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Show: Treadmill Workouts


Treadmill Workouts
Whether you are escaping winter weather or the heat and humidity of summer, you’ll love
these indoor workouts. Just follow the workout design – adjusting the speed and incline
as instructed - to create fun and e ective treadmill workouts. Don’t just run on the
treadmill. TRAIN on the treadmill.
All of the workouts below will t into just about any training plan.
Substitute your “outdoor” workout with any one of these fun treadmill workouts. 
Allow a day or two of easy running before and after any hard workout.


Coach's Notes

Set 1: 4 minutes at easy run pace then

recovery jog pace for 2-minutes

Set 2: 4 minutes at steady state run pace then

recovery jog pace for 2-minutes

Set 3: 4 minutes at tempo run pace then

recovery jog pace for 2-minutes

Set 4: 4 minutes at tempo interval pace then

recovery jog pace for 2-minutes

Set 5: 4 minutes cruise interval pace then

recovery jog pace for 2-minutes

Your Paces and Speeds:

Easy Runs = 6:11-6:39 or 9.7-9.0 KPH
Steady State Run = 5:10-5:23 or 11.6-11.1 KPH
Tempo Run = 4:58-5:08 or 12.1-11.7 KPH
Tempo Time Intervals = 4:52-5:03 or 12.3-11.9 KPH
Cruise Intervals = 4:50-5:00 or 12.4-12.0 KPH
Recovery Jogs = 6:11-6:39 or 9.7-9.0 KPH

Instructions: Start the workout with a proper warm-up (10-30 minutes of easy running).
This is a great "time saver" workout where you get a great workout in a short amount of
time. Start with one set, but if you are training for a marathon, you may even do two
(though this will be quite tough). End the workout with a proper cool-down (10-30 minutes
of easy running). The incline should remain at 1% throughout the workout.


Coach's Notes

Set 1: steady pace 1 minute each at 4, 5 and then 6 percent incline

followed by 2-3 minutes recovery at 0 percent

Set 2: steady pace 1 minute each at 5, 6 and then 7 percent incline

2-3 minutes recovery at 0 percent

Set 3: steady pace 1 minute each @ 6, 7 and 8 percent incline

2-3 minutes recovery at 0 percent

Set 4: steady pace 1 minute each @ 7, 6 and 5 percent incline

2-3 minutes recovery at 0 percent

Set 5: steady pace 1 minute each @ 6, 5 and 4 percent incline

2-3 minutes recovery @ at jog

Your Paces and Speeds:

Easy Runs = 6:11-6:39 or 9.7-9.0 KPH
Steady State Run = 5:10-5:23 or 11.6-11.1 KPH
Speed Workout = 4:45-4:53 or 12.6-12.3 KPH
Recovery Jogs = 6:11-6:39 or 9.7-9.0 KPH

Instructions: Start the workout with a proper warm-up (10-30 minutes of easy running).
Then, increase the incline simultaneously with the speed -- do not start your clock until
the treadmill hits the target incline and the speed has increased to steady state pace. End
the workout with a proper cool-down (10-30 minutes of easy running). I suggest four to six
sets the rst week, then six to eight, then eight to 10.


Coach's Notes

400m at easy run pace then

400m at tempo run pace then

400m at speed workout pace then

3 minutes at recovery jog pace

Your Paces and Speeds:
Easy Runs = 6:11-6:39 or 9.7-9.0 KPH
Tempo Run = 4:58-5:08 or 12.1-11.7 KPH
Speed Workout = 4:45-4:53 or 12.6-12.3 KPH
Recovery Jogs = 6:11-6:39 or 9.7-9.0 KPH

Instructions: Start the workout with a proper warm-up (10-30 minutes of easy running).
Once you begin the faster running, do not start your clock until the treadmill hits the
target speed. Move from one speed to the next each minute then take three minutes easy
between sets. End the workout with a proper cool-down (10-30 minutes of easy running).
Start with 2 sets and build to 4 sets. The incline should remain at 1% throughout the


Coach's Notes

90 seconds at 6 percent grade at steady state pace then

1-minute at 0 percent grade at recovery jog pace then

1 minute at 7 percent grade at steady state pace then

2-minutes at 0 percent grade at recovery jog pace

Your Paces and Speeds:

Easy Runs = 6:11-6:39 or 9.7-9.0 KPH
Steady State Run = 5:10-5:23 or 11.6-11.1 KPH
Recovery Jogs = 6:11-6:39 or 9.7-9.0 KPH

Instructions: Start the workout with a proper warm-up (10-30 minutes of easy running).
Then, increase the incline simultaneously with the speed -- do not start your clock until
the treadmill hits the target incline and the speed has increased to steady state pace. End
the workout with a proper cool-down (10-30 minutes of easy running). I suggest four to six
sets the rst week, then six to eight, then eight to 10.

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