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United Nations Statistics Division

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions by Sectors (Absolute Values and Percentages)

Date of release: 18-Mar-2021

Coverage: 192 Countries
Series Type: Latest year
Unit: 1000 tonnes of CO₂ equivalent, or percentage (%), as indicated

Definitions & Technical notes:

GHG from Energy: all emissions related to the production and use of energy in any sectors of the economy and households. It includes emissions from fuel combustion as well as fugitive
fuels. This variable corresponds to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Category 1.
GHG from Energy, of which: from Transport: emissions from the combustion and evaporation of fuel for all transport activity, regardless of the sector, specified by subsectors as civil
aviation, road transportation, railways, navigation and other transportation. This variable corresponds to IPCC Category 1A3.
GHG from Industrial Processes and Product Use: emissions from processes such as chemical industry, metal industry, production and use of mineral products and other industries. This
variable corresponds to IPCC Category 2.
GHG from Agriculture: all emissions from enteric fermentation, manure management, rice cultivation, agricultural soils, field burning of agricultural residues, prescribed burning of savannas
and other agricultural activities. This variable corresponds to IPCC Category 4.
GHG from Waste: total emissions from solid waste disposal on land, wastewater handling, waste incineration and any other waste management activity. This variable corresponds to IPCC
Category 6.

Note 1: Base year data in the data interface relate to the base year under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC). The base year under the Convention is
defined slightly differently than the base year under the Kyoto Protocol. An exception is made for European Union (EU) whereby the base year under the Kyoto Protocol is displayed.
Note 2: Data displayed on the data interface are "as received" from Parties. The publication of Party submissions on this website does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever
on the part of the UNFCCC or the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its
frontiers or boundaries as may be referred to in any of the submissions.
Note 3: Some non-Annex I Parties submitted their GHG inventory data using the format of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines in reporting GHG emissions/removals. For this reason, these data could
not be included in the data interface. However, the data are available in the national communications (Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam,
Cabo Verde, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, Eswatini, Fiji, Gambia, Grenada, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Jamaica, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mauritania,
Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Namibia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Panama, Oman, Republic of Moldova, Rwanda, Samoa, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa,
Suriname, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Viet Nam, and Zambia) and biennial update reports (Afghanistan, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Benin,
Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Ghana, Georgia, Guinea-Bissau, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Laos Peoples Republic, Malaysia,
Mauritania, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Singapore,
South Africa, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunisia, Uruguay, and Uganda).

GHG emissions by sectors in percentages are calculated by UNSD.

… denotes no data available.

Data source:
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Extracted on 1-March-2021.

Related Information:
Country Files from the UNSD/UNEP data collection on environment statistics
Country Snapshots

United Nations Statistics Division
Environment Statistics Section
DC2-1516, 2 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017, USA
Country ID Country Latest Year Total GHG emissions
Available without LULUCF

