HE CG Lesson 1 Topic 3

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Module 1

Lesson 1:
Time Frame: 6 Hours/ week

Most Essential Learning Competencies

At the end of the lesson, the learner shall be able to:
Chapter 3.) Feed Infants and Toddlers

Lesson Outline:
1.1. Identify the dietary requirements and cultural practices and belief for infants and toddlers.
1.2. Discuss infant diet.
1.3. Apply the dietary requirements in preparing milk formula.
1.4. Value the principles in cleaning and sterilizing or sanitizing feeding bottle.
1.5. Self- assess the impact of food and drinks on dental health.
1.6. Demonstrate food preparation and cooking procedures for infants and toddlers.
1.7. Perform the procedures in feeding for infants and toddlers.
1.8. Discuss the Do’s and Don’ts in feeding an infant and toddlers.
1.9. Practice occupational health and safety guidelines in feeding infants and toddlers.

Learner’s Activity Sheet (Week 3)

Lesson Introduction

Feeding an Infants and Toddlers

By nature, feeding an infant is a great joy for both mother and infant. It has nutritional, psychological, and
biological interaction between mother and offspring with each affecting the other. The baby gets his/her
early ideas about life and the world from the way feeding goes and from the person who feed him/her.
There are three ways to feed an infant: breastfeeding, bottle –feeding, and mixed feeding. choosing any
methods is critical in the nutritional status as well as the survival of the infant.

Babies can do well with either breast milk or milk formula but there are more advantages in
breastfeeding. There are substances and chemicals that fight off infection, improve the brain development
of the babies and iron that is easy to absorb. Breastfeeding can help mothers lose weight after pregnancy
(it takes a lot of calories to make milk). Breastmilk contain many different substances that no milk
formula manufacturer can completely reproduce.

Bottle or artificial feeding with cow’s milk or other proprietary milk preparations are recommended only
should breastfeeding be contraindicated. Various formulas for bottle-feeding are available in the market.
The baby’s feeding formula, schedule for feeding, and the amount to be given for each feeding should be
prescribed by a physician.

A mother is forced to bottle – feed or mixed-feed the baby when she becomes ill especially with
infectious disease, if she has inverted nipples, or is without adequate milk supply, it is important to
remember that the baby must be fed at regular intervals.


Learner’s Activity Sheet (Week 3)

Activity (Do)

Answer the following questions as briefly as you can: 10 pts. each

Rubrics: Organization of thoughts- 4, Content- 3, Spelling / Grammar – 3= 10 pts.

1. What makes breastmilk best for babies?

2. Describe advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding?
3. What advices you can share to a mother complaining that “She has inverted nipple”?

Analyze (Think)

Read and Learn pages 34-56

 Feeding an Infants and Toddlers
 Dietary Requirements for Infants and Toddlers
 Misconceptions in Feeding Infants and Toddlers
 Preparing Milk Formula
 Table Etiquette
 Cleaning and Sterilizing Feeding
 Impact of Food and Drinks on Dental Health
 Nutrition for Strong Teeth
 Food Preparation and cooking for infants and Toddlers
 Nutritious Foods for Infants and Toddlers

See power point presentation no.3

Please open PowerPoint presentation file that is included on your course pack for detailed
Of the lesson. You can also find video presentations to help you understand the lesson a lot easier.

Apply: Let’s Do Activity 6 page 55

Form one group to present a video on how to feed an infant and toddler. Elicit reactions
from the class about the video presentation. Then, from a groups of four members each. Plan and present
a dramatization about feeding, which may include the preparation and procedure in feeding. Discuss also
some feeding problems encountered with infants and toddlers.


Performance Tasks:

Activity 7 page 57

Form a group of six members to do a feeding activity in a public nursey school or a day care in
community. Each member will bring different foods appropriate for the children. During the
feeding session, another group will observe and assess how the feeding is done. After the feeding,
the observer will make a report based on the assessment using the following guide/ criteria.
Checklist on Cleaning and Sterilizing Feeding Bottles (5)

Procedure 3 2 1
1. Wash your hands before you start washing and
sterilizing all utensils to be used.
2. All bottles and nipples used should be rinsed inside and
out with cold water, the wash again with warm water
and soap and the rinse again. A bottlebrush is helpful
for washing the inside of the bottle.
3. The nipple should be rubbed inside with salt to remove
the milk slime, and rinse once more. To make the inside
of the nipple clean, use a nipple brush , then use a
needle or toothpick to clean each nipple hole and squirt
water through the holes.
4. Sterilize them in a rack /kettle or bottle sterilizer.
5. Arrange bottles upside down in the bottle sterilizer.
6. Add recommendation amount of water in the sterilizer,
cover them , and then plug the unit.
7. Sterilization takes about 10 minutes to kill harmful
microorganism. Sterilizer automatically shuts off. Allow
cooling before opening and removing contents. A pair
of sterilized tongs is helpful to lift the bottles and
nipples out of the rack/kettle or bottle sterilizer.
(Nipples- 3 min. and Bottles- 7 min.)
8. Keep the bottles and nipple in clean, dry, covered
container. Handle the nipples by the edges, not by the
tip. You can do a quicker and more efficient job of
washing the bottle if you rinse the bottle and nipples
soon after the baby has finished each bottle and before
the remaining formula residue has dried.


3- Verbalized and performed with efficiency.

2- Verbalized and performed with no efficiency/ verbalized only/performed only.
1 – Verbalized but with guidance from clinical instructor/ unable to perform.

_________________________ _________________________
Student’s Signature Clinical Instructor Signature

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