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2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and

Information Technologies (CoDIT’19) | Paris, France / April 23-26, 2019

Introduction to DC Motors for Engineering

Students based on Laboratory Experiments
Vı́tor H. Pinto José A. Gonçalves Paulo Costa
FEUP CEDRI, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal FEUP
Faculty of Engineering INESC TEC, Portugal Faculty of Engineering
University of Porto University of Porto
Porto, Portugal Porto, Portugal

Abstract—Since DC Motors are common components Throughout this paper, the learning outcomes and
in engineering projects that involve process control, it competences that students are expected to achieve, are
is necessary for any student in this area to understand presented in section II. The laboratory workplan in sec-
their concepts, construction and applications. This paper
focuses on a series of Laboratory Experiments that were tion III and its results in section IV. Finally, in section V,
carried out in an Entry Level Unit of the Integrated Master the conclusions draw from this experience are presented.
Degree in Electrical and Computers Engineering of the
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, named
Project FEUP. In this class, mandatory for all students, II. O BJECTIVES
they learn to how use these motors, from basic concepts to
the estimation modeling. The paper presents the developed Since this course is taught to first-year students, one of
kits that students use, the simplified model and examples the main objectives is to introduce the general equipment
of the experiments performed in some classes.
that can be used in a laboratory. With this in mind,
I. I NTRODUCTION the first part of the experimental work is to measure
some resistances with the objective of introducing the
Learning how to use DC motors in a project is a cru- equipment and the electrical concepts, at an early stage.
cial part of the Electrical Engineering Curricula Courses,
After this small introduction, the project is then
given that their use is quite widespread. Some appli-
headed to electric motors, where two DC motors are used
cation examples are mobile robots locomotion, cooling
- one without gearbox and without encoder, and another
fans, water pumps, industrial manipulators, among many
with gearbox and encoder. Both experiments have been
others. Also, the control of electric motors allows a
designed so that students can retain basic knowledge of
relatively simple introduction to the basic concepts of
how a DC motor works, how to connect them physically,
P, PI and PID Controllers as presented, for example, in
what they can be used for, their limitations and how they
[1] and [2] and State Space-based Identification, like in
can be controlled.
During their Masters Degree in Electrical and Com- Finally, students gain familiarity with the simplified
puter Engineering, from the Faculty of Engineering - model of an electric motor, what its composition is, how
University of Porto (FEUP), students often use DC its parameters are variable and what its specifications are.
motors for several projects. However, they only acquire To guide the students through these experiments a script
deep knowledge about electrical motors in a 3rd-year was built, to assure safety measures and to safeguard
Curricular Unit (CU) - Electrical Machines. Before this equipment from any short circuits.
course, it is really difficult for them to deal with projects
using these actuators. III. L ABORATORY E XPERIMENTS
As a form of integration, FEUP has a CU for all first-
year students - Project FEUP [4] - in which they must As previously mentioned, the first part of the work
develop a project associated to their field of study. So, for is dedicated to the introduction of electrotechnical en-
this course, the authors have proposed a project in which gineering basic concepts - Part I. Then, a DC motor
students are encouraged to use DC motors, to familiarize without gearbox and without encoder is introduced -
themselves with this kind of actuators, its interfaces and Part II. Finally, the most commonly used motor with
laboratory equipment, similar to what is done by the gearbox and encoder is explored - Part III. All associated
authors of [5]. experiments are listed below.

978-1-7281-0521-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 European Union -1522-

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CoDIT'19 is technical sponsored by: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

