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Appendix 1 – Avaya Site Administration (ASA)

Avaya Site Administration is a purpose built Administration Tool for administering Communication Manager. In
this exercise, we will setup ASA to access our Communication Manager system.

Note – ASA is no longer being updated and from Aura Release 7, System Manager is the preferred
administration tool for Communication Manager.

Task 1-1 Creating a new Voice System in Avaya Site Administration


1. Click Start, Click All Programs and select the Class Applications Folder.
2. From the Avaya Site Admin folder, select Avaya Site Administration (ASA).

3. When ASA is launched for the first time, the connection setup wizard automatically starts. From here you
can choose the Add New Voice System option and click the OK button.
Note: If the wizard does not start automatically, you can manually invoke it by clicking on File (on the top
toolbar) and selecting New followed by Voice System.

4. Name your Voice System Core CM and click Next.

5. Leave Network Connection as the default choice and click Next.

6. Refer to your Lab Guide to find the IP Address (Alias) of your Communication Manager system and enter it
in the FQDN or IP address field. Click Next to continue.

7. Leave the Use SSH option checked (which sets the port to 5022 by default) and click Next.

8. Accept the default timeouts for Network Connection, and click Next.
9. Select I want Site Administration to log me in automatically and click Next.

Note: Automatic login is not recommended for production environments.

10. Enter a valid Communication Login/Password (student/student01 in this example):

 Login: student
 Password: student01
 Password (again): student01

Leaving all other fields at default, click Next to continue.

11. Confirm the Voice System Summary data and click Next.
12. Click Finish. This completes the steps to add a new Voice System in ASA to access Communication

Note: When configuring a just-installed Avaya Site Administration for the first time, you will be asked whether
to enable a Messaging System along with CM, in this case, Select No for access to a Messaging System.

13. The new voice system, Core CM appears on the ASA screen when finished.

14. To view a list of Voice Systems and other folders, click the Tree Tab.

15. To return to the Main Screen, click on the Tasks tab.

Task 1-2 Using GEDI and Terminal Emulation to access Communication Manager

From the new Voice System profile you have created in ASA, you are now able to access Communication
Manager using either the Graphical Enhanced Definity Interface (GEDI) or Terminal Emulation. The
majority of administration tasks can be carried out in either GEDI or Terminal but real-time commands such as
monitor and list trace are only possible through Terminal Emulation.


1. From Site Administration, ensure that the Core CM Voice System (that you have just created) is
selected. Click on Start GEDI under the General tab.

Note: A License Agreement will appear, click OK to continue.

Communication Manager Commands

Communication Manager Commands are entered on the GEDI command line (the area in the red box). A
Communication Manager command is made up of three components, these are an Action, an Object and a
2. From an empty Command Line, press the help (f5) function button (highlighted on the screenshot below)
to show every available Action command.

Note: Only commands allowed for your login will be displayed.

The help (f5) button is context-sensitive. If you have an Action already entered in the Command Line (such as
add), pressing the help (f5) button will show all of the Objects applicable to that particular Action. Likewise, if
you have an Action and an Object entered in the Command Line (such as add station), pressing the help
(f5) button will now display the available Qualifier for that Action and Object combination.

After entering a command, you can apply the following GEDI actions as needed:
Note: After making changes to a Communication Manager form, press enter (f3) to save your changes or
cancel (esc) to discard the changes.

3. Type the command: display system-parameters features and click send (return) or press <Enter> on
your keyboard.

4. To view this multi-page system features form, press the next (f7) button. You will reference and modify
this form in later lab exercise.
5. To leave this form, press cancel (esc).

6. To end your GEDI session, click on the Disconnect Device icon at the top of the screen.
7. Click OK to disconnect from the Core CM.

8. Click OK again to close connection(s).

Using Terminal Emulation to access Communication Manager

1. In the previous steps, you have just disconnected your GEDI session. We will now reconnect but this time
using Terminal Emulation instead.
2. From the Advanced tab of Site Administration, click on Start Emulation.

3. Click OK on the Security Warning screen.

In Terminal Emulation, commands are entered on the Command line at the bottom of the screen.

After entering a command, you can apply the following Terminal Emulation actions as needed:

Note: After making changes to a Communication Manager form, press enter (f3) to save your changes or
cancel (f1) to discard the changes.
4. Type the command display system-parameters customer-options and press <Enter>

5. To view this display only multi-page Optional Features (license) form, press next page (f7).

6. Leave the system-parameters customer-options form by clicking the cancel button (at the top of the
screen) or by pressing F1 on your keyboard.

7. Next, you will logoff by typing logoff on the Command line then pressing <Enter>. At the Proceed With
Logoff prompt, type y and press <Enter> again.

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