1000 tonnes of CO₂

4 Afghanistan 2013 43,377.00
8 Albania 2009 8,125.70
12 Algeria 2000 111,022.59
24 Angola 2005 61,610.76
28 Antigua and Barbuda 2000 597.75
32 Argentina 2012 338,963.35
51 Armenia 2010 7,202.17
36 Australia 2018 558,047.22
40 Austria 2018 78,950.34
31 Azerbaijan 2013 57,994.77
44 Bahamas 2000 724.58
48 Bahrain 2000 22,372.80
50 Bangladesh 2005 99,442.24
52 Barbados 2010 1,979.00
112 Belarus 2018 91,992.61
56 Belgium 2018 118,455.74
84 Belize 2009 1,202.82
204 Benin 2000 6,251.03
64 Bhutan 2000 1,555.90
68 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2004 43,665.10
70 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014 25,740.00
72 Botswana 2015 23,977.58
76 Brazil 2015 1,026,660.50
96 Brunei Darussalam 2010 9,488.83
100 Bulgaria 2018 57,815.59
854 Burkina Faso 2007 20,413.01
108 Burundi 2015 1,707.29
132 Cabo Verde 2000 447.66
116 Cambodia 2000 24,109.09
120 Cameroon 2000 28,939.00
124 Canada 2018 729,349.27
140 Central African Republic 2010 5,225.25
148 Chad 2003 25,714.00
152 Chile 2016 108,800.02
156 China 2014 12,300,200.00
170 Colombia 2004 153,884.77
174 Comoros 2000 285.05
178 Congo 2000 2,065.05
184 Cook Islands 1994 80.30
188 Costa Rica 2005 12,114.03
384 Côte d’Ivoire 2000 271,197.46
191 Croatia 2018 23,792.80
192 Cuba 2002 36,296.71
196 Cyprus 2018 8,811.61
203 Czechia 2018 127,449.60
408 Democratic People's Republic of Kore 2002 87,330.00
180 Democratic Republic of the Congo 2003 45,998.98
208 Denmark 2018 49,694.48
262 Djibouti 2000 1,071.81
212 Dominica 2017 211.53
214 Dominican Republic 2010 25,230.77
218 Ecuador 2012 60,191.63
818 Egypt 2005 241,631.56
222 El Salvador 2005 11,069.00
232 Eritrea 2000 3,934.00
233 Estonia 2018 19,974.14
748 Eswatini 1994 7,538.68
231 Ethiopia 2013 94,995.96
242 Fiji 2004 2,710.07
246 Finland 2018 56,359.07
250 France 2018 452,209.68
266 Gabon 2000 6,159.55
270 Gambia 2000 19,383.19
268 Georgia 2013 16,610.14
276 Germany 2018 858,368.68
288 Ghana 2006 18,227.04
300 Greece 2018 92,221.66
308 Grenada 1994 1,606.47
320 Guatemala 2005 22,948.27
324 Guinea 2000 47,713.00
624 Guinea-Bissau 2010 13,064.99
328 Guyana 2004 2,891.31
332 Haiti 2000 6,683.12
340 Honduras 2015 15,977.15
348 Hungary 2018 63,219.56
352 Iceland 2018 4,856.95
356 India 2010 2,100,849.73
360 Indonesia 2000 554,333.48
364 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2000 483,669.17
368 Iraq 1997 72,658.00
372 Ireland 2018 60,934.54
376 Israel 2018 78,697.77
380 Italy 2018 427,529.02
388 Jamaica 2012 14,918.49
392 Japan 2018 1,238,342.71
400 Jordan 2006 27,752.00
398 Kazakhstan 2018 396,570.47
404 Kenya 2010 49,964.09
296 Kiribati 2008 170.31
414 Kuwait 2016 86,336.98
417 Kyrgyzstan 2010 12,773.96
418 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2000 8,898.18
428 Latvia 2018 11,745.26
422 Lebanon 2013 26,134.76
426 Lesotho 2000 3,512.89
430 Liberia 2000 8,021.78
438 Liechtenstein 2018 181.08
440 Lithuania 2018 20,266.83
442 Luxembourg 2018 10,547.15
450 Madagascar 2010 27,756.08
454 Malawi 1994 7,070.34
