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Medial Knee Approach: An Anatomical Study of

Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis in Medial
Femoral Condylar Fracture
Norachart Sirisreetreerux, MD,*† Babar Shafiq, MD,* Greg M. Osgood, MD,*
and Erik A. Hasenboehler, MD*

Objectives: To determine the location of distal medial neurovascular Isolated femoral condylar fractures (AO type 33-B1 to
structures, identifying a medial “safe zone” for minimally invasive B3) are less common than interbicondylar fractures (AO
plate osteosynthesis to treat displaced femoral condylar fractures. types 33-C1 to C3). Displaced type-B medial femoral
Methods: Eleven uninjured lower-half torsos were dissected on the condylar fractures usually require interfragmentary lag
bilateral medial lower thigh. A longitudinal incision was made at the screw fixation, buttress plating, or both. In type-C fractures
midsagittal plane of the medial thigh starting 1 cm proximal to the with severe medial metaphyseal comminution, combined
knee joint and extending to the proximal one-third of the femur. medial and lateral exposure may provide maximum stability
Superficial and deep neurovascular structures were dissected. Dis- with dual plating. However, extensive soft-tissue dissection
tances to the medial vastus and adductor compartment were measured. is required to achieve proper exposure for medial plate
Results: Mean distances were 160 6 31.4 mm from the adductor The anatomy of the medial lower thigh and knee is
tubercle to Hunter canal; 94 6 18.3 mm from adductor tubercle to complex, and several structures are vulnerable during surgical
adductor hiatus; 31.8 6 9.21 mm from Hunter canal to the femoral exposure: the superficial femoral artery at Hunter canal, the
shaft; and 31.7 6 7.78 mm from adductor hiatus to femoral shaft. All deep femoral artery, and the genicular artery with its 7 variable
specimens had a descending genicular artery (DGA) with a mean branches.2,3 These vessels may be cut or develop a pseudoa-
distance to the adductor tubercle of 98.4 6 16.0 mm. The muscular neurysm, as has been described after total knee arthroplasty.4,5
branch of the DGA crossed the femoral shaft at approximately The femoral nerve is also at risk with 2 patterns of nerve
50 mm from the adductor tubercle; the osteoarticular branch ran branches, as described by Jojima et al.6 Both branches supply
along the adductor magnus tendon. The nerve to the vastus medialis the vastus medialis longus and obliquus, and injury to these
was at the posterior border of the vastus medialis, entering at a mean nerves can cause vastus muscle atrophy. The typical locations
143 6 63.0 mm from the adductor tubercle. and distances of these structures relative to the surrounding
anatomic landmarks have not been described in detail.
Conclusions: Minor neurovascular branches of the DGA may be Exposure of the distal medial femur is challenging, and
vulnerable during medial femoral condyle plating. Careful blunt
the anatomy has not been clearly described. Surgeons are
dissection, proper instrumentation, and plate length within 160 mm
most familiar with the medial parapatellar approach, which is
allow distal medial femur fixation without additional proximal dissection.
the most common approach to the medial distal femur.6–11
Key Words: adductor tubercle, descending genicular artery, Hunter This involves a midline arthrotomy, creating a large anterior
canal, medial femoral condylar fracture scar and capsular scarring. Less invasive approaches include
the subvastus approach10,11 and the approach of Visser et al,12
(J Orthop Trauma 2016;30:e357–e361) used for a medial closing wedge osteotomy of the distal
femur. However, the neurovascular structures of the vastus
medialis, including the musculo-articular branch of the de-
Accepted for publication July 15, 2016. scending genicular artery (DGA), femoral nerve, and saphe-
From the *Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Johns Hopkins University, nous nerve, are at risk, especially during the traditional
Baltimore, MD; and †Department of Orthopaedics, Faculty of Medicine,
Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
subvastus approach.12
The authors report no conflict of interest. An anterio-medial distal femoral “safe zone” was pro-
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL posed by Kim et al,13 who used computed tomography to
citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML create a detailed map of the femoral artery and its distance
and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s Web site (www. from the femur.13 Jiamton and Apivatthakakul9 evaluated the
Reprints: Erik A. Hasenboehler, MD, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, feasibility of minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO)
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, The Johns Hopkins University, in the distal medial femur by studying the anatomical relation-
4940 Eastern Avenue, #A667, Baltimore, MD 21224-2780 (e-mail: ships and structures at risk between the artery and the implant
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. in cadavers. Neither study investigated the smaller neurovas-
DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000000659 cular structures at risk during distal medial MIPO.