A. Part I - Resistors
The first experiment consists in measuring some given
resistance values. The knowledge in electronics of most
of the students is practically nil, at this stage. So, as
expected, it is necessary to introduce some Concepts -
like Voltage and Current; Equipments - like Multimeter
and Oscilloscope; Tools - like Defiler.
Initially, students are introduced to the color code and
they must be able to interpret it and identify each resistor.
Although it may seem too simple, this is important Fig. 1: Graphic from Part I of the Project - Resistor
because reading the color code still raises some doubts, Measurements
namely in the order in which it is read, and how the read
values are combined.
Then, the Multimeter is presented, used as Ohmmeter
and the resistance value is read out. Taking into account
that the value of the resistance always has a discrepancy
compared to the tabulated value, students are asked to
verify that this is within the tolerance presented by the
manufacturer (also obtained through the color code).
Finally, students are asked to apply a Voltage from
1V to 6V, to each of the 5 resistors, read this value
with a Multimeter (function of Voltmeter) and obtain the
corresponding Current flowing through the circuit with
a second Multimeter (function of Ammeter).
During the experiments, students are asked to write
down the obtained values, as part of the script objectives. Fig. 2: DC Motor Simplified Model Diagram
Then, it is asked to create a graphic with the values of
the Voltage (in Volt) as function of Current (in Ampere).
After that, since the measurements are not free of error,
students are asked to include a trend line and represent
its equation. From these values, they verify that the
Ohm’s law effectively has a practical meaning. They of the motor, U is the voltage applied to the circuit, i the
also learn that they can find the value of a resistance current flowing through it, ev the counter-electromotive
only through electrical measurements. An example of a force, Tm the torque and ω the angular speed.
graphic obtained by students is presented in Fig. ??.
Although it may seem not important, given the lack Taking into account that there is no gearbox coupled
of technical knowledge of the students, this introduction to the engine, the are no associated mechanical losses.
is extremely important and will allow the concepts That said, any change during of the experiment is due to
presented later to be better understood. So, they are some placed externally interference (disregarding small
mentioned in the opening part of this paper as well as effects, like the heating of the motor windings).
they were part of the script.
An example of the graphics obtained by the students To show to the students that even the slightest change
at the end of this Part is presented in Figure 1. in the circuit can cause an effect on the engine, a helix
have been built that allow to add and vary very small
B. Part II - DC Motor without Gearbox and Encoder loads. Figure 3 shows the use of the motor, together
As a way of introducing a DC motor it was decided with the Multimeters, by the students during a class.
to do it without introducing mechanical and electronical
complications, namely a gearbox or an encoder. It was Then, four tests were performed - one in which
also decided that the model to be presented would be the motor only rotates without anything attached to its
of a motor in steady-state, because in this way the shaft; a second one in which a structure is coupled to
inductance can be disregarded, leaving only the motor the shaft, considered the helix; a third in which two
internal resistance and the counter-electromotive force in blades are placed horizontally; Finally, the blades are
the model. The scheme that was presented to the students placed vertically. Images that demonstrate the 4 steps
is shown in Figure 2, where R is the internal resistance are presented in Figure 7.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Malaysia Perlis. Downloaded on December 11,2021 at 08:05:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
CoDIT'19 is technical sponsored by: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

Fig. 5: Graphic from Part II of the Project - Motor

without Encoder and Gearbox Measurements

Fig. 3: Students experimenting with the DC Motor,

during a class

Fig. 6: Diagram of Assembly for the Motor

C. Part III - DC Motor with Gearbox and Encoder

Despite the first two experiments are important to
introduce important concepts, the fact is that motors
without gearbox, but specially without encoder are very
uncommon in practice. This can be explained by the fact
that controlling a motor without knowing its position is
rather difficult.
So, to introduce a motor like the ones usually used, for
example, in mobile robotics, it was used a motor with
Fig. 4: Single Motor, Motor with only the helix, helix
gearbox and encoder. In addition, to obtain the model
with horizontal blades, helix with vertical blades
of its DC motor it is necessary to obtain the value, for
example, of the motor speed, which becomes simpler
using a motor with a built-in encoder.
This experiment consists in measuring the Voltage and Taking into account that more and more embedded
Current at the motor terminals. Since these tasks are platforms are used, being easy to code and to apply,
very similar to the ones in the first part of the project, an Arduino Uno was used to acquire and process the
it is no longer so difficult for students to carry out these motor data obtained from the sensors. The read values
readings. By using different loads in the motor shaft, the are Voltage, Current and Angular Velocity, and the
introduced experiment allows to understand the effect information flows according to the diagram shown in
that a small load can have on the circuit. Figure 6.
In order for the experiment to have a satisfactory In order to carry out these measurements, a current
spectrum of results, a voltage between 1V and 3.5V, with and a voltage sensor were used to make the necessary
increments of 0.5V at a time, is required to be applied readings. The speed of the motor and its position are
to the motor. These values should be read for each obtained manipulating the values given by the encoder,
of the configurations and should be registered for later and the commands for the motor are sent through a
construction of a graph similar to what was requested Motor Shield with an embedded H-Bridge.
in the previous phase of the project. An example of the The material assembly is presented in Fig. 7a, together
final graph is presented in Figure 5 with blocks constructed in order to provide a well-

