Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior: Michael L. Rohan, Steven B. Lowen, Anna Rock, Susan L. Andersen

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Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 203 (2021) 173117

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Novelty preferences and cocaine-associated cues influence regions

associated with the salience network in juvenile female rats
Michael L. Rohan, Steven B. Lowen, Anna Rock, Susan L. Andersen *
McLean Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, 115 Mill Street, Belmont, MA 02478, United States of America


Keywords: Preferences for novel environments (novelty-seeking) is a risk factor for addiction, with little known about its
Addiction underlying circuitry. Exposure to drug cues facilitates addiction maintenance, leading us to hypothesize that
Adolescence exposure to a novel environment activates a shared neural circuitry. Stimulation of the D1 receptor in the
prelimbic cortex increases responsivity to drug-associated environments. Here, we use D1 receptor over­
expression in the prelimbic cortex to probe brain responses to novelty-preferences (in a free-choice paradigm)
Novelty and cocaine-associated odors following place conditioning. These same cocaine-conditioned odors were used to
Salience study neural circuitry with Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) activity. D1 overexpressing females had
Sex deactivated BOLD signals related to novelty-preferences within the insula cortex and amygdala and activation in
the frontal cortex and dopamine cell bodies. BOLD responses to cocaine cues were also sensitive to D1. Control
females demonstrated a place preference for cocaine environments with no significant BOLD response, while D1
overexpressing females demonstrated a place aversion and weak BOLD responses to cocaine-conditioned odor
cues within the insula cortex. For comparison, we provide data from an earlier study with juvenile males
overexpressing D1 that show a strong preference for cocaine and elevated BOLD responses. The results support
the use of a pharmacological manipulation (e.g., D1 overexpression) to probe the neural circuitry downstream
from the prelimbic cortex.

1. Introduction of conditioned cues that motivate later drug-seeking (Carlezon Jr., 2003;
Carr and White, 1983; Tzschentke, 1998). Unbiased placed conditioning
Early initiation of drug use is a significant risk factor for lifelong is a method used to detect the salience (either rewarding or aversive) of
addiction, making identification of high-risk teenagers imperative cocaine-associated environmental cues (Carlezon Jr., 2003; Carr and
(Grant and Dawson, 1998; Jordan and Andersen, 2016). The presence of White, 1983; Tzschentke, 1998). A greater understanding of the inter­
high-risk behaviors, including preferences for novelty, increases the section of the processing of novelty and drug cues that are associated
susceptibility to early drug use (Khurana et al., 2015; Palmer et al., with addiction could help identify those most vulnerable to addiction.
2013; Wills et al., 1994). While novelty preferences can play a causal Here, we used functional magnetic imaging (fMRI) to offer insight into
role in addiction (Foulds et al., 2017), not everyone with elevated the role of the prelimbic cortex and the salience network.
preferences for novelty develops an addiction (SAMHSA, 2014). Addi­ The salience network processes information from the environment,
tional measures are needed to identify high risk individuals. including drug cues, that is used to modulate future behavior (Bowers
In animals, novelty preferences are assessed by allowing an animal to et al., 2004; Sun and Rebec, 2005; Zavala et al., 2003). Recent evidence
freely choose to enter a novel space (Beckmann et al., 2011; Belin et al., in rats shows that the salience network includes the prelimbic cortex, as
2011; Flagel et al., 2009; Leyton and Vezina, 2014; Molander et al., well as the ventral insular cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex (Tsai
2011). A preference for a novel environment occurs when the value et al., 2020). Activity within the prelimbic cortex is at its greatest
placed on environment is rewarding (Puglisi-Allegra and Ventura, developmentally during adolescence (Brenhouse et al., 2008; Galvan,
2012). Similarly, preferences can be developed for drug cues, whereby 2010), when both novelty preferences (Adriani et al., 1998; Steinberg,
repeated pairings of a drug and the environment result in the formation 2008) and drug-seeking also reach their peak (Brenhouse et al., 2008).