J Orthop Trauma  Volume 30, Number 11, November 2016 | e357

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Sirisreetreerux et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 30, Number 11, November 2016

Avoiding extensive soft-tissue dissection may reduce midpoint of the femoral shaft, exactly halfway between the
morbidity. A description of all anatomic structures and anterior and posterior cortex. A K-wire was inserted at this
surgical references of the medial distal thigh is needed to point as a reference (see Figure, Supplemental Digital
establish a true safe zone for MIPO of the medial femoral Content 2, The distances
condyle. To our knowledge, other than the studies mentioned from Hunter canal to the midshaft of the femur and adductor
herein,6,10–12,14 no authors have described the smaller anatom- tubercle were measured (see Figures, Supplemental Digital
ical structures at risk during a distal medial femur MIPO Contents 3 and 4, and
approach. Hunter canal was then
Our aims were to (1) describe all relevant small incised, and the vastus medialis was dissected from the
anatomic structures of the distal medial thigh at risk during adductor magnus tendon and the intermuscular septum.
an MIPO approach to the distal medial thigh; (2) determine The vastus medialis was then split longitudinally at its mid-
their locations in relation to the adductor tubercle; and (3) portion along the medial femur and retracted anteriorly away
identify a safe zone for an MIPO approach to the medial distal from the adductor magnus, allowing better visualization of
femur for fracture management. the femoral vessels. The femoral vessels were traced from
Hunter canal to the adductor hiatus, where they pass through
the adductor magnus posterior and distal to the upper part of
MATERIALS AND METHODS the popliteal fossa. The superior medial genicular artery
Eleven fresh-frozen cadaveric lower-half torsos (22 (SMGA), which is situated close to the adductor tubercle,
limbs) without history of trauma or surgery to the medial was identified and its distance to the adductor tubercle mea-
thigh or knee were obtained from the local anatomy board. sured. The DGA, which stems from the femoral artery, and
Specimens were randomly assigned on availability. Dissec- its branches were identified. At the midshaft of the femur at
tions were performed by 3 authors. Each specimen was the level of the adductor hiatus, a K-wire was positioned to
dissected similarly on both lower medial thighs. Detailed measure the distances of the DGA to the adductor tubercle,
dissection of the neurovascular structures of the medial vastus the adductor hiatus to the femoral shaft, and the adductor
and adductor compartment was performed. The average hiatus to the adductor tubercle (Fig. 1B). We recorded all
distances of these neurovascular structures to the palpable paths of the DGA and classified them according to the sys-
prominence of the adductor tubercle were used to describe tem of Dubois et al2 Then, an incision was made through the
a safe zone for a medial distal femur MIPO approach. adductor magnus to approach the popliteal fossa, and we
Measurements were recorded in millimeters using an elec- measured the distances from the sciatic nerve and popliteal
tronic caliper (Mitutoyo ABSOLUTE Digimatic Series 500; artery and vein to the adductor tubercle.
MSC Industrial Supply Co, Melville, NY). Finally, the last branch of the femoral nerve, which
originated from the femoral nerve proximally, was identified
Surgical Dissection and traced distally to the vastus medialis (Fig. 1A). The point
Each specimen was placed supine on a dissection table. where the nerve penetrated the muscle was identified and
The landmark for incision was the middle portion of the medial used as a reference to measure the distance to the adductor
femoral condyle, which was defined by the halfway point from tubercle.6
the posteromedial border of the patella and the most posterior
aspect of the medial femoral condyle. A longitudinal incision Analysis
was made at the midsagittal plane of the medial thigh starting 1 Statistical analysis was performed to determine
cm proximal to the knee joint and extending to the proximal weighted means, medians, and standard deviations using
one-third of the femur. When necessary, the incision was Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA).
performed more proximally for better exposure and dissection to
a maximum of 35 cm (see Figure, Supplemental Digital Con-
tent 1, The subcutaneous RESULTS
layer was incised and elevated to expose the deep fascia. The Ten specimens (20 of the 22 lower limbs) were men.
adductor tubercle was identified by palpation, and a Kirschner The mean age was 77 years (range, 52–93 years). No speci-
(K)-wire was inserted into its center and most prominent part mens had evidence of previous injury or surgery.
from directly medial and perpendicular to the femur. This was The mean distances of Hunter canal from the adductor
used as a reference point for our measurements. Subsequently, tubercle and femoral shaft were 160 6 31.4 mm proximal and
we dissected the femoral triangle in the proximal thigh to iden- 31.8 6 9.21 mm posterior, respectively. The mean distances
tify the femoral vessels, the last branch of the femoral nerve of the adductor hiatus from the adductor tubercle and femoral
(Fig. 1A), adductor longus, and sartorius muscles. The sartorius shaft were 94 6 18.3 mm proximal and 31.7 6 7.78 mm
was retracted posteromedially, and the femoral artery and vein posterior, respectively. DGAs were found in all specimens,
were traced distally to Hunter canal, which was defined as the with a mean distance of 98.4 6 16.0 mm proximal to the
point where the femoral vessels run deep to the sartorius and adductor tubercle. Nineteen of the 22 DGAs arose from the
through a channel of fascia between the vastus medialis femoral artery before the femoral artery entered the adductor
anterolaterally and adductor longus posteromedially. Sharp hiatus. DGAs were classified using the system of Dubois et al2
and blunt dissections were performed through the vastus as 14 type Ia, 2 each of type Ib and Ic, 1 type IIc, and 3 type III.
medialis muscle anterior to Hunter canal down to the The osteoarticular branch of the DGA ran along the adductor

