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Complain letter vocabulary


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GT Writing Task 1 Sample LETTERS
You recently stayed in a hotel in a large city. The weather was very unusual for the time of year and the
heating/cooling system in the hotel was quite inadequate. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter
 give details of what was wrong
 explain what you had to do to overcome the problem at the time
 say what action you would like the manager to take

You recently ordered a small item online but when it arrived it was unusable. Write a letter to the company that sold
you the item:
 give details about the order you made explain
 what was wrong with the item
 tell the company what you want them to do about it

You have bought a new laptop computer and in a few days of purchase discovered a major flaw. Write a letter to the
company. In your letter –
 introduce yourself –
 explain the situation –
 say what action you would like to company to take.

You and your family have just come back from a holiday staying in a rented apartment overlooking the sea. The
apartment was very unsatisfactory. Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the agency from which you rented
the apartment. In your letter,
– give details of the things that were unsatisfactory
– explain the reactions of the members of your family
– ask the manager what he/she is going to do about the situation

You have just read an article in an international travel magazine which contained some information about your town
that is incorrect.
 correct the information in the article
 explain why it is important for the magazine to give correct information
 suggest what the magazine should do about this situation

You live in an area where the local council has made some changes to regulations. You believe these changes are not
good for residents. Write a letter to a councillor. In your letter:
 Introduce yourself.
 Describe the problem.
 Say what you think the council should do about the situation

You use the local swimming pool often, and during one of your visits, you have encountered a problem. Write a
letter to the manager. In your letter
 describe what the problem was,
 tell what the swimming pool staff have done about it,
 suggest your own solution to the problem.

The apartment that you have rented was repaired recently. Later you discovered some defects in repairs. Write a
letter to your landlord. In your letter
 explain what the problem is,
 suggest how it can be fixed, say
 what you would like the landlord to do about it.
You are renting a house in an English-speaking country, and the landlord has been helpful during your stay. Now
your friend is interested in renting your place. Please write a letter to your landlord to inform your friend that you
will be moving out. In your letter
 tell your landlord that you are leaving and explain why,
 thank your landlord for being helpful,
 recommend your friend as a prospective tenant.

Your friend recently moved to the same town you live. Please write a letter to invite your friend to go to the gym
together. In your letter
 describe why you go to this gym,
 say what part of this gym you recommend,
 explain why you think it is suitable for your friend
- recommend dressing room or outstanding stuff service

You had a meal at a local restaurant with your family. Write to a local newspaper to give the feedback. In your letter,
you should say:
 where the restaurant located,
 what you had for the meal,
 why do you recommend this restaurant to others.

Your friend has asked you to help him to find a music teacher for his/her child. Write a letter to your friend that you
have found a suitable teacher. In your letter, you should tell:
 what experience the teacher has,
 why you think he/she is suitable,
 how to get in touch with the teacher.

A local newspaper has conducted a competition recently to find a person who contributed the most to the society.
Write a letter to the editor with a recommendation for a suitable person. In your letter, you should tell:
 who the person is,
 how you know this person,
 how he/she has helped the community,
 why you think the person could win this competition.

There is a problem related to the changing room of your gym in your community. You reported it several times, but it
was not solved. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter, you should:
 describe the problem,
 what they said while reporting the problem,
 what you want the manager to do.

- too small,
- no curtains to cover ashamed body parts
- body positivity
You had requested the receptionist to wake you up early, but he/she failed to do so. Write a letter to the hotel
manager about the inconvenience caused to you. In your letter, you should tell:
 why you had requested to wake up early,
 what the inconvenience caused was,
 what the hotel should do to avoid it.
A very important piece of equipment at work broke down. Write a letter to the company's technician. In your letter
 describe what the problem is,
 tell how it is affecting your work,
 say what you want them to do about it.

You would like to take a part-time course at the university, but don't have the money to do it. Write a letter to an
organization that supports students financially and asks for help. In your letter
 describe your qualification and degree,
 provide some details of the course,
 explain how this course will help you in the future.

