_bc_td_ini_lm1*_lm2l Initiation LM1 on calls with LM2l. LM1 hang up. ci8 Critical O
rimssf_bc_td_ini_lm1_lm2l* Initiation LM1 on calls with LM2l. LM2l hang up. ci8 Critical O
rimssf_bc_td_ini_lm1*_lm2s Initiation LM1 on calls with LM2s. LM1 hang up. ci8 Critical O
rimssf_bc_td_ini_lm1_lm2s* Initiation LM1 on calls with LM2s. LM2s hang up. ci8 Critical O

Basic calls normal tear down (at termination stage)

Task description: This section is to test the basic call tear down/disconnection phase at termination stage
ID# Side Action Expected Behavior Priority Result Note
rimssf_bc_td_term_p_lm1* Termination LM1 on call with P. LM1 hang up. ct8 Critical O
rimssf_bc_td_term_p*_lm1 Termination LM1 on call with P. P hang up. ct8 Critical O
rimssf_bc_td_term_lm1*_lm2l Termination LM1 on calls with LM2l. LM1 hang up. ct8 Critical O
rimssf_bc_td_term_lm1_lm2l* Termination LM1 on calls with LM2l. LM2l hang up. ct8 Critical O
rimssf_bc_td_term_lm1*_lm2s Termination LM1 on calls with LM2s. LM1 hang up. ct8 Critical O
rimssf_bc_td_term_lm1_lm2s* Termination LM1 on calls with LM2s. LM2s hang up. ct8 Critical O

Basic calls chess (at initiation stage)

Task description: This section is to test the basic case of call chess
ID# Side Action Expected Behavior Priority Result Note
rimssf_bc_chess_ini_lm1_wrong_p Initiation LM1 calls w_P (a pstn wrong number) ci9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_chess_ini_lm1_wrong_m Initiation LM1 calls w_M (a mobile wrong number) ci9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_chess_ini_lm1_wrong_ext Initiation LM1 calls a wrong/not defined short extension ci9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_chess_ini_lm1_busy_p Initiation LM1 calls BP (a pstn in busy state) ci9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_chess_ini_lm1_busy_lm2l Initiation LM1 calls b_LM2l (a mobile called via its long number in busy state) ci9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_chess_ini_lm1_busy_lm2s Initiation LM1 calls b_LM2s (a mobile called via its short number in busy state) ci9 Critical O

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rimssf_bc_chess_ini_lm1_oos_p Initiation LM1 calls oos_P (a pstn in busy state) ci9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_chess_ini_lm1_oos_lm2l Initiation LM1 calls oos_LM2l (a mobile called via its long number in oos state) ci9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_chess_ini_lm1_oos_lm2s Initiation LM1 calls oos_LM2s (a mobile called via its short number in oos state) ci9 Critical O

Basic call forwarded (at termination stage)

Task description: This section is to test the forwarding rule (always, on no answer, on busy, on unreachable). It is the responsibility of the SSF to detect the conditions no answer, busy , unreachable, and others. It is the responsibility of the SSF to
transcode this errors in CAP responses. CAP responses will then be mapped in SIP final response by RIM-SSF. For the test purpose, the SSF emulator will return such final response.
ID# Side Action Expected Behavior Priority Result Note
rimssf_bc_fwd_fwdnoa_timer_display Termination A facility must be offered by SSF emulator to display the no_answer timer value for each LM. ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd Termination LM1 on call with P. LM1 hang up. Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_p_lm1_fwdalw_lm2 Termination P calls LM1. Call is immediately forwarded to LM2 ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_p_lm1_fwdnoa_lm2 Termination P calls LM1. LM1 does not answer. Call is forwarded to LM2 upon reception of CAP NoAnswer. ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_p_lm1_fwdbuz_lm2 Termination P calls LM1. LM1 is busy. Call is immediately forwarded to LM2 (upon reception of CAP Busy) ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_p_lm1_fwdunr_lm2 Termination P calls LM1. LM1 is unreachable. Call is immediately forwarded to LM2 (upon reception of CAP Not Reachable). ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_lm1_lm2_fwdalw_lm3 Termination LM2 calls LM2l. Call is immediately forwarded to LM3. ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_lm1_lm2_fwdnoa_lm3 Termination LM2 calls LM2l. Call is forwarded to LM3 upon reception of CAP NoAnswer. ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_lm1_lm2_fwdbuz_lm3 Termination LM2 calls LM2l. Call is immediately forwarded to LM3 (upon reception of CAP Busy). ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_lm1_lm2_fwdunr_lm3 Termination LM2 calls LM2l. LM2 is unreachable. Call is immediately forwarded to LM3 (upon reception of CAP Not Reachable). ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_lm1_lm2_fwdalw_p Termination LM2 calls LM2l. Call is immediately forwarded to P. ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_lm1_lm2_fwdnoa_p Termination LM2 calls LM2l. Call is forwarded to P upon reception of CAP NoAnswer. ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_lm1_lm2_fwdbuz_p Termination LM2 calls LM2l. Call is immediately forwarded to P (upon reception of CAP Busy). ct9 Critical O
rimssf_bc_fwd_term_lm1_lm2_fwdunr_p Termination LM2 calls LM2l. LM2 is unreachable. Call is immediately forwarded to P (upon reception of CAP Not Reachable). ct9 Critical O

Basic call privacy (at initiation stage)

Task description: This section is to test the specific case where the calling party request anonymity .
ID# Side Action Expected Behavior Priority Result Note
rimssf_bc_privacy_lm1_p Initiation Critical O
rimssf_bc_privacy_lm1_lm2 Initiation Critical O
rimssf_bc_privacy_lm1_lm2 Termination Critical O

Basic calls (call tromboned)

Task description: This section is to test the specific case where a call is deflected to IPB services (via Centile AS tromboning)
ID# Side Action Expected Behavior Priority Result Note
rimssf_bc_tromb_lm1_p Origination LM1 calls P. Call is deflected at origination to the IPBX services via Centile AS Tromboning. ct10 Critical O
rimssf_bc_tromb_p_lm1 Termination P calls LM1. Call is deflected at termination to the IPBX services via Centile AS Tromboning. ct10 Critical O
rimssf_bc_tromb_lm1_lm2 Origination LM1 calls LM2. Call is deflected at origination to the IPBX services via Centile AS Tromboning. ct10 Critical O
rimssf_bc_tromb_lm1_lm2 Termination LM1 calls LM2. Call is deflected at termination to the IPBX services via Centile AS Tromboning. ct10 Critical O

Load Test Cases

Task description: This section is to test the behavior to the chain SIPP + SSF emulator + RIM-SSF + IS
ID# Side Action Expected Behavior Priority Result Note
The load test must run smootly without any call loss, any memory leak, during a period of 72h
rimssf_loadtest_lm1_p Origination LM1 calls and establish P. Rate=3call/s. Duration=12h Metrics to be checks at IS : cpu load , jvms memory Critical O
Metrics to be checks at RIM-SSF : cpu load , jvms memory

ptq/validation/7.5r7/camel_validation.txt — Last modified: 2010/01/13 19:20 by rguillou

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