458 Malaysia 2011 287,740.31
462 Maldives 2015 1,535.90
466 Mali 2010 52,732.84
470 Malta 2018 2,186.11
584 Marshall Islands 2010 169.82
478 Mauritania 2000 6,943.85
480 Mauritius 2013 6,591.27
484 Mexico 2013 605,887.32
583 Micronesia (Federated States of) 2000 173.93
492 Monaco 2018 86.93
496 Mongolia 2006 17,710.95
499 Montenegro 2011 3,863.59
504 Morocco 2012 96,108.05
508 Mozambique 1994 8,223.89
104 Myanmar 2005 38,374.90
516 Namibia 2000 9,085.80
520 Nauru 2010 42.19
524 Nepal 2000 26,031.33
528 Netherlands 2018 187,756.39
554 New Zealand 2018 78,862.29
558 Nicaragua 2000 11,980.64
562 Niger 2008 15,520.00
566 Nigeria 2000 212,444.00
570 Niue 2009 26.08
807 North Macedonia 2009 11,491.30
578 Norway 2018 52,022.40
512 Oman 1994 20,878.67
586 Pakistan 2015 394,583.00
585 Palau 2005 346.48
591 Panama 2000 9,707.74
598 Papua New Guinea 2000 10,195.68
600 Paraguay 2012 45,230.73
604 Peru 2012 84,564.00
608 Philippines 2000 126,878.71
616 Poland 2018 412,856.37
620 Portugal 2018 67,280.28
634 Qatar 2007 61,592.97
410 Republic of Korea 2016 693,942.65
498 Republic of Moldova 2013 12,836.34
642 Romania 2018 116,115.12
643 Russian Federation 2018 2,220,122.95
646 Rwanda 2005 6,180.08
659 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1994 164.41
662 Saint Lucia 2010 647.60
670 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2004 381.02
882 Samoa 1994 560.83
674 San Marino 2010 267.27
678 Sao Tome and Principe 2012 153.42
682 Saudi Arabia 2012 548,262.55
686 Senegal 2005 13,580.08
688 Serbia 1998 66,342.41
690 Seychelles 2000 330.08
694 Sierra Leone 2005 845,093.26
702 Singapore 2012 48,333.87
703 Slovakia 2018 43,348.35
705 Slovenia 2018 17,502.14
90 Solomon Islands 2010 618.61
710 South Africa 1994 379,837.16
728 South Sudan 2015 33,638.50
724 Spain 2018 334,255.16
144 Sri Lanka 2000 18,797.24
275 State of Palestine 2011 3,261.75
729 Sudan 2000 67,839.60
740 Suriname 2003 3,330.00
752 Sweden 2018 51,779.24
756 Switzerland 2018 46,332.51
760 Syrian Arab Republic 2005 79,215.75
762 Tajikistan 2010 8,184.00
764 Thailand 2013 318,660.90
626 Timor-Leste 2010 1,276.59
768 Togo 2005 6,158.02
776 Tonga 2006 192.19
780 Trinidad and Tobago 1990 16,006.18
788 Tunisia 2000 34,237.87
792 Turkey 2018 520,941.59
795 Turkmenistan 2010 66,367.20
798 Tuvalu 2014 18.43
800 Uganda 2000 27,559.78
804 Ukraine 2018 339,244.28
784 United Arab Emirates 2014 199,878.61
826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and 2018 465,931.88
834 United Republic of Tanzania 1994 39,236.70
840 United States of America 2018 6,676,649.62
858 Uruguay 2017 32,006.48
860 Uzbekistan 2012 205,269.93
548 Vanuatu 2000 586.23
862 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1999 192,192.24
704 Viet Nam 2013 278,441.86
887 Yemen 2012 37,942.87
894 Zambia 2000 14,404.70
716 Zimbabwe 2006 21,184.72
GHG from energy GHG from GHG from energy, of GHG from GHG from industrial
energy, as which: from transport energy, of processes and product
percentage to which: from use
total transport, as
percentage to

