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The Myths and Realities of Teamwork

In David Wright’s “The Myths and Realities of Teamwork,” he outlines six myths following

are the brief explanation of all six.

Myth 1

Teams are harmonious people who compromise their needs for the sake of the team. It’s

important to identify the “ME” in a team. What’s in it for “me” needs to be understood. A
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good team maximises the benefit each member can get out of working together as a team

(Mukendi, 2019).

Myth 2

Team conflict is unhealthy. Conflict is uncomfortable but can be healthy. Therefore, it

should not be suppressed. The team must learn to harness conflict and the energy behind it

(Mukendi, 2019).

Myth 3

Most people like teamwork. Some people like teamwork, some people don’t hence endure

the requirement to work in teams. A balance should be struck between the amount of

teamwork such people are required to do (Mukendi, 2019).

Myth 4

Teamwork is essential to business. Teamwork is suitable for complex tasks that require the

input and contribution of a diversity of people. If the task doesn’t meet that requirement,

teamwork may not be required (Mukendi, 2019).

Myth 5

Teams are easy to influence and manage. Teams are often made of members that are

different from each other. To influence in many ways, many a person, at the same time, to

find common ground is harder (Mukendi, 2019).

Myth 6
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Senior managers encourage teamwork. Like in the Masai culture, where a team of hunters

confront and steal from a lion (BBC, 2019), senior management faces the same effect. Many

people may agree to join forces against the manager (Mukendi, 2019).

Why do people buy into this myth?

One reason is belief perseverance, and another is confirmation bias. The former is when you,

as a person, do not want to shake the boat and choose the optimistic view. With the later, we

only notice evidence that is aligned with our beliefs (Mukendi, 2019).

One (1) of the Myths to Investigate and Research Further

Team conflict is unhealthy

It turns out to conflict isn’t always bad. Psychologically it can be extremely positive,

especially in a team environment. In reality, a conflict exists as a natural and inevitable part

of every relationship. And the only way to break free of a negative dynamic within a team is

to confront it. Because most people fear conflict, team members engage in repressing their

anger and frustration, avoid a person or people threatening the common ground or begin to

placate these people to make tensions dissipate (Campbell, 2014).

These commonly used psychological strategies can lead to the ruin of the cohesiveness of the

team due to frustration on the part of individual members. Instead of internalizing or

personalizing a bad situation, team members must learn to manage conflict by externalizing it

and facing the issues (Campbell, 2014).

 Is it difficult to influence others to see the reality against the myth

I think it is not difficult to influence others about the myth. As there are so much statistics

and information available. So you can use this information to support your points and by

using this information you can influence others to see the reality against the myth.
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In conclusion, understanding the myths around teamwork will allow you to operate better.

We can achieve improved team performance with a better understanding of the pitfalls, risk

and realities associated with teamwork. We can encourage collaboration and teamwork where

appropriate. You can lead with courage and influence the outcomes of a team that is inspired

and motivated (Mukendi, 2019).


BBC. (2019, Jul 31). Men stealing meat from lions. BBC. Retrieved Jul 31, 2019, from

Campbell, S. (2014, October 30). Conflict Among Team Members Can Lead to Better Results.



Mukendi, D. (2019, August 2). No “I” in team only a hidden “Me.” LinkedIn.
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