Abbreviations: (BOLD), Blood Oxygen Level Dependent; (vmPFC), ventromedial prefrontal cortex.
* Corresponding author at: Mailstop 333, McLean Hospital, 115 Mill St., Belmont, MA 02478, United States of America.
E-mail address: (S.L. Andersen).
Received 26 August 2020; Received in revised form 18 January 2021; Accepted 19 January 2021
Available online 6 February 2021
0091-3057/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
M.L. Rohan et al. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 203 (2021) 173117

Studies in humans further show elevated activity in this prefrontal re­ novelty-seeking and the salience of drug cues in juvenile females.
gion in individuals that use or are dependent on substances (Franklin In the current study, female juvenile rats received prelimbic in­
et al., 2002; Grant et al., 1996; Leyton and Vezina, 2014; Maas et al., jections of the CK⋅D1 or CK.GFP virus to elucidate the role of D1 on
1998; Volkow, 2005; Volkow et al., 2002; Volkow et al., 2001). novelty preferences and drug-seeking. Increased D1 expression in the
Pharmacologically, increased dopamine D1 receptor expression in prelimbic cortex produces a pharmacological “hub” to probe the
the prelimbic cortex is associated with greater novelty preferences, salience network. Other studies have seeded the ventral insula cortex
sensitivity to cocaine-associated cues, the motivation to take cocaine, and show prelimbic involvement in drug effects (Tsai et al., 2020).
and elevated cocaine reinstatement to drug cues in male rats (Cicco­ Previously, we determined that Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent
cioppo et al., 2001; Kalivas et al., 2005; Sonntag et al., 2014; Sun and (BOLD) responses to cocaine-associated cues in juvenile male rats with
Rebec, 2005; Weiss et al., 2001). Dopamine D1 receptor expression in D1 overexpression (CK⋅D1, but not CK.GFP) in the prelimbic cortex
the prelimbic cortex parallels the heightened sensitivity to preferences (Lowen et al., 2015) were nearly identical to BOLD response in human
for cocaine-associated environments that emerges between juvenility addicts (Garavan et al., 2000; Vaquero et al., 2017) and in male rats
and adolescence in male rats (Brenhouse et al., 2008). To determine the chronically exposed to cocaine (Johnson et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2013;
role of D1 in adolescence, we have manipulated D1 activity by micro­ Marota et al., 2000). Here, the inter-relationship between novelty
injection of the D1 agonist SKF-23390 (Brenhouse et al., 2010) or preferences and drug cues and whether they share neural circuitry was
overexpression the D1 receptor by lentivirus (on glutamate neurons via further explored through the use of fMRI. For comparison, blood flow
a CamKinase IIa promotor; CK⋅D1) (Brenhouse et al., 2015) in juvenile data from the juvenile males are re-presented in a more extensive data
rats. Both of these manipulations increased cocaine place preferences, set to facilitate comparison between males and females. The experi­
suggesting that increased prelimbic D1 (or activity in the salience mental timeline is shown in Fig. 1a. Our goal is to determine how spe­
network) could increase risk for novelty preferences and drug-seeking cific CK⋅D1 overexpression influences activity in other brain regions
behavior. However, we know little about the role of D1 receptors on associated with cocaine cue reactivity.

Fig. 1. Determination of behavioral effects of D1

overexpression on novelty and place conditioning. a)
Timeline of the behavioral and fMRI paradigm.
Following viral transduction with CK.GFP (n = 7) or
CK⋅D1 (n = 7), female subjects were assessed for
novelty preferences and then underwent place con­
ditioning to 10 mg/kg cocaine. After place condi­
tioning testing on P27, BOLD responses to CS+ and
CS− were determined on P28 using a block design.
The location of the virus injection was confirmed to
the prelimbic cortex, with staining for CK.GFP and
CK⋅D1 are shown at 5×. b) Preference for novelty was
not different between virus conditions, with the mean
score shown by the horizontal bar for each group. c)
Using an unbiased paradigm, where rats had no
preference for either side, the subject underwent two
conditioning days at postnatal day (P)25 and 26, a
previously neutral odor was paired with cocaine
(CS+ odor) and second odor (CS− ) was paired with
saline for 60 min each. On day four, subjects had
access to all three chambers. CK.GFP animals
demonstrated a preference for CS+ environments
(gray bar: post-conditioning), whereas CK⋅D1 sub­
jects show an aversion (black bar: post-conditioning);
white bars: pre-conditioning. Circles show individual
data points.

