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Real-Time, Automated Monitoring &
Control of Network Infrastructure for
Improved Reliability & Streamlined
The SurvalentONE ADMS platform is a fully integrated
SCADA, OMS, and DMS solution that allows you to
effectively operate, monitor, analyze, restore, and
optimize critical network operations. By integrating data
from across your network, the solution delivers real-time
operational intelligence and control which empowers
users to proactively respond and take corrective action

SurvalentONE when necessary.

It provides a common user interface for all roles

for ease of operations, a shared as-operated network
model and real-time database for increased performance,
and a single hardware platform to simplify IT & OT
maintenance and security. Easy to deploy, manage,
scale and use, the SurvalentONE platform provides a
low total cost of ownership.
Utilities from around the globe have benefited from
greater operational efficiencies, enhanced customer
satisfaction through reduced outages, and improved
network reliability.

SurvalentONE ADMS


Monitor Track Analyze
& Control & Restore & Optimize
SurvalentONE SCADA

Operating an electric, gas, water, or transit utility

requires a high degree of analysis, planning, oversight,
and coordination that is difficult to achieve without the
support of a modern, centralized Supervisory Control
With SurvalentONE SCADA, and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system.

you can significantly SurvalentONE SCADA provides a real-time overview

of an entire utility network, as well as detailed insight

improve network into the current and historical state of individual

field devices. As your network grows and evolves,
SurvalentONE SCADA can grow with it, providing
reliability, increase a solid foundation for Survalent’s extensive suite
of ADMS applications.
utilization, and cut costs. SurvalentONE SCADA is interoperable with devices
from all manufacturers, supports a large suite of
industry standard protocols, and supports up to quad
redundancy which virtually eliminates downtime risk.

Improve Network Reliability Streamline Operations

SurvalentONE SCADA offers unparalleled visibility SurvalentONE SCADA automates routine network
into your distribution network, dramatically administration, maintenance, and recovery tasks
expanding your awareness of daily operations. which allows you to improve productivity within the
Collecting and analyzing network data with control room and in the field. Instead of regularly
SurvalentONE SCADA enables you to detect dispatching field crews to diagnose problems and
problems before they occur and make the adjust equipment in the field, you can achieve the
necessary adjustments to prevent an outage. same result more quickly and economically by
training operators who can address these issues
When an outage does occur, SurvalentONE SCADA’s
remotely from the control room.
advanced data collection capabilities help field crews
identify the exact location without having to wait for The solution allows your field crews
customers to call in. As well, by isolating outages and
rerouting power to unaffected sections, operators to spend less time running between
can control telemetered devices remotely, restoring substations performing routine tasks
power far more quickly and eliminating the need for and more time focusing on high-value
costly truck rolls.
network improvements.
For example, connecting an intelligent electronic Benefits
device (IED) to the SCADA system is a routine task ▪ Greater network reliability
that can be both time-consuming and error-prone.
▪ Increased operational efficiency
With IED Wizard, operators can automate the creation
▪ Improved situational awareness, enables faster,
of SCADA database points for IEDs, which eliminates
more informed decision-making
point addressing errors, and reduces development
▪ Cost savings achieved through remote
and maintenance time. It features a powerful RTU
monitoring and control of field devices
mapping tool and a library of the most common IEDs,
greatly simplifying the set-up process. ▪ Improved performance indices (e.g., SAIDI, SAIFI)

The IED Control Panel allows you to rapidly configure, Key Features
view and operate a photo-realistic representation of ▪ Support for wide range of industry-standard
each IED. communication protocols
▪ Sophisticated authentication and access control
Since SurvalentONE SCADA is compatible with popular
Microsoft Office productivity applications, reports can ▪ Secure, multi-level tagging to inhibit control
be easily created and disseminated to internal and of devices
external stakeholders. ▪ Extensive, configurable alarm management
▪ Flexible report creation, formatting, and scheduling

SurvalentONE SCADA displays data

collected before and after a disturbance
in graphical format. Data is collected using
the Disturbance Capture application and
shown in the Point Capture Viewer.
SurvalentONE SCADA

Optional SCADA Applications

These applications allow you to increase the volume of network data that you collect and expand your
ability to analyze that data, for more informed decision making. Easy to install and use, these applications
are designed to facilitate communication within your utility by notifying key personnel about significant
events and efficiently disseminating information to internal stakeholders who require it.