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 30, Number 11, November 2016 MIPO in Medial Femoral Condylar Fracture

FIGURE 1. A, Dissection demon-

strating the last branch of the fem-
oral nerve to vastus medialis (white
arrow). The retractor is positioned
proximal toward the pelvis. B,
Measurement of distance from DGA
(thick white arrow) to adductor
tubercle (thin white arrow).

magnus tendon, anastomosing with the SMGA, whereas the cases, combined medial and lateral exposure may be
muscular branch traveled along the posterior border of the required.1 Jiamton et al9 reported that the medial side of the
vastus medialis. The saphenous branch of the DGA ran poste- thigh was safe up to 60% of the length of the femur from the
riorly along with the saphenous nerve (Fig. 2). Distances are adductor tubercle. However, they used a second, more prox-
summarized in Supplemental Digital Content 5 (see Figure, imal incision and dissection to prevent injuries to the proxi- mal vascular structures (ie, the descending branch of the
The SMGA was found in 20 of the 22 specimens, with lateral femoral circumflex artery). Hence, the suggested safe
a mean distance of 25.4 6 8.6 mm anterior to the adductor zone cannot be considered truly safe in the setting of a classic
tubercle. The popliteal vessels were situated posterior to the MIPO approach.
adductor magnus, at a mean distance of 58.6 6 7.87 mm Distally, a Von Langenbeck15 or Insall8 medial para-
posterior to the adductor tubercle. patellar approach provides excellent exposure to the distal
The most distal branch of the femoral nerve that supplies medial femur. However, splitting the common quadriceps
the vastus medialis before entering into the muscle was found tendon can lead to patellofemoral instability16–18 and compro-
at a mean of 143 6 63.0 mm proximal to the adductor tubercle. mise blood supply to the medial and lateral distal femur and
In 19 limbs, the femoral nerve branches ran along the poster- patella, increasing the risk for avascular necrosis and non-
omedial border of the vastus medialis (Table 1 and Fig. 1A). union.19–22
Kim et al13 studied the safe zone on the distal medial
aspect of the thigh in 30 patients. They found the last perfo-
DISCUSSION rating artery to be an average of 80–150 mm from the lower
In contrast to previous studies,9,13,14 our results demon- margin of the lesser trochanter, passing distally and posteri-
strate a safe zone on the medial side of the distal femur up to orly behind the adductor longus and ending at the distal third
approximately 160 mm proximal and 32 mm posterior to the of the thigh in a small muscular branch. They concluded the
adductor tubercle. In this region, a percutaneous plate may be safe zone for the distal medial femur to be anterior-medial and
safely applied. that medial plating could be safely performed up to approx-
Lateral plating alone for complex fractures of the distal imately 150 mm from the lesser trochanter.13 However, they
femur (AO types C2 to C3) may be insufficient to prevent did not investigate risk to other vascular structures or nerves
varus collapse, increasing the risk of fixation failure. In such commonly found in this anatomical area, and they

FIGURE 2. Dissection showing the femoral artery, superior

medial genicular artery (SMGA), adductor hiatus (3 thin black
arrows), type Ic DGA (asterisk) with muscular branch (thick
black arrow), osteoarticular branch (triangle), and saphenous
branch (diamond).

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Sirisreetreerux et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 30, Number 11, November 2016

