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easyJet Sept easyJet Sept

2020 % change 2019 LH Dec 2020 % change

€ € € %
Non-current assets 5,910 -2.22 6,044 29,444 -6.15
Indefinite intangibles 533 7.24 497 1,169 -16.20
Other intangibles 64 0.00 64 469 -14.26
Total intangibles 597 6.42 561 1,638 -15.65
Aircraft 4,963 -1.78 5,053 15,842 -13.66
Spare parts 1,823 -19.69
Other tangibles 90 -18.18 110 3,671 -9.16
Total tangibles 5,053 -2.13 5,163 21,336 -13.48
Equity investments 33 -31.25 48 655 -29.42
Loans 440 -6.18
Derivatives 89 -29.37 126 363 -59.93
Other financial 138 -4.17 144 5,012 103.00
Total financial 260 -18.75 320 6,470 35.58

Current assets 2,563 20.95 2,119 10,357 19.10

Inventories 12 -82.86 70 662 2.48
Receivables 193 -36.09 302 3,401 12.13
Derivatives 21 -85.71 147 484 92.06
Other 7 -70.83 24 244 4.72
Cash 2,330 47.84 1,576 5,380 21.20
Assets held for sale 186 100.00

Total assets 8,473 3.80 8,163 39,801 -0.67

LH Dec 2019



easyJet Sept easyJet Sept
2020 % change 2019 LH Dec 2020 % change
€ € €
Equity 1,899 -36.38 2,985 1,387 -86.48
Share Capital 125 15.74 108 1,530 25.00
APIC 1,051 59.48 659 378 0.00
Retained Earnings 723 -67.40 2,218 -561 -106.57
Parent equity 1,899 -36.38 2,985 1,347 -86.73
NCI 40 -63.30

Non-current liabilities 2,748 9.48 2,510 23,438 42.77

Financial debt 2,230 32.50 1,683 12,338 45.63
Provisions 377 -15.09 444 10,089 41.12
Derivatives 85 18.06 72 457 257.03
Other nc liab 56 -81.99 311 554 -17.07

Current liabilities 3,826 43.40 2,668 14,659 -8.30

Payables 1,242 18.29 1,050 3,321 -37.94
Financial debt 1,211 452.97 219 3,116 90.70
Provisions 407 111.98 192 831 4.66
Derivatives 352 155.07 138 366 167.15
Other 614 -42.56 1,069 7,025 -6.71
Liabilities held for sale 0 -100.00

Total equity and liab 8,473 3.80 8,163 39,484 -7.44

LH Dec 2019




easyJet Sept 2020 easyJet Sept 2019 LH Dec 2020 LH Dec 2019
% € % € % € % €
Non-current assets 69.8% 5,910 74.0% 6,044 74.0% 29,444 78.3% 31,374
Indefinite intangibles 6.3% 533 6.1% 497 2.9% 1,169 3.5% 1,395
Other intangibles 0.8% 64 0.8% 64 1.2% 469 1.4% 547
Total intangibles 7.0% 597 6.9% 561 4.1% 1,638 4.8% 1,942
Aircraft 58.6% 4,963 61.9% 5,053 39.8% 15,842 45.8% 18,349
Spare parts 4.6% 1,823 5.7% 2,270
Other tangibles 1.1% 90 1.3% 110 9.2% 3,671 10.1% 4,041
Total tangibles 59.6% 5,053 63.2% 5,163 53.6% 21,336 61.5% 24,660
Equity investments 33 48 1.6% 655 2.3% 928
Loans 1.1% 440 1.2% 469
Derivatives 89 126 0.9% 363 2.3% 906
Other financial 138 144 12.6% 5,012 6.2% 2,469
Total financial 3.1% 260 3.9% 320 16.3% 6,470 11.9% 4,772

Current assets 30.2% 2,563 26.0% 2,119 26.0% 10,357 21.7% 8,696
Inventories 0.1% 12 0.9% 70 1.7% 662 1.6% 646
Receivables 2.3% 193 3.7% 302 8.5% 3,401 7.6% 3,033
Derivatives 0.2% 21 1.8% 147 1.2% 484 0.6% 252
Other 0.1% 7 0.3% 24 0.6% 244 0.6% 233
Cash 27.5% 2,330 19.3% 1,576 13.5% 5,380 11.1% 4,439
Assets held for sale 0.5% 186 0.2% 93

Total assets 100.0% 8,473 100.0% 8,163 100.0% 39,801 100.0% 40,070
LH Dec 2010 LH Dec 2009 Emirates March 2011 Emirates March 2010
% € % € % AED m % AED m
64.7% 18,963 67.1% 17,696 66.4% 43,223 66.4% 36,870
2.1% 605 2.3% 599 0.9% 557 1.0% 557
4.5% 1,306 4.7% 1,240 0.5% 344 0.7% 370
6.5% 1,911 7.0% 1,839 1.4% 901 1.7% 927
38.0% 11,153 39.6% 10,444 32.3% 21,028 32.7% 18,143
3.0% 877 3.1% 810 3.8% 2,467 4.3% 2,394
7.2% 2,120 8.2% 2,157 25.1% 16,353 23.8% 13,216
48.3% 14,150 50.8% 13,411 61.2% 39,848 60.8% 33,753
6.0% 1,763 5.9% 1,550 0.6% 386 0.8% 461
2.1% 620 1.9% 506 2.6% 1,704 2.6% 1,432
1.2% 350 1.0% 255 0.0% 0 0.1% 64
0.6% 169 0.5% 135 0.6% 384 0.4% 233
9.9% 2,902 9.3% 2,446 3.8% 2,474 3.9% 2,190

