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THOMAS HOBBES -Everyone has a right to self-preservation.

-Reconstruction of political theory Thus they also can kill.

destroyed by Machiavelli. -Everyone is equal. The ability to kill is
-During English Civil war and restoration always there in all humans.
period in England. -No natural growth of government
-Realist writer - Passions and reason helps us to escape
- Main question he dealt with is “the basis from SoN.
of political authority” rather than the good - People gave up their rights to be
life like medieval political thinkers governed by someone or assembly.
-In Leviathan he advocates an absolute, -The social contract is made between men.
self-perpetuating sovereign power. They are not making contracts with the
-Monarchists were critical of him because sovereign.
Hobbes didn’t put the basis of monarchy -The sovereign emerges after the contract
on nobility or divinity. is made.
-King should rule because he could -People cannot give their natural right,
establish order and peace. self-preservation.
-The sovereign was given unlimited and -The sovereign can be a parliament or
undivided authority. Unlimited authority is single ruler.
necessary to maintain the order. -The sovereign also has power over
-The scientific methods should be used to religious manners.
study human nature. -People obey rules for 2 reasons: desire to
-Men seek more power because this is the get advantage or fear.
only way to ensure self-preservation. -The right of nature: is freedom to do
-Individuals are naturally unsocial beings. anything to stay alive. Absence of moral
-Individuals are selfish. constraints.
-Individuals seek power to protect -The laws of nature: rules that prohibit
themselves and their goods. self-destructive behavior.
-They also seek glory.
- 3 sources of conflict/disagreement:
competition, diffidence and glory. JOHN LOCKE
-Zero sum definition of power: when -Father of liberalism and republicanism
someone has more power, the rest will -Influenced today’s US politics
have less. -Lived during English civil war
-Kral dini ve siyasi otoriteyi elinde tutar -Two Treatises of Government in 1689
State of Nature: -King does not have divine right to rule
-No government and social rules exist in and everyone was born equally.
the state of nature. -Used experience and observation.
-The real nature of human beings can be -Tabula Rasa
understood under the bad conditions. (like -Christiany is a rational religion
Machiavelli) -No one has the right to dominate the other
-In SoN every man is in conflict with all -Natural law included commands of god
other men. and dictates of reason
-Continual fear
-His view of the state of nature was more -Adam was not given the right to rule over
optimistic than Hobbes. men therefore kings cannot claim their
-Hobbes emphasized the right to authority descended from Adam.
self-preservation in the state of nature, -Men have a responsibility to help others
Locked emphasized the right of life,liberty as long as this doesn’t put their life in
and property are all protected by the danger.
natural law in the state of nature. -State of nature is where men can enjoy
- The right to life and liberty weren’t their rights and don’t necessarily need a
transferred to the sovereign when a government.
government was established with a social Why do we need a government if the state
contract.(unlike Hobbes) of nature is peaceful?
- The right to life and liberty is given by -Because a minority may violate the laws
god and couldn’t be transferred. of nature.
-The government was established to - We need a power that can protect rights
protect our rights, not to undermine them. and punish violators.
-Locke’s ideas on natural rights, -Since men have equal rights, they also
constitutionalism and loteratin were very have the right to punish others. People can
influential. act unjust while punishing.
-His ideas inspired the American and --------------------------------------------------
French revolutions. -God has given the world to human beings.
-Politics and religion should be separated -No one has a primary right to own things.
and cannot intervene each other's sphere. -When they use their labor, it becomes
-Separation of powers their private property.
-Legislative supremacy is important -Private property should be limited to just
State of Nature: enough to ensure the life and the welfare
-There is no government in the state of of the person.
nature. -Without money,there are natural limits to
-Peace, goodwill, cooperation and collecting agricultural products.
protection is in the state of nature.(Unlike -Without money it is difficult to
Hobbes) accumulate wealth and exchange goods.
- Government cannot be absolute and -Use of money is a consent of
arbitrary accumulation of wealth. This leads to
- Even when there is no government, a inequality that stems from some people
peaceful life is possible. working harder than others do.
-State of nature is not constant. Order and -Transition to an economy based on money
chaos can occur over time cyclically. requires the social contract.
-People have natural rights: life,liberty and -Before the invention of the money, people
estate.(negative rights because they aim to were living in a peaceful and cooperative
limit state’s behavior) way.