1000 tonnes of CO₂ 1000 tonnes of CO₂ 1000 tonnes of CO₂

equivalent % equivalent % equivalent
10,281.00 23.7 5,217.00 12.0 212.00
4,466.04 55.0 2,306.46 28.4 1,701.12
87,595.60 78.9 12,789.98 11.5 5,463.83
37,732.06 61.2 ... ... 352.00
372.72 62.4 182.63 30.6 ...
183,377.57 54.1 54,640.69 16.1 15,309.62
5,008.32 69.5 1,247.75 17.3 225.96
435,570.94 78.1 100,795.81 18.1 34,197.45
54,693.38 69.3 24,425.87 30.9 15,613.09
49,232.16 84.9 7,413.32 12.8 1,299.61
697.10 96.2 ... 0.0 ...
17,253.00 77.1 1,519.00 6.8 2,515.80
38,645.07 38.9 5,500.00 5.5 2,912.70
1,457.00 73.6 449.00 22.7 168.00
57,012.49 62.0 4,040.27 4.4 6,162.96
85,559.90 72.2 26,251.18 22.2 21,554.76
445.37 37.0 ... 0.0 2.36
1,880.87 30.1 908.07 14.5 ...
268.08 17.2 118.11 7.6 237.76
9,034.55 20.7 4,274.55 9.8 21,270.58
20,154.00 78.3 3,037.00 11.8 2,188.00
6,894.49 28.8 1,985.10 8.3 540.72
449,407.50 43.8 211,019.10 20.6 85,653.00
8,858.19 93.4 1,171.40 12.3 106.70
41,197.21 71.3 9,700.62 16.8 6,525.73
1,300.50 6.4 776.40 3.8 303.84
1,072.37 62.8 71.36 4.2 6.38
293.67 65.6 137.55 30.7 0.85
2,765.89 11.5 710.17 2.9 ...
4,748.00 16.4 1,777.00 6.1 191.00
595,995.22 81.7 186,713.48 25.6 56,319.99
269.81 5.2 140.82 2.7 0.13
4,054.60 15.8 ... ... ...
86,851.40 79.8 26,931.50 24.8 6,414.12
9,558,575.00 77.7 827,909.00 6.7 1,717,012.00
65,971.11 42.9 21,768.68 14.1 9,070.11
83.38 29.3 44.72 15.7 0.08
1,611.68 78.0 385.65 18.7 4.82
32.56 40.6 16.05 20.0 ...
5,693.11 47.0 3,890.90 32.1 496.60
66,586.69 24.6 2,202.74 0.8 1.64
16,443.04 69.1 6,428.25 27.0 2,590.90
26,113.52 71.9 917.73 2.5 1,337.12
6,479.73 73.5 2,067.41 23.5 1,255.77
96,875.70 76.0 19,055.34 15.0 16,262.90
77,605.00 88.9 1,488.00 1.7 5,658.00
3,596.00 7.8 833.00 1.8 157.00
35,320.79 71.1 13,714.43 27.6 2,142.45
356.46 33.3 108.75 10.1 ...
156.19 73.8 67.17 31.8 0.05
11,793.64 46.7 5,460.37 21.6 1,803.45
37,594.31 62.5 16,977.11 28.2 4,571.72
156,998.25 65.0 33,091.48 13.7 26,594.70
5,908.26 53.4 2,483.31 22.4 442.08
754.00 19.2 199.00 5.1 35.00
17,590.08 88.1 2,404.70 12.0 625.28
1,055.95 14.0 442.40 5.9 4,902.70
19,951.12 21.0 3,918.22 4.1 1,758.00
1,652.63 61.0 733.01 27.0 ...
42,138.70 74.8 11,656.19 20.7 5,838.06
318,344.48 70.4 133,459.53 29.5 41,204.56
5,302.38 86.1 404.69 6.6 90.10
340.13 1.8 99.82 0.5 17,267.37
9,384.64 56.5 3,095.57 18.6 3,228.88