M.L. Rohan et al. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 203 (2021) 173117

2. Materials and methods Negative pressure prevented odor mixing. The odors enhanced as­
sociations between drug and the environment (Lowen et al., 2015).
2.1. Subjects Repeated pairing of the environment with a rewarding drug permits the
environment to develop conditioned motivational properties (Everitt
Female Sprague Dawley rat litters were obtained from Charles River and Robbins, 2005). Juvenile rats (P24) were habituated to the 3-cham­
Laboratories (Boston, MA) at P12. Pups were weaned at postnatal day 21 bered apparatus for 30 min to establish the absence of baseline prefer­
(P21) and housed with same-sex littermates with three rats per cage. ences for odor-associated environments (defined as spending >18 of
One pup from each litter/condition was used to avoid litter effects, 30 min on one side). Sixty-minute conditioning sessions on days 2 and 3
resulting in n = 7 for CK.GFP and 7 for CK⋅D1 subjects. Rats were housed paired one odor with saline (a conditioned stimulus that does not predict
with food and water available ad libitum in constant temperature and drug [CS− ]) and a second odor paired with 10 mg/kg cocaine in the
humidity conditions on a 12-h light/dark cycle (lights on 0700). The afternoon (a CS odor that predicts drug [CS+]). Odors and side of odor
experiments were conducted in accordance with the National Institutes presentation were counterbalanced within groups. The 10 mg/kg dose of
of Health guide for the care and use of laboratory animals (NIH Publi­ cocaine was selected because juvenile male rats typically do not show
cations No. 8023, revised 1978) and approved by the Institutional An­ place preferences with this dose (Brenhouse et al., 2008) and is a
imal Care and Use Committee at McLean Hospital. Females were too threshold dose to detect D1/GFP overexpression and age differences
young (<P28) to achieve pubertal status, and therefore there was no (Andersen et al., 2002; Sonntag et al., 2014). On day 4, rats could freely
need to determine the estrous state. explore the entire apparatus for 30 min in a drug-free state. Time spent
on each side was measured to determine behavioral preferences to drug-
2.2. Lentiviral injections conditioned, odor-paired environments. Animals were imaged the
following day.
At P16 (45–50 g), rats were anesthetized with a ketamine/xylazine
mixture (80/12 mg/kg, respectively). Subjects were randomly assigned 2.5. MRI
to receive a lentiviral vector that targets glutamate neurons (via the
CamKinase IIa [CK] promotor) and expresses either green fluorescent 2.5.1. Odor delivery (MRI)
protein (CK.GFP) or drd1 (CK⋅D1). The Massachusetts General Viral core Odors were presented to the animals using a second, similar olfac­
made the viruses with a concentration of 108–109 transducing units per tometer that passed filtered room air at 0.3 L/min through one of three
μl. Subjects received 0.6 μl of the virus bilaterally into the prelimbic flasks that contained solutions of “rose,” “almond,” or neutral (water)
cortex at stereotaxic coordinates (AP +2.7, ML: 0.5; DV: − 2.7) following odors. A separate odor tube exited each flask in tubes (PTFE) in a design
our methods (Sonntag et al., 2014) and behavioral assessment did not that minimized dead space and provided discrete periods of odor
commence for five days post-surgery, an interval that we have deter­ exposure (verified by (Lowen and Lukas, 2006)). An electronic trigger
mined is sufficient for stable expression (Sonntag et al., 2014). After programmed into the pulse sequenced selected the odor. During the rest
completing the study, subjects were deeply anesthetized with sodium periods between odors, the system was purged with the neutral (water)