You recently flew with an airline and had a problem with the food on the plane. Write a letter to the company. In
your letter
 give the details of the flight,
 explain what the problem with the food was,
 say what the airline should do about it.
- I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction about the poor service provided by your airline

Your neighbor keeps his/her animal in the garden. Write to him/her about it and the inconvenience it causes you and
your family. In your letter
 tell what the problem is explain why it causes inconvenience,
 suggest a possible solution to it,
 say what actions you might take if the need arises.
For example, in the case of dogs being left out all night to bark, maybe the neighbors would agree to take
them in after 10:00 p.m.
- apply to the Supreme Court

You forgot an item of clothing at the hotel where you stayed recently. Write a letter to the hotel manager. In your
letter, you should tell:
 when you stayed and in what room,
 describe the item you left behind,
 what you would like the manager to do about it.

I left my dark gray Embroidered Leather Jacket. It is extremely expensive piece of menswear, worth about $5000; in
fact, one of the foremost expensive animal skin jackets in the entire world. Since it was a birthday present from my
wife, she would literary have me executed if I would not bring it back safe and sound. There is no way I can return
back home without it.
- It's also comfortable to move around it and looks good with everything in my wardrobe
- it has some spikes and red embroidery flowers on it. You know when you will see it – its one of kind.
-. plenty of pockets to keep your hands free
- removable collar
- it comes in dark gray,
- Two front button-flap pockets are complemented by an upper arm zip pocket
silver vertical zippers
. It was worth every penny

- breast pocket
- vegetable-tanned lambskin leather
explicitly described red lining leather jacket
Your colleague is traveling from another country by plane for a meeting. You have arranged the airport pickup, hotel
accommodation and planned his/her meetings. Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter, you should:
 say when and where you will meet him/her,
 explain where he/she will stay,
 tell him/her about the other arrangements you made.

Your company sent you to complete a course in another country. You have lost the certificate received at the end of
the course. Write a letter to the principal of the college where you took the course. In your letter, you should tell:
 how you lost the certificate,
 why you need it now,
 what you want the principal to do.

You have lost something on a bus and called customer service to get help. You weren't happy with their response.
Write a letter to the bus company manager. In your letter, you should:
 describe the item you lost,
 explain why you weren't happy with the customer service,
 say what action you would like the company to take.

The news company is going to start a new program on TV about a particular place. Write a letter to offer your
suggestions on what the program should be like. In your letter, you should tell:
 how you know about that place,
 what suggestions you would like to make,
 why you are offering these suggestions.
Write a letter to your friend in another country where you like to visit for the holidays. In your letter, you should:
 explain your travel plans
 describe the interesting places you plan to visit
 ask for suggestions for sightseeing options.

An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking
for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,
 offer to find somewhere to stay
 give advice about what to do
 give information about what clothes to bring
talk about Busan in spring


You recently discovered that there are plans to construct an airport in your locality. Write a letter to the local
authority. In your letter:
 explain how you knew about the plans,
 describe the negative effect of the construction on your neighborhood,
 suggest a possible solution to the problem.

Recently you saw an article in a newspaper/journal about a city/town you know and some of the information in the
article was incorrect. Write a letter to the editor regarding this. In your letter, you should tell:
 how you know about this city/town,
 what information was incorrect,
 what the editor should do about this.
Write a letter to your friend about a job opportunity you came across that they might find interesting. In your letter,
you should:
 give some details about the job,
 mention how you came across the job opportunity,
 explain why you feel the job would be suitable for your friend

You have a meeting with your manager the next day. Write a letter telling him/her what you are going to discuss in
the meeting. In your letter, you should tell:
 what you have done for the company in the year you worked there,
 what changes you would like to recommend,
 what training you require

One of your friends lives in another country. You want to spend some time working in that country. Write a letter to
your friend. In your letter, you should:
 describe why you want to work in that country,
 tell him/her about your skills and experience,
 ask some questions related to work (e.g. wage/salary)
- I received the green light to travel abroad.