who described the DGA as originating from the femoral artery

TABLE 1. Distances Between Major Neurovascular Structures
at an average angle of 35 degree, with the muscular branch
in 22 Fresh-Frozen Cadaveric Lower-Limb Specimens
running oblique into the vastus medialis muscle and anasto-
Parameters Mean 6 SD, mm Median, mm mosing at the level of the patella. They commented that this
Hunter canal to adductor tubercle 160 6 31.4 155 vessel was vulnerable during a traditional subvastus approach,
Hunter canal to femoral shaft 31.8 6 9.21 32 recommending a 50-degree safety angle to avoid injuring the
Adductor hiatus to adductor tubercle 94 6 18.3 93 DGA to the vastus medialis during a midvastus knee approach.
Adductor hiatus to femoral shaft 31.7 6 7.78 31.5 This contradicted the results of Jojima et al,6 who emphasized
Branch of femoral nerve piercing 143 6 63.0 147 potential injuries to the femoral nerve branches supplying the
vastus medialis to adductor vastus medialis rather than the DGA. We found a predomi-
nantly posterior nerve pattern with a variable entry point into
DGA to adductor tubercle 98.4 6 16.0 102
the vastus medialis, which contradicts the findings of Jojima
SMGA to adductor tubercle 25.4 6 8.6 25.5
et al.6 For intraoperative application, our findings correlate with
Popliteal vessels to adductor tubercle 58.6 6 7.87 58.5
a greater safe zone to major nerve and vascular structures but
highlight the possibility of injury to smaller arteries such as
recommend plate positioning be anterior-medial, which may branches of the DGA (Fig. 3).
not allow for adequate buttress of the medial condyle. Based on our results, when using a medial midincision,
Compared with that of Kim et al,13 our safe zone is the estimated crossing point of the muscular branch of the
larger from anterior to posterior, which might be explained vastus medialis would be approximately 50 mm from the
by the laxity of cadaveric tissue or because of specimen age adductor tubercle. This is a major difference from the findings
and sex distribution. We used 1 female and 10 male speci- of Kim et al,13 who did not consider the DGA pattern and
mens, from 52 to 93 year old, whereas they used 12 female nerves to the vastus medialis.
and 18 male specimens, from 24 to 73 year old. We selected the adductor tubercle as the reference point
Most of the DGAs found in our specimens were type for our dissection, in contrast to Basarir et al14 and Visser
Ia.2 In all specimens, the osteoarticular branch ran along the et al,12 who used the superior patella pole or the midportion
adductor magnus tendon, anastomosing with the SMGA, if it of the femur, which was thought to be the most reliable
was present, whereas the muscular branch ran into the vastus anatomical landmark. Although our measurements seem sim-
medialis after reaching its posterior border. The saphenous or ilar to those of these authors, our study offers measurements
cutaneous branch traveled with the saphenous nerve (Fig. 2). from more reproducible landmarks.
One structure at risk during MIPO is the muscular branch Our results suggest avoiding a midvastus incision. Care
of the DGA, which is situated in the vastus medialis, crossing is needed during a distal medial femur MIPO approach to
50 mm proximal to the adductor tubercle at an approximate 35- avoid injuring the DGA and the nerve to the vastus medialis.
degree angle of projection in relation to the longitudinal axis of The risk of injury to these structures can be reduced using
the femur.12 Another structure at risk is the osteoarticular branch blunt dissection, protective sleeves, and careful surgical
along the adductor magnus, which can be injured if the vastus technique.
medialis is dissected and elevated directly anterior from the The distal medial aspect of the thigh is at low risk for
adductor magnus or intermuscular septum. Anterior dissection injury to major vascular structures, as well as smaller neuro-
of the vastus medialis puts at risk the distal branch of the vascular structures when approached with care. A safe zone of
femoral nerve to the vastus medialis, which usually runs pos- 160 mm for plate application extends from the adductor
terior to the muscle. With proper soft-tissue handling, the nerve tubercle up to Hunter canal. Anterior-medial plating13 should
may be protected by the muscle during percutaneous screw not be performed to avoid unnecessary mobilization of the
fixation. vastus medialis and possible injury to the DGA and femoral
Injury to the distal branch of the femoral nerve to the nerve branch to the vastus medialis.
vastus medialis is a risk of medial knee approaches.6,12 Our We recommend an MIPO incision be performed 1 cm
findings are similar to those of Visser et al12 and Basarir et al,14 anterior to the adductor tubercle, starting 1 cm proximal to the

FIGURE 3. Illustration showing the ideal MIPO

incision with the crossing point with the DGA at
approximately 50 mm (green dot). (Adductor
tubercle, pink dot; AVG Fem a., average path of
the femoral artery) (Used with permission 2015
from The Johns Hopkins University School of

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 30, Number 11, November 2016 MIPO in Medial Femoral Condylar Fracture

joint line and not exceeding 5 cm proximal to the adductor might be at risk, especially during percutaneous screw
tubercle to avoid injury to the osteoarticular and muscular insertion. This risk may be reduced by minimally invasive
branches of the DGA. The vastus medialis should be split instrumentation and blunt exposure to bone.
longitudinally, approximately 1 cm anterior to the adductor
magnus, and not elevated. This way the osteoarticular branch
of the DGA remains protected by the vastus medialis. REFERENCES
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