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FIELD STUDY LEARNING Creating an Appropriate

1 EPISODE Learning Environment

FS 1 5


Submit a reflective essay (700-1000 words) on how you as a future teacher will plan on how to manage
time, space and resources and provide a learning environment appropriate the learners and conducive to

Working as a teacher requires excellent time management skills. Teachers need to balance the long-term
goals of the classroom, the immediate educational needs of the students and the large volume of paperwork that
comes with every assignment. Between writing lesson plans, grading exams and actually teaching, teachers often
feel that it is impossible to fit everything into the allotted time frame.
As a future teacher, I know how to organize the day by priorities. I will start setting priorities and
organizing the day around the most important tasks. Setting priorities can help me keep on track throughout the
day, even when the unexpected occurs and the workload can seem overwhelming. I am able to assess wether
projects can be put on hold if the outcomes are not as impactful as others.
As a future teacher, I should know how set strategically plan to avoid loaded procrastination. I will find it
more efficient to break up grading materials into small groups that are graded each day than to work on grading
the work of the entire class on the same day. I will avoid piling on loads of grading assignments, and try to knock
out batches at a time. A small pile each day is easier to manage and allows me to properly evaluate the assignment
and offer feedback to students. Teachers can experience a sense of accomplishment from each completed batch.
I will plan for potential crises because it is better to plan ahead for potential problems before facing them
in the classroom, as urgent crises can distract teachers from their goals within the classroom. Although some
problems have limited options, such as natural disasters, teachers can plan around the needs of students. A crisis
that relates to student behavior is better to avoid or handle before it reaches the peak to avoid wasting class time.
By learning about students before they enter the classroom, teachers can create a plan of action to avoid triggers
and stop distractions
I will make a plan on how I will make my classroom to be conducive in my students. I will make my
board display be creative but somehow the materials are not that pricey. I will use vibrant colors and use
infographics that was full clear and the students can get information from it.
In order for me to address specific factors not included in the original materials, such as further examples
related to your students’ specific needs, I will add more detailed explanation than the one that appears in the
materials, an extra reading text that complements the view or updates the info in the original one, I will remove
items that are nor relevant for your students, such as topics that are not age-appropriate or culturally appropriate
in your context, or examples and exercises on aspects that do not present difficulty to your students. I will
improve the existing materials, such as rewriting sections to reflect students’ interests and culture, or changing
the focus of a task, from listening to reading by using the script at the back. I will make the materials more
accessible to your students, such as rewriting instructions in a simpler way, adding choices to a fill in the blank
task, or providing alternatives or guidance to open ended questions.
Studies have shown that colours stimulate the brain, therefore I will work with colours to create a vibrant
and lively environment that supports creativity and learning. A colourful classroom not only helps to stimulate the
brain, it also helps students to stay focused and refreshed when studying. However, it is important to note that the
classroom should not have colours like bright red and orange as they might over-stimulate the learners instead. A
great way to instantly add pops of colour to the classroom is by using coloured paper. I can organise arts and
crafts sessions with the students to decorate the classroom, which is another fun activity to keep classes interesting
for the students.

I will implement an Awards Section. Students learn best when they are motivated and a great way to keep
them driven is by rewarding achievements. Oftentimes, it is only the high achievers that win most school-based
awards and this can cause weaker students to feel left out and unmotivated. Therefore, having a special awards
program for my classroom is a great way to encourage the weaker students and make them feel appreciated as

Rather than a classroom where only the teacher speaks and the students merely listen I will create one that
promotes interaction, be it amongst my students themselves or between me and my students. Conversations are
great for making lessons more entertaining for students, as this makes learning more than just about listening,
copying down notes, and doing homework.  I will come out with thought-provoking topics that require my
students to think and share their opinions with no prejudice. Having discussions and even debates promotes
creativity and critical thinking, which are important life skills that students should inculcate while they are still in
school. Planned interaction also gives quieter students the opportunity to express themselves where they would
normally not speak up. I will make the best out of your classroom space. Students spend a significant amount of
their time in school, with the majority of this time being in the classroom. Therefore, the layout and arrangement
of the classroom should be one that encourages students to be productive. Instead of sticking to the typical
classroom arrangement that we are so accustomed to, opt to have different sections of the room with each serving
a specific purpose.
EVALUATE Performance Task
Name of FS Student: Date Submitted:
Year & Section: Course:

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

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