You are working for an international company. You have seen an advertisement for a training course which will be
useful for your work. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter, you should:
 describe why you want to take the course,
 explaining how it will be beneficial to the company,
 tell who will be managing your work in your absence.

- If you'd give me a green light on this -

- Career Development
- Termination and Talent Acquisition
- Talent Management
- Kill two birds with one stone. we havent seen new faces during the last 5 years. But now that James, Sara, Andrew
and some others have come and spoken to me about retirement we might need some new blood to come in.
There is upcoming MIT and Boston University graduation coming next summer, with proper training we might find
right what we need.
- There is no way to expect proper results from measly 10 employees performing tasks of 20 people.
- we are in a desperate need of some extra hands

There is a public event coming up in your town. Write a letter to your friend who you think would be interested to
take part in it. In your letter, you should:
 describe the event,
 explain why you think he/she would be interested in it,
 suggest an arrangement to meet there with him/her.

You recently stayed at your friend’s place, to look after the house while he/she is away. You accidentally damaged
something in his/her house. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should:
 describe what the accident was,
 explain when it happened,
 suggest how the damage can be fixed.

- small succulent that we have bought together on the day I last saw you.
- I was Blind as a bat at night one day so when I went to a toilet I forgot that placed your plants on the window sill.

Write a letter to your friend about missing the date with him on a day because you have planned. Tell him how you
tried to contact him but it did not work out either. In your letter, you should tell:
 what the reason is,
 how you tried to contact him,
 give an alternative plan to meet him sometime.
- such a bookworm

You learned a piece of news from your friend regarding a part-time job at a new international company near your
house. Write a letter to that company. In your letter, you should:
 explain why you need that job,
 give the details what you can do for the company,
 suggest the time that you can work.
- write down about HR

Write a letter to the department of education to provide financial assistance for a short training course that you
want to do in some foreign country. In your letter, you should tell:
 what course you want to take,
 why you want to take the course,
 how financial assistance can help you.
- And for a measly $15 a month, you couldn't ask for a better deal.

Write a letter to a hotel manager in another city for an upcoming 2-day business trip for you and your colleagues. In
your letter, you should tell:
 introduce of yourself and colleagues,
 give information about the business meeting,
 tell other requests you might have.

Write a letter to your local council that the road in front of your house is damaged.
 tell him your name and where you are living
 describe the problem
 suggest what you want him to do for it.

You made a reservation at a hotel for you and your colleagues to stay during a business trip, but you need to make
some changes to your booking. Write a letter to the hotel manager. In your letter, you should:
 give details of your booking,
 explain what changes you need to make,
 ask for some special arrangements to be made for your business meetings.

Your child's school is going for a trip out of the country for 3 days and the parent is allowed to join the group. Write a
letter to the school. In your letter, you should:
 ask questions about the trip,
 tell them why you want to join the group,
 explain how you can help.

Write a letter to the translation agency about the report to be translated urgently. In your letter, you should:
 explain the content of the letter
 why you need translated report
 why do you need it urgently?

You have a spare room in your apartment, you would like to rent out to a college student. Write a letter to the
student accommodation officer of the local college. In your letter, you should tell:
 where it is
 explain about the room
 to which type of student you would like to give

You need to do more physical exercise. Write a letter to your friend asking him to join you. In your letter, you should
 why you want to do physical exercise
 what type of physical exercise you are planning to do
 why you want your friend to join you.

A local college is having an international day. You want to speak to students about your country from different
cultures. Write a letter to the college head. In the letter, you should:
 tell him/her about the topics you are going to talk about
 why would they be of interest to the students
 ask for any arrangements that you need.