pentobarbital and perfused transcardially with phosphate-buffered sa­ selection.
line and 4% paraformaldehyde. The brains were cryoprotected and
sliced into 40 μm sections. Following standard histological procedures, 2.5.2. fMRI acquisition
CK⋅D1 was confirmed by staining for the D1 receptor (D1 antibody; At P28, odor-cued fMRI data were acquired on a 9.4 T Agilent (Palo
Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO: 1:250; made in rat with an Alexa-Flour Alto, CA) MRI system with a 120 mm diameter gradient system. The rats
568-coupled IgG secondary antibody [1:400; Molecular Probes]). Sec­ were anesthetized with 2% isoflurane and maintained on 1.5% mixed
tions were mounted on slides and with Stereo Investigator Image with 1.5 L/min breathing quality air during image acquisition following
Analysis System (MBF Bioscience, Williston, VT) to confirm location. the methods of Lowen et al., 2015. Prior studies have shown that
Only subjects with histological confirmation of placement within the anesthetized animals respond to drug-conditioned cues in a manner
prelimbic cortex were used (Fig. 1b). Novelty preference habituation consistent with their responses in awake studies (Boyett-Anderson et al.,
was initiated three days later to allow for viral expression. 2003; Liu et al., 2013). Respiration and EKG were monitored (Small
Animal Instruments, Inc.), and a recirculating water blanket (Gaymar T/
2.3. Novelty preferences Pump) was used for temperature.
A tight-fitting birdcage RF coil (fabricated in-house) acquired fMRI
At P20, each subject was placed on one side of a two-sided images using a single-shot Echo-Planar acquisition, TE/TR = 17 ms/3 s;
24 × 18 × 33 cm dimly lit chamber (MedAssociates Inc., St Albans, matrix = 64 × 64 on 40 mm FOV with 38 × 0.625 mm slices for 10 min.
VT), and the number of beam breaks recorded for 20 min (Macri et al., fMRI had a one minute baseline period followed by a repeated block of
2010; Sonntag et al., 2014). Subjects were habituated two additional 15 s almond, 15 s no odor, 15 s rose, 15 s no odor for the remaining nine
and consecutive days then remained in the home cage for 24 h. On day minutes. All animals received the same order of odor presentation,
five, the door connecting to the second chamber was opened, and the illustrated in Fig. 1a. As a result, half of the animals were exposed to
total time spent on the novel side was used as an index of novelty their cocaine-conditioned odor first. This block design produces
preference. temporally linked activation in the amygdala following cue presentation
(Lowen et al., 2015), similar to human studies (Garavan et al., 2000,
2.4. Place conditioning Lukas et al., 2013). In our previous study (Lowen et al., 2015), we show
that odor-induced increases in activation return to baseline simulta­
Place conditioning is well suited for developmental studies in young neously during the 15-sec odor presentation and remains at baseline
subjects due to minimal training time. Here, we used an unbiased place levels for the remainder of the 45-sec of the 60-sec block. For these
conditioning protocol to establish behavioral preferences or aversions to reasons, we conclude that there is minimal to no odor mixing.
cocaine cues (Andersen et al., 2002). A three-compartment chamber was
used, with the two side compartments differing in floor texture, lighting, 2.6. Statistical analyses
and coloring. A custom-built olfactometer (Lowen and Lukas, 2006)
delivered either rose (phenethyl alcohol) or almond (acetophenone) 2.6.1. Behavioral
odor at a flow rate of 10 mL/min to the corner of each side that was Novelty preferences were tested between virus conditions by an in­
vented through the opposite corner via a vacuum. dependent samples t-test between GFP and D1 groups. Place