720,283.83 83.9 163,620.06 19.1 64,791.53
9,233.61 50.7 3,120.11 17.1 243.45
67,307.35 73.0 17,448.44 18.9 12,386.92
136.04 8.5 52.00 3.2 ...
12,166.24 53.0 6,012.87 26.2 1,541.09
2,409.00 5.0 522.00 1.1 13.00
6,893.59 52.8 96.43 0.7 ...
1,657.00 57.3 314.00 10.9 ...
1,568.37 23.5 749.87 11.2 ...
9,595.55 60.1 4,107.67 25.7 1,532.85
45,518.85 72.0 13,930.49 22.0 7,111.69
1,919.91 39.5 1,047.16 21.6 2,025.70
1,510,119.38 71.9 188,009.00 8.9 135,512.17
280,936.22 50.7 56,820.75 10.3 42,668.96
377,804.22 78.1 76,005.15 15.7 31,262.87
54,418.00 74.9 18,518.00 25.5 6,423.00
36,582.87 60.0 12,224.73 20.1 3,508.50
63,158.32 80.3 18,698.50 23.8 6,896.51
344,328.09 80.5 104,263.14 24.4 34,724.28
7,013.34 47.0 1,806.18 12.1 528.38
1,085,718.54 87.7 204,710.47 16.5 100,105.03
20,916.00 75.4 4,727.00 17.0 2,551.00
331,185.68 83.5 26,127.47 6.6 22,372.62
16,300.96 32.6 7,373.50 14.8 2,197.33
63.78 37.5 31.22 18.3 ...
82,556.28 95.6 15,000.78 17.4 1,932.16
6,980.82 54.6 2,147.69 16.8 383.13
1,039.55 11.7 446.61 5.0 48.41
7,697.11 65.5 3,353.90 28.6 890.32
20,775.12 79.5 6,158.36 23.6 2,545.42
1,079.43 30.7 ... ... ...
5,414.00 67.5 2,173.00 27.1 ...
146.08 80.7 59.30 32.7 10.35
11,906.72 58.7 6,111.40 30.2 3,158.58
9,112.19 86.4 6,028.73 57.2 662.58
2,991.50 10.8 990.10 3.6 196.00
3,717.87 52.6 ... ... 58.38
218,913.63 76.1 44,310.00 15.4 18,166.34
1,472.02 95.8 380.99 24.8 ...
3,952.37 7.5 1,754.64 3.3 72.84
1,538.42 70.4 662.75 30.3 418.36
133.51 78.6 22.54 13.3 ...
1,170.67 16.9 405.17 5.8 19.20
4,250.63 64.5 1,363.64 20.7 755.31
467,781.78 77.2 171,629.31 28.3 43,321.83
157.03 90.3 ... ... 0.07
77.49 89.1 24.33 28.0 8.28
10,219.60 57.7 1,886.93 10.7 892.15
2,651.51 68.6 541.21 14.0 747.40
56,858.05 59.2 14,814.18 15.4 9,914.60
1,862.18 22.6 854.78 10.4 51.35
8,212.01 21.4 2,480.99 6.5 506.71
2,168.70 23.9 1,029.20 11.3 ...
37.73 89.4 7.31 17.3 ...
6,894.64 26.5 822.62 3.2 130.96
155,329.47 82.7 31,486.16 16.8 11,207.74
31,946.16 40.5 16,624.72 21.1 5,158.12
3,921.84 32.7 1,234.51 10.3 305.85
2,396.00 15.4 532.00 3.4 34.00
152,164.00 71.6 ... ... 2,101.00
5.08 19.5 2.91 11.2 ...
8,763.54 76.3 1,294.04 11.3 447.27
37,528.66 72.1 13,019.04 25.0 8,859.27
12,444.95 59.6 1,656.62 7.9 592.54
183,635.00 46.5 41,197.00 10.4 21,800.00
331.74 95.7 ... ... 0.09
4,814.37 49.6 2,726.10 28.1 592.70
