Mirajul Islam - Internship Report

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Marketing Strategies & Techniques

performed by Channel 24
University of Barisal
Internship report on
Marketing Strategies & Techniques performed by Channel 24

Submitted to:
Assistant professor
Department of Marketing
University of Barisal

Submitted by:
Md. Mirajul Islam
MBA Program
Session: 2015-2016
ID: 16 MKT 011
Department of Marketing

Date of submission: 16 July 2018

July 16, 2018

Assistant professor
Department of Marketing
University of Barisal

Subject: Submission of the Internship report.

Dear ma’am,

It is a matter of great pleasure for me to submit my internship report on “Marketing

Strategies & techniques performed by Channel 24”. I have tried my level best to fulfill the
requirements of the report. I consider myself very fortunate to prepare this report under
your guidance. This has been a great opportunity for me. It has provided me with a great
scope of applying the gathered classroom knowledge in the practical field. During the
internship period I got to know many new faces and developed interacting skills.

I must mention here that I am extremely grateful to you for your valuable guidance and
constant attention as and when required. It is worthwhile to mention that there might be
some errors and mistakes in my report due to lack of experience. Therefore, I expect that
you will pardon my unintentional mistakes in preparing this report. I will be pleased to
answer any sort of query you think necessary as now and when needed. I am always
available to share the pleasure of discussions.

Sincerely yours,

Md. Mirajul Islam

There are many people without the support of whom this report could not have been
completed. I gracefully thank Fatema-Tuz-Zohora, Assistant professor, University of
Barisal, for his proper guidance and feedback. He was there whenever I needed his help
and gave me opportunity to learn about this topic. I thank Channel 24 for allowing me to
complete my internship in the organization. I am also very grateful to Burhan Uddin
Nayan, Head of Marketing, Sales & Marketing department.
Channel 24 is a fast growing Television Channel. Considering the importance of
marketing strategies, this project was designed to evaluate the “Marketing strategies and
techniques performed by Channel 24”. Channel 24 focuses on customer needs and wants
and develop programs to satisfy the customer’s needs. Marketing strategies are formulated
to develop new programs, to identify new market opportunities, to develop the program
content, to maintain better relationship with the clients. Marketing strategies also applied
to collect TVC from different companies as well as ad firms.
This report is divided into different chapters. The first chapter is all about the origin of the
report. The second chapter is about the company overview. Marketing strategies and
techniques of channel are described in chapter three. My job responsibilities are shown in
chapter four. Finally, the findings and recommendations and recommendations are given
in chapter five.
According to the ranking, Channel 24 is now the 2nd popular news channel in Bangladesh.
Different unique marketing strategies are taken to differentiate Channel 24 from other
news channels. Channel 24 also updates its strategies and programs according to the
changing situations.
Serial no. Page no.
Chapter One: Origin of the Report
1.1 Introduction 01
1.2 Background of the study 01
1.3 Literature Review 02
1.4 Scope of the Study 03
1.5 Objective of the study 03
1.6 Methodology of the study 04
1.7 Limitations of the study 04
Chapter Two: Company overview
2.1 Introduction 05
2.2 Foundation and Growth 06
2.3 Downlink Parameter/Satellite 08
2.4 National/International Network 09
2.5 Principles & Business Entities 10
2.6 SWOT Analysis of Channel 24 13
2.7 Fixed point chart (FPC) 13
2.8 Selection of news 14
2.9 News Value Factors 14
2.10 Six Questions needed to write news story 15
2.11 News Room of Channel 24 16
2.12 Channel 24 News Employees 18
Chapter Three: Marketing strategies & techniques
3.1 Marketing strategies of channel 24 19
3.2 Elaboration of Technical and media Terms 23
Chapter Four: Job responsibilities
4.1 Working Experience in Channel 24 27
4.2 Different Aspects of Job Performance 28
Chapter Five: Findings & Recommendations
5.1 Findings 29
5.2 Recommendations 29
5.3 Conclusion 30
References 30
Origin of the report

 Introduction
 Background of the study:
 Literature Review
 Scope of Study
 Objective of study
 Methodology of the study
 Limitations of the study
Channel 24 today is apparently the fastest growing TV Channel in Bangladesh. It operates
its function with an aim to accomplish two principal targets. Firstly, as with other
commercial organizations, it operates in such a manner that it receives a good economic
return on the investment. Nonetheless, secondly, it contributes significantly to the
economic development of the country in making telecommunication a popular medium for
exchange the information. A lot of marketing strategies are needed to capture a sound
return on the investment. Marketing strategies in TV channel are different from traditional
marketing. This encouraged me to choose the topic of this internship as “Marketing
strategies & techniques performed by Channel 24”.

To be a postgraduate from Barisal University, a student must have to complete the three
month internship program at a firm, organization, institution and multinational company to
get introduced to familiar with and skilled about the genuine professional world. This
requirement is the main instinct to prepare this internship report. It is a realistic experience
of theoretically gained information and can be measured as an introduction trial to be
familiar with the professional environment of any organization other than making
individual confident enough to enter professional life and construct the groundwork of her

My report is the outcome of the internship work and experience gathered during the time
of my working in Channel 24 at Sales and Marketing department. The study focused on
evaluating the Marketing strategies & techniques performed by Channel 24.