CoDIT’19 | Paris, France - April 23-26, 2019

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Malaysia Perlis. Downloaded on December 11,2021 at 08:05:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
CoDIT'19 is technical sponsored by: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

defined and known mass value. This enables to calculate

the force being exerted on the motor shaft. Since this
mass is pulled by a sheave of known size, one can easily
determine the torque that the engine has to overcome to
pull it. In Figure 7b, there is an example of how the
students performed the experiment in a class.
A GUI - Motor Bench (Fig. 8) - was built and
made available in order to facilitate the information
acquisition. This allows the user to have access to the
necessary measurements, without the need to connect
external equipment, as Multimeters, as the authors of [6]
and [7] intended with their work. This interface also has
an option that allows to log the performed measurements,
so that they can be used later in a Spreadsheet.
After the data collection, this should be used, along
several motor-related equations, to obtain some key
characteristics from it, close to those presented in [8].
Namely, the data extracted by the Arduino is Motor
Current, Motor Voltage and Motor Angular Velocity.
Then, the following equations are used:

U = R · i + ev (1)
ev = k · ω (2)
Tmotor = k · i = Tq + B · ω (3)
Tmass = W · r (4)

where U represents the voltage applied to the motor, R

its internal resistance and i the current flowing through
it. k is the counter-electromotive constant, Tmotor the
torque produced by the motor, Tmass the torque pro-
duced by the weight. Tq stands for the static damping
coefficient, B the viscous damping coefficient and ω the
angular velocity. Finally, the weight can be calculated
by W = mass · g, g = 9.80665m/s2 and r is a known
value equivalent to the sheave radius, which behaves like
the torque arm. Through these it is possible to arrive at
some simpler forms of analysis, as is the case of the
following ones:

U =R· i+k·ω (5)

k · i = Tq + B · ω (6)

After the measurements are inserted in the equations,

students can calculate the motor’s static damping coeffi-
cient and viscous damping coefficient, which are intrinsic
motor characteristics, not measurable, and which are
important for a more realistic motor modeling.
Fig. 7: Assembly of the Project’s Part III and use by
From a teaching point of view, the experiments only
students during a class
make sense if the students to whom they are addressed
retain the intended knowledge. In the case of this project,

CoDIT’19 | Paris, France - April 23-26, 2019

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Malaysia Perlis. Downloaded on December 11,2021 at 08:05:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
CoDIT'19 is technical sponsored by: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

Fig. 8: Motor Bench GUI

the evaluation was carried out in 3 ways: report, oral

presentation and allusive poster.
Through the reports, it is possible to know if the
students could understand the concepts presented to them
and what they did during the lessons. Also if they were
able to obtain results that corresponded to the expected
ones, if they did not succeed, the reason for that to
happened, and to conclude what is important. From the
oral presentations, it is possible to perceive more deeply
if the students have actually been able to understand the
concepts, or if they can only describe them, with no
practical notion of what they are talking about. Finally,
the posters allow you to understand the students’ ability
to choose the most important information to put in a
small document, which is posted in the main hall of the
college, available for other members of the community.
The following graphics (Fig. 9) were results obtained
in each part of the work by 3 teams of students, presented
in their reports.

Fig. 9: Examples of graphics obtained by students

5 Graphics from Part III of the Project - Motor with Encoder
and Gearbox Measurements - Current, Torque, Electric Power,
Mechanical Power and Efficiency vs. Angular Speed

Through the delivered reports, it can be concluded

that students acquired the learning outcomes and com-
petences that were expected, reaching the intended goal
for this introductory course.
As a first conclusion, it is noticeable that the introduc-
tion of these practical projects at such an early stage of
the Master’s program is beneficial to students, since the
introduced concepts introduced will be used in several
Curricular Units.
However, it is perceptible that most students still do
not have enough scientific maturity to retain all the
knowledge that is transmitted to them. Even so, since
this CU is introductory, the emphasis on the educational