Write a letter to the government about the lack of sports facilities in your hometown for people of your age. In your
letter, you should tell:
 what facilities you want,
 why you want them,
 what suggestions you can give

Your friend has just moved to a new house. Write a letter to your friend and let him know about the gift that you
prepared for him/her. In your letter, you should:
 describe the gift,
 tell how it will be delivered,
 explain why you chose it.

Write a letter to your manager to request setting up a cafeteria for the staff. In your letter, you should tell:
 what you heard about the inconvenience from the staffs,
 how you feel about it,
 what suggestion you can give

Write a letter to your colleague asking for help in setting up equipment for your presentation. In your letter, you
 tell when and where the presentation will deliver,
 describe your arrangements,
 say him/her what equipment you need.

You are planing for a vacation and want your friend to go with you. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you
 tell him/her why you want to take a vacation,
 describe your plan,
 invite him/her to go with you.

You are planning a 2-day work training outside your city next month. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel
regarding the accommodation arrangements for your visit. In your letter, you should tell:
 introduce yourself and your company,
 ask the availability of their rooms,
 tell him/her that your every arrangement and needs.

Some new employees have just joined your company to gain work experience and they are going to start their first
day at the office next month. Write a letter to explain what they should do on their first day in the office.
In your letter, you should tell:
 what work you do,
 what they will do on the first day at work,
 What a person should bring along on the first day.
- Dear new staff
Write a letter to your colleague telling him about your planned visit to the town you use to work. In the letter, you
should tell:
 about your current Job,
 about your stay plan,
 the details arrangement of your visit.

Your friend is coming to stay in your neighborhood. He has asked some information about the local school. Write a
letter to your friend. In your letter:
 describe the school,
 tell him/her about your opinion,
 explain why his/her children would like this school.

Write a letter to your manager who is leaving the company. In your letter, you should:
 include how you are feeling about this,
 what you did like about working with him/her,
 ask questions about his/her future plans.

Your landlord is asking to increase the rent. Write a letter to him. In your letter, you should tell:
 why you think the rent shouldn't be increased,
 what you will do if it is increased.

- I acknowledge the situation you are in

- I have had a pleasure to work with you for more than 5 years straight. During that time there was not a single case
of neighbor complain, late rate payment or property damage. Moreover, while all the friends I know has been
changing apartments every 6-12 month, I've stayed here and kept you away from High Turnover Rates. I hope you
realize that I am one of the best tenants you would ever have. What's more is that it might take a month to a year to
find responsible, fastidious and helpful resident like me.

Have you had any further thoughts about what I said earlier? Concerning side profit, cryptocurrency investment or
tenant's deposit increase. All of them works quite fine for me; all of the options me and my friends are capable to
help you with.

However, if you desire to resolve things otherwise then I am afraid, but I would be forced to move out. We have
been having the same conversation for a year now and if all of my arguments are not able to persuade you Mrs.
Steven, then I rest my case, pack my stuff and move out. All of these years it has been a great pleasure to lease your
property Mrs. Steven, but for all that finally here comes the time for me to leave.

It is with heavy heart I have to notify you that I would not recommend this apartment to any of my friend since you
turned a deaf ear to all my pleas and ignored all the delivered to you information.

You and your friend are planning a picnic in the countryside. Write a letter to your friend:
In your letter, you should:
 what arrangements you have already done
 what other activities that you can do
 how your friend can help with the arrangements.

Your friend has recently written to you to find out about your college. Letter to your friend:
 why you chose this college
 what you like most about your college and what you don't like about your college;
 Would you recommend it to your friend to join your college?

A friend is moving to your town and has requested some information about the town. Write a letter to him/her. In
the letter, you should tell:
 housing in your hometown,
 the schooling system in the town,
 how to meet other people in the town.
- Write down about Busan?
You moved to a new country and you want to write a letter to your former colleague. In your letter, you should:
 tell him/her where did you go and what you are doing there (job)
 describe your feeling
 invite your friend to come.