M.L. Rohan et al. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 203 (2021) 173117

conditioning data were analyzed by a mixed ANOVA (SPSS v 20) with score demeaned within GFP rats and then multiplied by GF. Contrasts
the virus as a between-subjects factor and pre- and post-conditioning as comprised positive and negative activation for D1, GF, D1-GF, NovD,
a repeated-measures factor. Regression analysis was used to determine NovG, NovD+NovG, NovD-NovG. Voxel-wise results for these contrasts
the relationship between novelty preferences (time spent on the novel were converted to z scores, and a threshold of z > 2.3 was applied.
side of the chamber) and the individual place conditioning scores Second, Gaussian random field theory was used to find clusters of
(defined as time spent on the drug side – time spent on the saline side). contiguous voxels over the threshold with a cluster significance level of
Significance was set at p < 0.05. p < 0.05, family-wise error corrected for multiple comparisons over the
whole brain.
2.6.2. MR image processing
2.6.4. Statistical analysis (regional) The BOLD fMRI images were analyzed with an in-house approach, A post-hoc analysis was performed on the subject-wise effects of
following our previous methods (Lowen et al., 2015).. Nyquist ghosting behavioral measures on the BOLD activation. Mean BOLD activation was
was minimized using a parameterized phase correction for spatially identified in regions of interest (ROI) defined by anatomic localization
constant and linear terms (Kutter et al., 1994). Magnitude and phase by the atlas of (Sherwood and Timeras, 1970). Using correlational an­
images were obtained. Standard preprocessing included motion alyses (Pearson’s r), individual BOLD levels were correlated with
correction, slice timing correction, spatial smoothing to 10 mm FWHM behavioral scores for novelty preferences. The a priori defined anatomic
(1 mm in native space), and high pass filtering with a cutoff of 100 s. regions examined were the dorsal striatum, prelimbic cortex, amygdala,
and substantia nigra. All correlation data were subject to bootstrap fMRI subject analysis. Subject-wise BOLD analysis was per­ analysis with 10,000 random resampling analyses; data were considered
formed using two passes of a standard general linear model (GLM) significant following this analysis if they met the adjusted p values
processing (FSL). This analysis used a whole-brain voxel-wise approach; (p < 0.05). The relationships between CK.GFP and CK⋅D1 groups were
the model included two odor stimuli (convolved with the standard he­ statistically compared with Fisher’s z transformation, followed by
modynamic response function and high-pass filtered) and their time Bonferroni correction to determine significant differences.
derivatives, and six detected motion regressors. The first pass analysis
was performed to derive confound regressors, and the image phase 3. Results
change from the first image formed an additional voxel-wise nuisance
regressor. The residuals from the first pass were reduced using a prin­ 3.1. Novelty preferences
cipal component analysis to the first eight components. The component
time courses were used as 8 × 1D global nuisance regressors (Madsen Data from n = 7 CK⋅D1 and n = 7 CK.GFP subjects were used in the
and Lund, 2006) for the second pass. The residuals were also averaged final data analysis for imaging; data for one CK.GFP subject was not
over each slice within each volume and then replicated throughout that available due to MRI difficulties. Virus condition (CK⋅D1 versus CK.GFP)
slice, forming an additional, voxel-wise nuisance regressor. A GLM had no significant influence on novelty preference scores (Virus:
analysis included all of the regressors from the first model and the nine F1,13 = 0.49, p > 0.05). Fig. 1b shows the individual scores presented in
listed regressors above derived from the residuals in the second pass. a scatter plot of the two groups.
The “almond – rose” contrast was used for the group analysis.
3.2. Place conditioning Registration. Anatomic registration was performed iteratively
to a group average for both anatomic and fMRI data. A standard The same n = 7/7 subjects assessed for novelty preferences under­
anatomic brain was constructed from anatomic images by scaling the went place conditioning. Neither the D1 nor the GFP virus significantly
voxel size entries in the header to clinical values (×10) to use FSL influenced place conditioning to cocaine: (Virus × [pre/post]: p = 0.17;
software (FLIRT, using 12 DOF; FMRIB, Oxford University). The Fig. 1c). However, the place conditioning score (post – pre-conditioning
anatomic images were then registered to the MNI standard (human) values within each animal) that was used in the BOLD analysis revealed
brain with 6 DOF initially, and the results then averaged to form a first a significant difference between CK.GFP and CK⋅D1 (independent sam­
template. The brains were then registered to this template and averaged ples t-test: t12 = 2.4, p < 0.05; Fig. 3c left panel). Specifically, CK.GFP
again. The process was repeated two more times; the converged result females demonstrated a place preference for cocaine-associated envi­
was the standard anatomic rat brain for this study, and the original voxel ronments, whereas CK⋅D1 females demonstrated an aversion. These
size entries were restored. same subjects underwent imaging.
The BOLD scans were used to construct a standard BOLD brain to be
used as a registration target. The same iterative methods were used as 3.3. fMRI whole-brain and regional brain associations
for the anatomic images, with four iterations. The resulting standard
BOLD brain was aligned to the standard anatomic rat brain and used to The main findings of the study are that novelty-preferring modulates
register the subject-wise statistical images. CK⋅D1 animals’ BOLD responses to cocaine-associated odors; BOLD re­
sponses to cocaine-associated odor cues in CK⋅D1 females reflect an
2.6.3. fMRI group analysis aversive response. First, the influence of novelty-seeking on cocaine
Subject-wise results were combined in a mixed-effects group analysis cued CS+ BOLD responses are found in Fig. 2. In the whole-brain
for the almond–rose contrast (Chase et al., 2011), following our previous analysis, only the CK⋅D1 group showed significantly different re­
approach (Lowen et al., 2015). This group analysis was performed as a sponses to the CS+ (relative to the CS− ) odors. Based on the whole-brain
voxel-wise analysis, relying on the registered statistical images. Four analysis, regions with negative BOLD responses included those related to
regressors were used. The first (“D1”) was +1 for D1 rats trained with the salience network (the prefrontal and insula cortices, amygdala, and
almond as the active odor, − 1 for D1 rats trained with rose as the active dopamine cell bodies; (Menon, 2015)). The contrast generated by
odor, and 0 for GFP rats. The second (“GF”) was +1 for GFP rats trained correlating novelty scores with odor-cued brain activation within the
with almond as the active odor, − 1 for GFP rats trained with rose as the CK⋅D1 group alone yielded several significant changes in regional BOLD
active odor, and 0 for D1 rats. The third regressor (“NovD”) was the responses (Fig. 2). Regions of interest were then a priori defined focusing
novelty score demeaned within D1 rats and then multiplied by D1 (and on regions associated with salience. Individual novelty-seeking scores
therefore equal to zero for GFP rats). The last (“NovG”) was the novelty for CK⋅D1 and CK.GFP rats correlated with individual differences in
BOLD responses within the selected regions (medial prefrontal cortex,