- The legitimacy of the government -A government becomes necessary to
depends on the degree of protection. protect private property.
-Men are equal. -Government is based on a unanimous
-No one has a natural right to rule. consent of the people.
-The laws of nature are the will of god. -Only private property owners can vote.
-Limited Government -State of nature and civil society are
-Women,children are excluded from opposed to each other.
citizenship. -He saw civilization as a negative thing.
-No political authority can have arbitrary How did Rousseau differ from other
and absolute power over human thinkers in terms of state of nature?
beings.Because: - state of nature was a peaceful condition
1.even men themselves don’t have an - Human history cannot be divided into
absolute and arbitrary power over others. two general categories: the state of nature
Men cannot violate the natural law. and civil society.
2. having absolute power is against the -It needs to be divided into 3: state of
formation of civil society. It would be a nature, transitional period and civilization
contradiction if the government that is or civil society.
created to protect their rights actually ---------------------------------------------------
violates them. -State of nature was not a constant
-Toleration was necessary and limited in condition.
the private realm. - In the first state of nature men are born
-Governments don’t have an authority on free and free to do what they like.
the internal moral lives of individuals. -There is no institution or government in
-Atheists cannot be tolerated as they the first state of nature.(Unlike Hobbes and
themselves don’t tolerate other religions. Locke, this was not a bad condition)
-Similar to Locke and Hobbes the first
instinct that leads humans was the concern
JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU for life and urge for self-preservation, the
-Reason and consciousness(vicdan) is second instinct was compassion(like
important. (differs from other previous empathy)
philosophers) - In the first state of nature people are
-Both St.Augustine and Rousseau equal, and don't have the desire to
questioned reason and put importance on dominate the others.
feelings. - In the second state of nature, people are
-Politics and morality shouldn’t be slowly moving towards civilization. Due
seperated to population increase and need to be more
-Enlightenment thinker efficient in using resources. Formation of
-His ideas inspired French revolution families and simple languages. Family is
thinkers like Robespierre the earliest form of society. Division of
-Government is an artificial entity created labor is there as men hunt and women care
by human beings for the children.
-Science and arts didn’t bring progress. -Society promotes competition and
State of Nature: inequality.
-Rousseau saw the state of nature as a -As civilization develops, liberties of men
relatively positive condition. are taken from him.
-State of nature is a non-political -The government was formed to protect
condition. the interests of those who had property.
- Everyone is equal before the law but
laws don’t apply to everyone equally.
Why did Rousseau argue that the arts and people, to protect liberty and political
the sciences led to the decline of society? equality.
-The problem with scientists and -Government action can be based on
philosophers is that they question moral general will.
opinions,habits; thus, they undermine the
basis of the community. - “Man is born free and everywhere he is
-The second problem is that they lure in chains”
citizens away from public activity into -As people become social beings,they rely
private pursuits of intellectual life. on other individuals.
-Arts and philosophy softens the war-like - Unlike Aristo, society is artificial
spirit that is necessary for national defense. according to Rousseau.
-The competition stems from arts and -Rousseau can be considered as one of the
philosophy undermines the respect for leading figures of socialism and
equality among citizens. communism.
-Being a soldier and military service is the IMMANUEL KANT
perfect model for public service.
-The military services transform men into -The first professional
citizens. philosopher(academician)
-He didn’t approve of territorial -Synthesis between rationalism and
expansion,conquest and imperialism. empiricism
-Civilization has led to the decline of -Accepted the social contract
human relationships. Competition has theory(Hobbes,Locke,Rousseau)
increased. -Social contract is not something real.
-Two problems of civilization: -His idea of a league of nations inspired
estrangement and domination. the UN.
Estrangement can be overcome by - Critique of Pure Reason 1781
recovery of our natural virtue of -Critique of Practical Reason(ethics)
compassion. Dominance can be overcome -Critique of Judgement(aesthetics)
by accepting interdependence. -Religion Within the limits of Reason
Social Contract Alone 1793 (he was critical about catholic
-Firstly,people with their free will create a church)
new community.They unanimously give -Perpetual Peace 1795 was an expression
up all their rights they had. They don’t of enlightenment spirit.
give their rights to the government but to -Ethics and politics are separate domains
the community. Sovereignty rests with the of morality
people. -Humans when they come to the world
-Community has a will of its own called they have a certain amount of
“General Will”. Expresses the true knowledge(apriori) and they use reason to
interests of the community. create their worldview.