Letter to offer a concert ticket to your friend. In the letter, you should:
 what is the content of the music concert
 where and when is the concert
 why you think your friend will like going to this concert.

Write a letter to invite your English-speaking friend to watch a new film with you about your country. In the letter,
you should:
 include some information about the film
 explain why your friend might be interested to watch the film
 inform other arrangements you will be making for watching the film
- I recalled you majored in Asian Studies and History.
Write a letter to one of your classmates and invite him/her to a party. In the letter, you should:
 when, where, timing,
 give some details about the plan of the party,
 tell him/her what you are doing recently.
- don’t forget to mention about classmates and their lives (in the 3d section)

Write a letter to the owner of the restaurant that closes to your house to complain about the noise. In your letter,
you should:
 state what the problem,
 tell why you are disturbed,
 suggest how to solve the problem.
- noise pollution

But sleep loss is also a big public safety hazard every day on the road. And I am a father of five in Mexico, the sole
provider to a family of 10 people in total, who is also a full time delivery driver. Sleep Deprivation Can Lead to
Serious Health Problems like heart attack, heart failure, strokes and diabetes. Sleepiness might be also depressing.
Sleeping less than 6 hours a day may contribute to anxiety and low self-esteem.

on the top of that, there are some occuring and re-occuring memory issues, troubles with thinking and
concentration, mood changes, weakened immune system, high blood pressure, weight gain, low sex drive, risk of
diabetes, heart disease and poor balance.

if you refuse to cooperate and keep the sound within appropriate rates then you left me with no choice but to file a
complain. i really would like not to cause you any trouble, so if you heed my request and keep the sound down after
10 pm, as it is mentioned in the law, I might even become your regular customer.
A letter to a company which is looking for help to renovate school buildings, and you want to help with it. In your
letter, you should:
 when you could start,
 what you could do,
 why you want to help.

Your friend is moving to a new house and wants your help. Write a letter to you. In your letter, you should:
 say why you are free,
 how you can help,
 ask questions about the new house.
- Interior design

You ride a bicycle to work, but there is a problem with the parking. Write a letter to the building manager to provide
bicycle parking. In your letter, you should:
 why you ride a bicycle to work,
 what the problem is with the parking
 what your suggestions are.

You recently completed a course and you borrowed a book from your teacher, but you couldn’t return in time. You
would like to return the book now. Write a letter to your teacher. In your letter, you should:
 what book it was,
 how helpful the book was,
 explain why you couldn’t return it in time.

Letter to a friend asking for his help to make a website. In your letter, you should:
 describe what kind of website you want,
 say when you want the website to be done,
 explain how important the website is to you.

The organizer of the annual festival is going to organize a festival in your place. Write a letter to the organizer giving
feedback for last year and suggestions for this year. In your letter, you should:
 give your feedback for the last festival,
 tell him/her what you can do for the new festival,
 suggestions about the new festival.

You work in an international company. Write letter to the manager for allowing extra hours off during work time to
attend family celebration. In your letter, you should:
 explain why you want to take a day off,
 suggest how your work could be covered while your are away.

James fits perfect for this role. He has been working as an intern in our company for the past 3 month and knows
everything there is to know about Human Resource Management. The boy graduated Columbia University with
flying colors and, according to his recommendation letters, he is “one of a kind” and “one of the best student in his
- I havent explained him fully about termination and duties delegation procedures, but other than that he would be
just fine.

You are working in an international company, write a letter to inform your manager about your resignation.
 thank the company for the opportunity that you joined it,
 tell the reason for your resignation,
 confirm the time you are leaving
You just moved to a new place and haven’t gotten a chance to tell your friend. Write a letter to your friend.
 where and when you move there,
 the differences between your new place and the previous place,
 why you move there.

You are working in an international company. You want to quit this job. Write a letter to your manager.
 Why you want to quit
 When you want to leave
 What you liked about the company.
You are attending a night course at the school. you are not happy with some parts of the course. Write a letter to the
school director about this. In your letter, you should tell:
 what course you are studying,
 what things you are not happy about,
 what you expect from the school director.