M.L. Rohan et al. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 203 (2021) 173117

Fig. 2. Modulation of whole-brain analysis of the BOLD

response to CS+ versus CS− associated by novelty-seeking in
CK⋅D1 females (n = 7). a) Significant responses were observed
in the CK⋅D1 group, whereas no significant activation was
observed in the CK.GFP group. Scale bar hue indicates z-score
with increases in red/yellow areas, decreases in blue. Clusters
shown are significant (p < 0.05) after correction for multiple
comparisons across the whole brain. Increased BOLD responses
are associated with novelty scores in the anterior cingulate
cortex, thalamic and cerebellar regions, and negative responses
in the frontal cortex, dorsal striatum, insula, amygdala, and the
dopamine cell body region. b) References plates from Sher­
wood and Timeras (1970) highlighting affected regions that
are part of the salience network. Key figures are identified:
medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC); right amygdala (AMY), dor­
sal striatum (DSTR); dopamine cell bodies (SN/VTA) with
Bregma coordinates shown.

right amygdala, left dorsal striatum, and substantia nigra; Table 1). shown in Fig. 3d.
Novelty preference scores did not significantly correlate with BOLD
scores in these regions in CK.GFP rats. Activity as a covariate signifi­ 4. Discussion
cantly influenced BOLD responses in the left substantia nigra (z = − 1.72;
p < 0.05). The CK⋅D1 virus did not significantly affect novelty-seeking but
Second, the relationship between regional responses to the CS+ odor resulted in a place aversion for cocaine-associated environments in ju­
was significant when expressed as a function of place conditioning score venile females. Cocaine-associated odors produce BOLD signaling
in CK⋅D1 animals, but not in CK.GFP animals (Fig. 3a and c). Positive changes in anesthetized rats (Johnson et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2013;
BOLD regions associated with placed conditioning included the so­ Lowen et al., 2015). This study’s first goal was to examine novelty-
matosensory region, the insula cortex, and the amygdala. To facilitate seeking as a risk factor for cocaine sensitivity in young female rats.
comparison between female and male juvenile rats, we provide an The results show that increased novelty-seeking is associated with
expanded data set from our (Lowen et al., 2015) paper where juvenile deactivated BOLD responses to cocaine-associated odors at this early age
males expressing the CK⋅D1 virus underwent place conditioning, and in CK⋅D1 females. Specifically, a deactivation of regions found within
their responses to cocaine-associated odors were imaged. Subjects were the salience network was observed in female subjects that were related
treated identically and analyzed relative to their same-sex CK.GFP to novelty-seeking. Resting-state connectivity in fMRI studies identifies
subjects are shown in Fig. 3b for males. Responses to the CS+ stimulus in the salience network (Menon and Uddin, 2010) with similarities found
the CK⋅D1 subjects are either aversion or approach (preference) and are between humans (imaging) and non-human primates (anatomy; (Haber

Table 1
Correlations between regional BOLD responses to cocaine cues and behavior.