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Marketing strategies are seen as a process consisting of: analyzing environmental, market
competitive and business factors affecting the corporation and its business units,
identifying market opportunities and threats and forecasting future trends in business areas
of interest for the enterprise, and participating in setting objectives and formulating
corporate and business unit strategies. Selecting market target strategies for the product-
markets in each business unit, establishing marketing objectives as well as developing,
implementing and managing the marketing program positioning strategies in order to meet
market target needs (Drucker, 1973).

The primary purpose of a marketing strategy is to effectively allocate and coordinate

marketing resources and activities to accomplish the firm’s objectives within a specific
product market. Therefore decisions about the scope of a marketing strategy involve
specifying the target-market segment(s) to be pursued and the product line to be offered.
Then, firms seek a competitive advantage and synergy, planning a well-integrated program
of marketing mix elements (Walker, Boyd, Larreché, 1992).

Bangladesh is on the threshold of a new millennium. Bangladesh depends on global

economy and now our country is exposing to winds of change in the market place, which
has expanded vastly and become fiercely competitive. In the changed environment,
decision makers view the marketing concept as the key to success. Marketing in practice
has to manage products, pricing, promotion and distribution.

A successful product can be developed by exploding these opportunities. While delivering

the value of the consumer help to make use of marketing support. This support is based on
the knowledge of consumers and distribution. Marketing support both at the introduction
of products and maturing is considered Marketing, as suggested by the American
Marketing Association is "an organizational function and a set of processes for creating,
communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer
relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders".

“Marketing strategy creates pathways to a desirable future. The output form such
marketing strategy analysis and choice (or strategic marketing decision) is a marketing
strategy statement” (Sudharsan, 1995).

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The two major factors of marketing are the recruitment of new customers (acquisition) and
the retention and expansion of relationships with existing customers (base management).
Marketing methods are informed by many of the social, particularly psychology,
sociology, and economics. Anthropology is also a small, but growing, influence. Market
research underpins these activities. Through advertising, it is also related to many of the
creative arts.

“Strategy which defines the general principles for reaching objectives related to the
specific SBU’s and target markets. It contains the main directives of the marketing
expenditure, marketing actions, and resource allocation in this area. It includes decisions
like: segmentation strategies, positioning, and communication. The definition of marketing
strategies referring to the marketing plan: it is one of the sections which integrate the
marketing plan and its own objective is to present an action plan which will be utilized to
reach the marketing plan objectives” (Camara, 1995).

Organizationally Channel 24 is one of the market leaders in the media sector in

Bangladesh. Its growth rate is splendid. But in this age of free market economy and hard
competition, it is very difficult to keep up the leadership without mitigating the day-to-day
problems in the structural and operational segments and making demand-driven
improvement. Companies therefore need to come up with new ideas to remain in healthy
competition for business development. They need to maintain the optimum level of their
customers’ satisfaction by applying new dynamic marketing strategies.

This Program was designed to accomplish two objectives. The objectives are:

General Objective:

The general objective of the study is to fulfill requirement of the Post-graduation under the
Master of Business Administration program of Barisal University as per university policy.

Specific Objective:

 To identify the Marketing strategies & techniques performed by Channel 24.

 To acquire knowledge about how TVCs are broadcasted.
 To know about different media terms.

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This report is prepared based on both primary and secondary data. Most of the data was
taken from primary sources.

Primary sources:

 Face to face conversation with the respective officers.

 Studying different internal documents.
 Personal Observation.

Secondary sources:

 Annual report of Channel 24

 Relevant books, research paper and journals
 Website of Channel 24
 Newspapers and magazines etc.

In spite of my untiring effort, I guess there may be still some shortcoming prevailing in the
report due to-

 Time constraint: Time is the major constraint to prepare this report. Most of the
information is taken from primary sources due to lack of availability of secondary
data. So, analyzing of primary data requires more time.
 Access to information: The major hindrance that I have faced is the management
of the organization was unwilling to share or disclose some information which was
really required to prepare the report due to confidential issues.
 Busy working environment: It was hard to get officers to discuss about anything
because they were too busy to discuss. So it was difficult to manage a conversion.

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Company overview
 Introduction
 Foundation and Growth
 Downlink Parameter/Satellite
 National/International Network
 Principles & Business Entities
 SWOT Analysis of Channel 24
 Fixed point chart (FPC)
 Selection of news
 News Value Factors
 Six Questions needed to write news story
 News Room of Channel 24
 Channel 24 News Employees
Channel 24 started as a private
television station. It is one of the latest
TV channel in Bangladesh. FBCCI
President AK Azad is the Managing
Director of Channel 24. It has set to
join the fleet of media stations by
frequenting its television sets. Channel
24 officially launched on 24th may,
2012. The name of the new station was
chosen to open up the vision of 24-
hours news & entertainment. We know
today media is playing an important
role in presenting news and views.
That‟s why it was launched with the
aim of telecasting the correct
information and with a lot of
entertainment, making the program
available to the people all over Source: Wikipedia

Bangladesh, removing the darkness from the society, making the channel acceptable for
every kind of people in the society and focusing on the proper and professional journalism
with a view to be the fastest and trusted electronic media of the country with a lot of latest
technology and empowered journalists. Channel 24 looks forward to an overall change
with the media market.