- she has also some ethnic and racial prejudice agains asian and black people. Being black herself this might sound
weird but she claims white has been born privilliged while my father always claimed we were born equal.
You are a member of a sports club. Write a letter to the club president about an event that will be organized.
 what it is,
 who I am inviting,
 what my role is in this event.

Your friend's son is going to your country for his holiday, she want him to stay in your home. But you can't
accommodate him. Write letter for your friend. In the letter, you should:
 apology to your friend,
 explain why he cant stay in your home,
 give her suggestion for her son arrangement during his holiday.

A colleague at work is organizing a goodbye party which you’re not able to attend. Write a letter to him/her.
In the letter, you should:
 Explain reason why you cannot attend,
 good memories you have spent,
 how you will stay in touch.

You recently attended a course in another country but had to leave the course to return back to your country. Write
a letter to your teacher. In the letter, you should:
 apology for leaving and thank him/her for helping,
 tell them your situation
 Explain them what you liked about their lecture.

A letter to a company which is looking for help to renovate school buildings, and you want to help with it.
 when you could start
 what you could do
 why you want to help.
The apartment that you have rented was repaired recently. Later you discovered some defects in repairs. Write a
letter to your landlord. In your letter
 explain what the problem is,
 suggest how it can be fixed,
 say what you would like the landlord to do about it.
Dear Mr. Jones,
I know the apartment I am staying in now has been repaired two weeks ago. It looks like repair team left some trash
and food garbage in a trash bin which I have cleaned up, nevertheless it turned out to be a bit late since the room
has already been infested with rats. The room itself has adequate heating, water, and electricity after the repair, but
the rat infestation makes it quite less habitable property than I would like it to be. Since these pests are mostly
nocturnal, they only emerge once I am going to bed and the coast is clear, which makes it impossible for me to sleep
(with all the squeaking and rustling).

Running rampant through my house squeaking and hissing, they're going through my left-overs, dirty dishes in the
rummaging through my food cupboards which is getting on my nerves. I cannot take it anymore! These scratching,
gnawing, and rustling inside my house deprived me from sleep for more than a week now. Seeing two rodents
running across my body and walking on my pillow was the last straw after which I immediately rushed to write this
letter to you.

WANT WE CAN DO -------------------------

I can recomend you some course of actions to be undertaken to prevent rodents from spreading any further. Rats
are small in size that allows them to slip into any hole. They can crawl into spaces as small as a quarter so the house
needs to be checked for any opening that size and larger. Food needs to be stored correctly. I would have to be more
diligent dealing with my food, get rid of leftovers and take the food waste out regularly. We can also set up some
traps, use baits and poisons outside the home. Checking neighborhood might be a good idea as well. Chances are
that rats are a neighborhood issue.

WANT YOU TO DO -------------------------

To be completely honest, I have tried my best to get rid of nasty rodents by my own means, however none of the
methods I used actually worked so I would have to request you to contact a professional pest control to resolve the
issue. Also, if you would be so kind to come over and see everything for yourself, we can seal holes or cracks up with
proper materials like steel wool, hardware cloth and plaster. I remember you mentioned once you have a cat. You
might bring him in to hunt down rats if possible. Having said that I wish you a good, pleasant day. Please contact me
as soon as it is possible. I look forward to your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Robinson Crusoe
John Ronald Tolkien
Ian Smith
(железная щеточка, метал. решетка, штукатурка)
You are getting married soon. Write a letter to your friend from a different country and invite him/her to the
 describe your future wife/husband
 what will happen at the wedding
 why you want to invite him/her?

Write a letter to the local council to stop the closure of a children’s playground in your area.
 tell him how important the playground is,
 explain why you don't want to close it,
 suggest what advice you want them take.