Bregma ROI Fisher's Fisher's Novelty Fisher's

+5 0 -5 -10 -15
Bregma 0

5 M2 M1
Figure 2
n=7/7 Activity Z Place Conditioning Z Preference Z
nteraural 10


+ 15 + 10 +5 0 -5
cg RSGb

cc S1BF

fi DG
sm MHb AD

eml AM

Left 0.04 -0.29 -- -0.10 0.18 -- -0.36 -0.04 --

mt AMV

rf Xi LaDL
VRe B B AStr
al 3VPaDC
mfb SPa BLA

Right 0.41 -0.18 -- 0.28 0.23 -- -0.86 0.32 P<0.01

sox RCh CxA

2.2 Left 0.12 -0.47 -- 0.45 0.53 -- -0.68 -0.01 --

Right 0.08 -0.03 -- 0.47 0.18 -- -0.63 0.28 P<0.05
1.2 Left -0.13 0.40 -- 0.50 -0.11 -- -0.67 0.30 P<0.1
Right 0.03 0.20 -- -0.01 -0.09 -- -0.80 0.27 P<0.05
Insula Left 0.68 0.16 -- 0.08 -0.68 P<0.1 -0.13 -0.05 --
Right 0.32 0.06 -- 0.08 -0.30 -0.18 0.60 P<0.05
0.4 Left 0.01 0.62 -- -0.13 -0.53 -- -0.12 0.36 --
Right 0.15 -0.10 -- -0.36 -0.11 -- -0.25 0.22 --

-5.3 Left 0.00 -0.34 -- 0.36 0.19 -- -0.74 0.41 P<0.05

Substantia nigra
Right -0.21 -0.26 -- 0.16 -0.08 -- -0.53 -0.26 --

M.L. Rohan et al. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 203 (2021) 173117

Fig. 3. Whole-brain analysis of the BOLD response to

CS+ versus CS− associated with place conditioning in
CK⋅D1 females (n = 7). a) Regional BOLD signal re­
sponses to CS+ versus CS− are shown on top for fe­
males. Scale bar hue indicates z-score with increases
in red/yellow areas, decreases in blue. Clusters
shown are significant (p < 0.05) after correction for
multiple comparisons across the whole brain. b)
Extended data set from Lowen et al. (2015), demon­
strating BOLD changes from the identical experiment
in males (published with permission). c) Preference
scores (post-conditioning –pre-conditioning effect)
for females and d) males that were used to determine
the effects of cocaine cues on BOLD responses.

and Knutson, 2010)). The rat salience network comprises the dorsal/ 2010). The insula’s negative BOLD response related to novelty suggests
ventral agranular insular cortex as well as the prelimbic, infralimbic, that less salience is given to interoceptive cues (Naqvi and Bechara,
and primary/secondary cingulate cortices (Tsai et al., 2020), with 2010). Consequently, reduced activity in the insula would facilitate
downstream activity in the dopamine cell bodies, amygdala, and thal­ more attention to external, environmental factors, including novel en­
amus. Novelty-seeking in the females was associated with a significant vironments or drug cues. The insula is the only area influenced by both
BOLD response within a number of these regions. Elevated BOLD re­ novelty preferences and cocaine cues in the CK⋅D1 animals. Opposing
sponses in individuals self-identified as novelty seekers are found in the BOLD activity, for reasons we do not yet understand, could contribute to
ventral striatum (Wittmann et al., 2008), medial prefrontal cortex a limited role of novelty preferences as a risk factor for drug use at this
(Bermpohl et al., 2008), and the dopamine cell bodies in humans stage. To this end, novelty preferences only predicted cocaine condi­
(Bunzeck et al., 2007; Krebs et al., 2011). Our study further shows that tioning scores in a subset of animals. While this relationship was sig­
novelty-seeking is associated with decreased BOLD responses to cocaine- nificant, it was based on a small number of animals and should be
associated cues in dorsal and ventral striatal regions, the dopamine cell investigated in a larger cohort.
bodies, and the dorsal agranular insular cortex. No activity was observed Place conditioning data show similar effects of cocaine cues on BOLD
in the ventral insula cortex, which is associated with the salience activity despite sex differences in behavioral responses. We hypothe­
network (Tsai et al., 2020), when novelty was the regressor. Therefore, sized that conditioned cocaine cues would produce a place preference
whether our results reflect the observations in humans that novelty- and activate the same regions in the CK⋅D1 males, which include the
seeking is strongly associated with a negative BOLD response in the prefrontal regions, ventral striatum, amygdala, dopamine cell bodies
insula (Wang et al., 2015) that is part of the salience network is unclear. (Liu et al., 2013; Lowen et al., 2015; Zhou et al., 2014). The aversion to
The insula cortex is involved in interoceptive functions, including self- cocaine-associated environments in CK⋅D1 females was unexpected.
awareness of emotions (Decety et al., 2014), body function (i.e., heart Female CK⋅D1 rats show increased BOLD signals in the ventral insular
rate), and drug addiction (Breiter et al., 1997; Naqvi and Bechara, cortex (e.g., salience network; (Tsai et al., 2020)), whereas the males

