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Healthy Relationships

“If we would build on a sure foundation in friendship, we must love friends for their sake

rather than for our own.” This quote by Charlotte Bronte says that we should not be considering

something in a friendship in our favor but instead look and try to help your friend out. A healthy

relationship consists of loyalty, trust, and mutual respect, but at times these boundaries may be

broken or intruded on and could create discomfort in a relationship.

One of the main traits of maintaining a healthy relationship is showing loyalty. The

article Essential Traits states “Trustworthiness is often the make or break element in any

interpersonal relationship.” This is saying that trust is something you either do or don’t and could

cause the entire relationship to either get stronger or end as a whole. Trust should be a

fundamental part of a relationship because without it you cannot rely on each other when it is

most needed. This could be something that adds confidence to the relationship that allows

communication to be much easier.

Loyalty is a crucial point of interest in a relationship to show that you are prioritized.

“Loyalty is about people who stay true to you behind your back.” This quote by an unknown

author defines loyalty in a relationship by saying that loyalty is only true if it is also done when

you are not aware or around. This is an important quality because without it you can have a

friend who isn’t true to you and may say things that you do not condone behind your back.

Overall, loyalty is very important and should be included in every relationship.

Another main trait that should be included into a relationship is mutual respect. “Healthy

friends set rules for how they expect to be treated.” This quote from the article 8 Healthy

Friendship Qualities states the simple rule that has been taught since elementary school, “Treat

others the way you want to be treated.” Setting boundaries is something that should always be
taken into account. Doing this sets limits on what you can and can’t do and always keeps the

individuals in the relationship feeling comfortable and safe.

In conclusion, a relationship consists of multiple qualities not just loyalty, trust, and

mutual respect. Although these qualities may be very helpful there are a lot of more traits that go

into the relationship. To stay healthy you need to put in effort and both sides need to do their

part. All in all, a relationship consists of qualities that contradict your future in it.

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