The concept is to provide actual news required by the audience of every segment. The
basic need of Channel 24 was to achieve the maximum security and protection for the on-
air transmission, that‟s why besides the famous Etere Automation playout software. The
popularity of channel 24 is increasing day by day. People are accepting this channel as a
great source of entertainment and news. The success of this new TV channel is incredible.
Now Channel 24 is one of the top names in the media market.

Channel 24 from Times Media Limited based on News Entertainment based TV channel
only focus on women and youth group. Channel 24 will be concentrating on corporate
identity of established companies. It is one of the fastest growing TV channel in
Bangladesh. The targeted customer is a small- to Large -Size Company that has been
established for five to 15 years. The company has done well with the business so far, but
they are in need of a new corporate identity to allow them to move to the next level.
Channel 24 is fully equipped state of the art studios with the state of the digital equipment
and feed from play back room directly and linked to up linking will bring the advantage of
the most advanced transmission and production to the viewers. There are six departments
in Channel 24. Those are-

I) Administration and Human Resources Department

This department basically maintains the management and human resources section. This
department establishes the relationship with the other departments by providing human
resources. They keep communicating with the departments to see if they need any
employment for any suitable post. They publish “Recruitment Circular” for the related
post in daily newspapers, online job portals etc.

II) Sales and Marketing Department

Sales and marketing has following section:

 Market analysis and research
 Collection of Advertisements
 Agreements and documentation
 Production and prom motion

III) The News Department

The News Department is consists of News Director, Assistant News Director, Managing
Editor, Business Manager for News/News Operations Manager, Executive Producer,
Senior Producer, Producer and Assistant Producer, News Writer, Futures or Planning
Editor, Assignment Desk Chief, News Assignment Desk, Special Projects Editor, News
Assistant, News Anchor/On-Air Talent, Sports Director, Weathercaster/Meteorologist,

Reporter, Creative Services or Promotions Director, Promotions Manager or Audience
Promotions Manager, Writer/Producer, Post-Production Editor and Station Announcer.
News and Current Affairs department has following section:
 Reporting
 Editing
 Presentation
 Lifestyle
 Talk shows on Current Affairs
 Research, Reference and archive

IV) The Program Department

The programming director or programming manager makes certain programming

information is fed to traffic, sales and other pertinent departments. Any changes are
communicated both in house and externally to the TV listings services. Maintaining
programming equilibrium versus negotiating for new product is part of the daily
responsibilities. Many programming decisions are now made at the corporate level, on
behalf of multiple stations. Program department has following section:
 Programming
 Set design and properties
 Make up
 Presentation
 Press and Publication
 Library and Archive

V) Broadcast and Engineering Department

The staff of the Engineering department keeps the television station on the air and the
station‟s physical property in good shape. Rapidly evolving technology has compressed
the workforce in this area, making multi-tasking more essential and some jobs obsolete.
Head of this department is the director of broadcast operations and engineering (BO&E),
who could also be called chief engineer. This is a hybrid position that‟s half technical, half
personnel management, overseeing in the words of one BO&E director “everything from
the toilet paper to the tower.” BO&E heads figure out what new equipment the station
needs to keep competitive and work the angles to get the best deals. While a number of
news departments are still video-tape based, most are converting to non-linear, server-

based technologies. Digital technology is replacing analog, but stations still need to deal
with video‟s legacy: all the information still physically stored in this format versus
compressed computer files.
Broadcast and Engineering has the following section:
 Maintenance
 Outside Broadcasting
 Satellite and communication
 Training and research

VI) Finance and Accounts department

Finance Department largely performs the function of advising the Government on all
financial matters. The formulation of the Budget is one of its most important functions.
Finance department is also entrusted with the responsibility of framing rules regulating
pay, emoluments and other service conditions of all Government employees. It has
administrative control over the departments of Local Fund Audit, Directorates of National
Savings, State Lotteries State Insurance and Treasuries. The department is headed by the
Principal Secretary and has two Secretaries in charge of expenditure and Finance
Resources. The functions of Finance Department are Preparation of budget, appropriation
of accounts, re-appropriations, surrender and savings. So, Finance and Accounts has the
following section:
 Budget
 Accounts
 Tax and VAT

Channel 24 uses the Chinese satellite Apstar 7 to broadcast the programs. The company
must have to pay a lot of money for using this satellite.

Source: Channel24bd.tv
Over the past decade television has emerged as the most powerful channel news and
entertainment in Bangladesh. It has displaced radio and newspapers to become the
country‟s main source of reliable information. The 2011 Nielsen Media and Demographic
survey found that 84% of urban households and 43% of rural households in Bangladesh
owned a television set. The same surveys that 74% of Bangladeshis aged 15 and over
watch television at least once every seven to 10 days.

The rise of television has been stimulated by a boom in private TV channels, and now
Channel 24 is one of the growing commercial TV stations that received a license in 2011.
Channel 24 has maintained a strong hold on viewers in both rural and town. The 2011
Nielsen survey showed that 83% of TV owners in urban areas have access to private TV
channels via satellite dishes.