M.L. Rohan et al. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 203 (2021) 173117

activated the dorsal insular cortex, which is associated with drug cues and possibly transient, changes in the salience network that may reflect
during reinstatement (Cosme et al., 2015). The sex difference observa­ different drug use stages. In the current study, increases in the D1 re­
tion is consistent with higher c-fos responses following exposure to drug ceptor in the prelimbic cortex selectively decreased activity in the dorsal
cues in the ventral insula in females relative to males (Zhou et al., 2014) insular cortex, striatal regions and the cell bodies when novelty served as
Increased activity in the ventral insular cortex is consistent with a a regressor. The clear delineation between the dorsal and ventral insular
negative state (Moschak et al., 2018) and could underlie the place cortex further validates the utility of this approach to parse the role of
aversion. The ventrolateral and the caudal ventrolateral caudate puta­ specific brain regions that in turn can be translated to human pop­
men were also significantly activated in females, but not males. Earlier ulations (Tsai et al., 2020). Similarly, conditioned place preferences can
studies with c-fos mRNA show that cocaine sensitivity is emerging by be used as a rapid screen for determining drugs that can reduce craving
P28, but cocaine-induced increases in extracellular dopamine are absent (Napier et al., 2013) or its underlying neural circuitry. Place condi­
(Cao et al., 2007). Females have higher levels of cortical dopamine than tioning paradigms are translatable and have been used in children
males during periadolescence (Staiti et al., 2011) that would increase (Childs and de Wit, 2009). Alternatively, a map of target regions asso­
the effectiveness of cocaine. Together, cocaine-associated cues activate ciated with the place aversion in females can guide addiction inter­
different parts of neural circuitry in juvenile females than males. vention. Together, this pharmacological seed approach can provide
Whether age-related changes in the dopamine system drive this sex insight into addiction-related behaviors early in life to facilitate the
difference is likely but requires further investigation. identification of the 8–15% of the population at risk for substance use
Cocaine-associated cues activated BOLD signals in the ventral striatal disorder (Grant and Dawson, 1998; Jordan and Andersen, 2016). More
area when the behavioral response is aversive to cocaine and when the research is needed to assess behavioral risk factors’ role and scope to
response is positive to cocaine cues (Flagel et al., 2011; Rebec and Sun, identify such individuals and sex differences.
2005; Schultz, 2006). Drug cues are associated with prelimbic activity,
as reflected in the different behavioral outcomes between females and Declaration of competing interest
males. The anticipation of a positive effect activates the medial pre­
frontal cortex in juvenile CK⋅D1 males (Lowen et al., 2015), rats None.
chronically exposed to cocaine (Liu et al., 2013), or exposed to cocaine
cues (Johnson et al., 2013). Juvenile CK⋅D1 males show strong BOLD Acknowledgment
activity in this region. In contrast, CK⋅D1 females show greater activa­
tion in the insula cortex, suggesting an internal focus on cocaine cues. The NIH had no involvement in the design, execution, data analysis,
Both sexes show activation of the amygdala. These data confirm that the or presentation of the final results.
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hub. Funding
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into account a few factors. First, males and females experience puberty This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health DA-
at different ages (Juraska and Willing, 2017). The age used here, P28 at 10543 and DA-026485 (to SLA). The NIDA Drug Supply Program sup­
the time of imaging, is an early age for adolescence with neither sex plied cocaine.
showing strong hormonal changes (Juraska and Willing, 2017). Second,
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