CoDIT’19 | Paris, France - April 23-26, 2019

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Malaysia Perlis. Downloaded on December 11,2021 at 08:05:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
CoDIT'19 is technical sponsored by: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

perspective is not given to the more complex knowledge, Foundation for Science and Technology) as part of
but rather the basic concepts. Regarding these, they all project UID/EEA/50014/2013.
have retained the important concepts, taking into account
the confidence with which they have approached the
latter part of the work. [1] H. S. Hameed, “Brushless dc motor controller design using matlab
applications,” in 2018 1st International Scientific Conference of
Taking into account the experience as students, the Engineering Sciences - 3rd Scientific Conference of Engineering
authors realize that it is considerably easier to under- Science (ISCES), Jan 2018, pp. 44–49.
stand a topic when it is possible make a parallel with [2] R. M. Reck and R. S. Sreenivas, “Developing a new affordable
dc motor laboratory kit for an existing undergraduate controls
something practical that is familiar to us, from our day course,” in 2015 American Control Conference (ACC), July 2015,
to day life. Having said this, it is considered that in the pp. 2801–2806.
future, students will have a greater facility in applying [3] A. A. Masoud, M. Abu-Ali, and A. Al-Shaikhi, “A novel and
effective procedure for an undergraduate first control laboratory
DC motors in their projects. education in state space-based motor identification,” in 2018 An-
As noted from the first to the second experiment, nual American Control Conference (ACC), June 2018, pp. 4843–
students have performed the measures more confidently 4848.
[4] A. Mouraz and A. Sousa, “An institutional approach to
and the time required for that process was shortened. first-year adjustment: The “projeto feup” case study of a
Also from the second to the third experiment, this time portuguese university,” Journal of Hispanic Higher Education,
has decreased, despite the introduction of a new motor, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 221–239, 2016. [Online]. Available:
with different characteristics, and a PC application. De- [5] S. Baltayan, C. Kreiter, and A. Pester, “An online dc-motor
spite the difference, students were able to understand the test bench for engineering education,” in 2018 IEEE Global
parallelism between both works, and were able to were Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), April 2018, pp.
able to reduce the assembly and measurements time. [6] W. Hao, H. Liu, Y. Wang, and Y. Gou, “The design and simulation
From a point of view more related to the equipment, of a teachingvirtual platform by combining labview and simulink
for undergraduates of electrical engineering,” in 2017 20th Interna-
it was also important for students to experience that an tional Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS),
adjustable voltage source may have current limitations, Aug 2017, pp. 1–4.
that may prevent the motor from reaching the desired [7] P. Verma, P. Gupta, and B. Kumar, “Graphical user interface(gui)
to study dc motor dynamic characteristics,” in 2017 International
speed. Students understood that the obtained current conference of Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Tech-
values were always the same after a certain voltage nology (ICECA), vol. 2, April 2017, pp. 649–654.
value, and they also realized that, if the current is limited, [8] J. Gonçalves, J. Lima, and P. G. Costa, “Dc motors modeling
resorting to a simple setup and estimation procedure,” in CON-
the load power will also be limited. TROLO’2014 – Proceedings of the 11th Portuguese Conference
However, it is also noteworthy that many students on Automatic Control, A. P. Moreira, A. Matos, and G. Veiga,
failed to realize the difference between motor’s internal Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 441–
resistance, the resistance of the circuit and the simple
linear resistance that was used in the first part of the
experiment. A few of them mentioned in the final report
that the motor’s resistance was dependent on the asso-
ciated load. This clearly demonstrate that students were
not able to properly acquire some of the more complex
concepts associated with the motors, as well as the forces
associated with their movement, and the resistance of an
electric circuit.
Finally, these experiments were intended to introduce
basic concepts of Electronical Engineering, DC motors
and the usage of equipment and components associated
with laboratory work. Regarding these goals, this project
was considered a success, since students have developed
capacities that will be useful throughout the course.

This work is financed by the ERDF European Re-
gional Development Fund through the Operational Pro-
gramme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation -
COMPETE 2020 Programme within project POCI-01-
0145-FEDER-006961 and by National Funds through the
FCT Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portuguese

CoDIT’19 | Paris, France - April 23-26, 2019

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Malaysia Perlis. Downloaded on December 11,2021 at 08:05:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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