As every TV channels Channel 24 is charged the highest rates for advertising between
19.00 and 23.00, suggesting that is also the peak viewing period. As Channel 24 is
operating their program 24 hours that‟s why it is reached to the every kind of viewers.
Channel 24 now broadcasts at least one talk show per day and these programs cause
considerable debate nationally.

Channel 24 broadcast a mix of news, talk shows, reality shows, music shows, dramas,
movies and other forms of entertainment. It is also broadcasting some Islamic program
which is creating the religious values and opens the door for the discussion. Rising
incomes and the emergence of a large middle class have meanwhile made commercial
television, based on the sale of advertising, extremely profitable. Individual programs of
Channel 24 on may have higher ratings at certain times of day. Live shows are creating
great values in nationally/internationally. All of this creating the national and international
network likes a strong web.


The Channel 24's mission is to provide the customer with completes interactive and
entertainment based creative and practical channel. To enable the organization of
outstanding content on subjects of interest and relevance to a range of audiences while
using the best professional practices and ensuring long term continuity is the main mission
of Channel 24.

The Channel 24 is still in the speculative stage as a service provider. It plans to take a
modest strategy toward project acquisition, not accepting projects by virtue of increasing
revenue, but accepting new projects conditionally on the fact that sufficient resources can
be committed ensuring complete customer satisfaction.
Let‟s know some objectives of Channel 24.

 Marketing Objectives
 Increase visibility, evidenced by an increase in unsolicited requests for service.
 After year one, generate at least 30% of new business each quarter from referrals.
 Continually strengthen Channel 24's brand equity, evidenced by informal polling
during networking activities.

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 Financial Objectives
 Maintain positive, steady, growth each month.
 Reach profitability by the end of year one.
 Continue to decrease the variable costs associated with serving a project.

Target Markets:
The Channel 24 has two distinct customer groups which they will concentrate on:
 Small-Medium size companies and Ad firms.
 Large-size companies: 15-40 employees
Channel 24 is the 24 hour news oriented television channel in Bangladesh. It started its
journey to present 24 hours news oriented program. The channel is growing up with a
band of young and devoted journalists of the country. Channel 24 is now continuing its
journey with a goal to present authentic and politically unbiased news to the viewers in the
nook and corners of Bangladesh.

Principle and Values:

Source: Channel24bd.tv
The company has created its Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to ensure that the
employees follow business decisions and make commitment to the highest ethical
standards and the law. Adherence to this Code and other official policies those are
essential to maintaining and furthering our reputation for fair and ethical practices among
the customers, shareholders, employees and communities. This Code applies to all
company employees and members of the Board of Directors.

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It is the responsibility of each employee covered by this Code to comply with all
applicable laws and regulations and all provisions of this Code and the related policies and
procedures. Each employee covered by this Code must report any violations of the law or
this Code. Failure to report such violations and failure to follow the provisions of this
Code may have serious legal consequences and will be disciplined by the company.

This Code summarizes certain laws and the ethical policies that apply to all employees,
officers and directors. Several provisions in this Code refer to more detailed policies that
either concern more complex company policies or legal provisions or apply to select
groups of individuals within our company. Situations that involve ethics, values and
violations of certain laws are often very complex. No single code of business conduct and
ethics can cover every business situation.

Let‟s know about the value chain of Channel 24 at a glance:

Source: Channel24bd.tv

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The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the
company and describes opportunities and threats faced by the Channel 24. Used in a
business context it helps organization crave a sustainable niche in a market. This analysis
is mainly based on a current market situation.

Strengths Weaknesses
 Brand Name  Limited R&D
 Customer loyalty  Lack of capital
 Sales  News Chanel
 Market leadership

Opportunities Threats

 New market segment  Growing competitors

 Innovation  Use of online media
 Govt. intervention

Fixed point chart or fixed program chart means to lists of all available programs schedule
of a TV channel. So, the FPCs of Channel 24 are given below-

News program: Talk shows: Other Programs:

 News 24  Mukto Kontho  Jaago Bangladesh
 Desh 24  Mukto Moncho  Towards Growth
 Colors 24  Muktobak  Sara Bangla
 Sports 24  Rajnitir kotha  Circle the globe
 Business 24  Program (Islami)
Crime program:
 Chittagong 24  Banglar bon
 Sotorko Sonket
 Medical 24 Banglar Prani
 Searchlight
 Follow up 24  Mukhosh  Beyond the gallery

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News is gathered information that we read in newspapers, magazines, online news portals
and watch in television. Reporters collect the information, cameramen take photos and
editors edit the stories. This is how they put together presentable news stories for the
readers and audiences. News is defined as, "a report of a recent event, intelligence
information and the presentation of a report on current events in a newspaper or other
periodical or on radio or television which is taken collectively and a choice subject for
journalistic treatment" by Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English
News is a creation that goes through a lengthy process of selection, writing, presentation
etc. The ideology of news writers, editors and reporters play an important role in
determining the nature of the news. Before sharing my internship experience, it is
necessary to know about the facts that make a story newsworthy. News should contain
some basic rules to be followed. All information is not selected for news. For putting
together a meaningful news story, reporters should follow these rules.