-With the second social contract,people -Our best qualities only develop with
create the government. The task of the competition. (humans are social animals)
government is to execute the will of the
-States cannot isolate themselves from empirical observation, they are based on
each other. reason.
-Wars can be useful in the ways that they -Dialectic:thesis,antithesis and synthesis.
regulate relations among states. -His theory is seen as a justification of the
-Three types of law:domestic law (jus subordination of the interest of the
civitatis), international law (jus gentium), individual to the interests of the state.
and the law of the human race (jus - Religion is no longer able to accomplish
cosmopoliticum). meaningful life.
- Three main articles of perpetual peace: - Meaningful life is possible through the
The civil constitution of every state shall reconceptualization of the state.
be republican.The right of nations shall be -Hegel’s political theory is very different
based on a federation of free from liberal political theory.
states.Cosmopolitan right shall be limited -Liberals see the state as an artificial entity
to a condition of universal hospitality. composed of individuals.
-Separation of powers -Hegel sees the state as a moral
-All treaties should be designed with good association.(like the Ancient Greeks)
faith. - State refers to political institutions and
-No states should become under the moral,religious and cultural life.
dominion of another state. -Main concern;: how to create a
-Standing armies should be abolished. It is meaningful life
an extra cost. Civil Society
-The financial problems should be avoided -is comprised mainly of economic
as they create problems for other states as activities
well. - people only interact because of their
- No state should interfere with others by economic interests.
force or constitution.Ülkenin iç işlerine - we see other humans as means to satisfy
karışmamak. our needs.
- In the long term perpetual peace will be ---------------------------------------------------
achieved. - He contributed to nationalism.
-Because today globalisation is increasing, -The construction of the state is based on
states are less inclined to go to war with individuals’ self interests to realize their
each other as they are more self-preservation.
interdependent. -Creation of the state is not a moral action,
-we need the social contract theory as a it is a result of our natural impulse.
regulative idea in our society. -The state is instrumental.
-the reason to have civil society is right to -Critical of liberal theory like Rousseau.
freedom not self-preservation -The essence of freedom is
self-determination and absence of
dependence on other people.
HEGEL - Our actions need 2 criteria to be
-Last representative of German idealism self-determined: 1)rational and 2)Content
-German idealists thought that moral and of moral actions.(Sittlichkeit)
political principles cannot be based on -True freedom can only be possible
through the agency of the state.
- German idealism -Religion is a response to human
- Elements of the Philosophy of Right alienation in material life.
(distinction between civil society and the -Religion will disappear over time.
state) -Humans exist as a community.
-Phenomenology of the Spirit -Division of world history is based on 4
-Encyclopedia of the Philosophical different periods of production:
Sciences Asiatic,Slave,Feudal and Capitalist.
-Science of Logic -Historical materialism:historical change
-Philosophy of Nature comes from the economic basis of the
- Elements of the Philosophy of Right society.
-Encyclopedia philosophy of Spirit -Economic supremacy will affect political
-zaman ve insan bilinci hakkında power.
çalışmalar yaptı.
-Geist(spirit)= human+social+divine -In order to create harmony between
-World is the product of the spirit states,they had to make sure that there was
-World history is the product of world an economic relationship.
spirit - According to Marx and Engels class
-Civil society is something between struggle is the main reason for conflict in
individuals and state. Middle way. history.
- Family,individuality and property don’t -Capitalism creates international politics
belong to civil society. -The role of the working class is to form
-Essence of the realty is thought(like both nationally and internationally a new
Plato) form of society.
-War is not evil. Can be good for two -Periods of history: primitive communist
reasons: tests for courage and helps rising societies,pre-capitalist societies and
states which represent the world spirit. capitalist societies.

-his ideas affected communism
-effected from Hegel
-The Communist Manifesto
-Das Kapital
-During industrial revolution
-Capitalism should be replaced by
-Das Kapital: if we look into history, there
is always a class struggle between different
-Religion: he was secular. Religion is one
of the main features that is stopping
different classes from struggling.

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