2,436.20 23.9 ... ... 61.25
5,708.60 12.6 4,534.88 10.0 692.91
44,637.00 52.8 17,847.00 21.1 6,063.00
69,667.24 54.9 25,935.78 20.4 8,609.78
342,087.58 82.9 65,303.45 15.8 24,891.89
48,469.37 72.0 17,247.62 25.6 7,442.23
56,215.27 91.3 5,342.11 8.7 4,879.21
604,841.80 87.2 98,714.02 14.2 51,332.85
8,404.65 65.5 1,877.18 14.6 672.58
77,005.99 66.3 18,435.22 15.9 13,445.65
1,752,621.26 78.9 254,077.22 11.4 243,136.92
801.00 13.0 274.00 4.4 151.00
73.93 45.0 26.27 16.0 ...
493.41 76.2 202.19 31.2 37.72
218.84 57.4 3.15 0.8 37.00
102.83 18.3 71.23 12.7 ...
263.87 98.7 159.29 59.6 ...
118.44 77.2 37.50 24.4 ...
456,087.83 83.2 121,290.26 22.1 54,497.74
5,175.82 38.1 1,468.19 10.8 1,073.00
50,545.66 76.2 3,876.70 5.8 3,619.13
261.80 79.3 66.45 20.1 ...
... ... ... ... 87.19
47,125.65 97.5 7,189.62 14.9 1,058.07
29,309.27 67.6 7,738.65 17.9 9,611.82
14,152.17 80.9 5,824.01 33.3 1,186.59
350.64 56.7 176.91 28.6 ...
297,566.35 78.3 43,521.67 11.5 30,386.22
2,655.31 7.9 447.95 1.3 5.59
253,384.03 75.8 90,268.87 27.0 27,756.34
11,562.49 61.5 5,083.77 27.0 492.40
1,997.75 61.2 948.28 29.1 ...
8,403.40 12.4 2,851.00 4.2 93.00
2,404.00 72.2 351.00 10.5 65.00
36,401.63 70.3 16,472.29 31.8 7,341.82
35,234.95 76.0 14,918.09 32.2 4,422.07
58,350.00 73.7 ... ... 2,941.75
1,273.00 15.6 406.00 5.0 656.00
236,936.40 74.4 61,175.27 19.2 18,976.65
250.70 19.6 110.30 8.6 ...
1,760.37 28.6 783.67 12.7 779.00
117.05 60.9 68.04 35.4 ...
9,928.48 62.0 1,489.03 9.3 5,116.91
20,763.53 60.6 5,158.97 15.1 3,954.39
373,101.34 71.6 84,501.98 16.2 65,204.48
56,472.26 85.1 7,040.72 10.6 1,258.53
11.21 60.8 3.96 21.5 ...
4,898.00 17.8 808.00 2.9 159.00
226,296.35 66.7 34,956.45 10.3 56,525.65
166,470.10 83.3 33,232.17 16.6 22,675.91
375,272.30 80.5 122,992.53 26.4 28,507.41
6,888.63 17.6 1,673.18 4.3 370.46
5,547,207.94 83.1 1,821,574.70 27.3 376,501.56
6,137.37 19.2 3,803.30 11.9 633.07
168,134.76 81.9 12,436.86 6.1 7,828.27
70.01 11.9 34.50 5.9 ...
143,561.20 74.7 33,991.00 17.7 9,206.20
147,703.33 53.0 29,680.72 10.7 31,767.39
23,549.08 62.1 5,739.01 15.1 1,398.00
2,628.21 18.2 584.63 4.1 1,005.53
10,620.62 50.1 1,302.64 6.1 915.74
GHG from GHG from agriculture GHG from GHG from waste GHG from
industrial agriculture, as waste, as
processes and percentage to percentage to
product use, as total total
percentage to

