Mathematic Summarization: Counting and Probability

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Mathematic summarization

1. Counting and Probability :

Probability: How much confident that we sure that an event will happen
or how likely it is that a proposition is true.

Sample space: Is a set of all possible outcomes of a process or

experiment. An event is a subset of a sample process

Equally likely probability:

N (E)
P(E)= N(S) Where N(E) is the sample space or number of
event/outcomes in P(E) and N(S) is the total number of possible

Multiplication rule:
If an operation consist of K steps and the first step can be performed in n1
ways, the second steps can be performed in n2 ways.
The Kth steps can be performed in nk ways.
n(K) = n(K1) * n(K2) * n(Kth)
Possibility Tree structure:
 Is an arrangement of objects in a particular way or order.
 The number of permutation of a set with n (n ≥ 1) elements is n!
 An r-permutation of a set of n elements is an ordered selection of r
elements taken from the set
 If n and r are interger and 1 ≤ r ≤ n
 P(n,r) = ( n−r ) ! Note that if r = n then P(n,r) can be written as
P(n,n) = n!
Difference between Permutation and Combination

Addition rule:
The calculation of of number of elements in a union or deifference or
intersection is the addition rule
Suppose a finite set A equals the union of k distinct mutually disjoint
subset A1, A2, …, Ak then:
N(A) = N(A1) + (NA2) +…+ N(AK).
Difference rule: If A is a finite set and B is a subset of A, then:
N(A – B) = N(A) – N(B)
The Inclusion/Exclusion rule:
N(A U B) = N(A) + N(B) – N(A ∩ B)
If A, B and C are any finite sets, then:
N( A U B U C) =
N(A) + N(B) + N(C) - N(A ∩ B) – N(A ∩ C) – N(B ∩ C) + N(A ∩ B ∩ C)

2. Prime number :
A prime number (số nguyên tố) is a positive integer having exactly two
factors. If p is a prime, then it’s only factors are necessarily 1 and p itself.
Any number which does not follow this is termed as composite numbers
(hỗn số) , which means that they can be factored into other positive
3. Matrix:
Addition and subtraction:
4 −3 1 −1 2 3 3 −1 4
A: 0 5 −2 + B: 6 −7 9 = 6 −2 7
5 −6 0 0 −4 8 5 −10 8

A + B = ( Aij + Bij )
A – B = ( Aij – B ij )
Mutiplication with a number: k*A = [k * aij]
−1 2 3
A: 6 −7 9
0 −4 8
½ −1
-1/2 * [A] = −3 7 −9
2 2
0 2 −4
Multiplication with a matrix:
A* B = C
A (m x n); B (n x k); C (m x k)
1 2 3 20
A: x B: 3 =C:
4 5 6 47

(2 x 3) * (3 x 1) = (2 x 1)
Transpose of a Matrix:
A(m x n)
AT (n x m)
1 2
1 3 5
A: 3 4 => AT : 2 4 6
5 6

Element wise mutiplication:

Is a multiplication that takes two matrices of the same dimensions and
produces another matrix of the same dimension as the first two, where each
element i, j is the product of elements i, j of the original two matrices.
A(m x n) O B(m x n) = C(m x n)
Dot/Scalar product:
The dot product of two vectors is the sum of the products of elements with
regards to position. The first element of the first vector is multiplied by the
first element of the second vector and so on.
Multiplication of two matrices involves dot products between rows of first
matrix and columns of the second matrix.
If the conditions for dot product is not met, say:
A(m x n) and B(m x k): The number of column in matrice A not the equall to
the number of row in matrices B so, the multiplication cannot be proceed.
Identity matrix:
The identity matrix of size n is the n × n square matrix with ones on the main
diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
1 0 0
I=0 1 0
0 0 1

For every matrices that multiply with identity matrix will equall itself.
Determinant of Matrix:
The determinant of a matrix is a special number that can be calculated from
a square matrix.
For 2x2 matrices, the determinant is calculated by:
a b
A: c d

ǀAǀ = ad – bc
For a 3x3 matrices:
a b c
B: d e f
g h i

ǀBǀ = a(ei – fh) – b(di – fg) + c(dh – eg)

For a 4x4 matrices;

The pattern continues for 4×4 matrices:

(+)Plus a times the determinant of the matrix that is not in a's row or column,

(-)Minus b times the determinant of the matrix that is not in b's row or

(+)Plus c times the determinant of the matrix that is not in c's row or column,

(-)Minus d times the determinant of the matrix that is not in d's row or


Notice the + − + − pattern (+a... −b... +c... −d...). This is important to


Inverse of Matrix:
Inverse of A can be written as A -1 and it is considered only when:

A x A -1 = A -1 x A = I (Identity Matrix)

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