Large Volume Pours

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Large volume concrete
Licensed copy: rambolluk, Ramboll UK Ltd, 10/12/2014, Uncontrolled Copy, © Concrete Society

Neil Crook, PhD, BSc, MICE, MICT

(Based on Digest 2 by Bamforth)

This CONCRETE Advice sheet gives details of the special considerations associated
with large volume concrete construction together with basic information on selection
of materials, concrete mix design and planning.

Internal restraint arises from differential

1. Introduction
thermal strains which occur, for
example, when the surface of a large
In the past large volume concrete pours volume pour cools to atmospheric
with low cement content was associated temperature whilst the centre remains
largely with dams to provide weight hot .
rather than load-bearing capacity.
However, large pours using higher External restraint is that which is
cement contents have become common imposed on the pour by its immediate
for general structural applications. environment e.g. base, ground rock or
an adjacent pour. This form of restraint
There can be no strict definition of what is particularly significant and most
constitutes a large volume pour in terms common in walls cast onto rigid
of dimensions or volume. As a general foundations.
guide, special considerations may need
to be taken for pours in excess of 500
2. Temperature Rise
mm thick.

One of the main concerns with large Several factors influence the extent to
volume casting is the heat generated which the temperature will increase due
as the cement hydrates. This is an to hydration of cement. These include
exothermic reaction and the heat type and content of cement or
developed can result in a temperature combination, size of pour (particularly
rise in excess of 50°C. In smaller minimum dimension), type of formwork
pours the logistical problems are less and temperature (ambient and concrete).
onerous, but heat of hydration must
still be considered when the cement Cement content
content is higher than about 350
kg/m 3 . Associated with this In the centres of concrete sections in
temperature rise are thermal stresses excess of 2 m thick, the temperature rise
generated by restraint to thermal will be nearly proportional to the cement
movement. This restraint may be content. In smaller pours, less than 500
either internal or external. mm thick, heat is more readily lost to
the environment and the temperature rise is, largely unaffected by increasing pour size, but in the
therefore, affected by the rate at which the heat is range 0.5 to 1.5 m the change in maximum
developed. temperature rise is considerable (see figure 1).

The most direct way to achieve lower Type of formwork

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temperature rise is to reduce the cement content,

but this may be at odds with the specification Where plywood (or insulating) formwork is
which could require a minimum cement content used, care should be taken to avoid thermal
for both strength and durability. shock when the formwork is removed. This is
particularly important in winter conditions.
Cement combinations Steel or GRP forms provide little or no
insulation and when they are removed the
The use of cements or combinations containing temperature distribution is unlikely to be
additions e.g. fly ash or blastfurnace slag, can significantly affected.
result in considerable reductions in temperature
rise as shown in figure 1. This is due largely to Mix temperature
the reduced rate of hydration associated with
these materials. It is not uncommon, with high Reducing the fresh concrete temperature slows
levels of addition to achieve a reduction in the rate of hydration and therefore lowers the
temperature rise of 50%. peak temperature; hence the subsequent
temperature drop to ambient will also be
reduced. The temperature rise in smaller
sections will be most significantly affected by
a change in initial concrete temperature.

There are various methods to reduce the mix

temperature e.g. the use of chilled water,
crushed ice, cryogenic cooling (injecting liquid
nitrogen) or cooled aggregates, but in the UK
these measures are rarely adopted. Where
lowering of the mix temperature is considered
to be essential the most effective way of
achieving this is by the use of crushed ice.
However, care must be taken to ensure that all
the ice has melted before the concrete is
placed. Alternatively, water pipes can be cast
within the concrete in which cooled water is
circulated to act as a heat exchange.