1000 tonnes of CO₂ 1000 tonnes of CO₂

% equivalent % equivalent %
0.5 32,744.00 75.5 140.00 0.3
20.9 1,130.86 13.9 827.68 10.2
4.9 6,534.62 5.9 11,428.54 10.3
0.6 22,575.40 36.6 951.30 1.5
... 104.33 17.5 120.70 20.2
4.5 119,498.66 35.3 20,777.50 6.1
3.1 1,322.14 18.4 645.75 9.0
6.1 75,587.64 13.5 12,691.19 2.3
19.8 7,224.35 9.2 1,419.52 1.8
2.2 6,694.21 11.5 768.79 1.3
... 18.72 2.6 8.76 1.2
11.2 ... ... 2,604.00 11.6
2.9 43,118.89 43.4 14,765.58 14.8
8.5 59.00 3.0 295.00 14.9
6.7 22,510.94 24.5 6,306.21 6.9
18.2 9,960.88 8.4 1,380.20 1.2
0.2 604.77 50.3 150.32 12.5
... 4,239.00 67.8 131.16 2.1
15.3 1,004.96 64.6 45.10 2.9
48.7 11,657.17 26.7 1,702.80 3.9
8.5 2,453.00 9.5 945.00 3.7
2.3 16,404.75 68.4 137.61 0.6
8.3 428,904.90 41.8 62,695.10 6.1
1.1 27.06 0.3 496.89 5.2
11.3 6,415.69 11.1 3,676.96 6.4
1.5 17,962.00 88.0 846.67 4.1
0.4 397.94 23.3 230.61 13.5
0.2 130.86 29.2 22.28 5.0
... 21,113.92 87.6 229.28 1.0
0.7 21,968.00 75.9 2,032.00 7.0
7.7 59,381.63 8.1 17,652.42 2.4
0.0 4,866.96 93.1 88.35 1.7
... 21,378.77 83.1 280.63 1.1
5.9 10,464.60 9.6 4,940.00 4.5
14.0 829,845.00 6.7 194,768.00 1.6
5.9 68,565.58 44.6 10,277.97 6.7
0.0 201.53 70.7 0.06 0.0
0.2 324.70 15.7 123.85 6.0
... 10.32 12.9 37.41 46.6
4.1 4,603.42 38.0 1,320.90 10.9
0.0 194,611.91 71.8 9,997.22 3.7
10.9 2,720.30 11.4 2,038.55 8.6
3.7 6,653.16 18.3 2,192.91 6.0
14.3 499.40 5.7 576.71 6.5
12.8 8,606.50 6.8 5,704.49 4.5
6.5 2,814.00 3.2 1,253.00 1.4
0.3 34,582.66 75.2 7,663.32 16.7
4.3 11,076.84 22.3 1,154.40 2.3
... 660.96 61.7 54.39 5.1
0.0 20.90 9.9 34.31 16.2
7.1 7,243.11 28.7 4,390.57 17.4
7.6 14,647.60 24.3 3,378.01 5.6
11.0 38,834.88 16.1 19,203.73 7.9
4.0 3,113.38 28.1 1,605.28 14.5
0.9 3,103.00 78.9 42.00 1.1
3.1 1,437.79 7.2 320.99 1.6
65.0 1,233.49 16.4 346.54 4.6
1.9 67,235.47 70.8 6,051.37 6.4
... 962.62 35.5 94.82 3.5
10.4 6,562.49 11.6 1,819.81 3.2
9.1 75,028.74 16.6 17,631.90 3.9
1.5 360.01 5.8 407.06 6.6
89.1 1,568.72 8.1 206.97 1.1
19.4 2,732.01 16.4 1,264.60 7.6
7.5 63,564.89 7.4 9,728.43 1.1
1.3 6,483.63 35.6 2,266.35 12.4
13.4 7,781.50 8.4 4,745.89 5.1
... 0.43 0.0 1,470.00 91.5
6.7 8,008.38 34.9 1,232.56 5.4
0.0 45,228.00 94.8 63.00 0.1
... 3,942.71 30.2 49.69 0.4
... 1,160.43 40.1 73.88 2.6
... 4,771.36 71.4 189.67 2.8
9.6 3,497.82 21.9 1,350.93 8.5
11.2 7,145.64 11.3 3,443.39 5.4
41.7 634.97 13.1 276.37 5.7
6.5 390,165.38 18.6 65,052.80 3.1
7.7 73,399.98 13.2 157,328.32 28.4
6.5 42,993.11 8.9 31,608.97 6.5
8.8 8,084.00 11.1 3,733.00 5.1
5.8 19,953.07 32.7 890.10 1.5
8.8 2,192.59 2.8 6,450.34 8.2
8.1 30,186.58 7.1 18,290.07 4.3
3.5 6,743.07 45.2 633.70 4.2
8.1 33,252.43 2.7 19,266.71 1.6
9.2 1,240.00 4.5 3,045.00 11.0
5.6 36,223.39 9.1 6,788.78 1.7
4.4 29,567.70 59.2 1,898.10 3.8
... 106.53 62.5 ... ...
2.2 142.00 0.2 1,706.54 2.0
3.0 4,375.84 34.3 1,034.18 8.1
0.5 7,675.91 86.3 134.31 1.5
7.6 2,609.40 22.2 548.43 4.7
9.7 987.55 3.8 1,826.67 7.0
