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Worksheet 1

The purpose of Raja yoga is to still the mind through long meditation and intense
concentration, so that one can experience the pure Silence of the Self.

This can take one into deep Oneness experiences, but at the end of the practice, the
same “personal I” will always rise again. The Universal I does not rise or fall. The Real
“I” is the ever-present, silent witness of all appearances and disappearances.

In order to use Raja Yoga to help eliminate the belief in the “personal I”, your practice
this week will be to perform 20-60 minutes of your favorite Pranayama (Breath
work) meditation technique every day.

Some helpful pointers:

1. Simply breathe and become the background of awareness, observing your thoughts
rise and fall without any attachment or involvement.
2. Watch your thoughts as the sky watches clouds.
3. Be like an empty movie theater. A projector is playing, but no “person” is there
watching it. Appearances are just happening.

Use the mantra “I Am Silence” all week. If you have been using this mantra during the
week, you should begin noticing the mental activity of the mind identifying the sense of
“I” with everything. It requires inner stillness to see this subtle action, so repeat this
mantra as often as possible this week, to remind yourself again and again to keep quiet
and simply observe. Meditate on it, contemplate it, become this mantra - become
Silence itself.

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