▪ Automatic Generation Control ▪ External Alarm Bell

Regulates the power output of electric generators Activates standalone audible and/or visible alarm
according to a specified system frequency and/or devices to warn of critical changes in the network.
scheduled interchange. Dispatchers can choose This application is particularly useful for attracting
from one of four operational modes — Constant the attention of personnel who work in noisy
Net Interchange, Constant Frequency, Tie Line Bias, operating environments or outdoor locations.
or Tie Line Bias plus Automatic Time Error — to Each alarm bell can be narrowly defined by
calculate a NERC-compliant value for the area a distinct set of attributes, making it easy to
control error. communicate specific network conditions to
The application features economic dispatch key personnel. Regardless of how many bells
calculation, monitoring of generation capacity are configured, the system always triggers an
reserves, scheduling of power interchange audible alarm at SurvalentONE workstations.
transactions, support for jointly owned units,
▪ Fault Data Recorder
and much more.
Detects fault information such as fault type and
▪ Disturbance Capture fault current stored in relays, then uploads and
Records the state of SurvalentONE SCADA before records the data in the SurvalentONE SCADA
and after a user-defined disturbance, and then database. Users can identify fault data points, as
analyzes all system wide changes in analog and well as other points and parameters involved in
status points. The application keeps a detailed the data retrieval process. The application can be
log of dates and times, trigger points, reasons configured for either automatic or manual uploads.
for a disturbance, and recorded lengths.
▪ Master/Slave Alarm Suppression
Users are able to set pre-and post-disturbance
durations and sampling rates, and define trigger Defines a hierarchy of primary and secondary
points for each disturbance capture. They can also alarm point relationships so that only the real
perform graphical analyses of all points in the SCADA cause of a problem (i.e., the master) is presented
system using the included Point Capture Viewer. on the alarm display in SurvalentONE SCADA.
If the alarm suppression function is enabled for a
▪ Event Data Recording
user-defined master/slave relationship, alarms on
Logs all status changes, changes in selected analog the slave points will be suppressed whenever the
points (can be calculated points), control actions, master point is in the alarm state. The application
sequence of events data, and radio load shed includes a group acknowledgement function that
commands in an online data file that can store up allows users to automatically acknowledge all slave
to 30 days of event data. With the built-in reporting alarms when they acknowledge an alarm on the
feature, users can filter and analyze the data by master point.
event type, point name (with wildcards), and date/
time range.
▪ Operations & Outage Accounting ▪ Virtual RTU
Scans the SurvalentONE SCADA event data file of Sets up virtual devices that can be polled by other
the previous day and generates accounting data master stations via protocols (DNP3.0, Modbus,
such as the number of operations caused by ICCP, MultiSpeak, IEC-101 or 104, etc.) simplifying
operator control, number of operations caused how data is shared between SCADA master stations.
by protective relaying, outage start times, and
Since each dataset can be assigned to multiple
outage durations.
Virtual RTUs, and is therefore available to multiple
The application is fully configurable, with tools master systems, there is no need to maintain
for specifying which devices to track, how many duplicate dataset definitions. By default, every
operations to allow before an alarm is triggered, virtual RTU is set up to include sections for status,
and much more. analog, accumulator, control, and set points.
New points can be added using the application’s
intuitive Drag-and-Drop Point Browser.

Optional Browser-Based Applications

These applications offer secure, read-only access to information stored in your SCADA system such as maps,
alarms, and historical data. These applications allow key personnel to check network status from a remote
computer or mobile device instead of travelling back to the control room every time a problem arises.

▪ WebSurv ▪ SurvCentral
Gives authorized users read-only access to Provides read-only, online displays of SCADA data
SCADA data from any Internet-connected formatted especially for the small touchscreens of
computer. The application supports panning, mobile devices. Through SurvCentral, users enjoy
zooming, dynamic line coloring, and other anywhere, anytime access to network information,
dynamic SmartVU features. allowing them to maintain situational awareness
and respond quickly when problems arise.
Dynamic SmartVU graphics are rendered by
HTML5 or SVG, depending on the browser’s The application features built-in reports, secure
capabilities, while the refresh rate for dynamic login, session expiration, and user account
data, alarms, and graphics is entirely user-defined. management tools for administrators. Tabular
WebSurv includes custom reports, secure login, and graphical data can be displayed on any
and a user-friendly interface that displays the data mobile device with a browser.
in Survalent Explorer.
SurvalentONE SCADA

▪ Replicator & Archiver Reporting Applications

Serve the dual purpose of copying data from the SCADA database to a SQL Server or Oracle database
in real time, and providing convenient, browser-based access to all of the SCADA data stored in the
Survalent Archiver Reporting application. Users can gain valuable insight into network operations by
searching historical data and then displaying relevant results in easy-to-read graphs and tables.

The Archiver Reporting application is capable of exporting datasets in PDF and Microsoft Excel formats,
enabling users to conduct further analysis with specialized, third-party software applications. It also offers
auto-generated reports detailing historical alarms, events, and measurements.

The Replicator features an intuitive point-and-click interface that allows users to easily select database
tables, fields, and historical data sets for replication.

SurvalentONE SCADA can be configured to

provide operators with relevant information
at a glance. Maps, single line diagrams,
schematics, event summaries & alarms
are shown in this view.
Control your critical network “ Survalent’s SCADA system performed
flawlessly and it was instrumental at
operations with confidence enabling the operations team to coordinate
all their efforts to restore power in the
With Survalent, you can control your critical network
operations with confidence. We’re the most trusted
provider of advanced distribution management systems
fastest possible way.

- Golfo Norte Distribution
(ADMS) for electric, water/wastewater, gas, and transit
utilities across the globe.

Over 600 utilities in 30 countries rely on the SurvalentONE

platform to effectively operate, monitor, analyze, restore,
and optimize operations. By supporting critical utility
operations with a fully integrated solution, our customers
have significantly improved operational efficiencies,
customer satisfaction and network reliability.

Our unwavering commitment to excellence and to

our customers has been the key to our success for
over 50 years. ▪ ▪ 905-826-5000

© 2018 Survalent Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. Product & company names mentioned herein may be trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Errors & omissions excepted.

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