3. Restraint

The restraint to large volume pours is generally

small due to the relative stiffness of the pour
compared to its immediate surroundings. Most of the
restraint occurs internally due to temperature and
strain differentials within the pour. These are caused
by the surface of the pour cooling rapidly whilst the
centre remains hot. In this situation surface cracking
can occur. Conversely, during `cool-down', internal
Figure 1 cracking may occur as the core cools. The extent to
which internal restraint develops is determined by
the temperature distribution. For a parabolic
Section Size temperature distribution it has been found that about
35% of the potential thermal movement is restrained.
As the minimum dimension increases, the rate of Some typical values of external restraint which can
heat dissipation from the centre is reduced and the be used for estimating the likelihood of cracking are
temperature rise is increased. In pours thicker than given in Table 1.
about 2.5 m, the maximum temperature rise is
Pour configuration Restraint, R
0.6 – 0.8 at base
Thin wall cast onto massive concrete base
0.1 – 0.2 at top
Large volume pour cast onto blinding 0.1 – 0.2
0.3 – 0.4 at base
Large volume cast onto existing massive concrete
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0.1 – 0.2 at top

Suspended slabs 0.2 – 0.4
Infill bays, i.e. rigid restraint 0.8 – 1.0
Table 1 – Typical restraint values

Effect of aggregate type

The combined aggregate comprises some 75% by weight of concrete. The expansion coefficient of concrete is
dependent primarily on the aggregate type and the choice is significant in relation to the tensile strain
capacity, or crack resistance, of the concrete. Typical values for concretes using a range of common
aggregates are given in Table 2.

Aggregate Type Concrete thermal expansion Concrete Tensile strain

coefficient /°C capacity
Flint and quartzite 12 x 10-6 70 x 10-6
Granite and basalt 10 x 10-6 80 x 10-6
Limestone 8 x 10-6 90 x 10-6
Lightweight aggregate 7 x 10-6 110 x 10-6
Table 2 – Concrete properties

The combination of low thermal expansion A simple equation can be used to determine the
coefficient and increased strain capacity associated likelihood of cracking. For no cracking;
with the use of limestone and lightweight aggregate
εt >K (Tp – Ta) α R
makes these materials particularly suitable for large
volume pours to minimize the likelihood of early
thermal cracking. where
εt = tensile strain capacity (table 2)
Tp = peak temperature
Ta = ambient temperature
4. Estimating the likelihood of cracking
α = thermal expansion coefficient of
concrete (table 2)
Whether or not cracking occurs is determined R = restraint (table 1)
therefore by a range of factors: K = factor which takes into account
creep and sustained load failure (often assumed to be
• the temperature rise; 0.8)
• the thermal expansion coefficient of
the concrete, which determines the Due to the many factors which contribute to the
thermal strain; values of R and K, many standards e.g. BS 8007)
• the degree of restraint which causes assume a simplistic safe value for restraint (R × K)
stress-inducing strains to be generated; ranging from 0.5 to 0.2 for high and low areas of
• the ability of the concrete to withstand restraint respectively. For gravel aggregate concrete
tensile strains without cracking. the often quoted maximum temperature differential
value of 20°C would apply. For concretes using
aggregates with lower thermal expansion
coefficients and higher strain capacity, this value is
conservative. For example, for limestone aggregate
concrete with a thermal expansion coefficient of 8 ×
10-6 per °C and a tensile strain capacity of 90 × 10- Admixtures
6, a limiting value of about 40°C is more reasonable.
This has been confirmed by experience of large Admixtures can be used to advantage in large
volume pours with temperature differentials of 33°C concrete construction in two ways; to increase the
which remained free from cracks. setting time; to reduce cement content.
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Set retarding admixtures influence the chemical