You notice garbage near your house, write a letter to authority. In your letter, you should tell:
 who did this,
 what problem is with this,
 What you want from the authority to do.

Your company has recently introduced new uniform for the staffs. Write a letter to your manager that you are not
happy with the new uniform. In the letter, you should:
 explain why you are not happy with the new uniform,
 what you want new uniform to be like,
 giving some suggestions.

Write a letter to your neighbor who often burns garbage close to your house. In the letter, you should:
 complain about his action,
 tell him how this is impacting you,
 suggest ways to avoid it.

Recently you have attended a job interview which went well, but you are still waiting for the result. Write a letter to
the HR manager of the company. In your letter, you should:
 give details of the job,
 tell why you think the interview went well,
 explain why you need to know the result.

You are moving with your family to a new city. Write a letter to a housing agent in that city about accommodation.
 explain why and when you are moving,
 describe where you want to live,
 state the type of accommodation you require. (and facilities)

Write a letter to your landlord and report that there are some problems caused to the apartment due to the recent
bad weather. In the letter, you should:
 describe the problem,
 explain why it happened,
 suggest to your landlord what actions to take

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- recommend a friend job - part time job at restaurant (describe experience, why you're interested, why you're
- gym, train, repairs - complain about toilet!!!! or maybe lack of space
- inviting to a Birthday Party


Your local newspaper is offering an award for people who have helped the community. Write a letter to the
newspaper editor. In your letter
 suggest someone you think should receive the award
 describe what the person does to help the community
 suggest an award that would be appropriate for this person

You are looking for a part-time job at a football club. Write a letter to the manager of the football club. In your letter,
• introduce yourself
• explain what experience and special skills you have
• tell him/her when you think you could start

You recently noticed a local restaurant that was offering a part-time job. Write a letter to the restaurant’s manager.
In your letter,
– explain that you would like to apply for the job
– give some details of any relevant experience that you have
– specify the days and times that would suit you
– Describe your work experience and explain why you would be suitable for the job.
It's a same question. Section 3 different
A friend of yours is going on holiday soon and has asked you to recommend a destination. Write a letter to your
friend. In your letter:
 Recommend a good place for a holiday that you have visited
 Describe where you stayed and what you can do there
 Provide one negative aspect about the destination
- Busan, mention Budha Birthday festival, Sakura festival

Your friend wrote a letter to you asking for advice on their parents visiting your area. Write a letter to your friend. In
your letter, you should:
 suggest the places they can visit,
 recommend a place where they can stay,
 offer something you can do with them.

You have recently attended a two-day course, and now the course organiser is asking for your review and comments.
Write a letter to the course organiser, in your letter
– Describe the course
– Explain whether or not you liked the course, and why
– Provide some suggestions for improvement.


A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend.
 give contact details for when you are away
 give instructions on how to care for your pet
 describe other household duties

You have just moved into a new home and are planning to hold a party. You are worried that the noise may disturb
your neighbour. Write a letter to your neighbour. In your letter
 introduce yourself,
 describe your plans for the party,
 invite your neighbour to come
- classic housewarming party

You are moving home. Write a letter to your neighbors to say goodbye to them and to thank for their help during
your stay. In your letter explain
how they helped you,
say what you will miss the most about the area where you lived,
invite them to visit you at your new home

Your neighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your houseflat. Write a letter to your
neighbours. In your letter,
 explain the reason for the noise
 apologise for the noise
 describe what action you will take
You have been living in a rental apartment for the past year. Recently a new neighbour moved in and has been
making a lot of noise, which disturbs you. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter:
- explain the situation
- describe why it bothers you
- suggest a solution

You would like to participate in a work-related seminar in another country. Task: Write a letter to the person in
charge of the seminar and ask for detailed information regarding the dates, program, accommodation and cost.