Though news is a set of arrangement of information, all information is not newsworthy.

There are some specific factors that determine the news stories. They are known as news
value factors. Channel 24 evaluate the news on the basis of the following factors-

 Proximity: It refers to the distance between the newsworthy incidents and the
readers. For example, the news about a fire incident in Chili, it will not affect the
Bangladeshi audience. Rather, the news of IS attack at the Gulshan HolyArtison
Bakery on 1st July, 2016 made us cry. So, the closer the story is at home, the more
newsworthy it is.

 Prominence: It refers to the significant works or events in the lives of prominent

persons. Famous people like singer/actor/player, political leaders etc. are known as
prominent persons. General people are interested to know about them. For
example, any news story about US President Donald Trump is prominent.

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 Timeliness: People like to receive news stories on time. People hardly show the
same amount of interest about a newsworthy event that takes place today as
opposed to one that took place five or seven days ago. That is why news needs to
be broadcast on time. For example: when the fire broke out in the DCC market
near Gulshan, every TV channel broadcast it live.
 Consequence: Consequence refers to the impact of the news. The news reporter
has to think about the impact of the news story from the audience. The news script
should be written in a way, so that it can create an impact on the audience. People
will not be as interested to know about the major news of the other countries when
they are facing a crisis in their own country. For example, people will be more
interested to know the news of the flood condition of Chittagong rather than the
news of new elected president of India.
 Oddity: Any kind of unusual, extraordinary or unexpected event attracts people‟s
attention. For example, the tree man diseases, cultivable land in Mars etc.

When a reporter writes a news story, s/he gives importance to six questions. Those six
questions are:
 Who: Who was involved in the incident?
 What: What happened?
 Where: Where did the incident take place?
 When: When did the incident take place?
 Why: Why did the incident happen?
 How: How did the incident happen?

Rudyard Kiplings introduced these six questions – 5w and 1h. Though „who‟ and „what‟
are the most important questions, all these questions need to be answered in the news
story. If a reporter fails to answer all the questions in the news story, the story may lose its

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Among all the departments, News and Current Affairs (NCA) Department is responsible
for broadcasting news. In fact, this is the main section where news is processed. It is a
very complex place. All the news stories are gathered here, first. After that, it is written by
the reporters, edited by the editors and then assembled for the news broadcast. The
newsroom offers an excellent opportunity to discover, investigate and produce news. It
manages the station‟s presentation system. Also, it provides the opportunity to work
creatively and produce uniquely.
Every news media has an own newsroom. Newsrooms of newspaper and television media
are different. I have learnt a lot about television newsroom by doing my job at Channel 24.
It is a well-organized newsroom. It provides a friendly environment for all the members of
the News and Current Affairs (NCA) Department. All the computers are connected with
each other in the newsroom.

Picture: News room

Channel 24 New and Current Affairs (NCA) Department has several news desks. Every
individual desk is assigned with specific tasks and in this way this department maintains
its work in an organized way. The desks are:

National Desk
The National Desk deals with the local and countryside news. It discusses the phenomenal
issues of Bangladesh, like politics, crime, development etc. It has several ways of
collecting news. First of all, it has its own reporters. The national reporters are assigned
daily assignments. They go out, cover news stories like sports, meetings, seminars,
important social events, and much more. Then, they produce news stories. It can be an
item of package or OOV-Sync. It depends on the news materials.

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Secondly, the National Desk gathers country news from its districts‟ correspondents. The
agents collect news and send that news by email. Related video footage is also sent by via
email. Desk reporters use that raw information for making presentable news stories. Then
the editor checks it and passes it for further progress.

Sometimes, the desk reporters of the National Desk get phone calls from an authentic
contact, e.g. local police officer of a related area. For example, if any illegal incident takes
place in Sirajgonj, then the desk reporter will get a phone call from the police officer of
They also get news from the internet. They check the accuracy of that news story. They
get news by fax from division presenters. All the local news is not selected to be broadcast
as for national level news. There are some sensitive issues which are usually avoided by
the reporters. Also, the National Desk avoids controversial issues like religious issue.
Actually national level news is influenced by our cultural ideologies which are created by
the society.

International Desk
Like the National Desk, the International Desk possesses an important position in terms of
news desks. It deals with the foreign or international news. It is concerned with the other
nation‟s affairs. It focuses on the significant events of the entire world. It is always
connected to the outside world. At every second something new is happening in the world.
It is not possible to cover all the news stories in 40 - minute news broadcast. Also, during
the news broadcast time, the time allocation for international news is short. That is why
this desk is mainly concerned with important international news. It collects news from
Associated Press Television Network (APTN) and BBC news.

Business Desk
The Business Desk focuses on the tracks and records of the business markets. Share
business news is the main discussion issue of this desk. Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and
Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) are the main sources of business news items. They
analyze the market and interpret any possible change in the market for the audience. They
put together the news story about the stock market. It also covers business related issues.