5. Mix Design action of hydration and thereby delay the initial set.
BS EN 934-2 requires an initial setting time of at
For large volume pours there are additional technical least 30 minutes for a mix containing a set retarding
considerations, over conventional concreting, to admixture and also increases the set of a control mix
provide longer stiffening time to avoid; cold joints, by at least 90 minutes but not greater than 360
higher cohesion to minimize bleed and settlement, minutes. By increasing the dosage, however, a
and lower heat of hydration to avoid cracking. controlled delay in set of several hours can be
achieved. Admixture manufacturers will recommend
Cold joints dosage rates related to cement type, temperature and
required delay in set, but tests should be undertaken
A primary consideration in avoiding the likelihood on site prior to commencing a large pour.
of cold joints, apart from planning (see below) is the
stiffening time of the concrete. This is determined Plasticizers are used to enable a reduction in water
primarily by cement type, fineness and chemical demand, and hence a reduction in cement content at
composition, and the concrete mix temperature. An constant water/cement ratio and consistence.
indication of the stiffening time can be obtained Typically, a reduction in cement content of 8% can
from the cement certificate, but it is recommended be achieved using a standard dose of plasticizer but
that tests are undertaken on site to obtain a figure for increased dosage rates or more powerful plasticizers
the particular concrete. These may involve will enable increased reductions in cement content.
penetration tests or simple practical tests in which
samples are left in buckets and vibrated at intervals Many of the available plasticizers and super-
using a small poker vibrator. To increase the time for plasticizers can cause set retardation as well as a
the concrete to stiffen there are various options reduction in water demand depending on their
including; reducing the mix temperature, using dosage. These materials can be used to provide the
additions, using set retarding admixtures. combined benefit of delayed set with reduced
cement content. In general, admixtures do not in
Plastic settlement cracking themselves cause changes in the long term properties
of the concrete other than those which result from
In very deep pours, plastic settlement cracking is changes in the mix proportions which the admixture
often observed following the line of the top mat may have permitted.
reinforcement. This occurs, as the name implies,
due to settlement of the concrete whilst still in its 6. Planning
plastic state and should not be confused with plastic
shrinkage cracking caused by premature drying from
The successful completion of a large volume pour is
the exposed concrete surface. If settlement cracks
largely determined by continuity of concrete supply,
occur, it is advisable to re-vibrate the top 300 mm of
placement and compaction. Care must therefore be
the concrete, providing the concrete will still
taken to ensure that:
respond to vibration. This will reinstate the top layer
and, if the concrete has almost hardened, further
settlement is unlikely to occur. The early 1. The concrete supplier is able to meet the
application of moist curing will not prevent plastic demand and that alternative sources are
settlement cracking if the mix is prone to this available in the event of breakdown.
phenomenon. However, the mix design can be 2. The placing equipment has sufficient capacity
adjusted to minimize plastic settlement, including; and back-up equipment is available.
use an air entraining admixture; use finer sand to 3. The labour resources can handle the rate of
achieve minimum voids in the total aggregate; concrete delivery.
reduce the water content to an acceptable minimum
for transportation, placing and compaction; or the It is also important to ensure compatibility between
addition of a small quantity of polypropylene fibres. concrete production, transportation, placing rate,
compaction rate and finishing. A deficiency in any cranes are available, it is only suitable for relatively
one of these processes can lead to unacceptable small pours or if there are other constraints on the
delays. rate of concreting.

Furthermore, the casting sequence and rate of supply

8. Insulation
must be such that a live working face is always
maintained with the avoidance of cold joints. With
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only one placer, whether it be a skip, a pump or a If the most suitable concreting materials are not
chute from a mixer truck, the choice of casting available and it is expected that the temperature
sequence is limited, usually to starting at one end differentials will be excessive and cause cracking,
and working towards the other. With more than one insulation can be applied. This prevents rapid heat
placer the options increase. loss from the surface and hence minimizes the
temperature differential between the surface and the
For very large pours, even with the use of several core.
placers, it is often necessary to continue concreting
beyond normal working hours. In this situation, Various forms of insulation are available ranging
provision must be made for night shift working as from quilts, normally used for winter concreting, to
well as for continuing concrete delivery and it may simple tenting. The precise measures to be taken will
be beneficial to utilize non-standard working hours, be determined by the extent to which the surface
such as weekends, to enable the concrete supplier to temperature must be raised in order to bring the
dedicate a particular plant to the contract. In areas of temperature differential within the acceptable limit
heavy traffic, casting during the night or on Sundays for the particular concrete.
would allow easier access for ready-mixed concrete
trucks which might otherwise be delayed during If only modest insulation is needed, tenting may be
busier periods. If non-standard working hours are sufficient. In its simplest form, this will consist of
necessary, site restrictions or local by-laws should be polythene sheeting laid on the surface and fixed in
checked. such a way as to prevent evaporative cooling. To
increase the insulating value, the sheeting can be
raised on timbers, but care must be taken to ensure
7. Methods of transportation
that the system is windproof otherwise this can
result in the propagation of plastic shrinkage
For the large quantities of concrete normally cracking.
associated with large volume pours, rapid placement
methods are essential. One of the most common For more effective insulation, quilts or foam mats, or
methods is to pump the concrete using one or more soft board or sand laid on polythene sheets are all
lorry-mounted boom pumps. With a single pump methods which have been employed. Quilts or foam
typically delivering in excess of 40 m3/hour, the use mats are probably the easiest to apply and remove
of say four pumps will enable pours of the order of and allow greatest flexibility. However insulation or
1000 m3 to be placed in a six hour shift or 4000 m3 sheeting in contact with the concrete can affect any
in a 24 hour period. Placing at this rate will require texturing applied to the surface.
one ready-mix truck every two minutes. To achieve
this, supplies from more than one plant will almost The insulation should remain in place until the
certainly be necessary. centre of the pour has cooled to a temperature level
which is low enough to avoid the limiting
Boom pumps also provide access over a large area, differential being exceeded even if the surface
and mobility; using several pumps, the options for should cool to ambient. This period will vary with
placing sequence are numerous. Working from each the size of pour and mix used. Some typical values
corner is common, but there are many variations are given in Table 3 (over leaf) for CEM I concretes
depending on the size and configuration of the pour. used in pours of different sizes. For concretes
Whatever the sequence, the aim should be to keep containing cement combinations, the period of
the advancing faces live, avoiding cold joints. insulated curing will be reduced.