Write a letter to the campsite giving details of when you would like to go. Also find out if they have any vacancies at
that time and how much it will cost. Ask if they can send you information about the campsite, including it's facilities
and any extra costs involved?
Нужно доделать. Не плохо



A friend of yours recently gave you a nice birthday present. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,
– thank her for the present and say why you particularly like it
– describe some other presents that you received
– explain some of the things you did on your birthday.

Your friend just had a baby. You decided to prepare a present for them. Write a letter and say:
 congratulate your friend,
 ask when would be possible for you to visit,
 ask what present they would like
- Age Is Just a Number

You invited a guest speaker to your village hall to talk about environmental change. Many people attended the talk
and enjoyed it very much. Write a letter to the guest speaker thanking him/her. In your letter
• Say how much you appreciate them coming.
• Tell them the reaction from the people who attended.
• Suggest another talk in the future.
- exceeded all of my expectations

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Television injects violence in children, and programs with violent scenes should be banned.

As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom

Along with the increase in population, this has declined in the living standard in city areas due to the environmental

some people say history is one of the most important school subject. Other people think that, in todays world
subjects like science and technology are more important than history.

Some people believe that teaching music in schools is a vital part of growing up and the human experience, whilst
others believe that teaching music in schools is a waste of time and resources

Information technology enables many people to do their work outside their workplace. Do the benefits of this
mobility outweigh the disadvantages?

Social media is becoming increasingly popular amongst all age groups. However, sharing personal information on
social media websites does have risks. Do you think that the advantages of social media outweigh the

Government should spend their money on railways rather than roads. with this statement?

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want
online without paying. with this statement?

Some universities now offer their courses on the internet so that people can study online. Is it a positive or negative
- There is a high drop out rate with online self-study.

working abroad van help employee earn a great deal of money and gain more benefits, However some people think
that this trend has many negative impact.

The world’s air pollution levels are rising year on year. What are the possible causes and effects of this disturbing
trend? What should humanity do to counter this problem?

These days, increasing number of overweight children in urban areas is a huge problem. What are its reasons? What
are its effects on the country?

Negative effects of internet on students.

Many people complaining about lack of sleep

some people think advertisement should be banned but some people think it is necessary for companies

Some people think saving money is good, but others think that spending money is a better way to enjoy life. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge
Some people believe that global warming is the most important problem facing the world right now, although others
believe that deforestation has a more devastating impact on our planet. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Many university students cannot find a job in their chosen profession. What factors may have caused this situation
and what, in your opinion should be done about it?

As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom.
Discuss both views and give your opinion. v.3

Some people get into debt by buying things they don’t need and can’t afford. What are the reasons for this
behaviour? What action can be taken to prevent people from having this problem?

Many people say that the amount of rubbish is increasing in the world. What are the effects on environment? What
can be done to solve this problem?

Large international companies are becoming more powerful. Is this a negative development? Do you agree or

Every country has poor people and every country different ways of dealing with poor.

some people argue that the inclusion of physical education

To some people studying the past has little value in the modern world. Why do you think it is important to do so?

Nowadays many people are following an unhealthy diet and no exercise. Why do you think is this happening? How
can this situation be corrected?

it has been observed that nowadays larger companies put advertisement to sell their products and attract more
customers. Is this positive or negative development?

It is better for college students to live far away from home than living at home with their parents. Do you agree or

Some people believe that people who read books can develop more imagination and language skills than those who
prefer to watch TV. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays many young people spend their free time in shopping centers. This has a negative effect on youths and
society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Today more people are overweight than ever before. In your opinion, what are the primary causes of this?
What measures can be taken to overcome this epidemic?

Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, others believe that
homework plays an important role in the education of children. Discuss both of these views and give your own

Men do most of the high-level jobs. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be
reserved for women? What is your opinion on that?

High school is a crucial period in the life of young people. What factors are related to academic success in high school

Computer games are very popular in all ages and nations. Parents think it has little educational value and more
harmful effects

Write a letter to a manufacturer to ask them to arrange production of a new item for you. Please say What item do
you need? Why do you need it?

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