35.3% 10,357 32.9% 8,696 33.6% 21,867 33.6% 18,677

2.3% 662 2.4% 646 2.0% 1,290 2.0% 1,084
11.6% 3,401 11.5% 3,033 10.0% 6,481 12.6% 7,008
1.7% 484 1.0% 252 0.2% 123 0.1% 74
0.8% 244 0.9% 233
18.3% 5,380 16.8% 4,439 21.5% 13,973 18.9% 10,511
0.6% 186 0.4% 93

100.0% 29,320 100.0% 26,392 100.0% 65,090 100.0% 55,547

easyJet Sept 2020 easyJet Sept 2019 LH Dec 2020 LH Dec 2019
% € % € % € % €
Equity 22.4% 1,899 36.6% 2,985 3.5% 1,387 24.0% 10,256
Share Capital 1.5% 125 1.3% 108 3.9% 1,530 2.9% 1,224
APIC 12.4% 1,051 8.1% 659 1.0% 378 0.9% 378
Retained Earnings 8.5% 723 27.2% 2,218 -1.4% -561 20.0% 8,545
Parent equity 22.4% 1,899 36.6% 2,985 3.4% 1,347 23.8% 10,147
NCI 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.1% 40 0.3% 109

Non-current liabilities 32.4% 2,748 30.7% 2,510 59.4% 23,438 38.5% 16,417
Financial debt 26.3% 2,230 20.6% 1,683 31.2% 12,338 19.9% 8,472
Provisions 4.4% 377 5.4% 444 25.6% 10,089 16.8% 7,149
Derivatives 1.0% 85 0.9% 72 1.2% 457 0.3% 128
Other nc liab 0.7% 56 3.8% 311 1.4% 554 1.6% 668

Current liabilities 45.2% 3,826 32.7% 2,668 37.1% 14,659 37.5% 15,986
Payables 14.7% 1,242 12.9% 1,050 8.4% 3,321 12.5% 5,351
Financial debt 14.3% 1,211 2.7% 219 7.9% 3,116 3.8% 1,634
Provisions 4.8% 407 2.4% 192 2.1% 831 1.9% 794
Derivatives 4.2% 352 1.7% 138 0.9% 366 0.3% 137
Other 7.2% 614 13.1% 1,069 17.8% 7,025 17.7% 7,530
Liabilities held for sale 1.3% 540

Total equity and liab 100.0% 8,473 100.0% 8,163 100.0% 39,484 100.0% 42,659
LH Dec 2010 LH Dec 2009 Emirates March 2011 Emirates March 2010
% € % € % AED m % AED m
28.4% 8,340 23.5% 6,202 32.1% 20,902 31.5% 17,475
4.0% 1,172 4.4% 1,172 1.2% 801 1.4% 801
4.7% 1,366 5.2% 1,366 0.0% 0 0.0% 0
19.5% 5,704 13.5% 3,556 30.6% 19,894 29.7% 16,473
28.1% 8,242 23.1% 6,094 31.8% 20,695 31.1% 17,274
0.3% 98 0.4% 108 0.3% 207 0.4% 201

38.0% 11,154 43.2% 11,414 36.4% 23,690 35.2% 19,552

21.2% 6,227 23.1% 6,109 31.5% 20,502 30.2% 16,753
11.0% 3,214 12.6% 3,330 0.6% 390 0.7% 364
0.4% 111 0.9% 225 1.0% 642 0.8% 467
5.5% 1,602 6.6% 1,750 3.3% 2,156 3.5% 1,968

33.5% 9,826 33.3% 8,776 31.5% 20,498 33.3% 18,520

14.3% 4,193 14.4% 3,796 27.0% 17,551 27.9% 15,475
3.3% 957 2.6% 693 4.2% 2,728 5.1% 2,852
3.0% 881 4.3% 1,122
0.4% 103 0.4% 106 0.1% 61 0.0% 12
12.6% 3,692 11.6% 3,059 158 181

100.0% 29,320 100.0% 26,392 100.0% 65,090 100.0% 55,547

Lufthansa Lufthansa Lufthansa Lufthansa
Dec 2020 Dec 2019 Dec 2013 Dec 2012
Mill. € Mill. € Mill. € Mill. €

Working Capital
Equity 1,387 10,256 6,108 4,839
Plus NC Liabilities 23,438 16,417 12,029 13,978
Equal LT Finance 24,825 26,673 18,137 18,817

Minus NC Assets 29,444 31,374 19,421 18,782

Equal WC -4,619 -4,701 -1,284 35

WC Need
Current Assets 10,040 11,285 9,663 9,777
Minus Cash 5,460 3,385 4,696 4,966
Minus Current Liab. 14,659 15,986 10,947 9,742
Equal WCN -10,079 -8,086 -5,980 -4,931

Cash=WC-WCN 5,460 3,385 4,696 4,966

Current ratio CA/CL 0.68 0.71 0.88 1.00

Air France Air France Air France Air France
Dec 2020 Dec 2019 Dec 2014 Dec 2013
Mill. € Mill. € Mill. € Mill. €

-5,418 2,299 -632 2,293

23,851 15,787 12,035 12,273
18,433 18,086 11,403 14,566

20,316 22,196 16,054 17,484

-1,883 -4,110 -4,651 -2,918

9,895 8,539 7,176 7,937

7,030 4,515 3,946 4,715
11,778 12,649 11,827 10,855
-8,913 -8,625 -8,597 -7,633

7,030 4,515 3,946 4,715

0.84 0.68 0.61 0.73

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