Other placing techniques are more common in

smaller pours which can be reasonably placed within
the normal working day. If access is available the
simplest method is to chute the concrete directly
from the mixer truck. Skipping is probably the
slowest method of placing and unless a number of
Minimum pour Minimum period of measurement of temperature differentials. The
dimension (m) insulation (days) thermocouples should be located at the centre and at
the surface to measure the temperature extremes and
0.5 3 hence the maximum differential. Monitoring can be
1.0 5 either manual or automatic. It is advisable to
1.5 7 double-up on the thermocouples as it is unwise to
rely on one always working
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2.0 9
2.5 11
4.5 21
Table 3: Minimum periods of insulation to avoid excessive temperature 10. Durability

Plywood formwork is also a good insulator and, if

The durability of concrete is determined primarily
left in place, will allow the surface temperature to
by the performance of the cement paste. The
increase by 20°C or more thereby decreasing the
permeability of the paste and the nature of the
temperature differentials. If this system is adopted,
cement are particularly important.
however, care should be taken not to remove the
formwork when the pour is at its peak temperature
The way in which the temperature affects the
after 48 hours or so. This could lead to rapid surface
strength gain of concrete is the same regardless of
cooling and cracking. If the formwork has to be
the cement type used. If the early strength is
removed, it is best to loosen the shutters initially, but
accelerated, the long term strength gain is impaired.
keep them in place for a period of, say, 24 hours.
The use of fly ash or blastfurnace slag does,
This allows the surface to cool slowly, resulting in
however, lessen the extent to which the long term
less severe thermal gradients. When the shutters are
strength is affected.
removed altogether, they must be replaced by
insulating drapes to maintain the temperature
Where the temperature is likely to exceed 70°C,
differential within the acceptable limits.
there is a potential for delayed ettringite formation
(DEF). This can lead to expansion of the paste and
9. Temperature measurement cracking in certain exposure conditions and for this
reason restrictions on peak temperature (60, 65 or
To determine when insulation or formwork can be 70°C) are often specified.
removed, it is advisable to cast in thermocouples to
measure directly the in situ temperature. This is
relatively cheap and simple, and gives a direct

Further reading and advice

BRE Information paper IP11/01 Delayed ettringite formation, CRS, Watford, 2001
BS 8007: Code of practice for the design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids
CIRIA. Concreting deep lifts and large volume pours, Report 135, Construction Industry Research and Information Association, London, 1995.
CIRIA. Early-age thermal crack control in concrete, Report 91, Construction Industry Research and Information Association, London, 1992
CONCRETE SOCIETY, Non-structural cracks in concrete, Technical Report 22, Third Edition, The Concrete Society, Camberley, 1992.

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Issued April 06

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