... 2,233.83 63.6 199.63 5.7
... 2,562.00 31.9 45.78 0.6
5.7 23.68 13.1 0.97 0.5
15.6 4,280.66 21.1 920.87 4.5
6.3 690.44 6.5 81.93 0.8
0.7 24,055.90 86.7 512.68 1.8
0.8 3,204.00 45.3 90.09 1.3
6.3 15,775.30 5.5 34,885.04 12.1
... ... ... 63.88 4.2
0.1 48,402.71 91.8 304.92 0.6
19.1 65.46 3.0 163.86 7.5
... ... ... 36.31 21.4
0.3 5,667.47 81.6 86.50 1.2
11.5 49.74 0.8 1,535.59 23.3
7.2 70,409.09 11.6 24,374.62 4.0
0.0 0.58 0.3 16.25 9.3
9.5 ... ... 1.15 1.3
5.0 6,461.65 36.5 137.55 0.8
19.3 380.67 9.9 84.00 2.2
10.3 21,427.70 22.3 7,907.70 8.2
0.6 4,622.17 56.2 1,688.19 20.5
1.3 26,527.05 69.1 3,122.81 8.1
... 6,737.50 74.2 179.60 2.0
... 0.75 1.8 3.70 8.8
0.5 18,285.29 70.2 720.44 2.8
6.0 18,234.55 9.7 2,984.62 1.6
6.5 37,696.96 47.8 4,057.43 5.1
2.6 7,101.00 59.3 651.95 5.4
0.2 12,675.00 81.7 415.00 2.7
1.0 55,810.00 26.3 2,369.00 1.1
... ... ... 21.00 80.5
3.9 1,323.39 11.5 957.10 8.3
17.0 4,480.33 8.6 1,154.14 2.2
2.8 7,468.70 35.8 372.48 1.8
5.5 173,517.00 44.0 15,631.00 4.0
0.0 10.18 2.9 4.46 1.3
6.1 3,220.19 33.2 1,080.48 11.1
0.6 7,501.46 73.6 196.77 1.9
1.5 36,639.35 81.0 2,189.87 4.8
7.2 26,042.00 30.8 7,822.00 9.2
6.8 37,002.69 29.2 11,599.00 9.1
6.0 33,117.07 8.0 12,759.83 3.1
11.1 6,798.76 10.1 4,569.91 6.8
7.9 84.86 0.1 413.63 0.7
7.4 21,246.63 3.1 16,521.37 2.4
5.2 2,126.73 16.6 1,565.79 12.2
11.6 19,854.03 17.1 5,809.44 5.0
11.0 126,659.42 5.7 97,705.35 4.4
2.4 5,165.08 83.6 63.00 1.0
... 42.39 25.8 48.09 29.2
5.8 35.95 5.6 78.41 12.1
9.7 60.59 15.9 63.04 16.5
... 430.68 76.8 27.32 4.9
... 3.40 1.3 ... ...
... 24.54 16.0 10.44 6.8
9.9 11,749.28 2.1 25,278.50 4.6
7.9 6,359.84 46.8 971.42 7.2
5.5 9,499.71 14.3 2,677.91 4.0
... 15.57 4.7 52.71 16.0
0.0 845,006.07 100.0 ... ...
2.2 ... ... 150.15 0.3
22.2 2,745.29 6.3 1,681.98 3.9
6.8 1,721.71 9.8 441.66 2.5
... 76.39 12.3 191.58 31.0
8.0 35,455.52 9.3 16,429.07 4.3
0.0 26,832.64 79.8 4,144.96 12.3
8.3 39,643.76 11.9 13,471.03 4.0
2.6 4,709.13 25.1 2,033.22 10.8
0.0 512.29 15.7 751.71 23.0
0.1 57,437.20 84.7 1,906.00 2.8
2.0 840.00 25.2 21.00 0.6
14.2 6,790.17 13.1 1,245.62 2.4
9.5 5,991.13 12.9 670.84 1.4
3.7 14,068.00 17.8 3,856.00 4.9
8.0 5,709.00 69.8 546.00 6.7
6.0 50,917.45 16.0 11,830.40 3.7
... 966.26 75.7 59.63 4.7
12.7 3,352.83 54.4 265.82 4.3
... 28.99 15.1 46.15 24.0
32.0 338.72 2.1 622.08 3.9
11.5 7,637.63 22.3 1,882.32 5.5
12.5 64,871.88 12.5 17,763.89 3.4
1.9 8,254.84 12.4 381.57 0.6
... 5.09 27.6 2.13 11.6
0.6 21,809.78 79.1 693.00 2.5
16.7 44,238.72 13.0 12,183.56 3.6
11.3 931.70 0.5 9,800.90 4.9
6.1 41,159.25 8.8 20,992.92 4.5
0.9 29,730.13 75.8 2,247.48 5.7
5.6 618,501.74 9.3 134,438.38 2.0
2.0 23,977.03 74.9 1,078.74 3.4
3.8 21,647.40 10.5 7,659.50 3.7
... 504.09 86.0 12.13 2.1
4.8 32,959.70 17.1 6,465.14 3.4
11.4 81,166.04 29.2 17,805.10 6.4
3.7 10,879.79 28.7 2,116.00 5.6
7.0 10,359.37 71.9 411.59 2.9
4.3 9,005.50 42.5 631.68 3.0

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