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Sports Desk
There are four editors and reporters in the Sports Desk. Sports news is of two types:
National and international. They write reports on every kind of sports, e.g. cricket,
football, hockey, table tennis, badminton, Olympic games, chess tournament etc. They
visit different stadiums and, sometimes they broadcast live from the related sport venue.
There are a huge number of sports followers around the world. Hence, the responsibility of
the Sports Desk is increasing day by day. They do research on sports and sports players,
conduct interviews of coaches, players, managers and if possible cover press conference
etc. They also put together sports related program for the audience.

News has a different writing style than other forms of writing. News language needs to be
easy and attractive. While writing news, it is necessary to keep in mind that the prime
audience for news is our general people. So the choice of language is very important.
Precision and familiarity are two important words in news language. Precision is using the
exact word in news writing. On the other hand, familiarity refers to using a common and
easy word which the general audience will easily understand. So, in news writing, one has
to be conscious enough about using common and easy words, and also the exact words to
describe the news stories. While writing news, I kept these two things in my mind, and
also the little knowledge that I acquired from my major courses – Editing, English for
Print Media, Cultural Studies, Copywriting, and Translation Studies.

For successful news broadcasting, newsroom needs a huge number of skilled and
experienced persons in different sectors. If the staff do their job accurately and timely,
only then, it is possible to produce accurate, well-organized and detailed news. The
important persons of the newsroom are:

 Chief Executive Editor

 Executive Editor
 News Editors
 Reporters
 Presenters

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Marketing strategies & techniques

 Marketing strategies of channel 24

 Elaboration of Technical and media Terms
Channel 24 is mainly a news channel. A lot of marketing strategies are used to increase the
return on investment as well as to be the market leader in Bangladesh. So, some marketing
strategies are described below-
Television commercial (TVC)
Television commercial is the main income source of any TV channel. TVC are made by
different Ad firms on behalf of the company. Most of the time Ad firms make contract
with different TV channel to broadcast the advertisement on behalf of the company.
Sometimes the company directly make contract with TV channel. Basically TVC
broadcasting costs are charged based on how many minutes the TVC will be broadcasted.
TVC broadcasting cost are given below-

Peak hour Off peak hour

 Starts from: 5 PM to 1 Am  Starts from: 1 AM to 5 PM.
 Cost: 6500-8000 TK (Per  Cost: 2000-3000 TK (Per
Minute) Minute).

Doggy/Dog/ Bug
Doggy/ bug means the logo of the brand is displayed on the left side upper corner on the
screen 24 hours except commercial time & special days.

# Cost: 8,000 – 10,000
TK (Per minute)
# Duration: 5 to 10

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Brand on screen (BOS)/ Clock ticker
BOS/ Clock ticker means the logo, image, motion picture etc. of a brand that appears one
by one on the right side down corner screen for 24 Hours. There will be non-competitive

BOS/Clock ticker
# Cost: 3,00,000 TK
(Per Brands).
# Number of brands: 4
to 5.
# Duration: 15 seconds.

News countdown
It means countdown from 10 to 0 before starting news. Brand name is shown on the
screen at the time of countdown. At present Pubali Bank logo is shown at the countdown.

Cost: 700000 TK
per month.

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News Ticker
Ticker is the formal name of scroll. Scroll appears horizontally at the right down bottom
corner on the TV screen. There are 2 types of news ticker. These are lower news ticker and
upper news ticker.

Upper news ticker Lower news ticker

 Cost: 5 Lac TK Per month.  Cost: 2,50,000 TK Per
 Number of brand: 1. month for each brand.
 Duration: 24 hours.  Number of brand: 5 to 7.
 Duration: 10 seconds.

Super spot
When an ad appears suddenly on the screen for 2 to 5 seconds at the news program is
called super spot. The prices are high for this type of advertisement.

Super spot
 Number of brand: One
 Cost: 7,00,000 TK per month.
 Duration: 2 to 5 seconds.

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Bumper spot
When an ad is played before the ending of news break is called bumper spot. High prices
are charged for this type of advertisement.

Bumper spot
 Number of ads: 5 to 7.
 Cost: 6,00,000 TK per month.
 Duration: 10 to 15 seconds per ads.

Pop Up Advertising
When any motion or animation picture of a brand appears suddenly on the bottom side on
the screen is called pop up advertising.

Pop Up
Cost: 12000
TK per minute

L Shaped Advertising
It means showing the ads like L Shape from upper left screen to bottom right screen. This
L shaped ads are also animation or motion picture of the brand.

L Shaped
Cost: 12000
to 14000 TK
per minute.

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It means a fixed monitor keep in the studio and different brands are shown on that
monitor. High prices are charged for this type of advertisement.

Cost: 4,00,000 to
Monthly for each

The following media terms are used by Channel 24.

Graphics (GFX)
In audiovisual media graphics is referred to as GFX. GFX is used as a substitute when
video footages are not available for the relevant story. GFX has two parts. In the first part,
the presenter gives a small detail about a news story and, in the second part the graphics is
shown on the screen. Graphics basically encompasses piles of words, diagrams,
information or other illustrations that appear on the television screen. While the GFX is
presented, the news presenter remains out of vision.

It is basically a short video clip or film recordings. There is another kind of footage- file
footage. The short video clips or film recordings are kept in tape libraries (where videos
are kept) for further use.

Out of Vision (OOV)

OOV is the short form of out of vision. From the abbreviation it can be easily understood
that the news presenter will remain unseen in this situation. Footage is required for this.
The footage is shown on the television screen, and the news presenters read the news
remaining unseen.

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In Vision (IV)

IV is the opposite of OOV. IV stands for in vision. A presenter remains in front of the
camera while reading the whole news. Unlike OOV it does not contain any audiovisual

The word voxpop comes from the Latin word „voxpopuli‟. It means voice of the people.
Voxpop refers to the video clip where general people give their opinions or statements
regarding an issue. It is the opposite of sync.

Package (PKG)

PKG is the full form of package. Package is a long form of storytelling process during the
news telecast. Glenn Halbrooks, in an article titled “What Exactly Is a News Package for a
TV Newscast?” mentions, “A news package is a creative, visual and long form of
storytelling found on television newscasts.” It is a visual storytelling process as it contains
footage, sync, voxpop and GFX. Reporters engage in research for the stories, interview the
relevant people for the story, and write scripts for the packages. Voice over is needed for
this visual storytelling. A reporter or narrator speaks while the video is shown on the

Synchronization (Sync)
Sync also refers to a video clip where designated persons like ministers, officers,
presidents etc. give their opinions regarding various issues.


Rundown is the list of stories for news. News stories are kept in order in run down. It
starts with a welcome part where along with the headlines other relevant things like date,
time, greetings and presenter‟s name are included. It has an ending with the repetition of
headlines, and an invitation for watching the next news items.

This is the combination of OOV and Sync. If an OOV contains any related opinion about a
designated person, then that sync will be added with the OOV. This format is known as

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It means answering a live phone call from the reporter who is at the relevant spot. To give
updated information about any news story to the audience, phono-live is necessary. The
reporter is connected with the news presenter over phone from the relevant spot in this
system. Phono-live increases the importance of news.

In audio visual media, intro refers to the first line of a paragraph. It contains the most
newsworthy part of a news story. Every news story starts with an attractive intro to grab
peoples‟ attention.

Sting is a short music which is played before starting the news. It is also played just before
the starting of the commercial – break during the news.it is replayed, when the news
broadcast restarts after the short commercial break. Every channel has its own
identification melody. The sting duration is very short. It is only 5 to 30 seconds long. It is
prerecorded music.

Master Control Room (MCR)

MCR stands for the master control room. This is the technical hub of the broadcast
operation of electronic media. Along with news bulletins it controls all the programs of the
station. It is said that this is the room from where the final fire goes on. It passes both the
audio and video signals. We can see continuous programs without any interference
because of the master control room. It handles everything efficiently. The MCR equipment
includes video monitors, satellite receivers, video tape machines and transmission
equipment. That is why those who are assigned in this sector need to be skilled in
computer operating and interested in technology and engineering. They also have to be
patient and remain calm under pressure.

Production Control Room (PCR)

This room is controlled by the master control room. The news producers direct the news
from this room. The every-hour news is produced by three producers (one producer and
two assistant producers). During the news bulletin one manages the audio – video
switcher, the other talks with the studio presenter and other one controls the whole

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This room contains many monitors which control several cameras of the news studio.
News broadcasting is a live program. So, all the work is done carefully by avoiding
mistakes. PCR sends the signal to MCR. MCR sends the signal to the satellite. I visited the
production control room (PCR) with one of the news producers of ATN Bangla. He
accompanied me there before the starting of the 2 pm news bulletin. There are so many
monitors and computers in that room. The news producer explained me the details of PCR.

Graphics Room
The Graphics room is used for graphics making. A graphics operator needs to know the
graphics technology, e.g. VizRT, Aston (name and address of the reporter, presenter, guest
or interviewee that is written in bold), clarity, TOG, and Chyron. S/he has to have the
ability to organize information in an easy way so that the audience can understand the
news. When the video footage is not available for any news, reporters try to add GFX with
the story. They use the pie chart or still picture with the news story. This type of work is
done by the Graphics Operator in Graphics room.

Editing panel
Another important part is the editing panel. All sorts of video footages are edited here and
made ready for the on air telecast. There are eight editing panels in Channel 24. The
temperature of editing panels is kept low because of the proper function of the Central
Processing Unit (CPU). Desk reporters and field reporters give their voices to the related
videos for the packages at the editing panels. Reporters cover news along with the video
man. After returning to the office they submit the video to the editing panel and they
prepare it according to the news story. Here, the field reporters give their voices while
making packages.

Sometimes, the district correspondent sends video via email. In that case, the desk
reporters download the video and the editing panel prepares it for the news. The desk
reporters produce the news story and give voices to the video at the editing panel. Often,
the IT section downloads the video. IT section handles the computer related problems in
the newsroom.

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Job responsibilities

 Working Experience in Channel 24

 Different Aspects of Job Performance
2nd June 2018, I joined in Channel 24 marketing department (Sales and Marketing). My
first day at my professional work .I fell very nervous but I didn’t expose that. I showed
that I am smart why should I tense? But I really become nervous. In Channel 24 I saw
everyone very friendly. When my coordinator introduce to every one-I saw every one
came to me and talk to me. Every one asked my name, from which university I came. I
walked every ones desk and speak to everyone. Then they gradually came my desk have a
chat with me. They told me if I need help they help me out. Now they like me very much.
I work hard only proved myself and my university.

My job in the Channel 24 at marketing department let me know that there is a vast
difference between classroom learning and the practical field. I have been to face lots of
difficulty in my field assignment. But my education in sales and marketing has assisted me
a lot.
There are a lot of similarities between my subject and the Marketing department. I gained
knowledge of the marketplace, competing objectives and competing priorities (e.g.,
budget, prestige). Marketing department has some own language, which I learnt from
subject. It was easy for me to work at Channel 24 because I know everything. In sales and
marketing department I learn how to develop and execute campaigns. I also learn how to
measure and monitor the performance of social media. I got the practical experience of
customer relationship and customer communication. Now I have very good knowledge on
social media tools, trends and applications and appropriately apply.
Despite learning these things there is a big different between study and work. When I do
work I get to know that I have to face a lot of problems. But since I studied the classroom
subjects very well I did not have to face that many problems.
In sales and marketing department there have different section to work. As I was working
at sales and marketing department in channel 24, I had some job like developing and
managing social media presence, customer advocacy, customer communication activity,
integrating social media into overall web experience, updating customer information etc. I
also have experience to work with online sales team to manage the web experience from a
customer prospective.

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Let’s know some of my responsibilities in my office
 Developing and executing campaigns in line with other activity to help to build
positive brand awareness.
 To measure and monitor the performance of activity across all social media
channels and audiences.
 Supporting the customer Relationship Manager will all existing customer’s
 Working with the recovery teams.
 To develop integrated campaigns linked to the overall business strategy.
 Delivering bills to the clients.
 Collecting payment from the clients.
 To develop a plan to continually improve how we use our customer TV channel.

Marketing is defined as all organized efforts, activities and expenditures designed to first,
acquire a customer and, second, maintain a customer. Finally, The marketing department
is a unit of organization, traditionally charged with carrying out specific task that are
deemed to be marketing such as advertising, marketing research. As the definition would
suggest the marketing department customer acquisition and customer maintenance efforts
go beyond the organizational boundaries of the marketing department. When all
departments know and understand their role and importance in the marketing process, the
functions of marketing work better. The marketing department works better. Usually, the
role of marketing is viewed from the inside of an enterprise looking out to the market
place. In many instance, the marketing function should provide the perspective of the
market place looking in. critical Marketing functions include:

 Identifying the important constituencies with in the market place

 Identifying and valuing specific target groups for the TVC.
 Communicating with the market place.
 Conducting transactions with the market place.

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Findings & Recommendations

 Findings
 Recommendation and
 Conclusion
Channel 24 is the fastest growing Television Channel in Bangladesh. As a Television
Channel Customer Satisfaction is the most important fact for Channel 24. So, marketing
strategies are applied to make the customer delight. The major findings are given below
according to my observation-
 Gives more emphasis on customer satisfaction.
 For channel 24 customer satisfaction is the important fact for its income.
 All the employer of sales and marketing department is very efficient, energetic and
educated. They all are trained well to handle customers.
 The quality of service is very good.
 The environment of office is very good.
 The office setup is very modern and technological advance.
 Salary is paid in time to the employees.
 Head of Marketing is very helpful and friendly.
 A lot of news program to attract customers.
 Program contents are good.
 TRP ratings and reviews are good.

 Give more training to the marketing director and sales director so that they can
increase their skill.
 Effectively make the break plan so that marketing and sales director can remove
 Motivate the employee by different motivational factor because it is a monotonous
 Provide medical facilities especially on eye and hearing checkup on a regular basis
to the employee.
 Give more benefit to the employee to reduce employee turnover.
 The management of the office can be stronger.
 To give some more importance to real-estate in business slot, which is the most
beloved arena for investors.
 Promote information contribution from the people like sharing amateur video
footage on anything of public interest.
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 Add more discussions on local issues regarding the welfare of the society.
 The news should be considered with priority.
 To include more live programs.
 The programs need to be scheduled according to the viewer’s convenience.
 The presentation should be unbiased.
 To deliver the relevant news with more accuracy.

It is clear that television is no longer just a means of entertainment; specialized channels

are also equally gaining popularity. Even channels that are focused on specific field like
news are also facing tough competition. In Bangladesh key players are Somoy Television,
Independent Television, ATN News, Channel 24 and NTV. The research shows that
Channel 24 News poses strong challenge in terms of presentation skills, news coverage
and popularity.
In purview of commercial position advertisements are the bread and butter for all private
owned channels. Evidently this points to importance of extensive research in to the socio
political changes that the viewers are interested to listen and learn.

 www.channel24bd.tv.
 Prospectus of Channel 24.
 Books, Publications and Journals of Channel 24.
 Annual report of Channel 24.
 Aaker & A., D. 2004. Strategic market management (7th ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: John
 Cravens & W., D. 2000. Strategic marketing (6th ed.). Boston, Mass.; London:

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